Need Me

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Need Me Page 15

by Shelli Stevens

  He opened his mouth to insist on staying, but then closed it again. His gaze narrowed as he stared at her rib cage. Something pricked in his mind again, warning him this was important, as he stared at the yellowed skin of her nearly gone bruise.

  Then it clicked.

  There was a rushing in his ears and the room seemed to spin; everything in his line of vision blurred, until he blinked and once again he was staring at her slightly marred skin around her ribs. The exact same spot where he’d probably kicked the thief at the lab over two weeks ago.

  Our thief…is a she. The captain’s words rang in his head. Again and again. Twisting and destroying everything he thought he knew.

  Then the bruise was covered as the green fabric of Nika’s nightgown slid down her body.

  Chapter 13

  “All right. I will go,” he said, surprised to find his voice calm. “Perhaps we can see each other tomorrow?”

  “I would love that.” She approached him and brushed a kiss across his mouth, cupping his cheek.

  He searched her face, trying to envision it covered in black and her blue-green eyes covered with eye shields. It was impossible. Her skin was creamy and smooth, her eyes sparkling between a blue and green. Lips so full and kissable.

  But she’d been so interested in the lab. Had asked so many questions…

  Because she is an ambassador from Glorus.

  “I should probably drop by the fitness center tonight, anyway,” he said and pulled away from her, retrieving his pants and dressing quickly.

  At the door he turned and looked back at her. The green gown hugged her slight curves so beautifully. Her gaze seemed almost resigned and hard. There was little warmth in them without the spark he’d become accustomed to.

  A chill moved down his spine and he drew in an unsteady breath. Again she looked almost robotic or…what he’d imagine a Rosabelle would have been like. The way she’d fucked him, like she was doing her job and only needed to get him off.

  With that thought leaving him a bit nauseated, he turned and left the room.

  He moved through the hallway and down the stairs, his head pounding.

  This is Nika. You’ve been bedding her for weeks now. She’s worked her way into your heart like nobody else. Made you want no other woman but her.

  Once down in the lobby, he was ready to exit the building when he spotted Molly working alone in her office.

  Hesitating only a moment, he turned and entered the smaller room.


  She glanced up, surprise and then warmth flickering across her face. “Brendon. How are you this evening?”

  “I am…well enough.” He did not sit, but towered over the desk. Hell, how did he even go about asking this? “Molly, what reason did Ni-Rebecca give you for why she was staying here at the lodge?”

  Molly leaned back in her chair, her gaze wary. “Why do you ask? Do you not know?”

  “Please, Molly, I know you are her friend. It is just…it’s quite important you answer.”

  She hesitated and bit her lip, looking away. “She told me she was an ambassador from Glorus.”

  A small amount of relief loosened the tension in his muscles. He nodded.

  “And that she is visiting a cousin.”

  The tension whipped back and he blinked in dismay. A cousin?

  “Which did she tell you first, Molly?”

  “The cousin. What is going on, Brendon? Has she done something wrong?”

  His stomach sank and he felt as if he might be ill.

  “You’ve gone positively pale, Brendon.” Molly rushed to her feet. “Tell me, what is happening? Did she not tell you about the cousin?”

  “Have you seen this cousin?”

  Her brows knitted and she looked down at the desk. “Well, no, I have not. I assumed she visits him on the compound.”

  It was possible. But why would Nika not have mentioned a cousin to him?

  “Did she ever give you another name besides Rebecca?”

  “Brendon.” Molly folded her arms across her chest and rocked back on her heels. Her lower lip jutted out. “I’m done answering any questions. Unless you elaborate on what’s going on, it simply wouldn’t be prudent.”

  He nodded and thrust a hand into his hair. “All right, no more questions. Except, have you seen Emmett?”

  “No.” Her cheeks flushed. “Why would I?”

  His mouth curved into a slight smile, and he was almost grateful for the moment of light humor. Did the woman honestly think he wasn’t aware of her quick affair with the other man?

  “No reason, I suppose. Thank you for your time, Molly.” He gave her a quick wink and then turned to leave the office.

  As he hailed a sky cab home, though, the lightness once again disappeared. Once more he only had questions. Dark, relentless, stomach-churning questions.

  And unfortunately, he knew the angst wouldn’t go away until he had the answers to those questions. He only hoped they were the ones he wanted.

  * * * *

  Nika left the lodge early the next morning, her communication mobile clutched in her hand. Fortunately Molly seemed to be occupied elsewhere and was not in the lobby as Nika passed through.

  She hadn’t the heart to see her friend and have to spill more lies. Gods, she wanted off this planet. Now. Away from people she shouldn’t have formed any kind of emotional connection to. And yet she had.

  Out in the cold air, she moved along the trail, trying to put some distance between herself and any civilization.

  She’d heaved up her stomach contents this morning, nauseated and disgusted with herself for what she had done last night. Without any hesitation and with perfect ease, she’d slipped right back into her role as a Rosabelle.

  She had somehow managed to push aside all her emotions and methodically seduce and sleep with Brendon. If it had not been for her small climax at the end—when the pleasure finally pierced through her cold demeanor—she might have convinced herself she was with her owners back on Zortou.

  She dialed in the code that would ring Rachel on Tresden. Her sponsor picked up almost immediately.

  “Donika, what is the status of the mission?”

  “Tonight,” Nika rasped. “I’m going tonight. And after I send the items, please ensure a pod is sent to retrieve me shortly after.”

  “Of course, Donika. You know the procedure. You will notify us the moment the samples are sent up into space. After the rocket has been retrieved by an assigned scout, then we will arrange your pickup, but only after you give us your location. The key is to keep a low profile if at all possible after.”

  If at all possible. That was certainly easier said than done.

  “Yes, ma’am,” she murmured complacently after swallowing hard.

  “You sound quite anxious. Are you worried about your ability to succeed?”

  “No. Not at all. It is just…”

  “Ah. Does your anxiety have to do with the man you’ve been bedding to gain information?”

  She hesitated too long.

  “I see. Well, fear not, Donika. Shortly this will be nothing more than a fading memory. You will be back on Tresden where you belong. Your people will revere you and honor your name for years to come.”

  Where you belong. She’d never felt like she belonged. Not really. This mission was supposed to help her feel more as one with her planet, and instead she’d grown closer to the people of Belton.


  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Goddess protect you. You will be in our thoughts tonight on this mission.” She paused. “And if we don’t hear from you, or if something were to go wrong…if you were to be captured—”

  “I know what to do.”

  Her response was automatic. The idea of taking her life with the small black pill sent very little fear through her. It had been engrained into her during training. And she knew the chances of taking it were slim. Not if she did her job right. And she would.

ewell, Donika. We shall see you soon.”

  Their line of communication was disconnected. Nika palmed her mobile and her gaze ran over the land around her, as she drew in a deep breath of fresh air.

  Such a beautiful planet Belton was. Entirely refreshing and peaceful.

  Something moved in the trees beyond her and her gaze jerked toward the noise. Scanning the forest and trail beyond, she saw nothing, but a sense of unease prickled deep.

  It was an animal, nothing more.

  She turned, and hurried back to the lodge. There was much to do before tonight.

  * * * *

  Brendon slipped from his post just after lunch, having cleared it with the other guard.

  He moved into the administrative office and spotted the woman working the front desk.

  “Gillian, I need a favor,” he murmured, flashing her his brightest smile.

  “Lieutenant, you know you’re not supposed to address me in such a way,” the young woman scolded, even as her lips curled. “And what sort of favor are we speaking of?”

  “I need information on your computer.”

  “What information might that be?”

  “I need you to confirm the identity of a woman who was recently brought onto the compound.”

  Gillian stared at him, her lips pursing. “I really shouldn’t, Lieutenant.”

  “But you will?” His smile widened.

  She let out a harrumph and turned to her computer. “I will. What is the woman’s name?”

  “Rebecca Owens.”

  Gillian nodded, even as her fingers flew across the thin screen.

  “Here we are. Rebecca Owens, an ambassador from Glorus.”

  Brendon leaned forward, eyes narrowing as he stared at the screen. “Hmm. Is there a contact number to speak with someone at the embassy?”

  With a nod, Gillian touched a few more buttons on the screen and pulled up the information.

  His pulse quickened and he removed his communication mobile from his pocket and dialed in the number.

  “Thanks, Gill, I am forever in your debt.” He winked and left the office.

  “Embassy of Glorus. How may I direct your call?”

  “Yes, my name is Lieutenant Brendon Marshall from the Broughlin military complex. I need to confirm one of your ambassadors.”

  “Certainly, sir,” the woman answered smoothly. “And what is the name of this ambassador?”

  “Rebecca Owens.”

  “One moment.” There was a pause. “Ms. Owens has been with the embassy for the last two years.”

  The relief that rushed through him nearly made his legs give out. “I see. Thank you for your time.”

  He disconnected the call and let out a shaky laugh. Gods, he’d been fearful for absolutely no reason. Nika was exactly who she said she was, and he was a fool to not have believed her. Maybe her past was not ordinary and she was hesitant to open up about some things, but that was just likely because she’d been hurt. It was instinctive.

  Thrusting a hand through his hair, he went back to his post. He was anxious to return to the lodge tonight. To hold her in his arms without any suspicion.

  Last night, she’d just been thrown off balance. He’d thrust her into a situation where she would have to be confronted with her awful past. Why hadn’t he considered the possibility that she would be sickened instead of pleased at seeing another Rosabelle?

  No wonder she’d made love to him so clinically last night. She had drawn back into herself.

  Guilt pricked in his gut at the thought. That he’d even dared doubt her. But then, that was his job. It was all part of his training to be suspicious and wary of anyone.

  He glanced at the time, already counting the hours left on his shift.

  * * * *

  She was not in the restaurant when he entered the lodge later; it had become their routine. That she would wait for him there when he finished work.

  But as Brendon stood in the doorway, his gaze searching the room, he saw no sign of Nika.

  Turning, he went back to the reception desk where Molly was just finishing checking a customer in. Only after the older man had turned and walked away did Brendon approach.

  “What now?” Molly asked, her gaze wary. “Have you come to harass me about your lover again?”

  His neck flushed with guilt, but he gave a terse shake of his head. “Where is she, Molly?”

  She did not answer him, instead turning to input something into the computer.


  “She is upstairs in her room, Brendon. Though I cannot say if she will see you or not.” She gave him a pointed look. “Or that you deserve to see her.”

  His voice sharpened. “Does she not want to see me? Has she given you that impression?”

  “No. She has not said anything, nor been very visible today. By all means, Brendon, go see her.” Her lips curled downward. “It’s probably better than avoiding her.”

  He paused, eyes narrowing. “Has Emmett been avoiding you?”

  Molly’s head snapped up, her cheeks flushing. “I said no such thing.”

  “You do not have to. Contact him. I’m certain he misses you.”

  “That cannot be true. He has not come by The Crow’s Nest in quite some time now.”

  “Hmm. Contact him anyway,” he said again and patted her hand. “I’m off to see Nika.”

  “Nika?” Molly’s voice sharpened. “You mean Rebecca?”

  “They are one and the same,” he called out as he hurried up the stairwell.

  At her doorway he paused, listening for any sounds inside. Hearing nothing, he knocked lightly and waited. Silence.

  And then footsteps.

  “Nika, it’s Brendon. Let me in, love.”

  He heard her footsteps cease on the other side of the door, and then more silence.


  “Yes, one moment,” she called quietly.

  At least a minute passed before she opened the door to him.

  She stood before him, breathing rapidly and dressed in a thin white flowing gown, her face pink. His gaze scanned the room as he tried to discover the source of her being out of breath.

  “I was stretching,” she explained and pulled her hair down from the knot it was in. “Trying to ease some aches in my muscles.”

  “Ah.” He stepped inside, his gaze sweeping over her body. The faint hint of red nipples poked through the gown. “I believe I have other ways to ease those aches. I’m quite talented with my hands.”

  Something flickered in her eyes. Was it wariness? It quickly shifted to something softer, something all too feminine. “Is that so? Perhaps you’d care to demonstrate.”

  “I’d love to.” He stepped inside the doorway and pressed the button to seal it shut once more. “Shed your gown, love, and lay down upon the bed on your stomach.”

  She slid the thin straps from her shoulders and shimmied out of the thin fabric.

  Naked now, her nipples puckered in the air. With an almost shy smile at him, she moved to the bed and scooted onto her stomach.

  The bare curve of her spine drew his gaze and he followed it to the soft swell of her firm buttocks.

  He crossed the room and sank down on the edge of the bed, flexing fingers that already itched to run over her skin.

  Before he gave into the temptation, he leaned down, smoothed the hair off her shoulder, and pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck.

  “I missed you today, love,” he murmured.

  She didn’t answer, but her body softened beneath him.

  “And I want to apologize for last night.” He set his hands upon her shoulder and began to knead the tension in her muscles. “I was an insensitive lout and did not realize how seeing Talia might make you feel.”

  She was quiet for too long, and then said, “I imagine you thought I would enjoy seeing an old friend.” She paused. “And in truth, I did, I suppose. But it took a while to get past the shock. The memories…”

  “I’m sorry.” He move
d his hands down her body, massaging every inch of her back, loving the silky feel of her pale skin. “I would never hurt you. Ever, Nika.”

  Her body trembled beneath him, and he heard the uneven breath she drew in. A moment later, she rolled over onto her back.

  “Make love to me, Brendon,” she whispered, her gaze uncommonly vulnerable. “Please.”


  She was crazy. Insanity had finally taken hold, but Nika didn’t give a damn. This was going to be her last night with Brendon and like hell would she turn off her emotions. Not like she did last night, having sex with him as if he meant nothing to her.

  Because he did. Somehow in the past few weeks, he’d become far too important. He’d taken up residence in her heart, and it hurt too much to imagine evicting him.

  She’d deal with the consequences later. When she’d have to find a way to sneak out to complete her mission.

  Brendon’s gaze heated, moved over her with a soft possessiveness. And then his head lowered and his mouth claimed hers.

  One night. Just one more night.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck and she parted her lips, letting his tongue inside to caress hers.

  They tangled, dancing together in soft touches, before he retreated and nipped at her bottom lip.

  Heat spread quickly through her body, from the tips of her fingers to her curling toes. She moved her fingers up the back of his neck, cradling his head against her as their mouths fused together again. His tongue slid against hers in slow, decadent strokes.

  He moved his palm between them and placed it over her breast, cuddling her flesh.

  Nika arched into his touch, her legs moving against the bed as the ache low in her belly grew. Her nipple hardened against his palm and her body craved the wet heat of his mouth upon it.

  She pulled his mouth from hers, urging his head downward to her breast. He groaned and moved willingly, his lips capturing the greedy nipple and sucking it deep into his mouth.

  “Oh gods.” She arched into him, both hands holding his head against her now.

  Brendon’s mouth moved to cover almost her entire breast, his tongue circling the sensitive tip. After a moment of the sweet torment, he switched his mouth to the other breast.


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