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Need Me

Page 17

by Shelli Stevens

  She grabbed one case and then hurried to the bathing chamber. Easily, she lifted the case and placed it into the sunken tub.

  Leaning down, she pressed the code into the hidden panel of the case and quickly stepped backward. She watched, a calm washing over her as the case began to glow red and then quickly melted into itself and the contents inside.

  It burned until there was nothing but a film of ash lining the tub. Turning on the water, she rinsed away the rest of the evidence of her stay on Belton.

  Once that task was complete, she exited the bathing chamber, knowing she must leave. Now, for time was moving swiftly.

  She headed for the door, her case of supplies for the mission in her hand. Before she could press the button to open the door, she hesitated and glanced back one last time at Brendon.

  Her heart twisted, softened, and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

  “Gods, I’m a fool,” she muttered and dropped her case to the ground.

  Hurrying back to him she leaned over the bed and brushed a soft kiss across his mouth.

  “I’m sorry, Brendon. If only things could have been different.”

  With that being the only good bye she knew they would have, she turned and pressed the release on the door. It hissed open, and she grabbed the case and slipped out, never looking back.

  Sneaking past Molly at the front desk was a small challenge. Nika waited on the stairs for the other woman to disappear into the restaurant before rushing across the lobby and out the door of the hotel.

  Once outside in the brisk winter air, she tugged her long cloak tighter about her. It wouldn’t do if anyone noticed her wearing the same clothes that the thief had been seen in during the first attempt.

  The crisp wind pushed back her hood, but fortunately her hair was tucked in a severe knot upon her head. Darkness surrounded her as she made her journey to the compound.

  Sounds of the forest cloyed her senses, made every hair lift on her body. She heard all too clearly the scratching of animals among the leaves. Small feet darted across the trail ahead of her, along with the foreboding of something not quite right. An underlying darkness in the night. An evil.

  Her gaze searched the darkness of the trees around her, and she half expected to find somebody watching her. Someone like that awful blood drinker.

  You’re a fool, simply being paranoid.

  Some of the tension eased from her muscles as she grew closer to the lights of the compound and out of the shadows.

  She paused and dropped her bags to the ground, removing the cloak from her body. Opening the one with all her supplies for the mission, she donned the last parts of her disguise. The eyeshields and the facial mask, things she could not have left the lodge wearing.

  After strapping three syringes to her thigh, she again lowered the loose leg of her pants. She searched the supply case and took out only what she would need for the rest of this journey.

  Placing the cloak inside and sealing the case back up, she activated the destroy button and settled it on the ground. She watched it burn itself into ashes and waited as all the evidence was neatly destroyed. The only things left to identify her were strapped somewhere to her body.

  Nika straightened and turned her attention to the compound ahead, drawing in a slow breath. Already in the distance she could see the one guard standing out front.

  Her lips twisted and she crouched low to the ground, sticking to the scattered shadows as she approached the outer perimeter.

  Reaching for the tranquigun, she loaded the chamber with the noxious-tipped dart and took aim. Jerking the activator, she lurched forward.

  The guard turned toward her, reaching for his electro-mace but the dart had already found its home in the side of his neck. He reached for it, eyes widening. With fingers still clutched around the dart, he crumpled to the ground in a heap.

  Nika glanced around, ready to fight another soldier if needed. But there was no one. Taking a slow breath she strode forward to scale the gate, ready to meet her next challenge inside the compound.

  She was quite incredible, really.

  Leo stood in the shadows and watched in amazement as Donika easily took out the first guard and then scaled the impressive enclosure surrounding the lab.

  From all the overheard conversations, he’d discovered exactly who she was. Not Rebecca, but Donika. A former Rosabelle who’d disappeared after the liberation.

  He leaned back against the trunk of a tree and narrowed his eyes. Stroking the hilt of his weapon, he cocked his head and ran his tongue over his sharp left incisor.

  Truly, he should go and stop her. Put an end to this now and collect his reward. And usually, that’s exactly what he would have done—though he had to admit that if there was proof of her having stolen the items, it would seal her fate all the more securely. There would be no question that she was indeed their thief.

  But there was another temptation for Leo that went beyond the money. The temptation to keep her for a bit, to learn her secrets and perhaps enjoy the pleasures of her body. Why turn her in right away?

  No, he would enjoy her a bit first. The blood swelled his cock as the image of fucking her flitted through his mind. She would be a thrill to break. Such a strong woman. One who fought with the strength and wit of a man. Yes. Before he turned her over to Belton, he would enjoy playing with her.

  His lips curled into a sneer. He wasn’t particularly fond of Belton or its people, especially after those pitiful humans had removed him from the lodge when they hadn’t approved of his attempts at wooing the lodge owner.

  Unfortunately, the bounty on Belton required she be caught alive, which was a pity. Already his mouth watered at the impossible vision of sinking his fangs into her pretty white neck, drinking her lifeblood and feeling her weaken beneath him.

  Gods, he was starving. There was no way to feast on human blood on this planet. He’d had to settle for animals. To touch a human here would be an immediate death sentence for breaking the unspoken treaty between their planets.

  Watching her disappear inside, he gave a soft sigh and looked away.

  There was no other solution. He would simply wait for her to leave the lab with the stolen specimen—because it would really be so much more convincing if he were to capture her and be able to provide the stolen goods later.

  Knowing he had a bit of time still, he straightened from the tree and went to find something to eat.

  * * * *

  The thick hands of sleep tried to hold him under, but Brendon stirred, fighting against the tenacious hold.

  Gods, there was something he should be remembering. Something waiting for him when he would open his eyes.

  He twisted his head from the pillow and fought to lift his eyelids. It took a moment before they slit just enough to let in the mostly dark room.

  Nika’s room.

  Pushing himself up into sitting position, which took quite a bit of effort, his eyes grew accustomed to the dimness as he turned his gaze about the room. It was empty. And not just because Nika was gone. It appeared all her stuff was gone as well.

  His heart pounded faster and he flung his legs off the bed, forcing himself to his feet. His head spun and his tongue felt thick in his mouth.

  “Nika?” he croaked, knowing it was pointless.

  Gone. She was gone.

  He found the control for the light and turned it. The room filled slowly with a soft light and he blinked, his pupils shrinking in protest.

  Why? Why had she left? And where had she gone? Even as the questions pounded in his head, the answer was just behind them, pricking at his awareness and taunting him.

  Brendon pulled on his clothing quickly and then left the room. His feet pounded down the hallway and over the staircase, announcing his urgency before he arrived in the lobby.

  Molly appeared at the foot of the stairs, her eyes wide.

  “Brendon? Are you quite all right?”

  “No. Damn it, I am not all right. Where is she, Molly?” H
e pressed a hand to the back of his head and bit back a groan.

  Gods, but it throbbed.


  “Sure. Whatever the hell you insist upon calling her.”

  She flinched, folding her arms across her chest. “There is no need to yell.”

  “Molly, you try my patience.”

  “And you try mine,” she fired back.

  Emmett entered the building at that moment, his focus on Molly. But he hesitated when he saw them speaking together.

  “Answer the question, Molly.” The pain and panic of losing Nika only added to Brendon’s urgency and irritation.

  “What is this about?” Emmett inquired, coming between them.

  Molly started, obviously not having been aware of his presence. Pink filled her cheeks, and she ran her tongue across her mouth.

  “You’re out late, Emmett.”

  “Indeed.” Emmett’s gaze met hers and anyone in the room would have to be blind to not see the heat and frustration in his gaze.

  Brendon let out an aggravated growl. The last thing he needed was to sit back and wait while these two figured out their own insecurities.

  “Molly.” Her name was a warning upon his lips.

  She flinched and looked away from Emmett. “I have not seen her since she came down earlier to get the wine.”

  The wine. His eyes narrowed and the breath hitched in his chest. Anger slammed through him.

  “The wine,” he said softly and stepped toward her. “Gods, Molly. You were her accomplice? What did you put in it?”

  “What?” she yelped and backed up, obviously panicked by the glint in his eyes. “I put nothing in the wine.”

  “Brendon?” Emmett stepped between them and placed a hand upon his chest to halt his advance. “What is the meaning of this? What do you accuse her of?”

  “My fucking wine was drugged!” he roared and turned his glare to Molly. “And you just admitted giving it to her.”

  Molly’s face drained of color, her head moving back and forth. “No. I simply poured from the bottle.”

  “You make false accusations, my friend.” Emmett warned softly, his own gaze narrowing. “Be careful with your words.”

  “I did nothing, Brendon. I swear,” Molly cried from over Emmett’s shoulder. “Are you certain the wine was tainted? I cannot imagine that Rebecca—”

  “Nika. Her name is Nika. And nobody could have imagined it.” He thrust his hand through the air and gestured with his frustration. “She had us all convinced she was a damn seraph. All innocence and sweetness.”

  “And what has made you change your mind about her?” Emmett asked, lifting a brow.

  “Many things,” Brendon murmured grimly, “that I ignored for too long. But no more. Gods, if she is who I believe her to be, I can ignore this no longer.”

  Molly stepped out from behind Emmett, her gaze panicked. “Wait, Brendon. Please do nothing impulsive. Whatever she has done can be undone. She is not a bad person.”

  Brendon gave a harsh laugh and headed for the exit. “She has indeed fooled us all.”


  “Let him do what is needed, Molly.” He heard Emmett say quietly.

  And then Brendon stepped outside the lodge and the doors hissed shut behind him.

  He walked quickly on the trail that led to the compound. With each step he took he pleaded with the gods that she would not be there.

  * * * *

  Nika watched the guard crumple to the ground and then hurried forward, stepping over his limp body.

  Two down, one to go. She circled around the corner of the lab, the fluorescent lights in the corridor making her squint after having been outside in the dark of night.

  Where was this last guard? Her pulse stayed steady, her training coming to the foreground, and she was able to keep her composure.


  His loud cry had her spinning, even as a foot slammed into her hips and sent her stumbling backward.

  The soldier’s eyes were wide with fear and anger as he clutched an electro-mace in his hand.

  He rushed her again, clumsy in his fervor to shed blood. Nika thanked her good fortune and crouched low, waiting until he was nearly upon her to bring her own electro-mace up.

  She caught him on the side of the head with the spiked club. But instead of depressing the button that would’ve sent enough electricity through his body to kill him, she counted on the blunt impact to simply knock him out.

  He didn’t disappoint, but let out a soft groan as he fell back against the wall and slid down unconscious. Already blood seeped from the wound and worry stabbed through her.

  Hopefully she hadn’t killed him. Head wounds bleed, the rational voice inside her head was quick to remind.

  He would get help soon. Once she had the specimens, it would only be a matter of time.

  Nika drew in a deep breath and approached the soldier to lift the key from him. As she’d suspected, the key was different this time. They had changed the locks.

  She approached the hidden panel and unveiled the keyhole. They had changed the locks, but they still couldn’t keep her out. She felt a perverse sense of pleasure when she slid the key in and watched the door to the inner lab open.

  Stepping inside, she was struck by the temperature in the room. Quite chilled. The soft hum of the lighting added to the urgency of her mission.

  She crossed the floor, moving directly toward the freezer unit that held the specimen. It only took a few tries to break the code on the unit.

  Nika stepped back at the loud suctioning sound that filled the room. A second later the lid sprang free and rose into the air slowly, icy vapors seeping from the freezer unit.

  She waited a moment and then stepped close, peering inside the square container. Her breath caught at the rows of glass cylinder tubes.

  By the gods, she had done it. She had actually done it.

  Reaching inside, she lifted out the first tiny tube. Her fingers clenched around the slippery glass, which was almost too cold to hold onto.

  No time to lose.

  She pulled the soft roll of fabric from the belt that was strapped around her waist beneath her outfit. Shaking the fabric into its normal shape as a carrying bag, she set the first sample in.

  Then she grabbed another. And another, clenching as many in her hand as she could and filling up the bag.

  Her heart pounded, but not with excitement. Why didn’t she feel a sense of pride? Of success? Anything besides this growing desolation.

  Grabbing one last sample she sealed the bag, knowing she must have taken at least a couple hundred of the tiny tubes.

  Now it was time to get out, get to the buried transporter unit and send these guys up into the universe. She’d send word that the mission was accomplished, and the specimens would be picked up. Then she’d send the code for her new location and would be retrieved shortly after.

  Exactly as planned.

  Nika closed the freezer unit and strode toward the door to the lab. She stepped over the slumped body of one of the soldiers and gave him a quick glance. Reassured by the steady rise and fall of his chest, she continued toward the entrance to the building.

  The lights from the outside of the compound could clearly be seen. She increased her stride, eager to escape this building and this planet.

  She took another hurried step, the entrance just feet away now.

  A shadow stepped into the doorway and snuffed out the light.

  Nika stumbled to a halt, her fingers clenching around the bag in her hand as her blood chilled with wariness.

  “Release the samples.”

  Every muscle in her body went soft at the sound of his voice. Her head spun with disbelief. How was it possible? He should’ve still been asleep.

  “Don’t make me ask again,” he rasped and stepped into the light.

  Nika took a step back, uneasy now. To say Brendon was livid would be an understatement. His eyes were narrowed, glittering with rag
e, his mouth drawn so tight she could barely remember what a smile had looked like upon it. And his jaw was thrust forward. Hard. A clear indication he was ready to fight.

  She drew in a slow breath, her mind rapidly searching for a new plan of attack. A way to get past him. But it wasn’t going to be easy. Her throat tightened with the knowledge that they would have to fight again.

  He took another step toward her and reached for the weapon on the belt of his uniform.

  “Take off your mask.” His words were barely a whisper. “Take off your mask, you bitch.”

  She flinched. So he knew it was she. And the endearment he’d tacked on—though hardly an endearment—had her mouth twitching without amusement.

  And this was how it would end for them. Quite possibly one of them would be dead within the next hour.

  He lifted his electro-mace and took another step forward.

  “You fucked me like the whore you once were. Used me the entire time to gain information and entrance into the lab.” His nostrils flared. “You played me for a fool. And tonight, you will pay dearly for that.”

  Her stomach twisted and dropped to her toes, her heart attempting to bounce back from his vicious verbal assault.

  He would enjoy killing her, she realized. But only if she didn’t kill him first. Though, unlike him, it would bring her no joy to do so.

  Survive. Do what you must to survive and get these specimens back to Tresden.

  The idea of even hurting him again, let alone killing him, made everything go numb inside her with revulsion. Perhaps if she could just disable him for a moment. Take him out of commission without killing him.

  She slowly lowered the bag to the floor and bent her knees, crouching low to defend herself from the certain attack.

  “Still you do not speak. Do you hope to hide your identity from me?” he taunted, swinging the weapon lightly in his grasp.

  Responding to him would only enrage him. Erase any doubt he might still have, as unlikely as that might be. But she had to cling to the anonymity. The clothes and eye guards that shielded her identity. Until he pried the mask from her cold dead face, he would never be completely certain. And she had to use that to her advantage.

  “Answer me,” he roared and lurched toward her.


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