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First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance

Page 100

by Amy Brent

  “Fuck,” The curse shot from lips as I turned around in frustration but I froze as my eyes fell on the shadow standing in the doorway of my room.

  “Not very lady-like language,” the man said, not taking a step closer but still close enough for me to see who it was. It was him. My mark. According to Jonah’s records he’d checked in as Mr. and Mrs. Barron and I knew his real name was Pullman. Hank Pullman.

  He didn’t look like a Hank. He was tall. Much taller than I was, though most people were, and heavily muscled with a shaved head and a scruff of a three-day beard.

  “I’m not very lady-like.” I finally said, trying to get over my shock and hold back the fluttering panic.

  He was holding a crumpled piece of paper in his hand and he waved it at.

  “Sorry to have startled you. I think you must have dropped this, Mrs…” He trailed off, obviously waiting for me to fill in the blank and tell him my name. Well, he could just keep waiting.

  “You must be mistaken,” I forced the words out through my suddenly bone dry throat, “That’s not mine.”

  “Are you sure? I found it right outside my door. Me and my wife are staying here for our honeymoon, you see.”

  “Uh huh, congratulations.” On instinct, I glanced at the ring finger of his left hand. No ring. Rooky mistake. I pasted a smile on my face, hoping he would underestimate me as I slowly walked sideways towards where my bag sat on the end of the bed. The bag where I kept my pepper spray. “Well, like I said, there must be a mistake.”

  “There was no mistake. I saw you drop this. Here, take it,” He smiled at me then, but it didn’t reach his eyes, “I won’t bite. I promise.”

  I still didn’t move to take it and he took a step forward. He opened his mouth to speak again but suddenly a new shadow entered the room and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding as my gaze met Jonah’s green.

  “Is everything okay in here?”

  Chapter 7


  “Please, Charlotte, can you just take care of it?” I pleaded in a hushed voice while giving my best puppy dog eyes.

  “Mrs. Markel specifically asked for you.” Charlotte barely contained her mirth behind her black stained lips.

  “Please. I’ll owe you a favor. I’ll cover a shift for you. There’s nothing wrong with the lamp. I’ve checked it three times already. She just unplugs it!”

  “It’s because she likes to see you bend over,” Charlotte said on an outright laugh, “I overheard her talking to Ginger about you. They think you look just like Clark Gable. You make them swoon.”

  She held the back of her hand up to her forehead in an overdramatic gesture that had me rolling my eyes.

  “Will you please just take care of this for me?”

  “Alright,” She said, finally giving in but there was still laughter gleaming from her kohl rimmed eyes, “but you own me.”

  “Cross my heart. Whenever you want. I’ll cover your shift. You just let me know.”

  “Don’t worry I will.” She turned and headed up the stairs. “Don’t worry Mrs. Markel, I’m coming to help you!”

  I shook my head, relieved that for the moment at least I could avoid the elderly woman that seemed to spend all her time finding things to break just to have an excuse to call me up to her room. Really, it was getting out of hand.

  I jumped when the phone on top of the desk rang then let out a stream of curses before taking a deep breath and finally answering.

  “Hello, this is the front desk?” I cringed, for a moment imagining hearing Mrs. Markel’s voice on the other end of the line. Again. But it wasn’t. I let out a sigh of relief but it was short lived.

  “Hi, this is Ginger, Ginger Carter. Is this Mr. Moore.”

  “It is, yes, Mrs. Carter. This is Jonah. What can I do for you.” I had to ask the question through clenched teeth. She was almost as bad as Mrs. Markel.

  “Oh, hi Jonah. Listen, I’ve had a few issues in our room and I was hoping you could pop up and take a quick look for me.”

  “I’m sure that Mr. Carter is more than capable enough of–.”

  “Oh, no. My husband is out hiking today. It’s just me. A helpless little old lady all alone up here with no one else to call.” Helpless, my ass. I snorted at the thought. For a second I turned to ask Charlotte to go up to the Carter’s room before I remembered I’d already pawned Mrs. Markel off on her. The poor girl. At least she wouldn’t be leered at.

  I tried to keep the sigh out of my voice as I answered, “I’ll be right up, Mrs. Carter.”

  “And make sure to bring those big, strong muscles of yours.”

  I rolled my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger. I swear I could feel a headache coming on.

  “Uh huh. Sure thing, Mrs. Carter.”

  “Please, call me Ginger.”

  “I really don’t think–.”

  “See you soon.”

  My mouth was still open mid-sentence when I heard the dial tone over the line. She’d already hung up. I closed it with an annoyed click of my teeth. These old ladies were going to be the death of me.

  For the hundredth, possibly thousandth, time I wished that Quinn and Leo would come back to work even though I knew they were busy with their newborn baby girl. My niece, Rachael.

  I felt a little better at the thought of the baby but it didn’t last long as I headed up the stairs and towards the room the Carter’s were staying in. The only silver lining was that they were only booked for two more days. Just two more days.

  I’m not sure what drew my gaze down the hall towards Sabrina’s room, maybe just for the reminder of her or maybe gut instinct but it was just in time to see the large, hulking man step through the open doorway.

  I didn’t stop. I didn’t think. All I could do was react, turning towards the room and rushing down the rest of the hallway. Jealousy struck me first, an emotion so absurd it was almost laughable but that didn’t make it go away.

  Why was there a man going into Sabrina’s room? Who was he? The second question, at least, was answered as I stepped through the doorway. My eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed in confusion as I looked from Mr. Barron over to Sabrina.

  Her expression was serious and there was a tension in the room that I could feel, even if I couldn’t explain it.

  I took another step forward, turning back to the other guest.

  “Is everything okay in here?” I asked, directing the question at the man but neither gave an answer and it made my worry spike.

  “Mr. Barron? Can I help you?” I took another step forward, unconsciously placing my own body in between him and Sabrina.

  He shook himself as if waking from a trance and then shot me a smile.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr. Moore. The wife and I ran out of towels and I was just looking for the supply closet. It seemed like such a silly thing to bother anyone else about. I must have just stumbled in here by mistake.”

  “Well, if you need anything else just let us know at the front desk and we can bring it up for you, alright?”

  Mr. Barron gave me another smile, “I really am sorry for the intrusion. It won’t happen again.”

  Before I could say another word, the other man turned and walked quickly from the room. I poked my head out of the door frame and watched him shuffle down the hall and back up the stairs to the tower suite. Only after he’d disappeared did I close the door and turn back to Sabrina.

  “What the hell was that about?” I asked, more to myself than to her, and not really expecting an answer. Sabrina didn’t give one, but when I glanced over at her, I saw it. It was more than just worry in her dark eyes. There was fear there too.

  It was so startling to see that it took me an extra-long minute to put it altogether but when I did, red hot anger shot through me.

  “That was him, wasn’t it?” I forced the question out through a clenched jaw, “That was the guy you’re after. And he was here? What were you thinking?”

“I didn’t invite him in, if that’s what you’re asking,” Sabrina said, finally speaking. I turned towards the door, more than ready to follow after him and…and…well, I didn’t really have a plan for afterward but that didn’t stop me from reaching for the handle.

  “Wait, Jonah.” Suddenly, Sabrina was by my side, holding me in place and keeping the door shut with one booted foot.

  “Just, don’t do anything, Jonah,” She pleaded, “One more day. I just need one more day and I’ll get him. I need a little more time, so I can do it right. And safely. Not just blundering in without a plan like…like…”

  “Like me?” I finished and she shrugged, a small smile curving her lips.

  “Well, I wasn’t going to say it, but yeah.”

  I let my arms fall to my side and forced my lungs to work again, trying to clear my thoughts. And then I did the hardest thing I ever had before. I took a step back. And then another.

  “Sabrina, I…I’m not going to ask you any more questions. I need you to know that I do trust you.” I met her gaze, losing myself in the darkness of her eyes, “I also need you to know that I’m here. I’ve always been right here. And…you don’t have to do this alone.”

  She looked up at me, just looked, but it was more than that. For the first time since I’d met her, in all the time I’d known her, she actually let me see. No masks. No guards up. Just…her. Every emotion swirling in the fathomless depths of her dark gaze. I watched as they gleamed with a sudden moisture and then one single tear slid across the apple of her cheek.

  I reached out one hand, wiping it away, and then I was pulling her close to me, holding her as tight as she would let me because I couldn’t stand to be apart for another moment. The need inside me was like an animal, starving and wild and desperate for her but I reigned it in.

  Instead, I leaned down, laying the softest, sweetest kiss across her lips and I felt her shudder in my arms. I started at her feet and made my way higher and higher, slowly stripping her a piece at a time.

  Her boots came off first, and then her jeans, sliding them down her thighs and then throwing them to the floor. Her shirt and bra came next and I just focused on the task at hand. If I stopped I would be lost. I’d lift her against the nearest wall and take her then and there but that wasn’t what I wanted. Not yet.

  I rose back to my feet, my thumbs hooking in the thin fabric of her panties and I laid another kiss agiasnt her cheek and then leaned close to whisper in her ear. All the secret thoughts that I’d held inside for the past year and a half came tumbling out and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

  “I care about you Sabrina.” I punctuated the words by sliding off her panties, then I moved on to my own clothes.

  “I missed you.” I pulled my shirt over my head and then moved to the button of my jeans, kicking off my shoes before giving her another soft kiss.

  “It hurt when you left.” I dropped my jeans, dragging my boxers and socks with. “It hurts now that you’re back, knowing that you’re just going to leave again.

  I tossed the last of my clothes onto the discarded heap and we were both stripped bare. I opened my mouth to speak again but Sabrina stopped me with a single finger over my lips.

  “Hush, Jonah.” Her eyes were enormous as she stared up at me, not once looking away, “This isn’t about what will happen later. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. This, tonight, is just for us. Not for anyone else. For this moment. No jobs. No bounties. No marks. No past and no future.” She let her finger drop but took my hand in hers, holding it tight, “Nothing but you and me.”

  All I could do was nod. My throat was so tight that I couldn’t have said anything even if I’d wanted to. There were no more words. I leaned forward, sweeping her up in my arms and a sacred sort of hush fell over the room as I carried her to the bed.

  I laid her back, just drinking her in for a long moment but I was desperate for a taste of her. As gently as I could, I trailed kisses all over her nude body. I breathed her in with every touch, every caress, doing my best to do what she asked and just focus on the single perfect moment between them.

  I worshipped every inch of her, exploring every peak and valley until we were both trembling with need and desire, but still each kiss was soft, sweet, full of a tenderness that swept through me on a powerful wave.

  I felt Sabrina shake beneath me, felt the way her breath hitched and I looked up in time to see a bead of moisture at the corner of eye. I leaned up, kissing it away before pulling back far enough to see her face.

  “Don’t be sad, Sabrina.”

  But she shook her head, “I’m not sad. I just…It’s just…so much more than I ever thought,” She let out a watery laugh, “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “It makes perfect sense.” I whispered against her lips before claiming them. I knew exactly what she meant. Something so powerful that it couldn’t be put into words. I kissed her cheek again, and then down her body stopping to drop a peck against the swell of her stomach, her hip. The creamy smooth skin of her inner thigh.

  Sabrina was writhing mindlessly beneath me but my own thoughts were laser focused on one thing. I wanted a taste of her. I spread her legs on either side of my head and leaned closer, teasing her with my tongue in long, languorous strokes.

  “Jesus, baby. You taste so fucking good.” I dove back in, trying desperately to go slow, to keep my desire in check but my cock was so hard I could hardly breathe. I shook with wanting her but I needed to make her feel so much pleasure that she would never forget what it felt like to have my mouth loving her. To have my cock as deep inside her as it could go.

  My own thoughts sabotaged me, the need to bury deep inside her too much to ignore any longer. My hands were shaking as I reached for the condom and it took me three tries to get in on with my fumbling fingers but a moment later I rose up her bode, not stopping until I was sliding all the home.

  Her pussy clenched around me in pure ecstasy and I was helpless against the sensations that rode through me. I started to pull away but then her legs were wrapped around me, keeping me in place seated deep inside her and her fingernails raked across my back.

  I looked down at her but then she rocked her his, squeezing her inner muscles tight and my eyes rolled back in my head as pleasure unlike anything I’d ever felt rocked my system. We moved, together, our bodies rocking and bucking in unison. Slow at first but within moments the motions were fast and frantic.

  I buried my face against the curve of her neck, nipping at the sensitive nerve endings and feeling the ripples of pleasure tighten her body. I wanted this feeling, this moment, to last forever but soon it was too much for both of us.

  I fought against the need to come, desperate to feel her come with my cock buried deep inside her. My thumb brushed across her clit, circling the sensitive bud and she threw her head back on a cry of pleasure as her climax hit. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  But then she was coming apart, squeezing me tight and it was the last push I need to send me spiraling after her. Red and gold flashed behind my eyelids and I might have called out her name as everything inside me let go but I couldn’t be sure. The world was a haze of pleasure and satisfaction.

  It took me a long moment to get my breath back, my pulse still racing in my ears as I collapsed onto the bed beside her.

  “Damn, Sabrina.” I panted softly and she let out a husky chuckle before throwing her arms and one leg across me, using my chest as a pillow. A few minutes later she was fast asleep, curled around me like a kitten.

  I snorted at the analogy. More like a tiger. But the humor faded. She was like a tiger. Wild, fierce, beautiful and intelligent. And impossible to cage. I glanced down at Sabrina, her face calm in sleep as a single thought echoed inside me over and over. I didn’t want to lose her again. Whatever it took. I would make it work. And then another thought intruded. I was going to have to find out all that I could about Mr. and Mrs. Barron.

  Chapter 8

sp; Sabrina

  I checked my watch. Again. And then cursed under my breath. Again. All of thirty seconds had passed since the last time I had looked. I swallowed against the feeling of nervous butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I hated being nervous.

  I had been stuck in the utility closet for the past two hours, waiting and hoping that I would get my chance. I glanced at my watch again despite knowing that no more time had passed. The sound of shuffling footsteps caught at my ears and I held my breath, peering through the slots of the closet door. Maybe my luck was in after all.

  It was nearly two o’clock on the dot and just as I’d suspected Mr. Barron aka Mr. Pullman aka the bad guy I was about to take down was heading downstairs to the kitchen to get some food while there were no other guests there.

  I’d intentionally stated earlier in the hallway, clearly and as loudly as I could without being suspicious, that I was going on a guided hiking tour and would be gone for the entire day. It had earned me a strange look from Charlotte but I considered it a small price to pay.

  I stayed in the closet for another several minutes, counting down the seconds that I would be free and when I was sure the coast was clear I eased the door open and crept up the stairs to the tower suite.

  The door was lock as I expected but it only took me seconds to grab the tools from my back pack and pick the lock. I made a mental note to let Jonah know that the locks in this place were shit and that they desperately needed to install a descent security system. Hell, I’d install it myself. It was ridiculously easy to break in to this place.

  I didn’t waste any time. As soon as I got in I closed the door behind me and started looking around. I wasn’t entirely sure yet what I was looking for but I’d done this job enough to know that there was more going on here than it first seemed. And I hated not knowing.


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