Book Read Free

Risen From Ashes

Page 10

by Sam Schall

  “Nor did we expect the message to be quite so clear.” Vreman activated the holo display over the conference table. A moment later, someone down the table gasped in surprise. Not that he blamed them. He’d done much the same thing as he watched a replay of the images of the Fuerconese ships entering the system. His insides had turned to water until he remembered they were still, at least technically, allies. “As you can see, Fuercon is making their message clear by sending more than enough ships to remove every one of their citizens, not to mention other allied personnel and dependents. Now think about this, there is enough firepower in-system to take over without any trouble. Our desire to focus on commerce rather than military strength has left us at an extreme disadvantage.”

  And that was putting it mildly.

  “What do they want?” Santos Reyes asked from the opposite end of the table.

  Vreman studied the Labor Secretary for a moment. Reyes looked like someone’s jolly and harmless grandfather. The truth was far from that.

  “We will find out soon enough. Secretary of State Marc Nelms is onboard the flagship and will be transporting planetside within the hour. Ambassador Izaguirre sent word shortly before I called this briefing that a formal audience with Bethany was being requested. I think it fair to say our time has run out.”

  “Do you really believe they will try to force the issue?” Hollis Browning asked from her place two seats to Vreman’s left.

  He looked at the woman and for not the first time wondered what plane of existence she occupied. It certainly wasn’t the reality of their current situation. She seemed either unable or incapable of believing the Fuerconese and their allies would take exception to what Watchman and others had planned with the Callusians. After all, to Browning’s way of thinking, it had been a purely business matter and had nothing to do with the treaties Midlothian had signed with Fuercon and the allied systems.

  And that was exactly the sort of thinking that led them to their current situation. For far too long, the leadership had refused to see there was more to be considered than the bottom line. Controlling commerce in this part of the galaxy was all well and good but it wouldn’t save them from the Callusians, especially not with their new weapon, or from Fuercon’s fury.


  She nodded once to Vreman. Then she pushed back her chair and stood. As she did, the Chairman smiled slightly. This was a different woman than the one most of those on the Bureau knew. Until he’d named her as Acting-Secretary of State, she seemed content to stay in the background, rarely offering any opinion unless asked. Vreman knew it was a mask, once she carefully crafted to keep her fellow members of the Bureau from looking too closely. If the Chairman could point to any one failure by Watchman, Vreman would point to the woman. As Watchman worked to manipulate the Bureau into doing what he wanted, she’d worked behind the scenes to assist Vreman and others to safeguard not only the Bureau but the system as well.

  “They don’t have to force the issue, Ms. Browning. Thanks to our media, it won’t be long before everyone in the system realizes not only that Fuercon and her allies have sent a delegation here but they did so with a force large enough to be termed a taskforce. That alone is proof they will do whatever they feel necessary to protect their interests. Are you willing to risk not complying with what they want?”

  “Are we willing to give in and let them dictate how we govern our system?” Browning countered.

  Vreman stopped Waal before she could respond. “What do you think will happen if we refuse to cooperate with them, Hollis?” He spoke softly, almost as if he might be discussing the weather. Little did Browning realize he was anything but relaxed.

  “Nothing. This is all a show. They wouldn’t dare try to force us to act. The rest of the allies wouldn’t stand for it.”

  He found it hard to believe the woman could be that foolish. “This isn’t the former administration we’re dealing with, Hollis.” He held the woman’s gaze for a moment before glancing around the table. “Derek Harper is a man of action. He’s proven that time and again since taking office. He has also put people in positions of power who believe the way he does. So, to answer your question, I have no doubt Ambassador Izaguirre is here to deliver an ultimatum. We either turn over everyone and everything we have that is connected with Watchman and his machination with the Callusians or we will very shortly find ourselves without any allied protection. I don’t know about you, but I do not want to leave our system open to attack from the Callusians.”

  “And do not discount the potential for the Callusians to turn their attention to our system,” Wass said as she moved to the Chairman’s side. “I have received word from operatives loyal to the Chairman that they are not pleased with the way Watchman has dropped out of sight or with the fact we are not continuing to live up to his bargain with them. I have no doubt the only reason they haven’t already sent a strikeforce against us is because Fuercon and the other systems have been protecting us. Remove that protection and we not only become the proverbial sitting duck but there is little we can do about it.”

  “But they can’t afford a multi-front war.” Reyes spoke with such confidence Vreman wondered if he actually bought into Browning’s alternate reality.

  “What multi-front war?” he snapped. “If we can’t protect our home system, how in the hell are we going to go to war with anyone?” Disgust filled him. It was no wonder they were in the trouble they were. Too many of the Bureau lived in worlds of their own making, worlds that had little to do with reality. “Do you honestly believe we could repel the ships currently in our system with our merchant navy? Even if we could, do you think they would then be able to stand against the Callusians? If you do, I suggest you find your nearest mental health professional and check yourselves in for long term treatment.”

  Was this why Watchman worked behind the scenes for his own agenda. Had the Bureau been so ineffectual, the Intelligence Czar saw his actions as the only way to save the system? While he could see it, he couldn’t condone it. Not after seeing what the Callusians had done on Shennong. He didn’t care what it took or how many political asses he had to kiss, he wouldn’t let that happen to Midlothian or any of her holdings.

  “How dare you!” Reyes started to rise only to drop back onto his chair when Vreman glared at him.

  “I dare because I will not sacrifice our homeworld just to save that bastard Watchman!” His nostrils flared as he drew in a deep, cleansing breath. He held it for a moment before exhaling. “Bethany and I will be on hand to greet Secretary of State Nelms when he arrives at the spaceport. When we formally meet, I will agree to handing over the prisoners we already have in custody.” He lifted a hand to hold off any protests. “However, they will have to prove their right to take those prisoners in our courts. That should buy us some time. I suggest we make good use of it and find that bastard Watchman.”

  With that, he turned and left the conference room, Waas on his heels. As the doors shut behind them, he prayed Major Rudolph managed to learn something from the prisoners and soon. Time was running out.

  Damn Watchman and those fools who still protected him!

  He checked the door and activated the security screen. As he did, he fought the urge to beat his head against the wall. While he understood Vreman’s worry, he knew it was misplaced. Harper and the rest of the Fuerconese might bluster and threaten, but they would never follow through. It just wasn’t in them. The real danger was in giving in to them and siding against the Callusians.

  It was now a matter of doing whatever it took to save his own skin. Only then could he do anything to help his homeworld. And if that meant working with the Devil, he’d do so. Besides, the Devil knew all his secrets and had already shown he had no qualms using them against him.

  “It’s me,” he said over a secured link a few minutes later. “There’s been a development we didn’t anticipate.”

  “Tell me.”

  He frowned, wondering for not the first time if he was doing t
he right thing. The blank screen might hide the appearance of the person on the other end of the call, but he knew that voice all too well. It was a voice that sent chills down the spines of men much braver than he.

  “A Fuerconese taskforce is in-system as we speak. Secretary of State Nelms is onboard one of the ships. Vreman and Waas are sure he is here to give Harper’s final demands concerning any alliances with or support given to the Callusians. The best case scenario is that he can stall them for a while. Worst case is that they pull all personnel and dependents out of the system, taking with them all military support as well.”

  “I see.” Silence followed and he waited, wondering if the call had been ended. “Don’t panic and don’t give Vreman or the others reason to suspect you. I’ll be in touch.”

  This time there was no doubt he ended the call. Reyes leaned forward and slowly pounded his head against the wall. He was caught between the proverbial rock and the hard place and saw no way out. Not unless he managed to locate Watchman. But did he dare risk turning the former spy chief in?

  Damn it, there were too many players in this game and little chance of winning.

  Line in the Sand


  Atlantis Rising, flagship

  First Fleet, Fuerconese Navy

  Midlothian space

  Admiral Miranda Tremayne stood in the middle of the flag bridge and allowed a small smile to lift the corners of her mouth. She’d commanded her fair share of state-of-the-art battle cruisers over the course of her career. They all paled in comparison with the Atlantis Rising. The ship was fresh off her shakedown cruise and it was all hers. Well, hers and her flag captain and it made a very clear statement to anyone standing in her way.

  Or it should if they had an ounce of common sense in them.

  “They’re ready for you, Admiral.”

  She turned and nodded to Lt. Stahl in appreciation. “Ask the Mess to send up coffee and tea for everyone. We may be a while.”

  “Aye, Admiral.”

  Tremayne drew a bracing breath and crossed to her ready room. As she did, she prepared herself. Waiting for her were her senior officers as well as Secretary of State Marc Nelms. Since leaving Fuercon, they met twice a day to discuss how best to deal with the Midlothian government. President Harper and FleetCom’s orders were clear. But it was up to them to find a resolution to the situation that wouldn’t lead to leaving the system open to Callusian attack.


  Ashlyn Shaw hadn’t finished the order before those gathered around the table pushed back and stood. As they braced to attention, the colonel stepped to the head of the table. Then she, too, snapped to attention. As she did, Secretary of State Nelms stood, waiting respectfully for Tremayne to join them.

  “Be seated,” the admiral said as she took her seat. “Let me begin by confirming what some of you already know. As of 14oo hours, we split the fleet into two parts. Captain Earhardt commands the reserve force. He will hold it outside of the system, beyond detection range and in stealth until such time as it is needed—if it is needed. No mention of the reserve force is to be made over any open comm or in public until further notice. Is that understood?”

  She waited until each person present indicated they not only understood but would follow the order.

  “While this is supposed to be a diplomatic mission, we are not going to drop our guard. Members of the Midlothian government have already shown they are willing to betray not only Fuercon’s best interests but the best interests of our allies as well. It is up to them to prove they can be trusted. We will not risk being betrayed again.” She glanced to her right. “Colonel Shaw.”

  Ashlyn stood. As she did, the holo display at the far end of the room came to life. One half showed the fleet’s current position in relation to the capital planet. Also highlighted were system defense, sensor and comms platforms. The other half of the display showed similar information from the Savitar VI System upon the arrival of Taskforce Liberator after the attack on Shennong.

  “Thank you, Admiral.” She sipped from her coffee mug before continuing. “I won’t insult any of us by saying the situation we face right now is the same as what we faced when the taskforce arrived in the Savitar VI System. I hope none of you ever have to face what we did on that mission. The biotoxin used by the Callusians decimated the planet. It will be months, perhaps years or even decades before the planet can be settled again. When I say we were lucky the enemy failed to successfully use the biotoxin against any of our ships, I’m putting it mildly.” She entered a command and the second half of the display changed to show a list of Midlothians FleetIntel confirmed to be working against Fuercon’s best interest.

  “We must not forget that members of the Midlothian government not only aided and abetted the enemy but that they actively plotted against Fuercon and our true allies. They have provided the enemy with technology, finances and ‘advisors’, all with the ultimate goal of defeating the alliance we’ve built against the Callusians. While it’s true the Administrative Bureau did not know exactly when we would arrive—or what in what numbers—it knows we’re coming. That means we must be on the lookout for the potential for betrayal.

  “I briefed Admiral Tremayne and Secretary Nelms earlier concerning my recommendations as Marine CO. Those recommendations begin with immediately instituting the new protocols adopted by FleetCom to combat the spread of the biotoxin. That means keeping each compartment secured and increased environmental monitoring. That will help slow the spread of the biotoxin should it somehow be introduced onto any of our ships. My other recommendations include limiting who is allowed to go dirtside, sending full Marine guard details with those who do and all Marine details being in full battle rattle when off-ship. It might seem like overkill, but I assure you it is necessary. We are at war and Midlothians has thrown support to our enemy. It is time to show them we will no longer sit by and allow them to play both ends against the middle.”

  She input another command and the holo screen changed to display images from Shennong. Gasps and curses greeted the change and she gave them a chance to die down before continuing.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is what the enemy can and will do. There is no doubt they will use the biotoxin against us given the chance We must be prepared for that possibility.

  “But there is another possibility we must also be prepared for. We know Alexander Watchman and others in the government entered into an agreement with the enemy to offer them support against Fuercon and her allies. That agreement has been put in danger by its discovery. Our sources tell us the government has not sent any further assistance or aid to the Callusians since President Harper put it on notice that we will not turn a blind eye to what they were doing. That presents the very real possibility that the Callusians will decide to make an example of this system. By forcing Midlothian’s hand with regard to Alexander Watchman and those helping him, we have put the Callusian gunsights directly on Midlothian and President Harper does not want the innocents here to pay the price.”

  “Colonel Shaw is correct.” Secretary of State Marc Nelms stood and studied the images from Shennong for a moment before continuing. “But make no mistake. If the government here refuses to cooperate or if Admiral Tremayne and I feel they are actively working to impede our attempts to locate Watchman and those who assisted him, we will not only remove allied citizens from the system but we will withdraw all allied military support. None of us want to leave the system open to attack but we will not risk our own systems to protect them while their government actively works against us.

  “That is the message I will deliver to the Administrative Bureau later today. President Harper set a deadline for their cooperation at three planetary days. If they do not turn over all they know about Watchman’s association with the Callusians, not to mention any prisoners they have and all data they have collected regarding the investigation, in that time, we will proceed with our withdrawal.”

  “Begging your pardon, Mr. Secret
ary,” Captain Raoul Kohler said from his place further down the table. “You didn’t mention turning Watchman over.”

  Nelms inclined his head, his expression serious. “I did not because our intel from the planet is to the effect that they don’t know where he is. Most of the Administrative Bureau appears to be operating under the belief he fled the system before we demanded his arrest. However, we have solid intelligence that not only is Watchman still in the system but that he is still on the capital planet. That is where Major Khan and his people come into play. They will be working their magic to locate Watchman while Ambassador Izaguirre and I meet with the government.”

  “And that is where we come in,” Tremayne said. “While the negotiations are taking place, shuttles will be running between the capital planet and our ships. The sole purpose for that, at least as far as the Midlothians are concerned, is to bring our people onboard in preparation for a withdrawal. While that is true, up to a point, these shuttles are actually a diversion. We want the Midlothians focused on them while our LACS are busy doing something we aren’t going to announce. We are taking a page from Admiral Collins’ playbook in the Savitar VI System. We’ll be launching our own defense platforms and passive scanner arrays in-system to alert us to any potential enemy approach. We will not be caught unprepared.

  “From this point forward and until we leave the system, we are on alert. All essential operations will be covered not only by duty staff but by their back-ups. We are now on compartmental discipline. If I hear of one slip up, there will be hell to pay. I’m not losing anyone, much less a ship, to this biotoxin. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am!”

  “Going forward, we will meet three times a day. If everything goes as planned, we will be in and out of the system in less than a week. No matter what the government’s decision, our next stop will be our home system where we will either leave our citizens currently located here or we will leave our prisoners before joining the push to finally take the war directly to the enemy.”


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