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Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2)

Page 31

by nikki blaire

  “Oh, yea, of course. I always knew she would. It was just the moment that threw me off. I’m telling you that because you told me that you were sure my daughter would say yes. Don’t go doubting that now.”

  He held up his glass to Marcus’ and then clinked them together. “Good luck, young man.”

  The front door to Alphonse’s hotel suite opened and in walked Charlisse’s aunt.

  “I sure do hope you're decent, Alphonse. I got you a new tie because that one you showed me for tonight is atrocious.” She looked up at both of them.

  “Oh, hey, y’all. Marcus, so good to see you. You look dapper.”

  “Thank you, Marie.” Marcus had met Charlisse’s aunt when her family first arrived yesterday.

  Marie Dupree was Charlisse’s mother’s only sibling and sister. She was a few years older than Charlisse’s father, but Marcus couldn’t tell. Marie’s only give away of her age was her head full of silver hair. Marcus had insisted that she call him Marc because his father was Marcus, to which she replied that she didn’t know his father and called people by what their mother had named them.

  “She gets to be Marie, but I keep getting called Mr. Lageaux like some old man.” Alphonse shook his head.

  “You are an old man.” Marie smiled while she pulled the tie out of the shopping bag that she was holding. “Here. Make yourself look presentable.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Alphonse took the bag with a frown. “Thank you.”

  “Uh huh.” She spun around and then went back towards the door. “The rest of us are almost dressed, Alphonse. We’re not going to be late because you can’t decide between which gray suit you want to wear.”

  She tossed her long ringlets of hair before walking out the door.

  “I swear, ever since her husband passed a few years ago, she’s taken to bothering the hell out of me.” Alphonse huffed once he and Marcus were alone again.

  “I’ll leave you to finish getting ready.” Marcus thankfully tapped his arm. “The car is outside, waiting. Come down when you’re done. I’m going to head over to the venue and make sure everything is set up.”

  “Okay.” Alphonse nodded, as Marcus walked away. “One quick thing, where is this thing going to be?”

  “The African art museum.” He smiled. “It’s where we met.”

  Marcus said goodbye then made his way to the museum to see how the set up was going. Renting out the museum on such short notice had cost him, but it would be worth it to see the look on Charlisse’s face.

  Tonight, the plan was to walk Charlisse through a gallery of pictures of her life leading up to that special night. To Marcus, she was art, so a museum of her made perfect sense. Plus, he loved the irony of her believing that tonight was about him when it was truly about her.

  “My sister is good.” He had to commend Ayda for coming up with it all.

  He pulled up to the museum. And his heart beat loudly as he walked inside. The last time he was here, Marcus was reluctantly walking into a wedding. Now, he was practically skipping inside for his own engagement.

  The staff that his sister hired bustled around to make the final touches while Marcus gazed at it all in amazement. Framed pictures of Charlisse’s childhood hung on the walls like priceless pieces of artwork.

  Ayda had gotten the pictures from her family once she shared her idea with them. Marcus followed the chronology, stopping at pictures that touched him the most. One of her and her mother, another of her college graduation, another of her first day of work on Capitol Hill.

  In their short romance, he was still discovering things about her. He knew that was a reason to move more slowly for some. But to Marcus, it meant they would spend the rest of their lives discovering new reasons to fall in love with each other. He had waited so long to find someone like Charlisse. Why continue to wait on starting his forever. He wanted to start it now.

  He continued down the hall of photographs until he got to the ones they had taken at his Sports Illustrated photoshoot. Truthfully, the edition that he was featured in wouldn’t come out for another few weeks, but these photos would be seen by everyone that mattered tonight.

  Marcus wanted to touch them, thinking of how Charlisse was growing their child inside of her then and now. He tried not to get emotional, but couldn’t stop the feelings that covered him.

  “It looks great in here.” He recognized his brother’s voice behind him.

  “Got damn, Ayda sure can spend some money.” Tremaine’s voice came next. “Are these frames real gold?”

  Marcus turned around to both his brother and Tremaine staring at the decorations.

  “It is beautiful. I’m impressed” He had to admit.

  “Damn, what’s she gonna expect for her proposal?” Tremaine clenched his chest. “My wallet’s not unlimited like yours.”

  “I’ll see what we can do.” Marcus chuckled, as they slapped hands.

  “And thanks, Dwele.” He pulled his brother into a hug. “Do you have the ring?”

  He had asked Dwele to pick it up, worried that he might misplace it, or worse, forget to pick it up with all that he had going on.

  “You know I got it, man.” Dwele grinned widely, as he dug in his pocket.

  He retrieved a small velvet box and then held it out to Marcus. “It’s dope, bro. I took a peek. Open it.”

  Marcus’ palms grew sweaty before taking the box out of his brother’s hand. He picked it up and then opened the box revealing the ring. All three of them let out a small gasp at the sight of it.

  “Don’t let Ayda see it.” Tremaine sighed.

  “It better look good, as much as it cost.” Dwele shook his head.

  “It’s perfect.” Marcus wanted to take it out of the box, but didn’t.

  Instead, he closed the box again and put it in his own pocket. “That’s everything. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  “Good because I think people are starting to arrive.” Dwele turned back towards the door.

  Marcus could see the cars beginning to pull up and park with the valet.

  “Showtime.” He slapped hands with both of them again.

  An emotion that he couldn’t quite describe hummed through him, as guests began to file in. He greeted each of them and directed them to the food and open bar. It gave everyone time to realize the real reason they were here.

  “Marc,” His mother’s voice was unmistakable. “What is all of this? I thought this was about your Sports Illustrated interview.”

  She stood with her hands on her hips. Marcus smiled and reached for a glass of champagne to give her. “Mother, it’s a surprise.”

  “A surprise?” She spat at him. “I don’t like surprises, especially not ones that feel like they’re going to give me a heart attack.”

  “I doubt that, Mother.” He spotted Charlisse’s father and motioned for him to come over. “Mother, this is Charlisse’s father. Chief Judge Alphonse Lageaux, this is my mother Claudette Forde.”

  He introduced the two of them, hoping that would give his mother enough of a distraction to get off of his back.

  “Charlisse? What?” She looked up at both of them before extending her hand.

  “Good evening, Claudette.” Her father took his mother’s hand and left a small peck on it.

  “Uh, hello.” Claudette glanced up at Marcus then back at Alphonse. “Is there any particular reason why you’re here, Chief Judge? And where is Charlisse?”

  “You have a lot of great questions, Mother. I’ll leave you with Mr. Lageaux. He should be able to answer them.”

  Marcus dismissed himself to find somewhere to hide out until Charlisse arrived. Too many people bombarding him might make him miss her coming in. He looked down at his phone to see if he had a text message from his sister to let him know they were on their way, but didn’t see anything.

  “Hurry up, people are arriving.” He said to himself, while he tried to duck away.

  He knew that he could only stall for so long.

rc, what in the hell is going on?” Terry spotted him, just before he was able to dip into a secluded corner.

  “This ain’t about no damn Sports Illustrated. If you ask me, this looks like,”

  “Did you see the photo of you and Charlisse at the White House?” He interjected, purposefully not wanting Terry to confirm what he suspected.

  Marcus was sure that Terry would blab to Charlisse if he knew.

  “Yea, I did…”

  “Good, go look at it again.” He waved Terry away, just as his phone started to vibrate.

  He hastily fetched it out of his pocket to see that his sister was finally texting him.

  We’re here.

  Those two simple words sent him spinning. A few moments later, his sister and her assistant Renee strutted into the room with Charlisse striding gracefully behind them.

  She took his breath away when she made eye contact with him and smiled. He took in everything about her as she came closer - her dress, hair, and beautiful face. She was glowing.

  Ayda led Charlisse right to him, as planned, then disappeared once Marcus grabbed Charlisse’s hand.

  “This is beautiful, baby.” Charlisse kissed him. “A little feminine for Sports Illustrated though, don’t you think?”

  “Ha.” He had to laugh. “Come in. I was waiting for you.”

  A waiter approached with sparkling white grape juice. “For you.”

  He grabbed a flute and handed it to her.

  “Marc, you know I can’t,”

  “It’s grape juice, don’t worry.” He guided her further inside. “You look...there are no words.”

  Marcus spun her around.

  “Thank you. You look handsome, as always.” She followed him deeper into the museum.

  Music began to play, as he took her hand to bring her towards the photos. “I have a confession, baby. Is that okay?”

  “Another secret, Marc? Seriously.” She took a sip from her glass.

  “Not quite like that one from earlier.” He brought her to the gallery of photos, bypassing the group of guests who Ayda kept busy by playing hostess.

  “There are some pictures that I had framed of some special moments in your life.”

  He brought her to the first one, a picture of her as a baby with her parents.

  “Where did you get this?” She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

  Marcus chose not to answer, as he led her to the next set of childhood pictures. “It seems like you’ve always been a light that attracts people. I could tell from the moment we met.”

  Charlisse gaped at the photos of her as a toddler, then as a school girl, and finally as a teenager with friends.

  “I talked to your father and he said you’ve always been kind and generous, doing everything you can to help those around you.”

  “My father?” She was gripping Marcus’ hand so tightly now that he worried he may lose feeling in it.

  “Your aunt Marie gave me this picture. She said it meant so much to her because it was one of the times where you looked just like your mother.”

  They both looked up at Charlisse’s photo from her senior prom. By now, Charlisse was overwhelmed and fighting back her emotions.

  “What is going on, Marc? What are you doing?” She begged him to tell her, but he just kept moving them through the pictures.

  “And here you are graduating with your masters. You’re the smartest person I know.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek, as the tears she was trying to hold in started to fall.

  “This was a few years ago, I think, right? You and Terry with the Obamas. Remember when you tried to tell me that I was the one with all the pull?”

  They both laughed, thinking of their first night together.

  “Getting to know you and looking through all of these pictures to pick the best ones was great, baby, but these are my favorite. You’ve never seen them, but they mean so much to me.”

  He felt her wobble a little when he put her in front of the pictures from the photoshoot. The candids that the photographer captured of them dancing were blown up to a large size.

  “Oh my goodness. How did you do this?”

  “I can do anything.” He shrugged. “I’m Marc Forde.” He moved behind her.

  “And I want you to be Mrs. Marc Forde.” He kneeled in front of her on one knee and pulled the ring box out of his pocket.

  “Will you marry me, Charlisse?”

  He opened it and presented the ring to her, hoping that she would love it.

  “Marc, I…” She opened her mouth and then closed it again.

  Her eyes flitted between him and the ring.

  “Marc, I…” She tried again, but nothing came out.

  “I…yes. Yes. Yes!” She suddenly squealed.

  For a moment, Marcus didn’t think he heard her correctly.

  He didn't believe that this moment had finally come.

  “Yes?” He repeated to be sure.

  “Yes.” She breathed and then held out her hand for him to place the ring on.

  He kissed it first then gingerly placed the ring on her finger. Marcus jumped up and lifted her in the air before bringing her back down for a kiss. Applause erupted behind them, which made Charlisse finally notice the other people.

  “What?” Charlisse blinked for a moment then screeched when she recognized her father. “Daddy?”

  Alphonse nodded before coming closer to hug her.

  “Aunt Margaret?” Charlisse saw her next then looked back at Marcus, as if she didn’t believe it.

  “Congratulations, bebelle.” Her father kissed her forehead, while her aunt squeezed her tightly.

  Everyone else joined in to tell her congratulations, as she started to comprehend that the guests were all of her friends and family.

  “Terry!” She screamed, as her friend came through the crowd.

  “You’re getting married, bitch!” He wrapped her up while they screamed together.

  Marcus stood back to watch her enjoy the moment when he felt a hand lace fingers with his. He looked down to find his mother standing next to him, watching as well.

  “What a surprise.” She stared up at him.

  He wasn’t quite sure if it was an expression of approval or displeasure.

  “I know, but I couldn’t tell you, Mother. I wanted to make it special for her.” He stole another look at his fiancee’, the most beautiful woman on Earth.

  “I understand.” Claudette rubbed his arm. “With everything you’ve been through in the public eye, I can understand why you would want to keep this to yourself.”

  “Thank you, Mother.” Marcus leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I’m glad you approve.”

  “Very much so. Charlisse has been a blessing to this family.” They both watched her showing her ring to the crowd that was huddled around her.

  “But you know what this means?” Claudette pinched him. “I’m expecting grandbabies...and soon.”

  “Are you now?” Marcus chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “That was perfect! Perfect!” His sister joined them. “I thought you’d blow it, but you can be real romantic when you wanna be, big brother.”

  “You’re going to keep losing if you keep betting against me.” Marcus hugged her.

  “Thank you, Ayda. Not just for this, but for whatever you said,”

  “Nope, hush.” She put a finger in his face. “I’m your sister. I don’t always like you, but I love you. No thanks needed.”

  Dwele and Tremaine eventually made their way over to them as well.

  “Congratulations! It’s done.” Dwele patted his shoulder. “How do you feel?”

  “Shit, ready to take Charlisse back home, and,”

  His mother coughed, reminding him that she was still in ear shot. “Pray.”

  He finished with a laugh just as the DJ took to the microphone.

  “Alright, alright, can I get another round of applause and congratulations for the newly engaged couple, Marc and Charlisse.”

/>   The crowd began to cheer again, as Marcus made his way to his soon-to-be bride.

  “Are you happy? Was it like you dreamed?” He grabbed Charlisse around the waist and pulled her close to him.

  “Better.” She leaned into him for a kiss. “I’m still...I don’t even know what to say? This ring is…”

  “And Charlisse Lageaux finally doesn’t have anything to say? I really did do a good job.” He led her to the middle of the room.

  “And Marc Forde is still an asshole.” She fell into his arms as they prepared to dance.

  “Hey, some things don’t change.” He pressed her against him, while the DJ played something slow for them to share their first dance as an engaged couple.



  A soft knock sounded against the door of the room where Charlisse was getting dressed.

  “Come in.” She adjusted the beaded cap sleeve of her gown, while she stood in the mirror.

  “Charlisse, do you need any help?” Ayda’s voice came from the other side before she peeped in.

  “No, I’ve got it on.” She looked at herself one more time. “What do you think?”

  Charlisse spun around to face Ayda just as she walked into the room.

  “My brother might cry.” She giggled.

  “I can see?” Sasha pushed the door open all of the way to get a closer look at Charlisse in her wedding dress. “Wow. That’s a prettiest dress I ever seen.”

  She came closer totting her little basket of flowers. “It’s wedding time!”

  She tossed a few in the air then snickered as the flower petals fell onto the ground.

  “Not yet, Sasha.” Ayda pulled her back towards the door. “You’ve got to save the flowers for when we go down the aisle.”

  “Oh.” Sasha’s face turned somber. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” Charlisse had to laugh at the cuteness. “I’m almost ready.”

  She looked back to Ayda. “You really think it’s nice? I’m just…”

  She was trying to think of the best way to describe what she was feeling. It wasn’t nervousness. She was self-conscious about how she looked. At three and a half months pregnant, she was concerned about her appearance.


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