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The Selected Letters of Thornton Wilder

Page 67

by Thornton Wilder

  Mendelssohn, Felix, 683

  Menotti, Gian-Carlo, 566n160

  Menzies, Alan Wilfred Cranbrook, 189

  Merande, Doro, 444

  Meredith, George:

  Evan Harrington, 156

  General Ople and Lady Camper, 155

  The Ordeal of Richard Feveral, 613

  Mérimée, Prosper, Le Carosse du Saint-Sacrement, 220

  Merman, Ethel, 618

  Merrick, David, 577n176

  Mexico, TNW in, 355, 363–64, 541–42, 664–65

  Meyer, Conrad F., 476

  Michelangelo, 503

  Miles, Margaret, 11

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 195

  Aria da Capo, 587

  Miller, Alice Duer, 380, 591

  Miller, Arthur, 560

  Miller, Gilbert, 231, 256

  Miller, Henry, 167

  Milosz, Czeslaw, 465

  Milstein, Nathan, 468

  Milton, John, 597

  “On His Being Arrived at the Age of 23,” 298n135

  Mitchell, Donald Grant (Ik Marvel), 104

  Mitford, Nancy, 591

  Modern Language Association, 463–64

  Moe, Henry, 493

  Molière, 539, 550, 613

  Amphytrion, 458

  L’Avare (The Miser), 322n189, 382

  Molina, Tirso de, 462

  Molnár, Ferenc, 173

  Monhegan Island, Maine, 76n130, 90, 92, 106, 153, 166

  Monnier, Adrienne, 198

  Monroe, Marilyn, 560n149, 561

  Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 61

  Montaigne, Michel de, 681, 694, 702

  Montesquieu, Baron de la Brède et de, 381

  Montgomery, James, Nothing But the Truth, 91

  Moody, Dwight Lyman, 65, 111n183

  Moore, George, 93–94, 667

  Moore, Harry Thornton, 608

  Moore, Marianne, 521

  Morand, Paul, 154

  Morgan, Mike, 440

  Mörike, Eduard Friedrich, 258

  Morini, Erika, 468

  Morley, Robert, 281n103

  Morton, Michael, The Fatal Alibi, 253n40

  Mount Hermon School farm, Massachusetts, 6, 64n118, 72–76

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 352, 378, 416, 460, 614, 618, 621, 623n80, 667, 671, 680, 684

  Mugnier, Abbé Arthur, 310

  Murray, Gilbert, 301, 315

  Murry, John Middleton, 509n61

  Mussolini, Benito, 200, 201n128, 307

  Myerberg, Michael, 389–90, 537

  and The Skin of Our Teeth, 393–94, 407, 408–10, 416–18, 429, 430n114, 590

  TNW letters to, 408–10, 416–18


  Nagel, Conrad, 417

  Nardi, Marcia, TNW letters to, 517–18, 525–26

  National Book Award, 584, 653n142

  National Book Committee, 583

  National Theatre Company, 631

  Naylor, George Sawyer, 162

  Nazimova, Alla, 91, 119

  Nepos, Cornelius, 49, 450

  Nestroy, Johann, 258

  Einen Jux will er sich machen, 322n189, 323–24, 331, 352

  New Dramatists, 519n76

  New Gulliver, The (film), 474n192

  New Haven Journal-Courier, 127, 160, 230

  Newman, John Henry Cardinal, 102, 104, 226, 238

  New York Post, 189–90

  New York Times, 381, 584

  Nichols, Anne, Abie’s Irish Rose, 206

  Nichols, Beverly, 365

  Nichols, Robert, 194n116

  Nichols, William I., TNW letters to, 202–7, 646–49

  Niemoeller, Martha, TNW letter to, 588–89

  Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 257–58

  Nikisch, Arthur, 145

  Nitze, Paul, 470

  Nitze, Phyllis Pratt, 470n181

  Niven, Charlotte Tappan (aunt), 13n14, 21n32, 140n15, 157, 604

  in Europe, 4, 126, 130, 149, 197, 357

  in Florida, 552, 583, 631, 641

  TNW letter to, 605–7

  Niven, Elizabeth Lewis (grandmother), 4

  death of, 168–69

  TNW letters to, 9, 42–43, 98–100

  Niven, Grace (aunt), 243, 405

  Niven, Thornton MacNess III, 9, 243n17, 405

  Noh plays, 588–89, 593

  Norman, Ruth, 641n124

  Noy, Henry, 223n175


  Oberlin College:

  Amos as student in, 5, 36–37, 43, 44–45, 46, 106

  Hi-O-Hi student yearbook, 105

  military instruction in, 97–98, 105

  philosophy of, 5–6, 40–41, 90

  TNW as student in, 5–6, 52–57, 65, 83–86, 95–96, 101, 106, 107–8

  TNW’s letters from, 52–70, 76–109

  TNW’s plans to attend, 40–44, 46, 49

  Oberlin Literary Magazine, 56n103, 79n138, 82n147, 86, 112, 118n208, 663n155

  Obey, André, 258n61, 592–93

  Le Viol de Lucrèce, 232, 254

  Odets, Clifford, Paradise Lost, 309

  O’Flaherty, Liam, Mr. Gilhooley, 308

  O’Hara, John, TNW letter to, 632–33

  O’Harra, Michaela, TNW letter to, 519–22

  O’Keeffe, Georgia, 206n141

  Olivier, Laurence, 435, 437

  in Caesar and Cleopatra/Antony and Cleopatra, 501n43, 684

  and National Theatre Company, 631n99

  and the Old Vic, 684n186

  in Othello, 631

  and The Skin of Our Teeth, 429–31, 433, 533

  TNW letters to, 429–31, 489–91, 575–77

  TNW’s friendship with, 443, 450, 489

  O’Neil, F. J., 686

  O’Neill, Eugene, 367, 471, 519

  Mourning Becomes Electra, 301

  Oppenheimer, George, Here Today, 619

  Oprescu, M., 315

  Orczy, Baroness Emma, The Scarlet Pimpernel, 16

  Origo, Iris, Leopardi: A Study in Solitude, 310n162

  Ortega y Gasset, José, 465, 468

  Osborne, Paul, 519, 576

  Otto, Rudolph, 211

  Ottoline, Lady Caroline, 614

  Our Town (Wilder), xxxiv

  Boston production of, 330 -36, 337, 528

  casting of, 325n194, 328, 335–36, 444n142, 660

  film of, 356, 367–71, 372, 374–76, 386

  and Harris, 234, 322, 323, 324–25, 328, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 342, 348, 553

  New Haven production of, 330, 339, 342

  New York premiere of, 323, 325, 328–29, 330–31, 338, 528

  as opera, 488n6, 587n1

  other performances of, 364, 423–24, 440, 446, 479, 659–60

  Princeton production of, 325n194, 330, 336, 337, 339

  public response to, 337, 338

  Pulitzer Prize for, xxxiii, 234, 359

  radio broadcast of, 360

  success of, xxxvii, 234, 235, 339

  technical aspects of, 357

  TNW acting in, 348, 349, 355, 444n142, 483, 490

  TNW’s thoughts on, 333–35, 476–77, 501, 507–8, 638, 651–52, 654, 679

  writing of, 321, 324–25

  Ouspenskaya, Maria, 179n89


  Paepcke, Elizabeth N. “Pussy,” 470n181, 475

  TNW letter to, 366–67

  Paepcke, Walter, 366n8, 470

  Page, Thomas Nelson, In Ole Virginia, 110n181

  Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi de, 352, 467, 495

  Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 42

  Pankhurst, Leonard Thomas, 440n129, 523–24

  Panoffsky, Erwin, 542


  La Maison des Amis des Livres, 198n124 Shakespeare and Company, 192, 198n124

  TNW in, 128–29, 314–16

  TNW’s letters from, 146–49, 195–202

  Vieux-Columbier theater, 126

  Paris Review, The, 595–96

  Parker, Cecil, 388n49

  Parker, Dorothy, 274, 560, 561

  Pascal, Blaise,
198, 681

  Pensées, 89

  Peabody, Rev. Harry Ernest, 56–57, 81n143

  Peabody, Leonard Clough, 81

  Pearn, Violet, Hush!, 91

  Peck, Clara Boardman, 498

  PEN, 357, 400n72, 464

  Perkins, Maxwell, 472

  Perse, Saint-John (Léger), 465n172, 521, 602

  Peterkin, Julia, Scarlet Sister Mary, 237

  Peyton, Myron, 496

  Phelps, William Lyon, 7, 17, 102

  Phoenix Theatre, London, 431n116

  Piatagorski, Gregor, 468

  Picabia, Francis, 466

  Picasso, Pablo, 277, 306, 466, 681

  Pickford, Mary, 259, 265–66

  Pinchot, Rosamond, 336

  Pinero, Arthur Wing, The Second Mrs. Tanqueray, 680n177

  Pirandello, Luigi, 145

  Six Characters in Search of an Author, 652

  Plato, 104, 381

  Plautus, Titus Maccius, Menaechmi, 82

  Plowright, Joan, 577n175

  Plutarch, Parallel Lives, 17

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 495, 515

  Poiret, Paul, 180

  Poole, Ernest, 73

  Porter, Cole, 258, 399

  Porter, Delia Lyman, 421

  Pound, Ezra, 126, 463, 465, 588, 695

  Powers, Lieutenant, 403

  Praskins, Leonard, 278

  Pratt, John Thomas, 270–71

  Preminger, Otto, 348

  Preston, June, 253

  Previn, André, 668, 669–70, 671, 673, 683, 684

  Priestley, J. B., The Inspector Calls, 453

  Princeton, New Jersey, Our Town

  performed in, 325n194, 330, 336, 337, 339

  Princeton University, 127, 128

  TNW at graduate school, 175–76

  TNW’s letters from, 182–90

  Private Life of Henry VIII, The (film), 280–81

  Proust, Marcel, 154, 310n165, 316, 443, 681

  Ptushko, Aleksandr, 474n192

  Punch magazine, 203

  Purcell, Henry, 467


  Rabelais, François, Gargantua and Pantagruel, 144

  Racine, Jean, 198, 539

  Raeburn, Henzie, 660

  Raimu (Jules-Auguste Muraire), 280

  Raimund, Ferdinand, 258

  Rains, Claude, 455

  Raphael, 211, 618, 694

  Rauschenbush, Walter, 49–50

  Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 551

  Ray, Satyajit, 703, 704

  Read, Sir Herbert, 518

  Récamier, Jeanne Françoise, 60, 61n111

  Reed, Florence, 406, 407, 408n85

  Reeves, Ruth, 388n49

  Régnier, Henri de, 316

  Reinhardt, Karl, Die Ilias und ihr Dichter, 601

  Reinhardt, Max, 167, 168, 201, 251, 254n41, 258, 282, 321

  and The Alcestiad, 327, 364n3

  and The Blue Bird, 346

  and Faust, 298, 299

  and The Merchant of Yonkers, 235, 323, 325, 330, 342, 346–47, 350, 352–54, 353, 553

  at Monhegan, 76n130, 166

  and The Skin of Our Teeth, 393, 408

  TNW letter to, 323–24

  Réjane, Gabrielle, 308

  Remarque, Erich Maria, 320

  Renaud, Madeleine, 458

  Rennie, Tom, 423

  Ribicoff, Abraham, 602, 603

  Ricci, Renzo, 613

  Rice, Elmer, 384

  Rice, John A., 274n92

  Rich, Daniel, 277

  Richardson, Lee, 600n34

  Rilke, Rainer Maria, 492

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 516

  RKO Pictures, 232, 275

  Robbins, Jerome, 698n218

  Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 192, 222, 492

  at MacDowell Colony, 192n113, 237, 507n55

  Tristram, 237

  Robinson, Graham, 307

  Robinson, Henry Morton, 412n91

  Rockefeller, John D., 207n144, 500n42

  Rogers, Emmett, 437

  Rogers, William G., 702

  Romains, Jules, 315

  Rome, TNW’s letters from, 133–45

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 380n35, 384, 627

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.:

  election campaign of, 380–81

  and Hutchins, 284, 289, 381

  inauguration of, 357, 383–84

  Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 384

  Rorem, Ned, TNW letter to, 587–88

  Rose, Sir Francis, 373n20, 591

  Rosebery, Lord, Napoleon: The Last Phase, 378

  Rose, Leonard, 603

  Rosenstock-Huessy, Eugen, 442

  Ross, Thomas W., 334n208, 335

  Rossini, Giocchino, 684

  “Stabat Mater,” 44–45

  Rostand, Edmond, L’Aiglon, 119

  Rostova, Mira, 498

  Royal Shakespeare Company, 670

  Royce, Josiah, 206

  Roycroft Community, East Aurora, New York, 108n179

  Rubinstein, Artur, 468

  Rubirosa, Porfirio, 598

  Ruggles of Red Gap (film), 281n104

  Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan, 462

  Russell, Bertrand, 614

  Rutherford, Margaret, 388


  S4N1, 240n10

  Sackville-West, Vita, 591

  Sagawatha Lodge, Connecticut, 170, 171

  Saint, Eva Marie, 650n132

  Saint-Denis, Michel, 258n61, 593

  Saint-Gaudens, Augusta Homer, 155

  Saint-Gaudens, Homer, 155, 178n88

  Saint-Saens, Charles-Camille, 11

  Saint-Simon, Memoirs, 164, 238, 247

  Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus), 49

  Salzburg Festival, 234, 297, 299

  Sankey, Ira, 110, 111n183

  Santayana, George, 177

  Character and Opinion in the United States, 206

  Sargent, Franklin H., 179n90

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 359, 440

  Mort sans sépulture, 360, 361, 441n131

  No Exit, 638

  Saint Genet: Actor and Martyr, 502n45

  Sassoon, Sir Philip, 258

  The Third Route, 238n5

  Saturday Review of Literature, The, 358–59, 412–15

  Schiller, Friedrich von, 539

  Die Jungfrau von Orleans, 274n91

  Wilhelm Tell, 44

  Schneider, Alan, 537–38

  TNW letter to, 532–33

  Schnitzler, Arthur, Anatol, 94

  Schubert, Franz, “Erlkönig,” 20

  Schuman, William, 653

  Schweitzer, Albert, 465, 468–69, 469

  Scott, Lizabeth, 417n96

  Scott, Martha, 336

  Scott, Sir Walter, 19

  Scott, Winfield Townley, 508

  “Our Town and the Golden Veil,” 507n56

  Scott (Metcalfe), Evelyn, TNW letter to, 422–23

  Scribner’s magazine, 239

  Serato, Arr igo, 45

  Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley:

  Robert Frost: The Trial by Existence, 596, 642

  TNW letters to, 503–5, 608–9

  Willa Cather: A Memoir, 505n50

  Sévigné, Marie de, xxxiv, 174, 220, 250

  Shadow of a Doubt (film), 357, 358, 395n63, 396n67, 399, 401

  Shairp, Mordaunt, The Green Bay Tree, 262, 269n81

  Shakespeare, William, 285, 302, 306, 416, 595, 597, 615, 635, 636–37

  Hamlet, 458, 680

  King Lear, 443, 540

  Measure for Measure, 540

  Midsummer Night’s Dream, 683, 684

  The Merchant of Venice, 345–46

  Shakespeare and Company, Paris, 192, 198n124

  Shaw, Charlotte Payne-Townshend, 641n122

  Shaw, George Bernard, 520

  Getting Married, 91

  Saint Joan, 308n154

  You Never Can Tell, 27

  Shaw, Mary, 77

  Shaw, Robert (actor), 693

  Shaw, Robert (conductor), 467, 496, 676

  Shearer, Norma, 281, 311

nbsp; Sheldon, Edward, 257, 337, 338, 554

  TNW letter to, 262–66

  Shelley, Carole, 691

  Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 144, 160

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 135, 161

  The Cenci, 144

  Epipsychidion, 144n20

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 520

  Sherman, Hiram, 546n125

  Sherman, Stuart, 189

  Sherrill, Gibbs, 213

  Sherwood, Madeleine, 384

  Sherwood, Robert E., 380

  Shields, Francis X., 286

  Shikibu, Murasaki, The Tale of Genji, 635

  Shortall, Harrington, 27

  Sidgwick, Ethel, 83

  Sill, Edward Rowland, 116

  Simenon, Georges, Le Fils, 558

  Simon, Neil, The Odd Couple, 691

  Simonds, Bruce T., 7, 198

  TNW letter to, 117–19

  Sims, Mrs. Admiral, 156

  Sixties generation, TNW’s thoughts on, 584–85

  Skinner, Cornelia Otis, 253, 590

  Skin of Our Teeth, The (Wilder): casting of, 406

  European productions of, 429–31, 691–92

  film of, 395, 691

  and Harris, 389n52, 391–93, 408

  and Lunt/Fontanne, 391–93, 568

  Myerberg as producer of, 393–94, 407, 408–10, 416–18, 429, 430n114, 590

  and Olivier/Leigh, 429–31, 433, 533

  as opera, 698

  premiere of, 358

  reviews of, 358–59, 409, 412–15, 528

  revivals of, 532–33, 537n106

  TNW acting in, 360, 444n142

  TNW’s thoughts on, 378, 391–93, 477, 508, 532–33, 697

  writing of, 356–57, 392

  Skirball, Jack H., 396, 399

  Smilin’ Through (film), 369

  Smith, Walter, 65–66

  Smythe, Dame Ethel, 599

  Socrates, 687

  Sophocles, 245, 301, 416, 571

  Oedipus Rex (TNW’s introd.), 356

  Speiden, Jack, 614

  Spengler, Oswald, 206

  The Decline of the West, 188

  Spore, Harold, 116

  Sprigge, Elizabeth, 642

  Squire, J. C., 209

  Stallman, Robert W., xxxvii

  TNW letters to, 492–93

  Stanislavski, Konstantin, 167

  Stanley, Mrs. Charles A., 115n195

  Stanwyck, Barbara, 445

  Stein, Gertrude, 319, 553

  biographies of, 642

  death of, 447n145

  described in TNW letters, 294, 306, 307, 446–48

  estate of, 448, 499n39

  in Europe, 233, 297, 299, 377, 402, 438

  Four in America, 360, 448

  The Geographical History of America or the Relation of Human Nature to the Human Mind, 234, 306, 663n156

  and her dogs, 466

  The Making of Americans, 372

  Narration, 234

  quotations from, 315, 420, 428, 501, 650, 663, 681, 700, 702

  TNW letters to, xxxvii, 302–4, 319–20, 371–74

  TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 233, 234, 292, 297, 299, 304, 306, 495, 503, 542, 560, 591–92


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