Need Me

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Need Me Page 14

by Shelli Stevens

  “But he has kept his distance,” Molly said, shaking her head. “Well, after the first few days. He was so very sweet to stay with me after we removed that vile blood drinker from the lodge. He slept in the chair near my bed.”

  “When did you last see him?”

  “Over a week ago. Since we decided I was in no danger.” Molly sighed and set down her biscuit. “He hasn’t even come to the restaurant.”

  Nika took another sip of tea and watched the disappointment flicker in her friend’s eyes. “Do you miss him?”

  Molly gave a rather large shrug. “Does it matter?”

  “Of course.” Nika arched an eyebrow and gave a sly grin. “I am certain you must miss him in more ways than one.”

  A red flush filled Molly’s cheeks.

  “Ladies,” a male voice rang out. “How is your afternoon?”

  Nika set down her tea, her pulse quickening. Warmth spread through her body as she spotted Brendon crossing the restaurant floor. Gods, each time she saw him was like being given an injection full of happiness.

  “Our afternoon is well,” Nika murmured and stood, smoothing her dress down her legs. “And work? Are you finished now?”

  His gaze darkened with some hidden emotion and he nodded. “Yes. I am finished for the day.” He paused. “Ni—Rebecca, might I have a word with you in private?”

  Her throat tightened with sudden anxiety.

  “Of course.” She followed him out into the lobby, reminding herself there was nothing to fear. “You look troubled. Was all well at work?”

  He hesitated, looked away, and then nodded. “Yes. All was well.” Clearing his throat, he continued. “Tonight, I was wondering if you would care to have supper with another couple who are friends of mine?”

  Relief that it had again been nothing threatening, she gave a slight nod. “I would love to. When shall we leave?”

  “Fairly soon, I’m afraid.” His gaze softened as he looked at her. “Though you look lovely, so there’s no need to change. I missed you today.”

  She scooted close to him when he slid his arms around her waist.

  “I missed you.” And it felt good to admit, since it was not a lie. “Will I like your friends?”

  “You will. I am quite certain.” His gaze clouded over, but then he lowered his head and his mouth brushed hers.

  All her thoughts ran together at the soft caress and she swayed against him.

  He let out a growl of approval and then lifted his head. “I’m tempted to say forget about supper and I’ll take you upstairs.”

  Nika could almost agree. She licked her lips and smiled. “Well, if you are more inclined…”

  He groaned and pressed a finger against her mouth. “Do not encourage me. Ryder would have my ass if I didn’t bring you to dinner tonight.”

  “Ah, well, then. There’s no hope for it. Shall we go?”

  “Yes. Let’s head out.”

  The sky taxi deposited them at a restaurant on the base. Brendon helped her from the taxi and she stood, glancing around as she adjusted the wrap around her body

  Her stomach twisted a bit. Meeting his friends just meant there would be two more people who would remember her. Instead of showing her fears, she raised her head and followed Brendon inside.

  He seemed to spot his friends right away and lifted a hand to wave. She swallowed hard and smoothed her hands down her dress.

  Brendon released her arm to approach a stunningly beautiful pregnant woman. Something stabbed sharp in her gut and she blinked in surprise, completely off balance to realize it was jealousy. Had she ever been jealous in her life?

  “Gods, you look lovely, Talia. The baby’s gotten much bigger since I’ve seen you.”

  The woman flushed and slapped his shoulder lightly. “You are an incurable flirt, Brendon.”

  “I am.” He grinned and released the woman. “Talia, this is Rebecca Owens, an ambassador from Glorus. Rebecca, this is the wife of my friend, Ryder. Speaking of which, where is the rogue?”

  “He ran to find me some sparkling water.” The woman, Talia, turned her attention to Nika. “Nice to meet…”

  Talia trailed off, her brows drawing together.

  Nika froze, ice sweeping through her veins as she stared at the other woman. Familiarity jolted through her.

  “Rebecca, you say it was?” Talia leaned forward.

  Oh gods. No, it was not possible. It couldn’t be. That the glowing woman before her was actually Natalia, formerly the most prestigious Rosabelle on the planet Zortou. She was once owned by the governing council.

  “Wait a moment…do we not know each other?” Talia continued, stepping closer.

  Brendon turned to her, his gaze calm and knowing as he waited for her to respond. Her stomach sank farther, and she knew her fear was realized.

  Brendon was aware of her past as a Rosabelle and obviously knew the pregnant woman next to him had also been a Rosabelle.

  “I know you,” Talia murmured and shook her head, rubbing her belly. “I know I do. Were we not in Rosabelle schooling together back on Zortou?”

  Nika’s tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, and she could feel the color leaching from her face.

  Of everything she did not want to be reminded of—to be confronted with—this was about number one.

  Brendon was at her side in a moment, cupping her elbow, his brows drawing together in concern. “Rebecca?”

  Instead of his touch being comforting, it sent a spark of anger through her. How dare he? How dare he set up this meeting between her and another Rosabelle without warning her?

  “But your name wasn’t Rebecca,” Talia continued slowly. “No, I believe it was…Donika? We were friends, were we not?”

  Brendon’s grip suddenly tightened around her arm and she winced.

  Speak, you fool! Say something!

  “Yes we were friends,” she forced out.

  Gods, but how many years ago had that been? When they were in school to learn how to please men. How they would giggle in classes about fellatio and coitus. How silly and obscure it had all seemed—until the horror of their reality had been brought to life.

  She said numbly, “You look well, Natalia.”

  The other woman flinched and drew back. “Thank you. But please, I prefer to be called Talia now. I resigned my full name after the liberation. It reminds me of…”

  “I understand,” Nika said quickly, seeing her opening and taking it. “And, yes, you did know me as Donika. I have since taken a new name as well. Rebecca.”

  Talia nodded, her blue eyes alight with sympathy and understanding. “It is good to see you again, Do—Rebecca.”

  “You as well.”

  But it wasn’t. Nika’s stomach roiled and she feared she might be sick. Seeing Talia again had only brought all the memories and revulsion of their lives to the surface. Peeled back the scab and laid open her wounds for everyone to observe.

  “Ah, about time you got here.”

  The arrival of another male brought more tension to Nika’s body.

  “Ryder, I was wondering where you’d disappeared to.” Brendon moved to shake his friend’s hand. “I just finished introducing Rebecca and Talia.”

  “Rebecca? Lovely to meet you.” Ryder took her palms between both his hands and squeezed lightly. “Let’s sit, shall we?”

  Nika gave a wan smile and settled down next to Brendon. His hand slid beneath the table to squeeze her knee. She wasn’t foolish enough to mistake it as a gesture of comfort; rather more of a warning, that he intended to speak with her later.

  Her pulse quickened with nerves. He knew now that her given name was Nika and he was obviously not pleased to discover another lie.

  She tried to swallow against a suddenly tight throat. What was wrong with her? It didn’t matter if he was not pleased. Pleasing Brendon was not her mission on this planet. Getting the specimen samples and getting out was.

  And she kept forgetting that. How often did she find herself relaxing, l
aughing, going about her day like she was any other citizen of Belton?

  But she wasn’t. She was an imposter. Someone who would eventually betray them. Her stomach about sank to her toes, but she pushed aside the guilt. She lowered her gaze and hardened her jaw.

  Rachel would be disappointed in her. And her trainer. All on Tresden would be shocked and disturbed to realize how emotionally invested she’d become with the people of Belton.

  But it wasn’t too late. She could still redeem herself…would redeem herself.

  Yes. She sat up straighter and drew in a slow breath. From now on, she would treat every little part of this mission as a step to her success. She could no longer let her emotions carry her while in bed with Brendon. He was nothing more than a step in her journey. And she’d best remember that.

  Right, he means absolutely nothing to you, the voice in her head mocked cruelly.

  “Rebecca, I am so pleased to have you join us for supper,” Ryder said eventually with a smile, his arm already draped over his wife’s shoulders. “I’ve heard much about you already from Brendon.”

  “Have you?” She cast Brendon a quick glance, but relaxed when she saw a flush of embarrassment in his cheeks. “All good, I hope?”

  “Most definitely. Just the fact that he spoke of you says much. Brendon never speaks of the women in his life.”

  Brendon cleared his throat. “What shall we sup on tonight? Anyone have any ideas?”

  Ryder threw his head back and laughed, while Talia’s lips twitched.

  Nika bit back a sigh, already mentally exhausted from what was certain to be a long night.

  * * * *

  It was rather difficult to enjoy his dinner as much as he wanted to. Brendon took another sip of his wine and snuck a sideways glance at his woman.

  His woman. When had his thoughts turned so primal?

  Pushing aside his reference to her, he focused on the tension in her face. Clearly, she’d rather be anywhere but here.

  Their supper was wrapping up, and he knew within minutes they’d be saying their good-byes. And in reality, he was looking forward to it as much as Nika. He’d be damned if he would call her Rebecca again.

  Another lie… Why did she keep doing it? And was she hiding anything else? Something felt off. Not quite right with her story and why she was here.

  “You look tired, Talia,” Nika commented softly.

  Brendon’s attention shifted back to Ryder and his wife. “Perhaps we should call an end to our evening?”

  “It may be for the best,” Talia agreed and then yawned. “I just haven’t the energy I used to.”

  “It’s the baby.” Ryder touched her belly and brushed his lips across her forehead.

  Brendon glanced at Nika, curious to see how she’d respond to the tender display. Her expression had grown tight, and the naked longing in her eyes took his breath away.

  She must have felt his gaze on her for she turned to look at him. Her cheeks reddened and she blinked the emotion from her gaze, meeting his stare with a once-again blank expression.

  “It appears an early night is the consensus,” Ryder murmured. “Rebecca, it was lovely to finally meet you.”

  Talia nodded. “Yes, we must have lunch sometime. I’m glad we’ve had the chance to reconnect.”

  “And I as well.”

  “Thank you for inviting us for supper.” Brendon stood and shook his friend’s hand again. “I will see you tomorrow on the compound.”

  “Indeed.” Ryder nodded and slid an arm around his wife’s waist, giving them a final wave. “Good night.”

  “Shall we catch a sky taxi back to the lodge?” Nika asked quietly. “I find myself quite exhausted as well.”

  “Are you, now?” Perhaps it was from all the lying. He bit back the extra words and forced a hard smile. He stood from the table. “Then by all means, let’s go to bed, Nika.”

  “I did not say bed,” she corrected, standing. “And why have you reverted to calling me Nika?”

  “Because it is your name.”

  Anger flared—and maybe panic?—in her gaze. “It was my name long ago, but no more.”

  “And yet you gave it to me that first night on the trail.”

  “My mind was befuddled. Why is a name so important?” Her words became angrier as they left the restaurant together.

  “I am not sure. Perhaps you should tell me?”

  Her mouth opened and then closed, the tension in her body growing by the moment.

  “Please, let’s find a taxi and return to the lodge. Arguing solves nothing.” She took a deep breath and in the blink of an eye her demeanor changed. She touched his chest through his shirt and smiled up at him through her lashes. “You were right. We should return and go to bed. After all, we get along so much better using our mouths in other ways.”

  Despite his desire to press the issue, his cock hardened at her invitation. And she knew it, damn her. Why was she so against this discussion?

  A little angry with himself, he caught her elbow and hailed a sky taxi that was approaching.

  The ride back to the lodge passed in silence, though she kept a hand on his thigh and snuggled close to him, pressing the occasional kiss against the side of his neck.

  He enjoyed the caress, but couldn’t help but wonder if she was trying to distract him. The question that seemed to be growing in his mind was, from what?

  At the lodge Nika slid from the taxi and caught his hand, pulling him after her.

  They passed by the reception counter, where Molly stood speaking quietly with an employee. They barely noticed as Brendon and Nika slipped by.

  But Brendon’s attention caught on Molly, and he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. Molly had grown close to Nika. Well, as close as she would let anyone get to her. Perhaps tomorrow he would try and have a word with the lodge owner.

  Yes, that’s exactly what he’d do.

  Once inside Nika’s room, he waited for the door to slide shut and then turned his gaze to her. She’d already removed her clothes and reached for the fastening on his shirt.

  He didn’t deter her, just watched as she peeled back the fabric and pressed open-mouthed kisses against his nipples. There was something methodical about her actions, almost robotic as she sank to her knees in front of him and freed his cock.

  Though when she drew him into her mouth, it hardly felt mechanical.

  He buried his hands into her soft hair, holding her against him as she sucked him, watching her through heavy-lidded eyes. Her pink lips stretched wide around his shaft, sliding up and down while she cupped his sac in her hand and fondled him. Her tongue flicked over his steely flesh.

  His breathing shifted, grew heavier, and his eyes closed. When his sac began to tighten he ground his teeth together, willing his climax to slow.

  She pulled her mouth from him, breathlessly. “Lie down on the bed.”

  Surprise raged through him at the loss of her mouth on his cock, and at her abrupt command.

  He moved to the bed and lay down, ready for her to kneel above his mouth so he might feast on her pussy as they’d been doing lately. But she surprised him, instead moving to kneel over his cock.

  Brendon reached for her breasts but she shook her head and leaned backward, out of his reach.

  “I need no preliminaries,” she said, her tone strangely detached.

  “And what if I do?” he murmured, raising a brow, but reluctantly folded his hands above his head. Waiting to see how far she would take this.

  She moved down, sliding him into the slick folds of her sheath and gave a small, yet almost humorless smile. “That is why I took you in my mouth first.”

  It was all so very strange, her behavior. But he couldn’t quite seem to focus on it when the walls of her pussy gripped his cock, sheathing him in hot moisture.

  Pleasure roared through his blood, diluted some from what it usually was when he was with her, but still strong enough to render it difficult to think.

  She seated herself fully o
n him and then began to move, rocking back and forth as she braced her hands on his hips.

  Brendon watched her. She didn’t even seem to need him there save for the cock she rode. Nika did all the work herself. Rotating on him and riding him, milking his cock for all she was worth.

  His lids sunk lower with pleasure while his fingers clenched behind his head. He lifted his hips, just to take control for a moment, and plunged deeper into her.

  She gasped, her cheeks flushing with pleasure as a tremble racked her body, before she bit her lips and the resolution returned to her expression. She moved on him faster, harder. Her hand slipped behind her to cup his sac again, kneading his balls while she rode him.

  It was almost like she wanted him to come fast. And damn it, if that was her wish, then she was about to succeed. His sac and cock swelled and he slammed his eyes closed, groaning, just before he climaxed inside her.

  Her muscles clenched around him and he heard her gasp. Relief mingled with his pleasure. At least she’d come. He’d begun to wonder if she would even do that.

  Nika slid off him when he’d gone slack beneath her and went into the bathing chamber.

  She returned a moment later, composed and with her hair fixed atop her head. Anyone looking at her would hardly think she was a woman who’d just ridden a man silly in bed.

  “When do you return to Glorus?” he asked quietly.

  Nika paused, in the midst of pulling a sleeping gown from one of the drawers of the bureau.

  “I’m not quite sure. As early as Monday maybe…but possibly I might stay longer if needed.”

  His chest tightened at her words. As early as Monday? That was…Gods, three days from now. Barely. Glorus was not terribly far, but it would not be as easy to see her.

  Would she want to see him, though?

  “Brendon, I feel absolutely terrible for bringing this up,” she murmured. “But I really must work on my article tonight. I’ve fallen behind what with dinner and…this.”

  His jaw fell and his eyes widened. “Are you…are you asking me to leave?”

  She turned and gave him a slight smile. “You don’t have to, of course. I’ll just not be much fun for you, working and all.”

  Women never asked him to leave after intimacy. It was almost insulting. Especially since he and Nika had been spending so much time together.


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