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Aiden's Quest

Page 58

by Dane Bagley

Not until the next evening did Jashion regain consciousness. All other survivors of the armies of Cardsten had long since deserted the dark forest. Aiden had heard the occasional howl of a lone wolf, but he did not sense any reason to feel threated in the heart of the dark forest. Its dangers had been massively depleted. Dromreign had returned, late the night before, flying much too high for Aiden to take aim with his bow.

  “Aiden,” said Jashion weakly.


  Aiden returned to his companion’s side.

  “Aiden, take me…”

  “You are not well. You cannot move.”

  “Take me to…the promise land.”

  Aiden was silent. Contemplative. Jashion was silent then, too. In fact, he’d fallen back asleep.

  The next morning Aiden had food and herbs for Jashion. Jashion had lost much blood and many of his wounds oozed with infection.

  “Eat slow, my friend,” said Aiden.

  Jashion did eat slow, and groaned in pain as his wounds were dressed.

  “Aiden, do ye know the way? Have ye found the entrance to the promise land?”

  “Yes,” said Aiden without hesitation.

  “Will ye go with me?”

  “I will,” said Aiden

  Two days later they arrived at the pool. Jashion collapsed at the edge. Aiden scouted around and returned a half hour later. Aiden looked over Jashion. He was pale. The travel was too soon and his friend was unwell.

  “I’m ready, let’s go.”

  Aiden looked over him for a moment.

  “Let me test the way.”

  Aiden dived into the pool and swam down to the crevice. The current was powerful at the crevice and the narrow entrance was jagged and foreboding. He emerged and sat next to his friend, dripping.

  “Is it there?” said Jashion.

  “Yes,” said Aiden.

  “Aye. Me’s ready, let’s goes.”

  “Jashion, it’s not possible.”

  Jashion looked at him strangely.

  “I cannot help you through. You must have the strength to do it alone.”

  “Ye isn’t coming?”

  “Jashion, it is simply not possible to help you through. I could go it on my own, but you don’t have strength. You’re not well. You will have to be healed and fully ready before you can go.”

  “We’ll stay here until me’s ready.”

  Aiden was scanning the area and listening intensely. Jashion had seen this look before. What wolves were left were clustered and drawn to this area.

  “This is the one place we can’t wait,” said Aiden. “We must go now.” Aiden helped him up and they made their way slowly back through the forest.


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