Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy)
Page 22
Chapter 22
Alex awoke on his own before the sun first bathed the sky. It wasn’t difficult to wake up from the long restful night. The first thing that registered in his mind was Lily in that silver dress. Even imagining it again made his heart race. She was so amazingly and stunningly beautiful, a goddess of the moon. He had to remind himself to breathe, even from just the vivid memory. Closing his eyes to picture it better, he could still see every detail of last night just like she was still there, sitting beside him with perfect clarity. Why was she wearing something like that? She never showed any preferences to wearing a dress before, but a part of him didn’t care because the surprise was surely worth it.
Shade continued sleeping soundlessly and Alex couldn’t stand laying in bed any longer. His body was just too anxious to remain motionless. It was easy exiting the enormous bed without disturbing the unmovable fur-ball. After undressing, he walked over to the pool of water and found it remarkably warm. Looking down into the water lay a circular disc in the deep bath. It was an item that was being used to heat the water to a comfortable degree. As Alex bathed he watched the soap drag his grime down the drain, but left the water clear for it didn’t need to be completely drained again. He exited the bath, dried with a fresh towel and walked over to the closet to don another pair of dark brown pants. He then walked over to use the full sized mirror for the first time. It has been close to eight months since he last looked at himself with this much detail and clarity.
The reflection cast from his body struck every nerve. He had only seen the small results building over a period of time. What he saw directly looking back from the mirror was different than looking down at his own body, more real and dramatic. A year ago, his body looked more like a skeleton covered in skin, but now the changes were unmistakable. All of the muscle that his body had gained left his mind running blank. The towering body in the mirror seemed to radiate both speed and strength, rather than having large muscles just for show. His chest was broader and layered in toned, rigid muscle. The arms weren’t wiry as before and now were thicker, but still allowed for quick movements rather than relying solely on pure power. His neck seemed thicker and his jaw line seemed more defined, in a rugged way. His cheekbones and brow didn’t seem to change too much, which felt like a blessing to have some reminders as proof the image wasn’t an illusion. And then there were his grey eyes. They seemed sharper and more critical than in the past. All of the experiences had made an effect on his entire outlook. His entire body looked completely proportional, except for the bite scars that remained on his left arm. It was impossible to believe that the figure in the mirror was actually him, but it was.
If only uncle could see me now. Alex wished. He would be stunned, then laughing until he fell on his back to catch his breath, only to hoot harder.
Before becoming vain with his reflection, the same tunic he wore during the night slid back on. It was as if it was still clean rather than being slept in throughout the night. The material was quite expensive and durable. While reaching for the staff, his back received a great stretch. He then decided to stretch all of his joints. It was great loosing up all of the tired stiffness. After two violent episodes in one day, his muscles and joints relished the limber feeling.
“Alright Shade, it is time to wake up.” he said calmly.
It was slow, but he raised his head up. Alex couldn’t stop himself from laughing at his furry face. Shade had slept so hard that half of his face flattened. Even his wet nose seemed off-center. Droopy eyes seemed to finally catch that he looked humorous. He didn’t seem to like his brother’s early morning laughter.
Shade nipped for laughing at him, but laughed at himself once Alex brought him to the mirror to see his reflection. After he stretched too, Shade looked at himself in the mirror, vainly. He also said he couldn’t believe how large he was. He said he was now larger than both his father and mother and more handsome than either one of them. He even wondered if he was becoming a lord…
Before he became vain too he submerged himself in the water as well and allowed Alex to give him a proper bath. He was just as amazed about the water not needing to be constantly refilled for each bath. Eleven fresh towels later, Shade’s bulk eventually dried.
Getting his flank patted, once it was dry, he turned his large intelligent, golden eyes upon his sibling. “We had better go to the meeting room. Allahandra said we’d meet early in the morning.”
Before they left the room Alex blew out the oil lamps.
They entered the private meeting room, with the large circular table to notice that it was empty of all people. Shade had decided to lie against the wall until everyone arrived. While he did that, Alex studied the table.
The engraved map was more detailed than he first realized. The way it was turned was where Allahandra’s throne sat made the map its base. She could look at the table map exactly like she would if she unrolled a map for herself. It held the same patterns as the old leather book, but the enormous engraved table held subtle elevations on its lacquered surface. Alex silently followed the path’s he’s taken from his home in the Waget Isles to reach this place, with the tip of his finger. It was correct in its proportion. The lines he used correlated with the terrain that his eyes had seen. The plains were smoother whereas the forests were rough and mountains held dulled points in the wood grain. It was one thing to see the journey, but to see it on the map showed how very little he’s truly seen.
He stopped studying as Marlin entered the room. Marlin grinned as he saw his friend. “You look much better than you did yesterday. So how are you feeling inside your head? Any better?”
They met up around where Shade still laid. His large head was up and alert as they talked. “I’m feeling better, thank you. There was just too much information we needed to understand and deal with.”
“You don’t need to explain that to me. If I’d learned that I was related to that tyrant, I would still be moping around. I’m sorry you had to deal with something so devastating. And don’t worry too much because the two of you are completely different. You won’t need to worry about me turning my back on you.”
“Thanks, Marlin.” Alex was grateful to have such great friends and allies.
Soon after their discussion ended, Lily entered the room and their eyes met instantly. She looked down at herself to see if she looked any different. She was checking herself to see if she was still wearing the dress from last night. Lily sighed gratefully once she realized that she had not. Alex sighed too, but only because he wanted to see her in it again. She was now wearing a reddish-orange tunic with no sleeves. She was also wearing light green pants with her items hanging from her belt.
Lily quietly walked over to the boys and began petting Shade’s head while leaning against the wall, standing underneath Allahandra’s parents painting. Because of her sleeveless tunic Alex was barely able to see the backside of her right arm. The long wound was healed and only a faint pink line remained and her hand didn’t seem at all tender either. Allahandra’s item wouldn’t even leave a new scar for Lily to admire. The queen’s healing item was quite remarkable.
They all sat in silence until the queen walked out of the back door, being accompanied by Mistress Marge. Alex wondered where she came from because he didn’t see her come in since he had arrived in this room..
Allahandra wore a darker green dress and attired her golden tiara. Her items were hidden in the case clutched in her left hand.
“Ah, you are up so early?”
“We have gotten in the habit of waking at first light, Allahandra.” Lily stated casually. “We had to unless we wanted to be caught and killed.”
“I understand.” From the look in the queen’s eyes she did.
Allahandra then walked over to The Pack with the mistress following silently, like a second shadow. “Well since everyone is gathered here, I would like to ask you a few questions if you do not mind. First off I wanted to ask if you would accompany me to the banquet hall. It seems like everyone in th
e castle wants to see what you all look like. Rakkian must have gotten a little carried away with the stories, and they have spread like wildfire throughout the castle and into much of the city.” The four were all hesitant to be treated so well, but they agreed to accompany the hospitable queen. Alex was already grateful she didn’t order him, though he is now vowed in her direct services. “Thank you. I do not wish to impose any strict rules for you to follow. You’re all part of my family now. I’d like to know what each of you will be up to in your spare time, once I release you to begin my duties.”
During this time Alex translated to Shade. He stood up to tower over everyone and the queen’s eyes followed. “Alex, tell her what I’d like to do.”
He translated his partner’s request to the queen “Shade would like to keep his skills sharp so he would like to use your training facilities so he can spar with us. Despite yesterday’s incident, he liked the sparring equipment and rules. Also he needs a place to do what he needs to do. He is unable to use our human facilities. Finally he wants to check out your collection of literature. It has been too long since either of us could take the time to read in leisure.”
Allahandra went silent for a few minutes as she deciphered Shade’s requests. She looked and spoke to Shade, but Alex translated. “I will have my groundskeeper ordered to make you your own place for relief. There is a large patch of unused grass on the side of this castle that my flowers don’t seem to like. I will have it fenced off specifically for you and have it cleaned by the end of each day. After breakfast I will grant each of you permission to use my book and scroll collection as you see fit so long as their condition remains proper. And finally you may use the arena for however long you require.”
“Shade says he is grateful for your generous hospitality.”
“Think nothing of it. I’m just so highly excited about these new events. They are much more thrilling than dealing with the everyday problems that accompany my station.” Just then there was a rumbling sound in the silent room. Allahandra’s hand went to her stomach in complete embarrassment. “Oh please pardon that. My stomach always does that when I’m hungry.”
“Well Allahandra, we should get going.” Mistress Marge suggested, smirking.
“Very well, If you will, please accompany me.” Allahandra began walking.
When Marlin and Alex opened the double doors for the queen, the standing guards saluted the queen with a fist to their hearts. They shut the doors after everyone made it through. Alex also noticed that these men were new guards who stood watch over this level. They had traded shifts during the night.
They followed the queen down the long spiral stairs while hearing the hum of a large group of people, getting louder. When anyone on the winding staircase recognized Allahandra, they moved against the wall and saluted. It kept getting louder and louder the further the descent took them. That was until they made it to the first floor when the sounds of voices blared together in an incoherent mess. Since Allahandra took the lead, it was difficult to see anything until Alex made it down himself.
Every table was completely filled with food, drink and people from all walks of life. Many whispers and the shifting gaze of the people in the main hall were contrasted by those with boisterous personalities. Each and every person in this room was a warrior of Freelan. The only people who weren’t sitting at the moment were mainly the kitchen staff and the people in the back trying to get a better view of who arrived. There was a wide array of items of every class and level. Those without weapon items carried swords. There were many silent people as the queen and The Pack all appeared at the mouth off the stairwell.
Because of everyone’s staring, they all became self-conscious.
Allahandra didn’t stop as she turned to her right and began walking towards the stage displaying her throne. She had become accustom to the people silencing upon her arrival in a room. The mistress of the castle began walking down to the lower level and disappeared as she descended. The four silently followed behind Allahandra, after she glanced at Shade and the others adamantly. While they walked each noticed that the raised stone stage was altered from yesterday and held a new table and three chairs that weren’t there before. The throne chair remained exactly where it sat yesterday though.
They all stopped as she began walking upon the stairs that led to the stage. With a motion of her hand, the four followed her up, feeling the weight of stares from the silent crowd. The Pack all stood to the left of the queen, gazing at the assembled fighters for freedom.
“My brave people,” Allahandra started and her voice carried throughout the hall and everyone listened. “As you have all undoubtedly heard by now, we have new guests to our home. I would like to introduce you all to Marlin.” He stepped forward, waived and returned to his position. “Lily.” She mimicked Marlin. “The Shadow Fang, Shade.” At the sound of his name he grinned wolfishly at everyone. “And finally this is the Furion, Alex.” He shifted the staff to his left hand so he could wave freely with his right. “He has already sworn fealty to me alone, so welcome him and his companions into our family with open arms. Please treat each one of them like you do with your friends, relatives, commanders and even me. I hope that you all become kindred spirits and will work perfectly with each other. I know many of you have questions. Please hold onto them while they acclimate themselves within our society. They seem open so you may ask them about things, but please do not pester them. They are still new.
“Please return to your meals.” She finally stated, smiling with the love of her people evident on her expression.
They walked around and sat to the queen’s left. Shade sat directly next to the queen, like yesterday in the council chamber, and the rest of them sat like they did on the upper levels as well. The head mistress brought out her item again and each of them ate a large morning meal.
While they ate, the hall became louder as people began conversing once again. There were still many who kept looking at the stage, but Alex has always been looked at with an odd expression like they were using, ever since he was a child. It took over nineteen years just to figure out just what he was, but now he had even more questions than answers. Sometimes things are elusive for a reason. What was a Furion supposed to be, but what really was difficult to understand was what all the other soldiers thought of him?
Just as the meal was finished, a middle aged man walked on stage when Allahandra summoned him with a crook of her finger. He had a shovel item strapped to his back. She gave him orders on making a spot on the side of the castle for a place where Shade could finally relieve himself. The man understood and went to work immediately.
“Alex, all of you may go to the arena and do what you must. I shall have your letters to borrow my texts written by midday. I shall meet up with you later. Enjoy the rest of your day. Learn about your new home.”
Before Alex realized what had happened they had all made it to the oval stadium and training area.
The queen had left to attend her many errands. Once she departed the stage many of the people inside the hall came up to converse with the honored guests. Shade had to dive into his shadow because he really had to use his new facility when the man returned to explain that he had finished the task. The rest of them were completely surrounded by everyone asking questions at the same time. That was, until General Rakkian showed up and used his item’s ability.
He raised his two sided battleaxe and suddenly a startlingly brilliant light emanated from it. It was too bright and it made Alex unable to see clearly for several minutes. That battleaxe of his would disable all of his opponents and leave them blind, just as it did for those around him. He ordered anyone who didn’t leave immediately, to do kitchen and stable detail. No one remained and the three thanked the general for his aid.
They had made it to the inner front gate with Shade before they made their way to the arena together.
While Shade and Alex sparred, like they used to do regularly, every instructor and student watched the fight w
ith a child’s delight. Shade and Alex fought with everything they had and they didn’t, ever, land a single blow with their painted weapons. Lily commented on the fight, like it was more of a fierce dance for those who had watched. Then Marlin fought and lost miserably against Lily. Alex fared slightly better than he, with only five death blows from her unyielding assault. Alex saw an improvement in himself because he only received half the number of her usual blows and he actually landed one on her right calf muscle. She didn’t hold back either. She never has, nor is it in her nature as a weapon user.
After they arrived back at the castle, Allahandra had personally given them each a wax sealed scroll. The wax was red but the crest was clearly Allahandra’s. It was the leaf of Freelan with a lightning bolt behind the leaf.
They each were told to visit the sixteenth level first. Once they landed on it, Marlin opened the door that one would use to enter the queen’s library.
There were rows and rows of scrolls and books all in order, reaching the ceiling. Despite the array of books, the air was clean and pleasant. They keep the castle clean and proper. There were movable ladders one would need to use to reach the highest books that reached the ceiling. Alex couldn’t fathom how one could collect so many books, let alone keep them in such an ideal condition. The floor was spotless and everything seemed to be in order. There were many personal desks one could sit down to enjoy the literature they had selected. There were several dozen small children, adolescents and scholars inside the room. They all looked up to gawk at Shade and the rest of them.
To the right was an elderly gentleman sitting behind the largest desk in the room. They each handed him their individual scrolls, which he broke the seal and scrutinized each letter that were given to him. He said each were authentic and handed each of them a small card with a map on one side and writing on the other. There were colored sections of the library’s map and the writing on the other side corresponded with the genre of the books.
They split up to find what they liked to read.
Shade stuck with his sibling, as did many of the curious children who found this utterly fascinating. They mainly wanted to know what Shade was all about. They all liked hearing that he could read. Alex found two adventure books for Shade and a geographical map for himself. Once they returned to the front desk, Marlin and Lily had already found a book that they liked. Marlin found one on rare water fiends and Lily found a military strategy book. They both looked excited to get started on their simple pleasures.
They then took their selections back up to their rooms and started on them.
Twelve days have passed and a relaxed routine began to develop. Every morning The Pack would eat and get to know Allahandra and a few of the lower ranking generals and commanders. Alex had a difficult time remembering each and every one of their names and proper ranks, but they didn’t hold it against him, being new and all. He was still fresh to the affairs of being a vassal of the queen after all. Marlin usually left Lily and Alex after his morning meal, to go be with Clift and ride together for an hour. They would usually go for a ride around the city and usually met up with the other’s later at the arena.
After their meal every one of them would spend time in the arena; sharpening and honing their skills. A larger crowd would come each day to see them for themselves and some of the gutsier warriors wanted to try their skills against Shade. It wasn’t long before they learned that Shade couldn’t be underestimated in a fight. Despite Shade’s monstrous size, he moved lightning quick. Fighting with Shade was easy for Alex because they’ve done it since he was a pup, but anyone else that tried their hand, had red claw marks on their padded chest. Usually both Shade and the combatant would laugh after their mock duel.
And for the first time Alex fought evenly with Lily for ten minutes straight, until they both called it a draw, collapsing on the ground from the exertion. Neither of them landed a solid blow on the other, but small red droplets scattered their skin from the intense impacts of his staff and her swords. Lily loved winning so she never went easy on him. Marlin also gained experience, but Lily still won every match against him.
Then the first day Clift and Shade sparred together was a day to remember. Clift had been re-shoed that morning by the nearby blacksmith and was itching for something to do besides spending time with the other horses. Some warriors of the cavalry platoons thought Shade was trying to kill one of their horses. They tried getting in between them, but Clift wouldn’t have anyone spoiling his training to become a warhorse. He charged and kicked at some of the men who tried leading him away from his giant teacher. Once they realized it was personal preparation for the stallion they eventually backed off. Marlin couldn’t stop laughing as Clift kicked one of the warriors into the paint vat, emerging as a human strawberry.
Each day that passed made Alex more anxious than the last. Whoever this other Furion or lord was would be here soon. He didn’t know what to expect from their initial encounter, but he could only hope the Furion wasn’t also a tyrant.
And he hadn’t had another violent episode since that day he crushed the queen’s table.
At one point Shade had his first sample of alcohol.
The men in the hall had brought up an entire barrel of mead, specifically for him. By the time he drank it all, everyone sat in wonder. For the first time in recorded history, everyone saw an inebriated Shadow Fang. When he spoke his words slurred, but Marlin later explained his bark and howl had a girlish pitch to it. At one point he howled loudly, but it too was slurred. When Shade tried walking, he stumbled into a table and passed out, but not before crushing it under his great weight. Everyone in the hall cheered and some laughed so hard they fell out of their seats to roll on the ground. Many gave Shade applause for holding his liquor so well.
Unfortunately he had a migraine for the next two days and vowed to never drink again. Alex didn’t believe him.
It was just another early morning breakfast in the hall with everyone. Shade was explaining about a new book he had gotten for himself. He had shown the old book keeper that he could write. So the ancient caretaker had brought up a large bucket of sand so Shade could converse with him without needing Alex as his translator. Shade had become a local celebrity, one that everyone loved to be around. He had begun to do more things by himself, which made his elder sibling proud of his easy attempts to befriend everyone.
Alex laughed when he quoted a part in the book.
Allahandra was having a pleasant conversation with Lily and Marlin was downing the last of his drink.
The hall silenced instantaneously as a young man, Alex’s age, shouted from the castle entrance. His tone was worried and carried real warning. He was sweating profusely and panting heavily from strenuous effort. His face flushed nearly crimson from running so hard. He was wearing boot-like items on each of his feet and claves that reached his hips. His item must be capable of increasing his running speed. Everyone could see the worry in his eyes.
Allahandra stood up with a calm, but serious expression. “Come closer…! What is the problem soldier!?”
He took a few more steady breaths before walking down the center of the silent hall, all eyes upon him. He stopped just before the white line a few feet from the first step of the stage. No one was allowed to cross the line, without expressed permission from Allahandra herself. He took a few more deep breaths before addressing his queen.
“Majesty, I was just sent from the northern watch, around midnight two days ago. Our advanced sentries reported seeing about eight to nine thousand Royal Guard soldiers rounding the head of Widow’s Forest. They are all land based, but we couldn’t risk capturing any of them nor do we know who is leading the sudden assault. They are headed in the city’s direction at a slow, measured pace. We have estimated it will take another ten days for them to reach the city walls. My commander has told our men to fall back and not attack, until we hear otherwise. That is the end of my report.”
Allahandra didn’t move as she listened to this entire report, expressionless. She then addressed the man. “What is the authentication code that I personally gave to your commanding officer?”
“The Frozen Tundra.” He said carefully.
“Good work, soldier. Find a place and rest, you’ve earned it.” He put a hand to his heart and walked away.
Allahandra then became the queen she is, as she began issuing orders to everyone in the hall. She pointed to the long row of warriors on the far left. “I want your row to collect all of the people living outside the city walls to come inside for their safety. Help them collect what crops can be harvested and stockpile them within the city’s storehouses. Burn the northern crops that cannot be harvested at this time. We cannot allow the Royal Guard to find an easy food supply. We are going to lockdown the city until the threat is eliminated from our home.” As the row stood and ran for the exit, Allahandra addressed everyone else with the same calm voice. “I want the rest of you to defend the city’s boarders and assist with helping the people to the designated shelter areas. Also if you come across any commander or general, tell then to meet in the war room immediately. Tell them it is an executive order. As of right now the city is under lockdown, the city will also be under curfew three hours after nightfall and two before dawn!”
Everyone immediately stood and began following Allahandra’s orders.
“I want all of you to come up with me. I could use an extra set of minds.” Allahandra addressed her vassal and began walking briskly away.
They didn’t hesitate to follow. Alex explained the situation to Shade. He became protective and jumped in front of Allahandra, keeping her path clear and safe for her. She was shocked by his lead and Alex had to deliver Shade’s meaning. “He says he will take the lead and you are to follow him. You must be protected and no one will dare stand in his way. As of right now, we will escort you until you are safely in the confines of the council chambers.” Alex nodded to Lily and Marlin. His nod was a friendly order. Allahandra said she was glad to have him under her. She felt safe.
Why are we being attacked? Alex wondered.
While they walked up the large spiral staircase, Shade took the lead of their defensive procession and growled at anyone who got too close. Those who did receive his deadly growl paled and pressed themselves against the wall till the group safely passed.
Lily brandished her swords as she stood to Allahandra’s left. Marlin stood to her right with his extended item and Alex walked backwards to defend the rear.
They hurried up to the nineteenth floor, without any stops.
Once they made it to the proper floor they relaxed and put away their weapons now that Allahandra’s personal guards were able to protect her.