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Pleasure Island

Page 6

by M. S. Parker

  “You aren’t having sexual thoughts about me,” I pointed out.

  She blinked, then made a face. “Gross. You’re like…well, you’re a therapist. I’m not that messed up.”

  I laughed. “But it goes to show you have regular conversations without sex getting in the way. You control those thoughts, Rachel.”

  “Sometimes I don’t feel like I control anything,” she said in that same soft, sad voice.

  “Let’s work on that,” I suggested.

  I heard a bright giggle coming from the waiting room and silently swore. I’d walked Rachel to the door as was my custom, but she’d asked if she could use the restroom before she left.

  Since I wasn’t about to tell her no, I’d gone back into my office to start making notes.

  Judging by the sound of the laugh coming from the waiting room, she was done in the restroom – and possibly flirting with Liam.

  I came out of my office and strode through the main room where I conducted my sessions, ready to cut off anything untoward.

  But Liam was standing as he had been when I last saw him, hands crossed in front of him, a polite expression on his face as Rachel talked to him in an animated tone.

  She was being flirty – it was almost impossible for her to not be flirty – but she was keeping her hands to herself, which was a good sign.

  Liam didn’t seem perturbed by her presence or her flirtation. Actually, he barely seemed aware.

  “Rachel,” I said softly.

  She blinked, swinging her head around to see me standing in the door.

  “Didn’t you mention you had a lunch date with your mother today?” I said.

  “Oh, yes.” She clapped a hand to her forehead. “I better go.”

  She was gone in the next moment, and I looked over at Liam. “Thanks for…indulging her,” I said. “She’s relatively harmless.”

  That wasn’t entirely the truth, but I didn’t need to tell the hot bodyguard that my client probably would have tried to drag him into the bathroom with her six months earlier.

  “It’s not a problem.” He nodded at me.

  I brushed my hair back and pondered him, wondering if I’d be able to get rid of him by the end of the day, although I knew it would take a call from his employer to make him move from his spot – watching my ass. I still didn’t believe I was in any danger.

  But until I convinced my father of that, I was probably stuck with Liam.

  And so far, he’d done nothing to get in my way.

  Maybe I should lighten up a little.

  “Would you like something to drink? Some coffee?”

  He met my eyes but shook his head. “I’m fine for now, thanks.”

  “You can’t go all day without taking five minutes for a coffee break or something,” I said, going for a teasing tone instead of the snippy one I’d been using.

  He responded with an actual smile. “I’ll take a break at some point.”



  The first week of my new job had come and gone without any major disaster.

  Mila had finally stopped trying to subtly chase me off, which made things easier. Not that there was much about the job, so far, that hadn’t been easy. Nothing happened. She went to work, she went to lunch, she went to the gym, she went home.

  This weekend might find things different, but I was off for the next two days and watching Mila fell into the hands of two others at Steadman.

  “So how did the first week at work go?”

  I sat at a table across from Jake. One of his friends, Kane, was with us. Jake had said he wanted to take me out for a beer to celebrate my first week in the city. Since I didn’t have much else to do, I’d agreed.

  I hadn’t expected the third party but didn’t mind. Kane was a big, quiet guy who only seemed to speak up if he had something important to say. I understood that mindset since I spent most of my time listening and watching others, anyway.

  After taking a quick pull of the beer, I said, “It was…fine. Boring, mostly.”

  “If bodyguard work gets exciting, something is probably wrong,” Kane said.

  I tipped the beer in his direction. That seemed to be my understanding of the job too.

  Since I preferred things to not go wrong, I wasn’t going to complain about the general tediousness of what I was doing. Besides, I’d said it myself…I was ready for something boring.

  I hadn’t planned on Mila though.

  At least she had stopped acting like there was a stick up her excellent butt over the entire thing. I knew she’d talked to her father and since I was still reporting out to her address every day, I had to assume she hadn’t been able to dissuade him from what he felt needed to be done.

  “You’re really big into sharing shit, Liam,” Jake said, crooking a grin at me. “I just wanted to know if you liked your new job – which I helped get you – and you say…what, five words about it?”

  I flipped him off, recognizing the light of humor in his eyes. Sometimes it seemed like the years that had gone without us seeing each other didn’t even exist.

  Jake laughed, then leaned in. “So…listen. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”

  I braced myself, because usually words like that…we need to talk…there’s something you should know…seemed to come laden with a whole lot of shit.

  Jake took a deep breath, then glanced over at Kane. “I’ve got a sister.”

  I just stared, waiting for the punchline. But Jake watched me with an unblinking gaze. “Since when did you have a sister?”

  “For twenty-one years ago, apparently,” Jake said with a wry grin. He skimmed a hand back over his hair. “Her name’s Raye. We…well, she found me not long ago.”

  He told me the story, including the affair between his father and Raye’s mother, and how Raye had hunted him down in New York once she’d found out.

  “She’s cool,” Jake finished. “Even if she does have shitty taste in men.”

  “Suck my dick,” Kane suggested.

  I looked between the two of them, but Jake filled me in before I could ask. “They’re dating. They’re so cute together, it’s sickening.”

  I took another look at Kane and wondered just what kind of woman could manage to make him do anything resembling cute.

  Kane shifted uncomfortably in the seat. “Enough with that shit, King,” he said.

  I had to remind myself, again, of Jake’s new name.

  “So, when do I meet my new cousin?” I asked.

  “Actually…” Jake checked the time on his phone. “In another half hour. They’re meeting us here. I just wanted to get the story about Raye out before she arrived.”

  He tapped the table with his bottle. “So. Enough about everybody else. Tell us more about the job.”

  “What’s there to say?” I spread my hands wide. “I stand outside her office during the day to make sure nobody gets in and tries to hurt her. I escort her to and from work. That’s it.”

  “Is she some hot celeb?” Jake waggled his eyebrows at me.

  I thought about Mila, then shook my head. “No, not a celeb.”

  “But hot, though?”

  I thought about the brunette who’d filled most of my waking hours over the past week. Hot? Hell, yeah. She was hot.

  Jake laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He leaned forward and caught my gaze. “You interested?”

  I almost choked on my beer at the question. “Interested?” My eyes started to water. “In…the client?” I almost blurted out Mila, which would have been a big no on the things it’s cool to discuss list but I managed to suck it back at the last second.

  “Who else?” Jake leaned back in his seat. “It’s kind of like some movie set up. The bodyguard and the sexy thing he has to protect from all threats.”

  “You ought to spend your days writing books with lines like that,” I told him, tossing a wadded-up straw wrapper at him.

  He batted it away, an unrepentant grin on his face
. “You still haven’t answered the question.”

  “Which one…am I interested?” I bought a few more seconds by taking another drink of my beer. As I lowered it, I shrugged, hoping it was as casual as I’d tried to make it. “No. I mean, she’s gorgeous, but she’s a serious ball-buster.”

  That was one way to describe Mila. Especially that first day. She’d softened since then, chatting with me – or at least chatting while I sat there and did an imitation of a wall.

  I’d never tell Jake, or anybody else, but Mila was more than a little intimidating.

  It wasn’t just that she was gorgeous and smart and self-assured, although that in and of itself might have been enough. Her job, though…shit, I’d almost swallowed my tongue once I figured out what she did.

  She called herself a sex specialist. I’d ended up nabbing one of her office brochures so I could read more about it without running the risk that she’d catch me and start teasing.

  She loved to tease. It was playful and nothing mean-spirited, but I was uncomfortable with it. It was her confidence and self-assuredness and just…hell, everything about her.

  On top of that, she was completely comfortable talking about sex.

  I wasn’t even comfortable remembering my one and only encounter with it.

  Talk about two radical opposites.

  Kane and Jake had started talking, and I sat there, drinking my beer and hoping I hadn’t given anything away. The last thing I wanted was for my cousin to realize I had some weird hang-up about sex.

  Actually, it was the last thing I wanted anybody knowing about me. I’d be happier not knowing it, but I was stuck with the reality of it.

  Later that night, I laid in bed.

  For some reason, I’d picked up the brochure from Mila’s office, and now I found myself studying her face. Whoever had taken the pictures for her was good. The photographer had managed to capture both Mila’s wit and her subtle sexuality.



  I traced my finger along the edge of her face and felt my cock start to stiffen inside my pants.

  It wasn’t the first time I’d had a reaction to her like this. Hell, the first time had been at her office, but I’d managed to deal with it.

  I wasn’t in a public place now though, and I didn’t have to will the erection away.

  Part of me didn’t even want to.

  This much, at least, I was comfortable with.

  Dropping the brochure on the bed next to me, I slid my hand down and cupped my cock through the workout pants I wore.

  It was late, and I was tired and relaxed from the beer I’d consumed. It was the perfect combination to let my mind wander. And it wandered straight to Mila, bringing to mind questions like how it would feel if it were her hand touching me.

  I closed my eyes, blocking the room out and let myself pretend.

  Her hazel eyes glinted at me as she stroked me. Since it was my fantasy, I pretended I wouldn’t worry about things like humor or disappointment as she wrapped her hand around my cock, then dragged it up, down, slowly, over and over again.

  I echoed the fantasy out as I lay there in my bed, fisting my dick and arching up into my hand while imagining it was Mila. Her golden-brown hair spilling around us, that wide mobile mouth curved into a smug smile as she brought me to my knees.

  It should have been a demoralizing thought, but for some reason, the thought of kneeling in front of Mila didn’t bother me. Especially if I got to touch her while I was doing it. Touch her like Fantasy Mila was touching me.

  I moved faster, the line between fantasy and reality blurring as the burn of lust crawled through me.

  I had never felt it like this, and it was both dismaying and…well, pretty fucking great.

  I came hard and fast, the orgasm knocking the wind out of me as I lay there.

  As my cum cooled against my heated skin, I closed my eyes and gave my cock a few last strokes, shuddering at the sensation.

  Well, even if my sex life sucked, at least my imagination was improving.



  “I hope it’s not screwing up any big weekend plans, you coming out here with me,” I said, watching Liam as he stared out the window of the small, private plane my grandmother had allowed me to use.

  Millie had invited me out to the island for the weekend, and I was never one to turn down a chance to spend time on Pleasure Island.

  Liam glanced at me. That faint smile came and went, and he shook his head. “It’s no concern.”

  He’d had two days off earlier in the week. I guess Steadman Security liked to change things up. I’d been worried I might be stuck with one of his counterparts from the security firm, but Liam was apparently assigned to take care of me during the weekend.

  After being informed of my plans to travel to see my grandmother, he’d contacted the firm.

  Shortly after, I was told he’d accompany me. I couldn’t even say I minded.

  Liam’s quiet presence was one I’d gotten used to, and it was almost disconcerting to bump into one of the others who handled the job when he was off. He was still almost stand-offish, but part of me wondered if that wasn’t some sort of shyness. Not that he acted shy or anything, but he definitely held himself apart in a way that, frankly, was starting to fascinate me.

  If I was honest with myself, I’d admit that I’d been trying to charm him.

  He seemed immune.

  That definitely fascinated me. I wasn’t used to anybody being immune to me when I set my mind to it.

  It was that determination to crack his façade that drove me to say, “Do you know what Pleasure Island is?”

  He glanced at me, a brow going up. “Wasn’t that someplace mentioned in that old cartoon, Pinocchio?”

  His dryly delivered comment tugged a laugh from me. “I think there was a Pleasure Island mentioned in it, yes. But I’m talking about our destination. That’s where we’re going…Pleasure Island.”


  Unable to keep my mischievous side from showing, I winked at him and asked, “Want to know why it’s called that?”

  That infamous reserve of his popped up, and he went back to staring out the window, looking down at the water beneath us. “Unless it’s relevant to my job, I don’t need to know, do I?”

  “How do you know if it’s relevant without knowing?” I asked innocently.

  His gaze slid back my way. “I think you just want to tell me. Why don’t you get it over with?”

  “You’re on to me, Liam,” I said, pointing at him and shaking my head in mock dismay. “But…fine. Really, there’s two parts to Pleasure Island. There’s the island itself, which is now called Pleasure Island.” I leaned in a little, lowering my voice. “Then there’s the resort – also called Pleasure Island. It’s an adults-only resort.”

  He blinked.

  “You know…clothing optional, swingers welcome…that sort of thing.”

  “Okay.” He went back to staring out the window.

  That was the only reaction I’d get out of him?

  Huffing a little, I settled back in my seat.

  I’d get through to him. Sooner or later. I was dead set on it.

  Liam was almost impossible to ruffle.

  I’d decided he probably was a little shy and breaking through that reserve of his was like trying to crack a wall of ice with a butter knife. All in all, a pretty hard task.

  We stood by the outdoor pool, one of several. This one was completely clothing optional, and most of the guests enjoying said pool were naked. Pleasure Island wasn’t a nudist resort. It was designed for more…hedonistic pleasures. While some people never really warmed up to it, there were plenty who came in more than ready to enjoy everything the resort – and like-minded guests – could offer.

  With everything from parties for the bi-curious and those who wanted to try out the swinging lifestyle, to nude yoga on the beach, Pleasure Island lived up to its name.

  Liam stood at my s
ide as I talked about the classes on various kinks, to nude yoga workshops. Other than batting an eyelash, he could have been a statue.

  “Think there’s anything you’d like to…indulge in while you’re here?” I asked teasingly.

  He slanted a look at me and gave a negative shake of his head. “I’m here to work, not play.”

  “And what if you were here to play?”

  “I tend to prefer a different sort of playground, I guess.” He hitched up a shoulder, and for a split second, I thought I saw something under that calm mask of his.

  He was driving me crazy.

  But I wasn’t done.

  Offering my hand, I said, “Come on. We’re supposed to join my grandmother for dinner in a little bit. We still have more of the island to see before we get ready.”

  He didn’t take my hand. I hadn’t thought he would, but he fell into step next to me.

  We took the long way to our room, and I paused at one of the grottoes used for various classes. Right now, nude yoga was going on, and while a few people looked distinctively uncomfortable, most of the participants looked to be enjoying themselves.

  Nobody was going out of their way to ogle fellow yoga aficionados, something that I was pleased to see. There was plenty of time for flirting, and more, but the classes weren’t one of them.

  Millie hadn’t been sure how the classes would go over when I’d talked her into trying them a couple of years ago, but it looked like they were a popular addition to the resort’s amenities.

  Liam’s gaze still seemed impenetrable, but I did notice him cock his head to the side in that way he had. I couldn’t tell if he was intrigued or just curious. “Surely you’re entitled to a workout while you’re here. Want to give yoga a chance?”

  He blinked, shaking his head before looking at me. “If I tried any of that, I’d be stuck in that position.”

  I laughed and hooked my arm through his. “You’d be surprised at how flexible you could turn out to be, Liam.” I squeezed his arm with mine, absently noting the firm muscle there.


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