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Intuition Page 55

by Jennis Slaughter

  Jessie looked up wide-eyed. “Raelin, that’s a big decision. It’s something I would have to think long and hard about,” she said quietly.

  “Think of it this way. You could make your own hours. We can build you an office where Ariel could have a playroom and you can hire whomever you need. All that I ask is when we restructure the casino, that Tia be given a better position, and if she wishes to go to school, that it is paid for,” the brunette sipped on her juice.

  Del watched as Jessie mulled it over in her head. “It’s something I would rather not decide without talking to Mike first. It would involve moving to Canal City and Mike has his own work to think about. I’ll talk to him about it and get back to you. I do like the idea of having my own office. The only thing I would ask is that I take other clients. I’d still like to be able to pick and choose the cases that I worked. I like being in a courtroom and I think I’d miss it.”

  “You do not need to move. The casino has a private jet that you could use to get back and forth. I don’t want to uproot Ariel or Mike from his job. Unless...Would Mike consider running the casino?”

  “Well, I’d have to ask him. He was getting frustrated with all the traveling his company makes him do. He hates being away from us so much,” she ran a hand through dark hair. “I’ll honestly consider it Raelin. I just can’t make any promises. To be honest, if we are going to move, I’d rather it be now, before Ariel starts school.”

  “I don’t think Raelin’s trying to pressure you or anything. She’s just throwing it out there for you to consider. We both know that you would like to be able to spend more time at home, and I know that Mike has the background to be right at home running a business. It’s just an idea,” Del said carefully.

  “Delaney is correct. I meant no pressure. WW Enterprises needs someone at the head that I can trust, and you and Mike fill that need. Just talk about it and let me know.” Raelin smiled.

  “WW Enterprises?” Del asked with a curious look at her wife.

  With a glint in her eye, Raelin drawled. “Witchy Woman.”

  Del let out a bark of laughter. “How cleverly appropriate.”

  “Yeah, she was pretty proud of it when she came up with it while we were drawing up the business plan and applications.” Jessie grinned.

  “Wait, you have an entire enterprise and corporate business name? You ever planned to disclose that to your poor peasant of a wife?” Del asked jokingly.

  Raelin took a step back at her wife’s comment. She wasn’t keeping anything from her. It’s just while setting up the foundation and the rest of the businesses, Delaney had been busy with cleaning up the Chief’s Department after Sam Brito. “Tell her anything she wants Jessie. Tell her everything.” Raelin put the glass in the sink and headed into the utility room to see Rori, Tasha and the kittens.

  Del watched Raelin head down the hallway, her eyebrows quirked curiously. “I didn’t mean to upset her.”

  “It’s been a long week. She’s probably just a little tired and stressed out. Look, it’s really not some big secret like you think. Raelin and I decided that it would be easier for her to control all of the assets her father left her if they were controlled by one large umbrella company. So we drafted the plans for Witchy Woman Enterprises, and put in all the drafts, plans and applications needed. At the time you were pretty busy with the Chief’s department. Now that you two are the sole owners of the casino, it will also be brought under WW control.” Jessie explained carefully.

  “Oh, well that’s all fine. It’s hers and she can do what she wants with it. I’m not mad at her or anything, I just wasn’t aware,” Del said.

  “Well, now you do. Come on, let’s go rescue Nancy. We’ve left her alone with Ariel for an awfully long time and I fear for the woman’s safety.” Jessie laughed as her and Del headed into the living room.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Raelin peeked her head into the utility room and smiled at the mewling and squeaks she heard from the kittens. She knelt down next to the comfortable box Del had set up for them, smiling wider at the sight. Rori was curled at one end, his right front paw in a cast as Tasha curled against his tummy. The four kittens had paused as she’d come in, curling in tighter to Tasha’s belly, their eyes not yet opened. Three of the kittens shared Tasha’s markings, and the smallest of the litter took after Rori.

  “Raelin, I’m so glad you are okay,” Rori mewled, wanting to get up and greet her, but unable to with the cast.

  Sitting cross-legged in front of the box, Raelin reached out to pet her oldest friend, scratching behind his ears in his favorite spot. “I am doing alright. It was scary for a while as I totally forgot who Delaney was, but my memory came back. You on the other hand have a beautiful family. I am so happy for you. How is Tasha feeling?”

  “I am tired, and still a little sore, but it was worth it. They are perfect, every one of them. Thank you for asking.” The feline answered, her green eyes locking with Raelin’s.

  “Oh Tasha, it is so nice to be able to speak with you now. You have a lovely voice.” Raelin wasn’t too surprised at Tasha now being able to speak with her. She had assumed that the kittens had been a natural wall and as soon as the female had given birth, they would be able to talk, and it was so. “Is there anything that I can get the either of you?”

  “If it’s not too much trouble, I wouldn’t mind a little extra food. Delaney has been giving me a little more than usual, but I’m afraid these little ones take after their father and eat like lumberjacks.” Tasha chuckled, nosing one of the kitten’s ears adoringly. “Del was changing the newspaper for us and when she couldn’t, Jenny did. We are very well taken care of.”

  “Would you prefer salmon, tuna or something special? You name it.” Raelin stood up to go get them something to eat.

  “Is there any of the chicken breast left?” Tasha asked shyly. She truly did not wish to impose. She was used to having to catch her own meal.

  “Whatever is fine for me Raelin. Del is also okay? Jenny said she seemed alright when she checked on us last night.” Rori asked, his voice colored with amusement when one of the little ones tripped over itself and landed on his head.

  “Delaney is fine, as ornery as ever. Right now, I’m a bit perturbed at her and it’s for no reason honestly. I think that it’s just the stress of the last couple of days getting to me. I’ll get you some shredded chicken and some salmon.” Raelin reached out to gingerly pet both adult cats. “You do have a beautiful family.”

  “I’m sure you both will settle down once you have the house to yourselves again. Thank you for everything.” Tasha said around a yawn.

  “Besides, it’s not like you can ever stay mad at her for long anyway,” Rori teased gently, laying his head next to Tasha’s.

  Raelin smiled and headed into the kitchen. Quickly she fixed a bowl for the each of the cats and took it back into the utility room. After watching for a few minutes, making sure that they had everything that they needed before she headed up the back stairway. She went into their bedroom and lay down on the bed.

  Throwing an arm over her eyes, she tried to calm her racing mind. She couldn’t figure out why she had gotten upset at Delaney for something that stupid. Sighing, she slowly drifted off to sleep.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Ariel grinned proudly as she crept into her Aunt’s bedroom. She’d managed to climb the stairs without her Mommy noticing and her cover of having to go potty had been perfect. She knew her Delly would be proud of her at least. She scampered over to the bed and climbed up next to the witch. She’d been having fun coloring with the old lady and her Mommy and Delly but she wanted some cuddles with her Aunty Raelin cause Mommy had said they were going to leave soon. She curled up to her favorite place against Raelin’s front and looked up at the sleeping witch.

  “Aunty Rae! You wakies now?” she thought.

  “Yes Sweet Pea. I am wakies. Did you have fun with Miss Nancy coloring?” The witch pulled the little girl close.

  “Yeps. We dre
w lots of pretty pictures. Her Emma is sickies so I drews a picture for her. She saids she is gonna comes live near you and Delly.” Ariel chattered, playing with the ends of Raelin’s hair. “I gots a questions though.” Ariel said seriously.

  “What question do you have for me Sweetie?” Raelin turned slightly so that she could look the little girl in the face.

  “Is my Mommy and Daddy weird? You marries Delly, and Kasey is gonna marries Jenny and Ms. Nancy haves her Emma. Is Mommy weird cause she marries a Daddy and not a Mommy?” The little blonde asked earnestly.

  “Oh Goddess!” Raelin kept that thought to herself. “No baby...Mommy isn’t weird. People cannot help who they fall in love with. Your Mommy fell in love with your daddy and they came up with you. I love Delly and there are some families that has two daddies, but no one is weird. There is no one right way...All ways are good no matter what other people say.” Raelin hoped that she was explaining it well enough for the child to understand.

  The little girl pondered it a bit before nodding her head decisively. “Yeps, Mommy said the sames. I is glad. I don’t wants to marries a daddy though, boys are icky, and they smell funny,” she replied, making a grossed out face.

  Raelin chuckled. “Wait a few years before you make that decision Sweetie. You might just change your mind.”

  “Mommy says we haves to go soons, but I don’t wanna go. I’ll miss you and Delly.” Ariel pouted, curling deeper into Raelin’s front.

  “Your Mommy has missed you very much and wants you to go home so she won’t be alone anymore. You can come back to visit soon.” The witch lightly rubbed the little girls back.

  “I missed Mommy too. It was scary when the bad men had me and Delly. I wanted to be home with Mommy and Daddy.” Ariel sniffled.

  She kept rubbing Ariel’s back as she softly asked, “Those bad men didn’t hurt you did they?”

  “Nopes. They kept telling mes to stops crying and I tried, but it was really scary. Sometimes they woulds comes over saying they was going to makes me, but Delly would always call them a bad name or somethings and they gots mad at her instead,” the blonde explained, soothed somewhat by the hands rubbing her back.

  After thinking for a moment, the brunette asked, “Sweetie, did you hear the bad men no talkies?”

  “Sometimes.” Ariel whispered, curling into a tighter ball.

  “Did you tell Aunt Delly when you heard them?”

  “No, they was saying bads stuffs about hers and Mommy says I not allowed to say those words.”

  “That’s right you shouldn’t. Did they say anything else?” Raelin just wanted to make sure that Ariel had the opportunity to talk with her, as she wasn’t quite sure how much Jessie asked her about the no talkies.

  “They was like when I went to Mommy and Daddy’s room when the growly monsters came. Mommy said that she was just showing daddy that she loved hims. Those men don’t love Delly though. They was going to make growlies if you didn’t give the big man his socks.” The tiny blonde thought with confusion.

  It took all of Raelin’s willpower to not bolt out of bed and go to Delaney, but she kept rubbing Ariel’s back. “Were you with Delly the whole time? The bad men didn’t take her anywhere did they?”

  “Nopes, they only let her out of the chairs when they let us go pee. The big man kept telling them to wait until he had his socks. They was all really louds in my head so I crossed my fingers really super hard for longs times.” She held up her hands, small bruises evident on her fingers where she’d crossed them so tightly. “Big man said not to hurt me because I was just a baby. I’m not a baby though, I’s a big girl.”

  “You are a big girl, though you are smaller than they were, so that’s okay. I want to thank you for taking such good care of your Aunty Delly. I don’t know if she would have made it without you. I love you Ariel.” Raelin kissed the little girl on her forehead.

  “Loves you too Aunty Raelin.” She smiled back up at the witch. “Oh noes. Mommy and Delly are upsets.”

  “Why are they upset?” Raelin looked puzzled.

  “I tolds them I had to go pee. I wanted to come cuddles with you and Mommy wouldn’t let me go up the stairs even though I’s a big girl.” Ariel answered sheepishly. “They’s upset cause I not come back from the bathrooms yet.”

  Smiling, Raelin thought to her wife. “Ariel’s up here with me Delaney...she wanted to cuddle.” Looking down at the little girl, she gently admonished her. “Just let them know where you’re going next time Sweet Pea.”

  “Buts Delly is sneakys all the time. It’s how she gets the baddies.” Ariel pouted.

  “Yes, but there are no baddies here right now, and even though you are a big girl, your Mommy, Delly and I will always worry about you,” Raelin explained.

  Raelin hesitated asking the next question, but she really wanted to know. “Ariel, did you hear Aunt Delly thinking about anything else?”

  “Yeah, buts I tried not to listen cause she was so sads. She thoughts about you lots. She missed you and wanteds to comes home. Sometimes she was scared cause she thoughts me and hers couldn’t come homes. She was scareds that you would be lonelys without hers.” Ariel paused, a frown on her face. “Delly is never scareds. I was worries about her.”

  Raelin stared down at the little girl. “Ariel, I will always come and get you when you are in trouble. You, your Mommy or anyone that I care about. You can always depend on me.”

  “I knows. I knew you would saves us, but Delly’s wasn’t very Delly like. They was mean to her and they gaves hers a needle and then her thoughts gots fuzzy. Don’t be mads at her cause I tolds you. I was dropping eve and being bad and not crossing fingers and purple walling.” Ariel thought quickly.

  “You mean eavesdropping?” Raelin asked.

  “Said that,” Ariel stated.

  “Sorry.” Biting her bottom lip, the brunette tried not to laugh.

  “Okays. I’ll be better. Mommy wants to go nows,” she whined clutching tighter to Raelin’s shirt. “But Delly promised we coulds eats all the chocolates ice creams we coulds when we gots back from the bad men.”

  Holding the child as close to her as she could, Raelin offered a compromise. “How about I get your Mommy to promise that you can have a big bowl once you get home? I don’t want you to eat too much and get an upset tummy?”

  “Okays.” Ariel nodded. “You is sneaky too. Too much time with Aunt Delly I think.”

  Chuckling, the witch asked, “Why am I sneaky?”

  “Cause you said I gets an upsets tummy. I don’t wants that so now I is not going to eats lots of ice cream. Mommy does thats lots.”

  Getting up Raelin held onto the little girl as she walked downstairs. “We just don’t want you sick, that’s all.” She kissed the little girl on the cheek as they went into the living room. “Here ya go, Jessie. We were just having a girl talk, so I’m sorry I kept her.”

  “It’s fine. Delaney somehow knew she was with you.” Jessie turned her attention to the toddler trying to hide herself in Raelin’s shoulder. “Ariel, what have I told you about wandering off? You need to tell me where you are going. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I sowwies Mommy,” Ariel apologized.

  Raelin walked over to Jessie to hand her Ariel. “Delaney promised her some chocolate ice cream, so you might want to give her a bowl later.”

  “Sometimes I think your wife just wants to punish me.” She chuckled taking Ariel into her arms and hugging her close. “We need to head out though. It’s a long drive home and all.”

  “Well, she’s pretty tuckered out. Shouldn’t be too hard to get her down.” Del half smiled.

  “Ms. Nancy, you is going home too now?” Ariel asked, looking over her mother’s shoulder to the older woman.

  “Yes ma’am. I’m going to tell my Emma that we have a brand new home to come to, and she’s going to be very excited. I hope that you can meet her one day.” Jacobs smiled at the little girl.

  “Yeps. Can yous gives her
the pictures I made for her so she can feel better. Maybes if you reads her lots of Nancy Drew she will feel betters. That’s always makes me feels betters.” Ariel smiled.

  “I will and maybe one day you can read to each other. How does that sound?” The little girl had a way about her.

  “Kays. I will practice my reads.” Ariel nodded. She let out a long yawn, her long morning catching up with her.

  “Looks like someone is almost down for the count.” Del smiled.

  “Why don’t you go help Jessie get her things to the car and I’ll say good-by to Nancy.” Raelin suggested.

  “Sure,” Del said, following Jessie towards the hall where they’d piled Ariel’s stuff. She wasn’t sure if Raelin was still mad at her, but she wasn’t about to push her luck.

  Raelin walked out with the Director. “Did you get everything that you needed from Delaney and Ariel? Do you think that they all will plead out?” She really wasn’t looking forward to going to trial and it coming out that she was a witch.

  “Well, I know who the prosecutor is and I can tell you right now they will be pushing for them to plead out. We have more than enough to put them away and if it goes to trial, the USDA is going to push for the needle. They plead, and we’ll knock it down to life. I hope it doesn’t go to court, it will be awfully hard for you to explain how you got them out of there,” Nancy explained as she watched Jessie and Del load up the car as Ariel attempted to help.

  Chuckling at the scene, Raelin agreed. “Yeah, it’s actually something someone would have to take on faith, because that’s one spell I don’t every plan to do again.” Turning to the older woman, the brunette offered, “Can I set up a moving truck and people to help you relocate? Are there any doctors I can get Emma to maybe get a second or third opinion? You name it, you’ve got it.”

  “That’s very nice of you, but Emma is pretty stubborn and independent.” Nancy laughed. “I’ll do good to appease her after accepting the house. I’d rather wait and see how she adjusts to the move. I would like any recommendations you have for moving companies though.”


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