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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

Page 81

by Jamie Knight

  Simon undid the ropes one by one, loosening the knots with one hand while holding my wrist or ankle as he did, lowering my arms and legs gently back to the mattress. Tenderly he unkinked my arms and massaged the feeling back into my legs.

  I didn’t look down, but Simon took care of things down there with a wet wipe, cleaning away my little bit of virgin blood. Lifting me up into his arms, it was back into the bathroom for us. It wasn’t the first time Simon had given me a bath, but it was definitely the most special.

  I hadn’t been sure what would happen when I finally lost my cherry but it, I still hadn’t expected that. I felt truly changed in a fundamental way. Like a new world had been opened to me. The world of adulthood, leaving behind the kid I had been. I still had a lot to learn but also couldn’t wait to get started and I had Simon there to help me along.

  The bath filled up with warm, soapy water, ducky bobbing on the top. Simon scooped me up and slowly submerged me in the relaxing chamber, just letting me float for a while before he started washing me all over.

  Convincing me to sit up, he also tackled the monumental task of washing my hair, going so far as to style it for me. All the chocolate and flowers in the world couldn’t rival that in terms of a romantic gesture.

  Patting me dry, my sweet master swaddled me in a delicious silk robe and led me downstairs, my legs still a little wobbly from what I’d just been through.

  “Sit,” he said, pulling out a chair.


  With my master’s assistance, I eased myself down into the chair and watched as he cooked up a very nice, no meat, high protein dinner for us both, literally cutting my food and feeding me as a sign of his love and devotion, even wiping my chin should I happen to dribble, and kissing me on occasion.

  Since I was satisfied in every possible way, Simon left me watching his flat screen TV for a while as he went up to change the linens. I was actually rubbing my eyes when he returned.

  Kissing me back awake, Simon carried me up the stairs like a fairy tale prince and tucked me into bed, holding me and kissing me until sleep took us.

  Chapter Twenty-Three - Simon

  The feeling was new but in a nice way. It wasn’t the first time I’d woken up next to Skye, but it felt like it was. Something had changed between us but in the best possible way. We had passed the final real signpost on the way to a Dom/submissive relationship and were still as strong as ever.

  I was amazed to find myself wanting to marry her. Not because I had a fear of commitment or any other such bullshit. I just hadn’t ever met anyone I wanted to commit to before, commitment meaning to surrender at least part of my autonomy to another person. Something I hadn’t done since I grew up and moved out of my parents’ house.

  Skye had made me think and feel things I’d never thought or felt before, though. I realized, with no small measure of surprise, that I wanted a permanent relationship with her.

  The images flooded my mind, seeming somewhere between a slide show and a dream. A menagerie of images detailed our future life together: Skye moving into my house to live with me and both of us loving and taking care of each other in every possible way, for the rest of our lives.

  My reverie was interrupted by the distinctive sounds of Skye waking up. I waited to see which way she went, just for fun. She rolled toward me, wrapping her arms around me, her big breasts pressing up against me.

  “Morning,” I said, glad she had chosen to go my way.

  “Morning, Master,” she murmured, contentedly.

  I wasn’t quite sure who instigated the kiss, our lips seeming to come together at exactly the same time. It was more than possible we just had the same idea at the same time in an instance of wonderful coincidence.

  As we kissed, my hands went to her breasts as though drawn by magnets, Skye sticking her chest out to make things a little easier on me. I wasn’t sure if there were any lasting effects from the nipple clamps, so I was nice and gentle, massaging her beautiful tits until she seemed close to orgasm, before backing off.

  Skye looked for a second like she wanted to pout but resisted. I kissed her gently as a reward. It was a simple kiss, at least at first, but it soon evolved into a full on make out session, during which Skye rolled onto her back and opened her legs.

  “What do you say?” I asked, grabbing her thigh hard.


  “Please what?”

  “Please, Master. I want you to fuck my pussy.”

  “Do you now?” I asked, slipping a finger into her wet and ready pussy.

  She bit her lip and nodded as I worked her clit, bringing her to a level of pleasure where she was beyond the power of full sentences.

  “Say it,” I said.

  “Fuck me, Master. Fuck my pussy.”

  She sounded truly desperate. Her beautiful eyes were flashing with burning desire. It was nice to see her expressing herself so openly. A far cry from the timid young thing I’d first met at that morning staff meeting.

  I teased her a little first, getting her ready. While she had been freshly deflowered, my sweet little Skye was still very sore and I didn’t want to hurt her, even by accident. She was mine and I loved her. I was taking no chances.

  Moving with all due care and attention, I climbed on top of my little darling, stroking the head of my cock against her tight young pussy. The one I’d been responsible for breaking in. It was a fact that filled me with both pride and protectiveness.

  “That okay?” I asked, getting in just past the head.

  “Yes, Master,” moaned my little pet.

  Taking gentle hold of her, I started to move, pumping my big throbbing cock in her tight little pussy, Skye moaning in time with my thrusts. Her cries were loud, full throated declarations of her pleasure and love, different from anything I’d heard from her except for the night before when I’d taken her virginity.

  Skye wrapped herself around me as I fucked her. Arms around my back. Legs around my waist, making it impossible for me to pull out even if I wanted to.

  I had to wonder if this was intentional, and then I remembered her expression when I’d cum in her the night before. The look of pure bliss on her illuminated face. I would do anything to make her happy, so I kept going.

  I’d thought about the possibility of babies. Skye was young and as far as I knew, healthy. There was no reason she shouldn’t be able to carry a healthy baby with few to no issues.

  Bad things could always happen, fate being random and all, but odds were things would turn out fine. And if I was going to have children, an idea I’d been thinking about more as I’d gotten older, then I was in the best possible situation I could be in to do that, with Skye. The fact that I also loved her with all my heart was a major factor in what I decided to do next.

  “I want to put a baby in you,” I told her.

  “Okay, Master,” she said.

  Careful to time it so our orgasms happened at the same time, her pussy walls grabbing onto my cock, I filled her up with my cum. Skye looked like she might transcend beyond the mortal plane of existence.

  Once we were done, we showered and she dressed in the outfit I’d bought her, having returned the clamps and vibrator to her possession for practice at home. Then we headed down to the car.

  We had barely twenty minutes to spare before our usual arrival time at work. It was more important than ever that things appeared to be normal. Especially since they had fundamental and permanently changed.

  It hurt like losing a limb as I dropped her off on the sidewalk near the building. But doing so was needed to keep up appearances.

  “See you at lunch?” I asked.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said with a smile.

  I waited until she had turned the corner before going in to work.

  The secret to successfully rushing was to look like you weren’t rushing at all. Sam had been around for a long time, though, and knew a rush when he saw one. On the upside, he was a more or l
ess neutral party, with whom I was on good terms, so he just winked and told me to have a good day.

  Every day at the office was good now that Skye was here. I couldn’t be with her openly but that didn’t mean I couldn’t see her.

  Within a few keystrokes, I had her on the screen as she sat at her cubicle. I hadn’t given her any more work yet, but she still wasn’t wasting time. She was writing, presumably the first draft of her novel I’d ordered her to finish.

  Around lunchtime on that sunny but snowy day, disaster struck. I watched Skye check her email before going for lunch, the others already gone, and I saw her expression change like I’d never seen before.

  I wanted to go to her. To hug her, to kiss her, make everything okay, but I just couldn’t risk it. Something in me told me things had gone wrong somehow and I needed to know what was happened before we broke protocol too much. At least while we were on company property.

  Skye seemed to feel it too. With a quick glance around to make sure she was alone, Skye left the purview of the all-seeing eyes of the cameras. I knew where she was headed, and I could nearly count down to the exact step she was at when she knocked lightly at my office door. I made it a point to get to it as fast as possible, so I wouldn’t worry her.

  “They know,” she said, as soon as the door was close.

  “What do you mean? Who knows?”

  “Corporate. Someone figured it out about us and snitched to corporate,” she said, pacing a trench into the carpet, “so we’re under investigation.”

  “Who told you that?”

  “I just got an email from HR. They tried to be civil, but I could read between the lines. They’re spitting tacks. Any little thing could set them off. We could both be fired and—”

  I took her firmly by the arms and made her look at me, my strong presence striking her silent.

  “Calm down,” I said.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, visibly relaxing.

  I released her, just then feeling the knife in my heart as her words finally started to sink in.

  “What do you want to do?” I asked, my confidence almost gone, although I tried not to show it.

  “I think we need to stop,” she told me, her inner agony showing in her eyes.


  “I don’t want you to get fired. You have a career here. You really are one of the best. They need you but that won’t stop them from firing you if they think they’re right.”

  The words stung like poisoned arrows. Mostly because she was absolutely right. The brass could be vindictive bastards when they thought they were crossed.

  My sterling record to that point wouldn’t count for much if they found out I was directly defying them on a rule they considered to be cardinal. I also shuddered to think what would happen to Skye.

  She would definitely be fired, probably before the end of her already short-term employment contract was up. Worse than that, she would more than likely get a reputation as someone trying to sleep her way to the top, even though that absolutely was not true.

  Nor was it fair, since I had done the same, but women seemed to get more of the blame. I didn’t want this to tarnish her career opportunities forever. It sounded crazy but I knew that if I ever wanted to see her again, I could never see her again in the way we both wanted.

  “Business only?” I asked.

  Sweet Skye nodded, looking like she was going to cry. I could certainly empathize but felt like I had to keep it together. Giving her one final hug, I kissed her on the forehead before she returned to her cubical, thus beginning our completely business relationship.

  Returning to my desk, I got out the Absinthe. It had been a gift from Inga the previous Christmas, sent over by her parents in Germany. I knew it was sacrilege, but I needed relief and didn’t much care, swigging the powerful witches’ brew straight from the bottle.

  It was almost frightening how quickly the light green liquid disappeared. The last thing I saw before the world went dark was the image of Skye crying at her desk on the computer screen.

  Chapter Twenty-Four - Skye

  The clock ticked like a countdown to something. My mind flashed back to an old British comic-book as I lay in the dark. I had found it by accident in the library while looking around one day.

  I was a bit surprised to find the publication date from the late 1980s, convinced at that time that the world had basically started the day I was born. That was a bit of arrogance I would soon be relieved of, with the more history I read.

  The cursed clock ticked in my head, more maddening than Captain Hook’s crock or the Tell-Tale Heart. I would have had a modern, digital design but my parents were worried I might electrocute myself.

  They basically had an Edwardian’s knowledge of electrical gadgets and were generally of the opinion that technological innovations should have stopped with the electric light.

  I’d tried counting sheep but stopped after I got to a million. Besides which, the baaing noise in my head had become distracting. But even worse than the tick of the doom clock or the baaing of the flying sheep, was the sense, like the presence of a ghost, of Simon, holding me from behind.

  It was the first night I had slept without him in what seemed like forever. Love could do some strange things to your sense of time.

  I had slept so well with him. Drifting right off and waking up usually only when prompted. Having my master with me, even downstairs, made me feel safe on a deep and essential level that let me surrender to the night.

  That was something I had never really too good at, having orderliness insomnia most of the way through elementary school, certain something terrible would happen if I dared to go to sleep.

  What exactly this might be, I had no idea, but the risk of it was still enough to keep me up at night. It took years of trying different things to be able to sleep and even then, it had never been gone completely smoothly.

  There were pills I could take to help me fall asleep and to suppress my dreams but my parents wouldn’t get them for me, medication being for weak-willed losers in their opinion. They believed that truly strong people prayed for strength and healing and those who were worthy got it.

  This was a tune that in no way changed when my paternal grandfather died of cancer. They didn’t even attend his funeral.

  Now I was back where I’d been before: lying awake fearing something terrible. The fact that I was alone in what felt like my big empty apartment didn’t help much. The bigger irony was that if that weren’t the case, something terrible might well have happened.

  I knew Simon would want to stay with me, but he was trying to save both our jobs and that might not be possible if we got fired, anyway. I guess he had savings, but they would only go so far.

  While I was confident that he would want me to live with him and support me, I didn’t want to put that kind of pressure on him. Meaning basically, at least in my reductive mind, that it came down to a choice between breaking up with Simon and maybe staying in the city, or staying with him and possibly having to go home to my parents, therefore losing him anyway.

  This was truly a choice between poisoning or stabbing and both led to the same damn result.

  I wondered who had turned us in and figured it had to be Amber.

  She had nothing to go by but baseless suspicions, so I didn’t see how the investigation could reveal anything too untoward— Simon and I had been careful not to put anything in writing, of course, and we had taken every other possible precaution to not expose our secret affair around the office— but it was all over, anyway, now that we were under a microscope.

  Jealous Amber had gotten her way. It seemed that if she couldn’t have Simon, she wanted to make sure no one else could, either.

  My relationship with Simon was doomed, and I wasn’t sure I would ever get a good night’s sleep again without him by my side.

  Chapter Twenty-Five - Skye

  Somehow, through the aid of unseen forces, I’d manag
ed to get myself into work on the bus. My tummy was rebelling, but I figured it was because of the combination of stress and no breakfast.

  “Oh dear,” Sam said, as I signed in, although he had enough discretion to make no further comment.

  It had been a few weeks since Simon and I decided not to see each other anymore. I really thought it would have gotten easier, but it didn’t.

  The pain was fresh every time I happened to see him at the office. I tried to focus on why we had decided to do it, so the sacrifice wouldn’t be in vain. But I always circled back to thinking there was no good reason not to be together, no matter the cost.

  Sadly, though, that wasn’t solely my decision to make. And I didn’t want to do anything harmful to Simon.

  It came on like a freight train. I’d been at work for maybe an hour. There had still been a gift there, as there had been the last several days. Secret Santa was part of the office culture, after all, and it would have looked weird if my own gifts had just stopped. Besides which, I knew Simon loved to give them to me.

  It felt like a punch in the belly and I knew I was going to puke. The bathrooms were outside the office space, out in the hall with the elevators.

  I only counted myself lucky that the bathrooms didn’t require a key or I don’t think I would have made it in time. After completely losing the breakfast I never ate, I zombie walked back into the office, feeling as dead as I must have looked.

  “Skye,” Inga said, as I passed her desk.

  I looked, and she signaled for me to get closer, as though we were being watched. I complied, trying not to make a show of leaning in.

  “Today at lunch, go get a pregnancy test,” she whispered to me.

  I wanted to ask what the heck she was talking about, but she had already gone back into mechanical mode, typing madly at her terminal. There was no point in trying to talk to her when she was in that state, so I just went back to my desk.


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