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Savor Every Moment

Page 10

by Shea Balik

  Wray roared, his body jackknifing off the bed. His canines sank into Elton’s flesh at the same moment he felt Wray’s cock throb before spraying his channel with his seed.

  Elton’s entire world zeroed in on the two places where Wray was buried within his body. Nothing else mattered but the sheer bliss that poured into him, causing him to soar higher, until he was sure he could touch the sun.

  Minutes went by as Elton draped exhausted, yet happily, over his mate. “I love you,” he murmured, unable to get his voice any louder as he continued to float on a cloud of euphoria.

  Wray’s hand stroke along his spine. “I love you too, bubbly.”

  His phone would choose that moment to ring. Boneless and melty, Elton considered not answering, but Wray took that decision out of his hands when he reached over to the bedside table and handed it to him.



  “Hey, Nole.”

  “We had an appointment,” Nole said.

  “Really?” Elton feigned stupid. “When?”

  “Fifteen minutes ago.” Nole told him. “I thought you’d be here early so I could release you for sex.”

  Elton smiled. “Not to worry. I just had sex and I didn’t die, so I guess that makes me fit for sex.”

  He heard Nole sigh, but Elton wasn’t about to wait around for a lecture. “Thanks for calling. I promise to stop by just as soon as I have the energy to climb off my mate and take a shower.”

  Wray chuckled as he hung up the phone. “Life with you will never be boring.”

  Elton popped his head up just enough to look down at his mate with a smile. “With any luck. Now, I believe at some point you mentioned wanting to laugh more. I suggest we head into town, find Iniko, and come up with some crazy names for these field games. Like for bean bag toss we could make the bean bags look like a dick and call it dick in the hole.”

  Wray laughed, not just any laugh either, but that special, full belly laugh that Elton had been trying for. Then his mate rolled out of bed and held out his hand for Elton. “Come on, bubbly, if we’re going to go screwing with Iniko’s mind like that we’re going to need to shower first.

  Elton hopped up from the mattress. “Oh, then we can have shower sex. Now that we know sex won’t kill me, I think we should see just how many positions we do in one day.”

  Just as he planned, Wray laughed even harder. Elton hadn’t thought his mate would take him up on his offer, but he’d ended up pinned to the wall of the shower with Wray’s cock in his ass. Good thing he’d made the suggestion.


  “Good evening, everyone.”

  Wray closed his eyes, loving the pure excitement and happiness in his mate’s voice as Elton wrapped up the day of field games. It had taken ten days to pull the event off, partly because Zayn had yet to fix the tractor, for which he gave Elton the evil eye anytime he was around, and partly because it had taken some time to arrange for all the games to be delivered.

  “I hope everyone had a good time, whether you participated or watched.” The crowd cheered when Elton paused. “I’m hoping to make this a somewhat regular event and I promise to consider all your suggestions for activities that we can add in the future.”

  More cheers erupted.

  “To those who won, I want to congratulate you on a job well done.”

  This time the crowd went nuts, with several shouts and whistles.

  “And to those who participated but lost,” Elton gave a little shrug. “We have one more event where you can show your stuff. This is one activity that everyone can participate it.”

  Iniko then appeared on stage, pushing a rolling table with several pieces of equipment. When he stopped, Elton pointed to the edges of the hastily put up stage. Two large pieces of cloth that had been hiding something were pulled off to revel giant speakers.

  “It’s time to dance.”

  Right on cue, the first song started blaring through the speakers. Whitney Houston’s voice started up her famous hit, “I Wanna Dance with Somebody.”

  Once more the crowd went nuts and just about everyone started to move and sing at the top of their lungs. Elton ran off stage to Wray, who’d been waiting in the wings.

  “I’m proud of you, bubbly,” Wray told his mate. “This was an amazing day. I haven’t heard one iota of a complaint from anyone, not even the losers.”

  Elton grinned, his body bouncing as if standing still were impossible. “I know. I still can’t believe it. So many asked if we could do this again. Edrick not only agreed to make this a regular event, but he wants me to do one every three months and add something to honor the season we’re in.”

  Wray leaned in to kiss his mate, wanting to taste that excitement for himself. “That doesn’t surprise me in the least,” he said when he finally pulled back from the kiss. “You did such a good job, so, of course, he’d want a repeat.”

  Those pale green eyes sparkled with joy. “As the song says, I wanna dance with somebody,” Elton said as he pulled Wray closer to the crowd of people who were showing off their moves. “And I want that somebody to be you.”

  “There’s nothing I want more, bubbly.” For four songs they jumped up and down, shook their asses and had a great time outdoing the other with quirky moves.

  As much fun as it was, Wray had to admit when he heard the music change to something a little slower, he couldn’t wait to get Elton into his arms, with their bodies pressed together.

  “How about you?” Elton asked. “Did you have a good time?”

  Good didn’t even begin to describe it. Just watching his mate in his element had brought him more joy than Wray had ever imagined possible. The fact that all of Miracle was there, enjoying the day, congratulating Elton instead of looking at him as if he were out of his mind, making Elton puff up as if he were king of the mountain, was more satisfying than anything Wray had ever done.

  “Today was like a little slice of heaven. It let all of us see what life is supposed to be,” Wray said as he leaned in for a kiss. “You are the one that is making Miracle a home to us all.”

  Tears shimmered in Elton’s eyes. “That might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  “You make being sweet the easiest thing in the world.” The words were more than a bit cheesy, but Wray meant every one. “I will never stop being in awe of all you’ve given me.”

  Elton cocked his head in confusion. “What did I give you?”

  Wray smiled and pressed his forehead to his mate’s. He loved this closeness with Elton. “You taught me the most important part of life.”

  “What’s that?” his mate asked softly as he closed the distance between them, letting his lips linger on Wray’s for several achingly perfect moments.

  By the time they broke the kiss, Wray had tears in his eyes, but he didn’t care, nor did it matter who saw them, for he was happy. He had Elton to thank for that. “You taught me that life is meant to be lived and it isn’t worth anything if I don’t savor every moment.”




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