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Need Me

Page 2

by Shelli Stevens

  Her stomach clenched and for a moment the memory of those awful years threatened to send her into an emotional tailspin.

  Being forced to serve the two brothers day after day, to clean their living quarters and service them in the bedroom. Or out of it. She’d simply had to service them anytime they got a whim to take her.

  In the mirror she watched her blue-green eyes cloud with revulsion.

  In reality she’d been the same as any droid moving about, robotic in her actions and completely emotionless.

  She’d been quick to learn that feeling anything could be nothing but detrimental if she meant to survive. But then there were days she’d questioned whether surviving was even worth it.

  Drawing in a slow breath, she closed her eyes. You are not in that life anymore. You are no longer that woman. She repeated the mantra until her pulse slowed again.

  Opening her eyes she met her gaze in the mirror and saw a confident woman completely in control of her emotions.

  She turned and went to turn on the showering unit, preparing to meet with her sponsor.

  * * * *

  Nika walked into her sponsor’s chambers, pushing aside the familiar burst of nerves. This was nothing new; each time she entered Rachel’s office she grew edgy. There was something about the woman that made her uncomfortable. Today was no different.

  The doors hissed shut behind her as she entered the room. She lifted her head and strode in with a self-assurance she’d once feigned but now commanded.

  Her steps faltered as she spotted her sponsor reclining naked on the couch, one of her many lovers lying between her thighs.

  Rachel ran a hand through the younger woman’s platinum hair, lifting her hips as the woman’s mouth moved over her pussy.

  “I apologize,” Nika began, thankful her voice was neutral since inside she felt all too uneasy. “I thought you were to be informed of my arrival.”

  “I was, darling.” Rachel gave a lazy smile and lowered her heated gaze to the woman who licked her pussy. “I simply saw no reason not to mix business with pleasure.”

  Heat spread to Nika’s cheeks, but she murmured a calm, “Of course.”

  Rachel lifted a brow. “Unless you’d like to join us?”

  The younger woman lifted her head from between Rachel’s legs and licked her lips, looking Nika over with interest.

  “Thank you, but no.”

  The woman laughed softly, and still holding Nika’s gaze, lowered her head to flick her tongue over Rachel’s clit.

  This dance was not unfamiliar to her. Rachel had always left open the door to her sensual world, and invited Nika to partake in the pleasures that could be explored on the all-female planet.

  Nika wasn’t the least bit tempted, although that fact often made her feel a bit guilty for residing on Tresden. The lack of men on the planet was also the very thing that kept her here. It offered her a sense of safety. Of peace.

  “Vivecca called me with the news,” Rachel murmured. “Congratulations.”

  Nika drew in a deep breath, and her discomfort eased a bit as satisfaction moved through her. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “You’re welcome. I must say that I’m pleased. Though I agreed to sponsor you, at times I feared you might not be suitable for this mission.” Rachel’s gaze moved to Nika’s breasts. “But it appears your instructor finds you able.”

  “Indeed.” Nika crossed the room and sat down on a nearby chair, crossing one leg over another. “When will I be sent to Belton?”

  Rachel gave a soft laugh and started to answer, then lifted her hand in a gesture to hold on for a moment. Her gaze drifted down to the woman between her thighs and her mouth tightened with displeasure.

  “Lick me faster, Fiona,” she commanded quietly. “If you want to become one of my favorites, you must listen to my instructions.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The woman resumed her task, her nimble tongue flicking faster over Rachel’s clit.

  “Now. Where were we?” Rachel paused. “Right. Your mission to Belton. You will want to arrive with enough time to learn the area. Gain the trust of those who know and guard the lab.”

  “Of course. And I have already been given the necessary material to don my space tourist alias.”

  “It seems you are well prepared.” Rachel’s eyes fluttered shut. “One moment…”

  She gripped the younger woman’s hair tighter, rocking her sex against her mouth. Rachel let out a long groan and her heels dug into the couch.

  A moment later her body went slack, and her eyes opened again. She licked her lips and smiled.

  “Very well done, Fiona. Please. Come sit beside me now.”

  Nika averted her gaze as the woman moved up on the couch and settled next to Rachel. Nika was never comfortable watching Rachel and her women. In a sense, it reminded her of the life she used to live.

  Only this time she had a choice, and she had no desire to sexually entertain another person. Be it a woman or man.

  Any needs she had she took into her own hands. Literally. Which was actually quite liberating as she’d been denied the right to pleasure herself as a Rosabelle on Zortou.


  Nika pulled her gaze back to Rachel. The older woman watched her with amusement as she cuddled with her newest lover, one hand idly toying with the woman’s breast.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “You are free to go and pack your things. I have arranged for you to be on the next pod destined to leave the planet by nightfall.” Rachel smiled gently. “Though by no means do I expect you to succeed in your mission right away, I will expect you to check in with me.”

  “Of course.”

  Nika’s heart pounded with excitement, and she swiped her tongue over lips. Finally. She had a purpose and a mission. A way to prove that she was so much more than a woman groomed to give pleasure.

  And Rachel had believed in her, had picked her for this mission. Though the older woman had always made it clear she desired Nika in her bed, she’d never forced the issue. She always left the choice up to Nika as she trained for her mission.

  Nika’s voice trembled as she murmured, “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “You’re quite welcome, Donika.” Rachel’s smile faltered. “You will be missed.”

  Nika frowned, concerned by the heavy finality in Rachel’s last words. “I will return.”

  “Yes. Of course you shall.”

  Nika stared at her a moment, her heart thudding. She wasn’t sure Rachel believed the words she’d just uttered. Did she truly fear Nika would never return? Not succeed in this mission?

  “Be well, Donika,” was the way Rachel dismissed her, her attention already turning to the younger woman’s body that she now played with.

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  Still puzzled by Rachel’s response, but seeing no point in dwelling upon what it could mean, Nika gave a curt nod and turned. She strode out of the room and toward her future.

  Chapter 2

  Nika stepped outside the Planetary Customs building and sighed. What a relief it was to have her paperwork approved and be done with the mandatory detox chamber.

  She stretched her legs, her gaze sweeping over the foreign planet she now stood upon.

  The area outside the landing zone bustled with people. Men and women strode around what looked to be the market during mid-day.

  What caught her attention the most were the men. There were so many of them.

  Wariness slid through her, and ice seemed to seep into her veins. She tried to ignore the unease, which was easier said than done since it had been over two years since she’d last seen a man.

  “Welcome to the planet Belton, ma’am. May I take your bags for you?”

  She stiffened, turning to face the deep voice that had come from behind her.

  A man, almost a boy really, grinned at her as he reached for her luggage. Obviously he was an attendant of some sort.

  “Could I summon you a sky taxi? Where is your destinat

  If she was to fit in on this planet, then she’d very well better learn to feign at least indifference to the opposite sex.

  Forcing a brief smile, she nodded. “Thank you, that would be lovely. I’m seeking accommodations in a local lodge.” She paused. “Someplace near the Broughlin military complex as I’m visiting a cousin stationed there.”

  “Easy enough.” He grinned, showing two oversized front teeth, and waved down an approaching sky taxi. “I know of a great place over on Union Boulevard.”

  Some of the tension left her body. It was hard to feel afraid of a male when he seemed so…endearing. Certainly not a threat or violent like most of the men had been on Zortou.

  She closed that emotional door before it could fully open again.

  “Here you are, ma’am.”

  She watched as the sky taxi came to a halt next to the platform, hovering in the air. The door to the pod slid open and the young man leaned in and gave instructions to the computer.

  He pulled back out and nodded. “There, all set. The pod will take you directly to the lodge. Enjoy your stay on Belton.”

  “Thank you.” She pressed a coin into his hand and gave him a brief smile before climbing into the taxi.

  The door slid shut, and the pod lifted into the air, zipping forward and away from the platform.

  Her stomach fluttered with a sudden burst of nerves. She was here on Belton. After several hours of intergalactic travel, the length of the day had caught up with her. Her eyes fluttered closed, the thought of a warm bed making her muscles grow lax.

  She didn’t realize she’d fallen asleep until the taxi came to an abrupt stop and announced their location. Blinking her eyes open, she grabbed her bags and climbed from the pod.

  The building in front of her seemed decent enough. A couple of stories high and built of steel and wood. There were few businesses around the structure, but it appeared to linger on the edge of a forest. And if her memory served her correctly, the military complex would not be far around the perimeter of the woods.

  Adjusting her grip on the bags, she strode into the lodge to see about getting a room.

  The woman behind the desk glanced up and smiled. She tossed her blond hair over her shoulder while blue eyes lit up with curiosity. “Hello. Do you seek a room?”

  “I do. Thank you.” Nika set her bag down. “I plan to stay for a while, seeing as I am visiting a cousin stationed at Broughlin.”

  The woman’s smile widened. “Well, we can certainly accommodate you. It being winter, we’re in the offseason and have plenty of rooms to rent. I’m Molly, the owner of The Crow’s Nest.”

  Owner? Nika managed to hide her surprise that a woman close to the same age as herself owned such a business on a planet full of men.

  “Lovely to meet you. I’m Rebecca.” The lie about her name came all too easily. And the ID she gave when filling out the paperwork backed up her alias.

  “Well, I’m glad to have you here, Rebecca.” Molly handed her back the ID and sighed. “It can be quiet this time of year in the lodging department. The restaurant, however, is a different story.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Being so close to the compound, we bring in quite a bit of business. Our food is wonderful, and the wine is top class.”

  “I’ll be sure to try it out.”

  “And please, do not hesitate to come say hello or seek me out if you need anything.” Molly shrugged and gave a light laugh. “Truly, it would give me something to do.”

  Nika nodded. “Thank you, Molly. I will definitely do so.”

  As she headed to her room, she vowed the opposite. Though the owner of the lodge seemed quite nice, establishing a friendship would not be wise. The fewer impressions she left of herself on this planet the better.

  Two hours later she’d napped and then bathed, removing the travel grime.

  Nika stretched before sitting back down on the bed. Her luggage was now unpacked. Well, most of it. The bag that contained anything pertaining to her mission had been stored beneath the bed, locked tight with the keycode.

  For a moment she allowed herself to dwell on the reason why she was here. Her mission. How important it was.

  Every five years the planet of Tresden sent a “chosen one”, a specially trained soldier to infiltrate the highly guarded specimen lab on Belton.

  A smile curved her lips and she fiddled with the edge of the comforter. Though many would find the mission almost a joke, all on her planet knew better. Yes, they were taking semen specimen samples, but they were no ordinary samples.

  The samples were highly guarded and rightfully so. They were the specimens of the most powerful warriors on the planet of Belton. A world of genetic possibilities lay dormant in each specimen.

  And her home planet had been making use of the taken samples after each mission. When the chosen ones returned home, the sperm would be genetically manipulated, and impregnated the women on Tresden.

  Creating a race of powerful women to ensure their survival, and to build the planet’s military. All without the need to breed with men.

  Looking around the modest room, she pressed a hand against her stomach just before it let out a soft growl. She needed food.

  The lodge’s restaurant was on the ground level. She’d passed by it after checking in. It had appeared crowded, filled with soldiers as well as the civilian guests.

  The idea of eating amongst such a crowd—mostly seeming to be men—set her stomach rolling. But food was a necessity. And so was getting over her unease with the opposite sex.

  Nika took a deep breath and checked her appearance in the mirror. How long had it been since she’d worn a dress? Hmmm. Since Zortou.

  Pressing the fabric down her body, she straightened her shoulders and tried to reunite herself with the sensation of wearing a gown.

  Truth be told, it was almost a bit liberating compared to the trousers and top she’d been used to wearing.

  Perhaps she should do something with her hair?

  Go downstairs and dine. Stop stalling.

  Grabbing her metallic clutch off the bed she headed out of her room and toward the restaurant.

  * * * *

  “Feel free to head out, Lieutenant.”

  Brendon stumbled against the wall, blinking away the last of the drowsiness as he looked up from the door he guarded.

  Gods, had he almost fallen asleep on duty?

  Clearing his throat he nodded at the soldier who’d come to relieve him.

  “Slow day?” The other soldier’s mouth twitched as he lowered his weapon to lean against the wall.

  “Is there ever a day where it’s not?”

  “Not since I’ve been here.” The man hesitated. “Though, they’ve been warning us things could change any day now.”

  Brendon bit back a snort and shouldered his weapon. The most activity at the lab had been the scientists going in and out during their lunch break.

  He gave a slight smile. “I guess we shall see. Have a good night.”

  Stepping outside the heavily secured lab, he found that nightfall was descending upon the city.

  But it was too early to return to his bedding chamber. Perhaps Emmett would meet him for a drink or supper. Pulling out his communications mobile he dialed his friend’s number.

  A few minutes later he headed to the Crow’s Nest where Emmett and a few other soldiers were supping.

  The doors to the hotel slid open on a hiss and he strode inside, winking at the woman behind the desk.

  The pretty, white-haired girl blushed and looked at him through her lashes, fidgeting with a pen she held in her hand.

  Smile widening, Brendon increased his pace and turned toward the restaurant. The roar of voices guided him into the crowded room.

  The place was packed with soldiers—men and women, though mostly men. The majority of women in the restaurant appeared to be civilians. But that wasn’t such a surprise. The Crow’s Nest was notorious for being the local hangout for soldiers, which i
n turn could really bring in the ladies who loved a man in uniform.

  He caught sight of Emmett waving to him from a table by the window. Brendon gave a half wave back and took a step toward them.

  “Brendon Marshall. You little devil!” A voice squealed at him from the right.

  He turned just in time to catch the chesty redhead who hurled herself into his arms. Her lips smacked against his in a solid kiss before she pulled back and smiled.

  “It has been all too long since I’ve laid eyes on you, soldier,” she said coyly. “I do believe the last time I, er, saw you was during that night we spent together after the Harvest festival.”

  His lips curved into a smile as he tilted his head and gave her a teasing look. “Did we spend time together at the Harvest Festival?”

  The woman—Wendy, was it? Wanda?—gave him a playful slap and giggled. “You know quite well we did.” She leaned in close. “And I must admit I wouldn’t mind seeing you again soon. Say even later tonight?”

  Hmm. The possibility of a quick tumble had merit. “I may be open to the idea. Do you still have my number, sweetheart?”

  “On my express-dial.” She winked and ran a hand down his chest, licking her lips. “I’ll give you a call later.”

  “Looking forward to it.” He flashed her a quick grin and turned away, resuming his course toward the table where Emmett sat.

  A glimpse of blue from the corner of his eye made him pause. He turned his head slightly to investigate.

  She watched him from the corner of the restaurant, eyes narrowed and an expression of irritation and disgust on her face.

  Mmm. Who was this woman?

  He slowed his steps, taking a moment to run his gaze over her. Pale blond hair shone soft in the light of the restaurant, falling around an oval face and past her shoulders. Her eye color was indistinguishable, for she sat in shadow.

  The blue dress she wore seemed fairly conservative, covering more skin than it showed. But still, it could not hide the soft swell of her breasts. He lowered his gaze farther, but the rest of her body was hidden beneath the table. To his disappointment.


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