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The Iliad

Page 76

by Homer

PERIPHETES (pe-ri-fee'-teez): (1) Trojan killed by Teucer, 14.602. (2) Achaean from Mycenae, son of Copreus, killed by Hector, 15.742.

  PERSEPHONE (pur-se'-fo-nee): goddess of the underworld, daughter of Demeter, and wife of Hades, 9.557.

  PERSEUS (purs' yoos): son of Zeus by Danae, grandfather of Eurystheus, father of Sthenelus (2), 14.384.

  PETEON (pet'-e-on): city in Boeotia, 2.590.

  PETEOS (pet' -e-ohs): father of the Achaean Menestheus, 2.643.

  PHAENOPS (fee'-nops): (1) father of the Trojans Xanthus and Thoon, 5.169. (2) Father of the Trojan Phorcys, 17.360. (3) Trojan, son of Asius (1). impersonated by Apollo, 17.661.

  PHAESTOS (fees'-tos): city in Crete, 2.743.

  PHAESTUS (fees'-tus): Trojan ally, son of Borus (1), Maeonian killed by Idomeneus, 5.48.

  PHALCES (fal'-seez): Trojan killed by Antilochus, 13.916.

  PHARIS (fay'-ris): city in Lacedaemon, 2.674.

  PHAUSIAS (faw'-si-as): father of the Trojan Apisaon (1), 11.682.

  PHEGEUS (fee'-joos): Trojan, son of Dares, killed by Diomedes, 5.11.

  PHENEOS (fen'-ee-os): city in Arcadia, 2.698.

  PHERA (fee'-ra): city near Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 5.625.

  PHERAE (jee-ree): Thessalian city of Eumelus, 2.812.

  PHERECLUS (fe-rek'-lus) : Trojan, son of Tecton, shipwright who built Paris' ships, killed by Meriones, 5.64.

  PHERES (fee'-reez): father of Admetus. grandfather of Eumelus, 2.867.

  PHIA A (feye' -a): city in the western Peloponnese, on the border between Arcadia and Pylos, 7.155.

  PHIDAS (feye'-das): Achaean, a captain of the Athenians under Menestheus, 13.799.

  PHIDIPPUS (feye-dip' -us): Achaean, son of Thessalus, co-commander of the contingent from Cos and adjacent islands, 2.774.

  PHILETOR (fi-lee'-tor): father of the Trojan Demuchus, 20.517.

  PHILOCTETES (fi-lok-tee'-teez): original commander of the Thessalians from Methone, marooned on Lemnos suffering from an infected snake bite, 2.819. See note 2.826.

  PHLEGIANS (fle'-junz): tribe in Thessaly visited by Ares, 13.354.

  PHOCIANS (foh'-shunz): 2.615, people of PHOCIS (foh'-sis), region in central Greece adjoining Boeotia, 2.607.

  PHOEBUS (fee'-bus): epithet of Apollo, 1.50.

  PHOENICIANS (fee-ni' -shunz): people living on the coast of Syria, 23.828.

  PHOENIX (fee'-nix): (1) son of Amyntor, tutor and comrade of Achilles, 9.201. (2) Father of Europa, 14.385.

  PHORBAS (for'-bas): (1) lord of Lesbos, father of Diomede, 9.811. (2) Father of the Trojan Ilioneus, 14.573.

  PHORCYS (for'-sis): Trojan ally, son of Phaenops (2), co-commander of the Phrygians, killed by Great Ajax, 2.974.

  PHRADMON (frad'-mon): father of the Trojan Agelaus (1), 8.295.

  PHRONTIS (fron'-tis): wife of Panthous, 17.45.

  PHRYGIANS (fri'-junz): Trojan allies, 2.974, inhabitants of PHRYGIA (fri'-ja), region in Asia Minor east of Troy, 3.224.

  PHTHIANS (ftheye'-unz): 13.794, inhabitants of PHTHIA (ftheye'-a), a sector of southern Thessaly, kingdom of Peleus and home of Achilles, 1. 182.

  PHTHIRES (ftheye'-reez): mountain in Caria, in southern Asia Minor, 2.980.

  PHYLACE (fi'-la-see): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.793.

  PHYLACUS (fi'-la-kus): (1) father of lphiclus, 2.806. (2) Trojan killed by Leitus, 6.42.

  PHYLAS (feye'-Ias): father of Polymela, 16.212.

  PHYLEUS (feye' -lyoos) : father of the Achaean Meges, defeated In the spear-throw by Nestor, 2.721.

  PHYLOMEDUSA (feye-lo-me-doo'-sa): wife of Areithous (1), mother of the Achaean Menesthius (1), 7.11.

  PIDYTES (pi-deye'-teez): Trojan ally from Percote, killed by Odysseus, 6.35.

  PIERIA (peye-ee'-ri-a): area around Mount Olympus, in Thessaly, 14.272.

  PIRAIDES (peye-ra' -i-deez): patronymic of Ptolemaeus. 4.261.

  PIRAS (peye'-ras): father of the Trojan Rhigmus, 20.547.

  PIRITHOUS (peye-ri'-tho-us): son of Zeus, king of the Lapiths, father of the Achaean Polypoetes, 1.307.

  PIROUS (peye'-ro-us): Trojan ally, son of Imbrasus, co-commander of the Thracians, killed by Thoas (1), 2.956.

  PISANDER (peye-san' -der): (1) Trojan, son of Antimachus, killed by Agamemnon, 11.143. (2) Trojan killed by Menelaus, 13.693. (3) Achaean, son of Maemalus, a commander of the Myrmidons, 16.228.

  PISENOR (peye-see' -nor): father of the Trojan Clitus, 15.519.

  PITTHEUS (pit' -thyoos): father of Aethra, 3.173.

  PITYEA (pi-ti-ee'-a): city on the Hellespont northeast of Troy, 2.940.

  PLACOS (pla'-kos): mountain above Thebe, in Mysia, 6.468.

  PLATAEA (pla-tee'-a): city in Boeotia, 2.594.

  PLEIADES (pleye'-a-deez): constellation, 18.568.

  PLEURON (plyoo'-ron): city in Aetolia, 2.733.

  PODALIRIUS (po-da-leye'-ri-us): Achaean, son of Asclepius, healer and co-commander with his brother Machaon of the Thessalians from Tricca, 2.834.

  PODARCES (po-dar'-seez): Achaean, son of Iphiclus, brother of Protesilaus, his successor as commander of the Thessalians from Phylace, 2.805.

  PODES (po'-deez): Trojan, son of Eetion (2), killed by Menelaus, 17.653.

  POLITES (po-leye'-teez): Trojan, son of Priam, 2.900.

  POLYAEMON (po-li-re'-mon): father of the Trojan Amopaon, 8.316.

  POLYBUS (pol'-i-bus): Trojan, son of Antenor, 11.67.

  POLYCTOR (po-lik'-tor): named as his father by Hermes when, in disguise, he meets Priam, 24.469.

  POLYDAMAS (po-li'-da-mas): Trojan, son of Panthous, co-commander of the first Trojan contingent, 11.65.

  POLYDEUCES (po-li-dyoo'-seez): brother of Helen and Castor, 3.283.

  POLYDORA (po-li-dor' -a): daughter of Peleus, mother of the Achaean Menesthius (2) by the Spercheus River, 16.206.

  POLYDORUS (po-li-dor' -us): (1) Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Achilles, 20.463. (2) Competitor defeated in the spear-throw by Nestor, 23.710.

  POLYIDUS (po-li-eye'-dus): (1) Trojan, son of Eurydamas, killed by Diomedes, 5.165. (2) Prophet in Corinth, father of the Achaean Euchenor, 13.764.

  POLYMELA (po-li-mee'-la): daughter of Phylas, mother of the Achaean Eudorus by Hermes, 16.213.

  POLYMELUS (po-li-mee'-lus): Trojan ally from Lycia, son of Argeas, killed by Patroclus, 16.497.

  POLYNICES (po-li-neye'-seez): son of Oedipus, commander of the Seven against Thebes, 4.439. See note 5.926.

  POLYPHEMUS (po-li-fee' -mus): Lapith warrior of the generation of Nestor, 1.308.

  POLYPHETES (po-li-fee'-teez): a Trojan captain, 13.916.

  POLYPOETES (po-li-pee'-teez): Achaean, son of Pirithous, co-commander of the Lapiths from Argissa, 2.842.

  POLYXINUS (po-li-xeye'-nus): Achaean, son of Agasthenes, co-commander of the Epeans, 2.716.

  PORTHEUS (por'-thyoos): Aetolian hero, father of Agrius, Melas and Oeneus, grandfather of Tydeus, 14.141.

  POSEIDON (po-seye'-don): god of the sea, son of Cronus and Rhea, younger brother of Zeus, 1.475. See notes 7.523-25, 11.892, 13.247.

  PRACTIOS (prak'-ti-os): city on the Hellespont, 2.947.

  PRAMNIAN WINE (pram'-ni-an): a wine often used medicinally, 11.755.

  PRIAM (preye'-am): king of Troy, son of Laomedon of the line of Dardanus (1), father of Hector and Paris, 1.21.

  PROETUS (pree'-tus): king of Argos (2), who plotted against the life of Bellerophon, 6.185.

  PROMACHUS (pro'-ma-kus): Achaean, son of Alegenor, killed by Acamas (1), 14.559.

  PRONOUS (pro' -no-us): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.474.

  PROTESILAUS (proh-te-si-lay'-us): Achaean, son of Iphidus, original commander of the men of Phylace, 2.796.

  PROTNOENOR (pro-tho-ee'-nor): Achaean, son of Areilycus, commander of the Boeotians, killed by Polydamas, 2.585.

  PROTHOON (pro-thoh'-on): Trojan killed by Teucer, 14.602.

  PROTHOUS (pro'-thoh-us): Achaean, son of Tenthredon, commander of the Thessalians from Magnesia, 2.859.

  PROTIAON (pro-ti-ay'-on): father of
the Trojan Astynous (2), 15.531.

  PRYTANIS (pri' -ta-nis); Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.778.

  PTELEOS (pte'-Ie-ohs): (1) city in the kingdom of Nestor, 2.686. (2) Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.795.

  PTOLEMAEUS (pto-le-mee'-us) : son of Piraeus, father of the Achaean Eurymedon (1), 4.261.

  PYLAEMENES (pi-lee'-me-neez): Trojan ally, commander of the Paphlagonians, killed by Menelaus, 2.963.

  PYLAEUS (pi-lee' -us): Trojan ally, son of Lethus, co-commander of the Pelasgians from Larissa, 2.954.

  PYLARTES (pi-lar'-teez): (1) Trojan killed by Great Ajax, 11.579. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.814.

  PYLENE (pi-lee'-nee): city in Aetolia, 2.733.

  PYLIANS (peye' -li-unz): 11.814, inhabitants of PYLOS (peye'-los), Nestor's capital city and also the region surrounding it in the southwestern Peloponnese, 1.291.

  PYLON (peye'-lon): Trojan killed by Polypoetes, 12.216.

  PYRAECHMES (peye-reek'-meez): Trojan ally, commander of the Paeonians, killed by Patroclus, 2.960.

  PYRASUS (peye'-ra-sus): (1) Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesitaus, 2.793. (2) Trojan killed by Great Ajax, 11.579.

  PYRIS (peye'-ris): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.496.

  PYTHO (peye'-thoh): place in Phocis sacred to Apollo, later called Delphi, 2.609.

  RHADAMANTHYS (ra-da-man'-tkis): son of Zeus and Europa, brother of Minos, 14.386.

  RHEA (ree'-a): goddess, wife of Cronus, mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera and Demeter, 14.246. See note 14.244.

  RHENE (ree'-nee): mother of the Achaean Medon (1) by Oileus (1), 2.830.

  RHESUS (ree'-sus): (1) Trojan ally, son of Eioneus (2), king of the Thracians, killed by Diomedes, 10.503. (2) River of the Troad, 12.23.

  RHIGMUS (rig'-mus): Trojan ally from Thrace, son of Piras, killed by Achilles, 20.548.

  RHIPE (reye'-pee): city in Arcadia, 2.699.

  RHODIANS (roh'-di-unz): 2.749, people of RHODES (rohdz), an island in the southeastern Aegean, settled by Tlepolemus (1), 2.749.

  RHODIUS (roh'-di-us): river of the Troad, 12.23.

  RHYTION (ri'-ti-on): city in Crete, 2.743.

  SALAMIS (sa'-la-mis): island off the coast of Athens in the Saronic Gulf, the home of Great Ajax, 2.648.

  SAMOS (sa'-mos): (1) island off the western coast of Greece (later called Cephallenia), near Ithaca in the kingdom of Odysseus, 2.728. (2) Thracian island in the northeastern Aegean facing Thrace, later called Samothrace, 13.14. See notes 13.14, 24.97.

  SANGARIUS (san-ga' -ri-us): river in Phrygia, 3.227.

  SARPEDON (sar-pee'-don): Trojan ally, son of Zeus and Laodamia, co-commander of the Lycians, killed by Patroclus, 2.988.

  SATNIOIS (sat-ni'-oh-is): river of the Troad, 6.40.

  SATNIUS (sat' -ni-us): Trojan, son of Enops (1), killed by Little Ajax, 14.522.

  SCAEAN GATES (see'-an): the main gates of Troy, 3.174. See note ad loc.

  SCAMANDER (ska-man'-der): river-god and chief river of the Trojan plain, so called by monals but called Xanthus by the gods, 2.550. See 20.88-89.

  SCAMANDRIUS (ska-man'-dri-us): (1) Trojan, son of Strophius, killed by Menelaus, 5.54. (2) Alternative name for Astyanax, son of Hector and Andromache, 6.476.

  SCANDIA (skan.deye'-a): city on Cythera, 10.315.

  SCARPHE (skar' -fee): city in Locris, 2.622.

  SCHEDIUS (ske'-di-us): (1) Achaean, son of Iphitus (1), commander of the Phocians, killed by Hector, 2.607. (2) Achaean, son of Perimedes, a Phocian captain killed by Hector, 15.597.

  SCHOENUS (skee'-nus): city in Boeotia, 2.587.

  SCOLUS (skoh'-lus): city in Boeotia, 2.587.

  SCYROS (skeye' -ros): island in the central Aegean off the coast of Euboea, 9.816.

  SEASONS: goddesses who keep the gates of Olympus, 5.859. See note ad loc.

  SELAGUS (sel' -a-gus): father of the Trojan Amphius (2), 5.703.

  SELEPIUS (se-lee'-pi-us): father of Euenus (1), 2.790.

  SELLEIS (se-lee'-is): (1) river in northwestern Greece, 2.754. (2) River of the Troad, to the northeast of Troy, 2.951.

  SELLI (sel'-eye): prophets in the service of Zeus at Dodona, 16.278. See note ad loc.

  SEMELE (sem' -e-lee): a Theban princess, mother of Dionysus by Zeus, 14.387. SESAMUS (see'-sa-mus): city of the Paphlagonians, 2.965.

  SESTOS (ses'-tos): city on the northern or European shore of the Hellespont, allied with Troy, 2.948.

  SICYON (sis'-i-on): city ruled by Adrastus in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.662.

  SIDONIANS (seye-do'-ni-unz): 6.343, people of SIDON (seye'-don), city in Phoen-icia, 6.344.

  SIMOIS (sim'-oh-is): river of Troy, brother and tributary of Scamander, 4.549.

  SIMOISIUS (si-mo-ee' -si-us): Trojan named after the Simois River, son of Anthemion, killed by Great Ajax. 4.548.

  SIPYLUS (sip'-i-lus): mountain in Lydia, in Asia Minor, 24.724.

  SISYPHUS (sis'-i-fus): hero of Corinth, son of Aeolus, grandfather of Bellerophon, 6.180.

  SLEEP: god, brother of Death, 14.277.

  SMINTHEUS (smin'-thyoos): epithet of Apollo that may identify him as the "mouse-god" and so perhaps the one who bears the plague, 1.45.

  socus (soh' -kus): Trojan, son of Hippasus (1), brother of Charops, killed by Odysseus, 11.505.

  SOLYMI (so' -li-meye): tribe in Asia Minor, opposed by Bellerophon, 6.217.

  SPARTA (spar'-ta); capital city of Lacedaemon, the home of Menelaus, 2.674.

  SPERCHEUS (spur-kee' -us): river of Phthia, father of the Achaean Menesthius (2) by Polydora, 16.205.

  SPHELUS (sfee'-lus): son of Bucolus, father of the Achaean lasus, 15.398.

  STENTOR (sten'-tor): Achaean famous for his enormous voice, impersonated by Hera, 5.903.

  STHENELAUS (sthe-ne-lay' -us): Trojan, son of Ithaemenes, killed by Patroclus, 16.684.

  STHENELUS (sthen'-e-lus): (1) Achaean, son of Capaneus, co-comtnander with Diomedes and Euryalus of the Argolid contingent, 2.655. (2) Son of Perseus, father of Eurystheus, 19.144.

  STICHIUS (sti' -ki-us): Achaean, a captain of the Athenians, killed by Hector, 13.233.

  STRATIA (stra'-ti-a): city in Arcadia, 2.699.

  STROPHIUS (stro'-fi-us): father of the Trojan Scamandrius (1), 5.55.

  STYMPHALUS (stim-fay'-lus): city in Arcadia, 2.701.

  STYRA (sleye'-ra): city in Euboea, 2.629.

  STYX (stix): river of the underworld by which the gods swear their binding oaths, 2.857. See notes 1.1, 2.858, 23.86.

  SYME (seye'-mee): island in the southeastern Aegean north of Rhodes, 2.767.

  TALAEMENES (ta-lee'-me-neez): father of the Trojans Mesthles and Antiphus (2), 2.977.

  TALAUS (ta'-lay-us): father of Mecisteus (1), 2.657.

  TALTHYBIUS (tal-thi'-bi-us): Achaean, herald of Agamemnon, 1.376.

  TARNE (tar'-nee): city of the Maeonians, 5.49.

  TARPHE (tar'-fee): city in Locris, 2.623.

  TARTARUS (tar' -ta-rus): the lowest, darkest depths of the house of Hades, the kingdom of the dead, where Zeus incarcerates his defeated enemies, 8.15. See note 8.554.

  TECTON (tek' -ton): son of Harmon, father of the Trojan Phereclus, 5.64.

  TEGEA (te jee'-a): city in Arcadia, 2.700.

  TELAMON (tel'-a-mon): father of Telamonian or Great Ajax and Teucer, 2.618.

  TELEMACHUS (te-le'-ma-kus): son of Odysseus and Penelope, 2.304.

  TENEDOS (ten'-e-dos): island in the northeastern Aegean off the coast of Troy, 1.45.

  TENTHREDON (ten-three'-don): father of Prothous, 2.859.

  TEREA (tee-ree' -a): mountain near the Hellespont to the northeast of Troy , 2.940.

  TETHYS (te'-this): goddess, wife of Ocean, 14.244. See note ad loc.

  TEUCER (tyoo'-sur): Achaean, bastard son of Telamon, half-brother of Great Ajax and a master-archer, 6.36.

  TEUTAMUS (tyoo'-ta-mus): father of Lethus, 2.955.

  TEUTHRAS (tyoo'-thras): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 5.810. (2) Father of the Trojan Axylus, 6.15.

  THALPIUS (thal'
-pi-us): Achaean, son of Eurytus (2), a commander of the Epeans. 2.713.

  THALYSIAS (tha-li' -si-as): father of the Trojan Echepolus (1), 4.530.

  THAMYRIS (tha'-mi-ris): Thracian singer who rivaled the Muses and was punished by them, 2.687.

  THAUMACIA (thaw-may'-sha): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Philoctetes, 2.817.

  THEANO (thee-ay'-no): daughter of Cisseus, wife of Antenor and priestess of Athena, 5.77.

  THEBAEUS (theeber'-us): father of the Trojan Eniopeus, 8.138.


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