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First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance

Page 59

by Amy Brent

  I closed my eyes and breathed deeply as his mouth engulfed my wet mound, his tongue now quickening as his fingers flickered inside of me. I grabbed onto the covers beside me and bore down, feeling the ecstasy move through me. As he flicked his tongue against my clit, I threw my head back and growled, waves of pleasure washing over me. I came hard and long, my body shaking and my thighs quivering beside his head. I wanted to taste him now that he had tasted me.

  When the orgasm had settled, I pulled myself up and kissed his wet lips, smiling as I pushed on his chest, knocking him backward. He smiled, falling back onto his back and watching me crawl toward him. I bit my lip and took his big, wide cock in my hand, stroking it as I nestled between his legs. I dipped my head down and licked his shaft from the bottom to the top, smirking as he gasped and groaned. I hovered over his mushroom tip for a moment before sucking it into my mouth and rolling my lips down his shaft. I opened my throat and took it all the way down to the base, tilting my head as I raised back up. He breathed deeply, lifting his hands above his head and closing his eyes. I dove back down, sucking deeply in the back of my throat and swirling my tongue over his shaft.

  His hand crept back down and rubbed over my head as I bobbed my head, taking him deep and then pulling back up. He wrapped his hand through my hair and groaned when I let my saliva roll down his cock and over his balls. I pushed down deep one last time and very slowly made my way back up to the head, looking up at him with watery eyes. He smiled and shook his head, pushing himself up and grabbing me under the arms. He lifted me and lay back again, pulling me over him. I straddled him, my knees on each side of his hips. I reached down between my legs and stroked his cock for a moment before slowly pushing my body down him, feeling him entering me. I sat all the way down, pushing my knees out to the sides and taking him in deeply.

  My back arched, and I closed my eyes, sitting there for a moment, feeling how full he made me. He reached up and grasped my hips, and I opened my eyes and smiled, my hips starting to move over him. I swirled my body like waves on the ocean, pulling my arms up and over my head and then back down to my breasts. I ground my pussy against him, moaning softly as I felt my clit brushing against his skin. I bit my bottom lip and let his hands control my movements as he thrust his hips up and down, sliding his cock deep into me and then back out again. I gripped down on my tits, squeezing my nipples and panting hard, feeling my fire burning brightly once again. He smiled as my body moved over him, his shaft deep inside of me and my juices running down him. I groaned as he pushed up one more time, his muscles tightening and releasing.

  He sat up, grabbing me around my back and kissing me sweetly, locking his eyes with mine as he lowered me backward onto the bed. He held his body tightly to me as he pulled his legs under him and then out behind him. He slid up my body, pushing back inside of me and pulling my legs up, hooking them over his elbows. He held tightly to my thighs as he began to push, sliding forward and back, feeling every inch of his big cock moving through my juices. I closed my eyes and moved my arms over my head, pushing against the headboard for leverage. He smiled and began to move faster, his hips thrusting forward and back, his body twitching with pleasure. I could feel him slapping into my clit, my body wanting more and more of him.

  I screamed out, digging my fingers into the headboard as he moved fast and hard inside of me. My tits bounced up and down, and I looked up into his eyes, watching his jaw begin to clench. I growled, feeling his body against mine, his cock once again home where it should have been all along. I arched my chest into the air and tilted my head backward as I reached my climax. He growled, feeling my pussy tighten around his cock, and as he pushed against me one last time, I felt him explode, his dick pulsing through my wetness as he expelled his hot seed deep inside of me.

  I gasped, my orgasm heightened by the feeling of him coming, and I lay groaning softly as the waves pounded against me. As they dissipated into a low soothing wave, I opened my eyes and watched as his muscles relaxed. He leaned back on his heels, pulling out of me. He opened his eyes and smiled, gently laying my legs down and rolling over next to me. I curled my body up next to him as he pulled the blanket back over us.

  “I’m really happy we can get back to our plans,” I whispered. “I have missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too,” he said with a surprised look on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” I chuckled. “You look like you’re in shock.”

  “I guess in a way I kind of am,” he said. “I’m shocked but excited that you still want to be with me in New York. I have to say our apartment isn’t the same now that you’re gone. Sicily and I both have felt lost.”

  “I feel lost anytime I’m not with you,” I said. “And I miss you both very much. I want to be with you in New York, and I want us to be a family. Now that I know that what Josie said was a complete lie, I can’t not be with you.”

  “I love you, Emma,” he said, smiling.

  “I love you too, Brandt,” I said. “And that never stopped.”

  Chapter 37

  A Week Later


  I stayed in Camden for a week, and on that Saturday, I packed my things up at the inn and met Emma in the parking lot. We grasped hands tightly as she drove me back to Bangor to catch my flight. We had turned my rental in near Camden so she could see me off as she insisted. My heart was heavy having to leave her, and I really didn’t want to say goodbye, but I had to get back to New York and to my daughter. I checked my luggage and then walked back over to her, thinking about how beautiful she looked standing there in the airport, her belly growing bigger every day. She grabbed my hands and brought them to her face, closing her eyes and feeling them close to her one last time. Saying goodbye was always so hard, but this time, I knew everything was going to be okay.

  “It’s not forever this time,” she said. “I have a lot to do here, and I’m sure the time will speed by. You have Sicily and your work and your big project release, so time will go by fast for you too.”

  “That’s right,” I said, shaking my head. “Before we know it, we will be back in each other’s arms. And we’ll talk on the phone every night.”

  “And text,” she said. “I’ll be getting everything in order. I’m going to start packing and going through things as soon as I get home. I have a ton of boxes already there, and Caroline and Gillian said they’d come over and help me, so I don’t have to lift anything.”

  “Good.” I leaned forward and kissed her lips. “I’m still going to miss you like crazy.”

  “Ugh, I’m going to miss you too,” she said, scrunching her nose. “I already miss you, and my hormones are going crazy, and I’m trying not to cry.”

  “You poor thing.” I laughed, pulling her into me and hugging her tightly.

  I pulled back and pushed my lips against hers, kissing her passionately. She whimpered, her shoulders relaxing as my lips moved over hers. I pulled my lips up and kissed her nose and smiled.

  “Get out of here,” I said sweetly. “And text me when you get home. I’ll be close to landing.”

  “And you text me when your feet hit the ground,” she said.

  “I promise,” I said, smiling.

  I held onto her hand as long as I could and then watched as she walked toward the doors. When she got to the front, she stopped and turned toward me, blowing me a kiss and waving. I waved back and smiled big, feeling my heart pitter-pattering inside of my chest. She disappeared out the door and around the corner, making her way back to her car. I stood watching all the people walking around me and picked up my carry-on and made my way to security. I was glad we got there early since the security line was extremely long, even the one for first class passengers. As I stood waiting for my turn, I thought about the happiness exploding from my chest. I missed the feeling so much, and it was back. I didn’t care what I had to do to keep it, to keep Emma. I would make sure we never went through something like that again.

  No matter how many texts, calls, vide
o calls, and chats we would have, I was still going to miss her terribly. It was only a small amount of comfort knowing she would be there soon. I wanted to keep her close all the time, never let her out of my sight, but I knew she had to do these things herself and say her goodbyes on her own terms. I got through security faster than I thought I would, so I stopped and grabbed a cup of coffee before heading to my terminal. The flight home was going to be a lot nicer than the flight there, and I knew I had plenty of thoughts of Emma to keep me occupied for my hour-long flight back to New York. I got on the flight not long after arriving and sat back, watching out the window as we made our way down the runway and into the air. I had to admit, I was right. It was one of the most pleasant flights I’d had in a long time. I couldn’t wait to get home and tell Sicily the good news. She was going to be proud of me for stepping up and going after Emma. She was really important to Sicily, and I knew my daughter wanted nothing more than to see me happy, and I wanted the same for her. I was lucky Emma did that for both of us.

  When the flight touched down, and we got off the plane, excitement flew through me. I rushed through the airport and down to baggage claim, grabbing my bag and heading out to one of the many cabs lined up on the curb. I gave the cab driver my address and sat back, watching the city move past my windows. Sure, I was happy to be back, but I was more excited to go spread the good news to my daughter and mother. I knew they were waiting with baited breath to hear what had happened. I hadn’t given them any clue to what I was going to tell them, only that I was coming home. I wanted it to be a surprise, and I wanted to see the look on Sicily’s face when she found out Emma was going to be coming home really soon. I knew she was crossing her fingers hoping that it was what had happened while I was in Camden.

  I smiled as we passed by my offices, watching as tourists stood outside taking pictures of the big Cogent sign out front. I felt pride for my company for the first time in a very long time. It was amazing to me how much better I felt about everything in my life now that Emma was back in it. I could feel a motivation that I hadn’t felt in a long time. We pulled up out front of my complex, and I paid the cab driver before jumping out and grabbing my bags. I went straight to the elevator and smiled excitedly as it moved closer and closer to the top. When it finally arrived, and the doors slid open, I rushed out, stopping as I stared at Josie standing in front of my door. I shook my head and laughed, reminding myself that Josie wasn’t going to be able to hurt me anymore. I wouldn’t allow it.

  “Why do you look so happy?” she sneered.

  “Oh, no reason other than your little sabotage didn’t work,” I said, putting down my bags. “What are you doing here?”

  “Waiting for you,” she said. “Your mom said you would be here soon and then made me wait out here.”

  “Good for her.” I laughed. “She never actually liked you, you know that, right?”

  “I never actually liked you,” she said in a childish way.

  “So, what is it that’s so important that you have to wait here for me?”

  “I wanted you to know I’m leaving to go back to Florida,” she said.

  “That does not surprise me in the least.” I laughed. “You’re so easily defeated. But really, I’m glad. I’m tired of seeing your face. I divorced you so I wouldn’t have to see it anymore.”

  “Do I get a chance to tell Sicily goodbye?”

  “Nope,” I said. “She doesn’t want to see you. I checked with the judge, and she said that if Sicily is expressing her dismay to see you, she doesn’t have to be forced. Custody is for the child’s right to see a parent, not for your right to see her. Send her a letter, and maybe she’ll write you back.”

  “You know what?”

  “What’s that, Josie?”

  “I don’t know why I ever agreed to marry you,” she said. “You’re a loser, no matter how much money you have in the bank. You don’t deserve me, and you never did. The best decision I ever made in my life was leaving your ass behind. And if Sicily wants to follow in your footsteps, it’s a good thing she doesn’t want to see me. I don’t need people like you in my life. I have an amazing life with Troy in Florida. We have lots of friends, a boat, a house, and he thinks he’s lucky to have me.”

  “Right,” I said, laughing. “And that’s why you came out here searching for validation.”

  “I came out here to see my daughter, to try to be there before you damaged her too badly,” she said. “But it seems I’m too late.”

  “You know what, Josie, I don’t want to talk to you anymore,” I said picking up my bags. “You’re nothing to me now, and frankly, you’re wasting my air. I don’t believe for a second that you have a good life in Florida, but it really doesn’t matter. I don’t care if you have a good life or not because you’re no longer my burden. I barely cared when you left, so I definitely don’t give two shits now. Have a good trip home, buh-bye.”

  I turned and walked into the house, dropping my bags and kicking the door shut in her face. I nodded to myself in satisfaction and dusted off my hands, hearing the sound of Sicily singing in the kitchen. They must not have heard me walk into the house. I grinned and crept quietly around the corner, sneaking up behind Sicily and tickling her. She screamed out and whirled around, her eyes getting big as she wrapped her arms around me.

  “Daddy,” she said. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too, munchkin,” I said. “You haven’t been giving your grandma too much grief, have you?”

  “No,” she said. “We are besties. We don’t give each other a hard time.”

  “Oh,” I said, kissing my mom on the cheek. “I wasn’t aware of the bestie situation.”

  “Sooo,” Sicily said. “What happened with Emma?”

  “Well, when I got there, it was definitely a rough start,” I said. “She got really sick and had to be rushed to the hospital. She’s okay and so is the baby.”

  “Oh, good,” Sicily said, letting out a deep breath

  “The night she got home from the hospital, she showed up at my door and we talked. I told her everything that happened and showed her proof that whatever she thought was true, it wasn’t. She believed me, and so she’s going to take care of her home and loose ends in Camden and move here to New York with us.”

  “Really?” Sicily screamed.

  She put her arms up in the air and did laps around the apartment, chanting Emma’s name. My mom and I watched her laughing as she ran down into the living room and collapsed onto the couch. I shook my head and turned to my mother, smiling big.

  “I’m so happy for you, son,” she said. “I could tell you loved this girl from the first time you told me about her.”

  “It’s definitely been that life-changing kind of love,” I said with a smile.

  “That’s exactly what I always hoped for you,” she said, hugging me.

  I took my bags into the bedroom and pulled out my phone, texting Emma that I had gotten home safely and that Sicily could not wait until she got there. I smiled, feeling my phone vibrate before I could even set it down. Emma had texted me back with three hearts and a message saying that she loved us so much. I couldn’t believe that I finally got the girl.

  Chapter 38

  One Month Later


  Considering the fact that when I put my house on the market, the agent told me it would probably take upwards of six months to sell it, I was more than shocked to be standing there only one month later with the movers. The housing market wasn’t great, but my little house was, and I was glad I had been able to move it as fast as I did. I stood in my front yard, watching as the movers brought packed and ready boxes out and loaded them onto the small moving truck. I wasn’t really bringing much with me since Brandt’s place was already fully decorated. It was mostly personal things and family heirlooms that I couldn’t bear to part with.

  There was something bittersweet about the sold sign swinging on the real estate advertisement in the front yard. It felt like just ye
sterday that sold sign was for me, and I was moving into my first home. I had made it a home again after my ex and I had split, the place where I found comfort and warmth away from the cold life that I’d experienced for so long. I was really going to miss coming home to it after a long day of work, curling up on the couch, drinking hot chocolate on a cold night, and all the laughter and voices that carried through it when the girls were there. It had become a part of me in a way, especially since it was my escape and the place that helped nurture me back to health when I was down and out, hurting so badly after leaving Brandt. But that was all in the past now because Brandt and I couldn’t be happier with each other.

  The memories that I had stored away in my brain weren’t just with the house. They were with Camden in general. It was the place I was born, the place I grew up, and the place that watched me turn into the woman I was that day. It was the place I had my first kiss, my first date, the place I ran wild with the girls as a teenager, and the place that comforted me after being away in college. My parents lived there, my two best friends lived there, and everyone I ever knew walked up and down through that small little town every day. Now I was headed off to New York City, a place so big, I would be lucky to ever see anyone I knew. It had some serious charms, that was for sure, but I was really going to miss Camden, and I was nervous about moving away from there for good.

  “Aw, this is so sad and so exciting,” Gillian said with tears in her eyes.


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