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Rhythm of War (9781429952040)

Page 148

by Sanderson, Brandon

  At its heart, this Lashing created a bubble around the object that imitated its spiritual link to the ground beneath it. As such, it was much harder for the Lashing to affect objects touching the ground, where their link to the planet was strongest. Objects falling or in flight were the easiest to influence. Other objects could be affected, but the Stormlight and skill required were much more substantial.


  A second form of Surgebinding involves the manipulation of light and sound in illusory tactics common throughout the cosmere. Unlike the variations present on Sel, however, this method has a powerful Spiritual element, requiring not just a full mental picture of the intended creation, but some level of Connection to it as well. The illusion is based not simply upon what the Lightweaver imagines, but upon what they desire to create.

  In many ways, this is the most similar ability to the original Yolish variant, which excites me. I wish to delve more into this ability, with the hope to gain a full understanding of how it relates to cognitive and spiritual attributes.


  Essential to the economy of Roshar is the art of Soulcasting, in which one form of matter is directly transformed into another by changing its spiritual nature. This is performed on Roshar via the use of devices known as Soulcasters, and these devices (the majority of which appear to be focused on turning stone into grain or flesh) are used to provide mobile supply for armies or to augment local urban food stores. This has allowed kingdoms on Roshar—where fresh water is rarely an issue, because of highstorm rains—to field armies in ways that would be unthinkable elsewhere.

  What intrigues me most about Soulcasting, however, are the things we can infer about the world and Investiture from it. For example, certain gemstones are requisite in producing certain results—if you wish to produce grain, your Soulcaster must both be attuned to that transformation and have an emerald (not a different gemstone) attached. This creates an economy based on the relative values of what the gemstones can create, not upon their rarity. Indeed, as the chemical structures are identical for several of these gemstone varieties, aside from trace impurities, the color is the most important part—not their actual axial makeup. I’m certain you will find this relevance of hue quite intriguing, particularly in its relationship to other forms of Investiture.

  This relationship must have been essential in the local creation of the table I’ve included above, which lacks some scientific merit, but is intrinsically tied to the folklore surrounding Soulcasting. An emerald can be used to create food—and thus is traditionally associated with a similar Essence. Indeed, on Roshar there are considered to be ten elements; not the traditional four or sixteen, depending upon local tradition.

  Curiously, these gemstones seem tied to the original abilities of the Soulcasters who were an order of Knights Radiant—but they don’t seem essential to the actual operation of the Investiture when performed by a living Radiant. I do not know the connection here, though it implies something valuable.

  Soulcasters, the devices, were created to imitate the abilities of the Surge of Soulcasting (or Transformation). This is yet another mechanical imitation of something once available only to a select few within the bounds of an Invested Art. The Honorblades on Roshar, indeed, may be the very first example of this—from thousands of years ago. I believe this has relevance to the discoveries being made on Scadrial, and the commoditization of Allomancy and Feruchemy.


  As I’ve had further occasion to study the use of Investiture on Roshar, and the curious manifestation of it known as Surgebinding, I’ve found occasion to ruminate further on the nature of Intent and Connection.

  The power known as Stoneshaping, as practiced by the orders of Stonewards and Willshapers, is an excellent example of this. This ability manipulates the Surge of Cohesion, and is in many ways a cousin to the axial manipulation known as microkinesis—as both grant the ability to manipulate the forces that bind individual axi together. Fortunately, in my explorations, it appears that Stoneshaping is far less … explosive of a power, bounded by the rules that Honor placed upon it to protect from the mistakes that happened on Yolen.

  Nevertheless, a practiced Stoneward or Willshaper can mold stone as if it were clay, weakening the bonds between axi. (Indeed, this can be done to other materials as well, I’m led to believe, but stone is the easiest and most common application.) This is not simply a chemical process. Normally, one might expect heat to be involved to excite the axi, but this is not the case. Indeed, it is the Intent of the user that is relevant here.

  The stone senses the desire of the Stoneward, and the practitioner is able to shape it through desire as much as through physical force. I don’t believe I properly understood the way Investiture responds to the conscious Intent of the user until I read of the interactions of spren and sapient beings on Roshar. There is so much to learn here and so much to explore.

  I have sent my best agent to embed among the Stonewards. His research has been most illuminating. It suggests there are three ways we can look at the nature of Intent as it relates to Stoneshaping.

  Willingness: Stone seems to be uniformly willing to obey the commands of a Surgebinder attuned to Cohesion. This is curious, as stone is often among the most difficult of materials to work with in Soulcasting—even more difficult than living beings, depending on those beings’ emotional, mental, and spiritual states.

  Why is stone so eager to change for a Stoneward or Willshaper? What about it makes it so likely to respond to their desires, to incorporate them, and to enjoy the result? Like a willing audience at a comedy, the stone lets the Surgebinder guide it.

  Connection: The stone can sense the Intent of the Surgebinder, and even their past. I have reliable reports of stone reaching back through generations of Connection to display events, feelings, emotions, and ideas from long ago. It will shape the faces of Stonewards long dead. It will create pictures of events long forgotten. What I initially dismissed as an inferior form of microkinesis is, indeed, much more focused and—in some ways—more remarkable. There is a divining property to Stoneshaping I had not thought to find.

  Command: The Stoneshaper must often make a Command, mental or verbal, to truly control the stone. This is much like many other arcana around the cosmere, and is in itself not that novel. However, I find electrifying the news out of the mountains of Ur, that their current queen seems to have been able to Command the creation of an anti-Investiture. Long theorized, this will be my first true evidence it is possible—and can only be created through Intent.

  I think that perhaps Foil, deep within his ocean, would find this information supports my theories over his. And he’d do well to listen to me on this matter if he ever wishes to achieve control over the aethers, as he has insisted is his goal.




  The Way of Kings

  Words of Radiance


  Rhythm of War




  The Well of Ascension

  The Hero of Ages


  The Alloy of Law

  Shadows of Self

  The Bands of Mourning



  Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere® Collection

  Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds


  Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians

  The Scrivener’s Bones

  The Knights of Crystallia

  The Shattered Lens

  The Dark Talent








  The Rithmatist


  Brandon Sanderson grew u
p in Lincoln, Nebraska. He lives in Utah with his wife and children and teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University. He is the author of such bestsellers as the Mistborn trilogy and its sequels, The Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and The Bands of Mourning; the Stormlight Archive novels The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, and Oathbringer; and young adult novels, including the Reckoners series beginning with Steelheart, the Skyward series, The Rithmatist, and the Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians series. In 2013, he won a Hugo Award for Best Novella for The Emperor’s Soul, set in the world of his acclaimed first novel, Elantris. Additionally, he was chosen to complete Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time® sequence. For behind-the-scenes information on all of Brandon Sanderson’s books, visit, or sign up for email updates here.


  Twitter: @BrandSanderson

  Instagram: BrandSanderson


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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  Preface and Acknowledgments

  Book Four: Rhythm of War

  Prologue: To Pretend

  Part One: Burdens

    1.  Calluses

    2.  Severed Cords

    3.  The Fourth Bridge

    4.  Architects of the Future

    5.  Broken Spears

    6.  A Loose Thread

    7.  The Rarest Vintage

    8.  Surrender

    9.  Contradictions

  10.  A Single Casualty

  11.  Passion and Courage

  12.  A Way to Help

  13.  Another Hunt

  14.  Voice

  15.  The Light and the Music

  16.  An Unknown Song

  17.  A Proposal

  18.  Surgeon

  19.  Garnets


  I-1. Sylphrena

  I-2. Sja-Anat

  I-3. Into the Fire

  Part Two: Our Calling

  20.  The Unseen Court

  21.  The Seething Knot

  22.  No Use Talking

  23.  Binding Wounds

  24.  Full of Awe

  25.  Devotary of Mercy

  26.  A Little Espionage

  27.  Banners

  28.  Heresies

  29.  A Cage without Bars

  30.  The Betrayal

  31.  Daughter of Traitors

  32.  Of Three Minds

  33.  Understanding

  34.  A Flame Never Extinguished

  35.  The Strength of a Soldier

  36.  The Price of Honor

  37.  Silence from the Dead

  38.  Rhythm of the Terrors

  39.  Invasion

  40.  In for All

  41.  The Most Dangerous

  42.  Armor and Teeth

  43.  Men and Monsters


  I-4. Vyre

  I-5. Lift

  I-6. A Boon and a Curse

  Part Three: Songs of Home

  44.  Tinder Waiting for the Spark

  45.  A Bold Heart, A Keen and Crafty Mind

  46.  The Weight of the Tower

  47.  A Cage Forged of Spirits

  48.  Scent of Death, Scent of Life

  49.  Soul of Discovery

  50.  Queen

  51.  To Sing Hopeless Songs

  52.  A Path Toward Saving

  53.  Compassion

  54.  The Future Become Dust

  55.  Kinship With the Open Sky

  56.  Nodes

  57.  Child of Odium

  58.  Spanreeds

  59.  The Lattice of a Growing Crystal

  60.  Essai

  61.  Oil and Water

  62.  Keeper of Forms

  63.  Practice

  64.  Personal Reminder

  65.  Hypothesis

  66.  Bearer of Agonies

  67.  Song of Stones

  68.  One Family

  69.  Pure Tones of Roshar

  70.  Well

  71.  Rider of Storms

  72.  Outmatched


  I-7. Szeth

  I-8. Chiri-Chiri

  I-9. The Sword

  Part Four: A Knowledge

  73.  Which Master to Follow

  74.  A Symbol

  75.  The Middle Step

  76.  Harmony

  77.  The Proper Legality

  78.  The High Judge

  79.  Open Wound

  80.  The Dog and the Dragon

  81.  Trapped

  82.  Knife

  83.  The Games of Men and Singers

  84.  Scholar

  85.  Dabbid

  86.  The Song of Mornings

  87.  Trial By Witness

  88.  Falling Star

  89.  Voice of Lights

  90.  One Chance

  91.  Worth Saving

  92.  A Gift

  93.  Strong Enough

  94.  Sacrifice

  95.  What She Truly Was

  96.  A Thousand Lies

  97.  Freedom


  I-10. Hesina

  I-11. Adin

  I-12. Vulnerable

  Part Five: Knowing a Home of Songs, Called Our Burden

  98.  An Unwholesome Shade

  99.  Not Bound

  100.  Watchers at the Rim

  101.  Undertext

  102.  Highstorm Coming

  103.  The Legend You Live

  104.  Full of Hope

  105.  Children of Passions

  106.  A Hundred Discordant Rhythms

  107.  Uniting

  108.  Moments

  109.  Emulsifier

  110.  Reborn

  111.  Unchained

  112.  Terms

  113.  Emotion

  114.  Broken Gods

  115.  Testament

  116.  Mercy

  117.  One Final Gift

  Epilogue: Dirty Tricks


  Ars Arcanum

  Books by Brandon Sanderson

  About the Author



  NOTE: Many illustrations, titles included, contain spoilers for material that comes before them in the book.  Look ahead at your own risk.

  Map of Roshar

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Urithiru

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: The Atrium

  Navani’s Notebook: The Fourth Bridge

  Navani’s Notebook: The Arnist Method

  Folio: Contemporary Singer Fashion

  A Portion of the Southern Sea of Souls

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Mistspren

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Cryptics

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Ashspren

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Honorspren

  Navani’s Notebook: The Crystal Pillar Room

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Cultivationspren

  Map of Eastern Makabak

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Reachers

  Folio: Envoyform Fashion

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Highspren

  Alethi Glyphs Page 2

nbsp; Shallan’s Sketchbook: Peakspren

  Shallan’s Sketchbook: Inkspren

  Navani’s Notebook: Dagger

  Navani’s Notebook: Experiments

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


  Copyright © 2020 by Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC

  Mistborn®, The Stormlight Archive®, Reckoners®, Cosmere®, and Brandon Sanderson® are registered trademarks of Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC.

  All rights reserved.

  Cover art © Michael Whelan

  All illustrations © Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC, except when otherwise noted

  Illustrations preceding chapters 11 and 61 by Dan dos Santos

  Illustrations preceding the prologue, chapters 22, 24, 29, 36, 53, 75, and 78, and interludes 5 and 7 by Ben McSweeney

  Illustrations preceding chapters 3, 6, 41, 84, and 97 by Kelley Harris

  Map of Roshar, sword glyphs, chapter arches, and illustrations preceding chapters 20, 46, and 73 by Isaac Stewart

  Viewpoint icons by Isaac Stewart, Ben McSweeney, Howard Lyon, and Miranda Meeks

  A Tor Book

  Published by Tom Doherty Associates

  120 Broadway

  New York, NY 10271

  Tor® is a registered trademark of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC.

  The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

  ISBN 978-0-7653-2638-6 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-250-78426-1 (international, sold outside the U.S., subject to rights availability)

  ISBN 978-1-250-79367-6 (signed)

  ISBN 978-1-4299-5204-0 (ebook)

  eISBN 9781429952040

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  First Edition: 2020


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