Book Read Free


Page 21

by E. L. Todd

  I suspected that was true. “I’ll show you by comparison then.” I winked at her.

  Her cheeks blushed slightly. “I look forward to it.”

  Aspen took the bat wearing jean shorts and a Yankee jersey. A navy blue baseball cap was on her head, and her hair was in a tight ponytail. She spun it in her wrist. “You ready for this?” she shouted to Chase.

  “Bring it.” He moved twenty feet closer to the mound.

  She shook her head but there was a slight smile on her lips. “You’re way too close…”

  “I know what I’m doing,” Chase said. “Just do your best, Battleship.”

  Now everyone was calling her that. She didn’t mind so I didn’t mind. I actually thought the nickname was cute. I stood on the pitcher’s mound. “Ready?”

  She took a stance then tapped the bat against the mound a few times before she held it at the ready. “Bring it.”

  “I’ll show you my famous curve ball.”

  “If you’re holding it like that, you aren’t going to throw a curveball.”

  I forgot she used to play in college. “Maybe I’m trying to trick you.”

  “You aren’t doing a very good job.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her, even more attracted to her because the lip she just gave me.

  “Are we going to play or just banter back and forth?” Chase shouted.

  I wound up the pitch then threw it hard.

  Aspen hit the ball right in the middle of the bat and sent it flying. It flew past Chase’s head and toward the very end of the field where the fence stood. She tossed the bat aside then moved like a snail to first base. “I got the time…”

  Chase sprinted to get the ball but I knew he would never make it back in time. His sword hung at his side, looking like a cheap toy children played with.

  Aspen looked at her watch as she walked. “Making good time.” She rounded second base.

  I watched her with my hands on my hips, grinning even though I wish I wouldn’t.

  “Some curveball, by the way.” She walked around third base with her head held high and her shoulders straight. “Totally threw me off.” She walked to home plate.

  I blocked her path and stood in her way. “Cocky, are we?”

  “It’s not my fault your teammate underestimated my abilities.” She tried to get around me.

  I blocked her path each time. “Maybe you shouldn’t underestimate mine.”

  “Your behavior is a foul.” She tried to push me away but I didn’t budge.

  “I don’t see a ref anywhere.” I turned to Chase. “Hurry up and run to home plate!”

  She darted to the right and tried to reach the plate.

  I grabbed her and held her back. “Maybe if you’d run around the plates instead of being an arrogant jerk, this wouldn’t have happened.”

  “I’m a jerk?” She tried to push me again. “You’re a jerk.”

  I laughed then I picked her up with one arm and threw her over my shoulders.

  “Put me down!” She kicked and smacked me in the back.

  “Nope.” I stood there and waited for Chase.

  “This isn’t fair!” She kept flailing in my arms.

  I smacked her ass. “Life isn’t fair, baby.”

  Chase ran up then reached home plate. “Out!”

  She stopped fighting and growled. “Rhett! I’m going to kill you.”

  I put her down and faced her. “Me? Your best friend? You don’t have it in you.” I looked down into her face and challenged her. But I smiled as I did it, not making it very convincing.

  “You guys are both cheaters and I’m never going to play with you again,” Aspen said. She poked us both in the chest.

  “Maybe you should be a graceful winner,” I said.

  She turned to Chase. “Maybe you should back up when I tell you to. Just because I look like a girl doesn’t mean I hit like one.”

  “I’ll remember that for next time,” Chase said with a laugh.

  Aspen turned her glare on me. “I’ll get you back for that.”

  “I’m so scared…” I rolled my eyes.

  Her eyes smoldered in rage.

  I pecked her on the lips then walked away. “I’m up.”

  She growled then took the pitcher’s mound. Chase ran to the outfield.

  I swung the bat a few times for practice then stepped into the box. “Give me your best, Battleship.”

  “I’m going to sink your ship alright,” she said.

  “Bring it.”

  She wound up the pitch then threw it hard.

  I hit the ball hard, sending it into the outfield. Chase took off but it would take him a while to return. I dropped the bat and started to walk. “Who am I—”

  Aspen tackled me to the ground and moved on top of me.

  My body hit the dirt and the wind was knocked out of me. Like a tiger, she pounced on me when I least expected it. “You aren’t going to be able to keep me here.” I was amused she tried even though I was almost a hundred pounds heavier than she was.

  “I beg to differ,” she said with a confident look.

  “Oh really?” I sat up and was about to lift her off the ground.

  She cupped my face then gave me a scorching kiss.

  Her touch froze me. Her lips moved against mine, massaging my mouth with hers. The taste of honey came onto my lips. She moved me back to the ground and slid over me, still kissing me and making my body burn in longing. I released a growl as I kissed her. “Goddammit, Battleship.”

  We had breakfast at a diner after the game. Aspen and I sat on one side of the booth while Chase sat on the other. We were all a little dirty from the game, me especially since Aspen tackled me like a linebacker.

  “What are you getting?” I asked her.

  “French toast.” She said it quickly, like she knew what she was going to order the moment we walked inside. “With lots of butter. Extra butter.”

  My heart burned in affection while I looked at her. “Good choice.”

  “What are you getting?” she asked.

  “The same thing,” I said. “With extra butter.”

  Chase watched us from across the table. “You guys will be fat in no time but at least you’ll be happy.”

  “Very happy,” Aspen said with pride.

  Chase sipped his coffee then looked out the window. He was relaxed as he watched the people pass on the sidewalk. It was a cloudless day and shadows were cast everywhere. The stretches of darkness didn’t seem to bother him at all. It was like the phobia was gone entirely. Just having a plastic sword on his hip was enough to make him feel safe. He looked ridiculous wearing it, but it was a small price to pay to have my brother back. “You’re the first girl Rhett has introduced me to,” he said. “I mean, I’ve met some of his girls but not like this.”

  “Oh.” Aspen clearly didn’t know what else to say.

  “And I really like you for my brother,” he said. “Thanks for making him happy.”

  Chase said really sweet things without thinking. It didn’t seem like he meant to be sentimental. He just said what was on his mind without further thought.

  Aspen’s cheeks reddened. “He makes me happy too.”

  “And I like that you aren’t slutty like all those other—”

  “Chase.” I silenced him. “She gets it.”

  Aspen laughed. “It’s okay, Rhett. It doesn’t bother me.”

  “It doesn’t?” I asked. “It’s one thing to know about my past but another to keep bringing it up.” I shot Chase another glare, telling him to cool his jets.

  She shook her head. “You liked those girls because they were pretty. You like me because you think I’m pretty in places you can’t see. It’s a compliment, really.”

  Aspen was different than all the other girls I met. She didn’t understand jealousy or entitlement like the others did. She was confident in herself, not conceited, and that allowed her to trust me. After what John did to her, I assumed she would struggle to trust me. But tha
t didn’t seem to be the case at all. “You’re exactly right.” I kissed her cheek then rubbed my nose against hers.

  Chase watched us then sighed. “I need to get a girl.”

  I looked around the diner. “There’s a cute redhead over there.” It was actually an old lady. She had to be at least seventy.

  Chase eyed her then rolled his eyes. “Go to hell.”

  “That brunette over there is really pretty.” Aspen nodded to a table on the other side of the diner.

  The girl looked our age, and she was sitting alone. A stack of newspapers was in front of her, and she was reading one while sipping her coffee. She was cute and small, but she had nothing on Aspen.

  Chase turned and discreetly glanced her way. “You’re right. Good eye, Battleship.”

  She shrugged in modesty. “I have a knack for this sort of thing.”

  Chase downed the rest of his coffee. “I’m going for it.”

  “Leave your sword,” I said, trying to help him out.

  “Are you crazy?” he said. “It’s a conversation starter. Chicks totally dig it.”

  They do?

  “It’s nice to hit on chicks during the day. Now I see what they really look like. In the darkness, it’s hard to tell sometimes,” Chase said. “And that chick is definitely a cutie.”

  “Then go for it,” I said. “We’ll order for you.”

  “Alright.” Chase stood up. “Wish me luck.” He walked away.

  Aspen sipped her coffee then looked at me. “Does he find lady friends often?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe,” I said. “They must think he’s joking when he talks about the shadows.”

  “But when they go to his apartment…they must think he’s crazy,” she said.

  “He tells them his apartment is like the universe and he’ll give them sex that’s ‘out of this world.’”

  Aspen laughed and almost spit out her coffee. “And that works?”

  “He gets laid more than I do,” I said.

  “Wow.” She nodded her head in amazement. “That’s impressive.”

  “I don’t know how he does it,” I said with a shrug.

  We watched Chase interact with the girl reading the newspapers. When he patted the sword on his hip, we knew it came up in the conversation. When she laughed, we knew Chase said something charming. Then he slid into the booth across from her. Her newspaper and coffee were forgotten, and all her focus was on him.

  “He’s got game,” Aspen said.

  “You know where he gets it from, right?” I wiggled my eyebrows.

  “Yeah…you spent three months with me before you made your move,” she said sarcastically. “That’s game…”

  I tried not to laugh, and as a result, I smiled unwillingly. “I would have had you sooner if I knew you weren’t off limits.”

  “Sure…” She sipped her coffee and tried to hide her smile.

  I stared into her face. “You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?”

  “Or else?”

  “I’d…” I couldn’t think of anything to say.

  “You’re lucky you’re cute too,” she said. “Because you’re aren’t so bright upstairs.”

  “That’s it,” I said. “I’m eating your French toast.”

  She gasped like I just threatened to kill Harper. “You wouldn’t…”

  “Watch me,” I said. “All that butter and syrup is mine.”

  “No!” She gave me a frightened look like she was in a horror film. “Don’t you dare. I’d never forgive you.”

  I shrugged. “I can’t let that comment slide. If I do, you won’t learn your lesson. There has to be some sort of punishment.”

  “Then say something mean back,” she said in exasperation. “Don’t eat my breakfast.”

  “Nope,” I said. “This is how it has to be. I’m sorry.” I reminded myself of a parent telling their kid they were going to get spanked.

  The waitress arrived with our plates. She set my breakfast in front of me then set Aspen’s down. A tense moment passed between us as we looked at our food. She knew I was going to snatch it away, and I was wondering how I would get it without knocking anything over.

  Once the waitress walked away, Aspen quickly snatched her food and inhaled it like she was in an eating contest. Syrup and butter got everywhere, across the table and all over her face. She ate so quickly she couldn’t enjoy it, just trying to make sure I couldn’t get it.

  I stared at her, trying not to laugh and smile at the same time.

  She kept eating, quicker than I could watch. Her path looked like a bombed trench in World War II. There was food everywhere. She eyed me carefully while she kept eating, making sure I wouldn’t get any of it.

  I just stared at her, feeling something form and burn in my chest. Time seemed to stop and the world disappeared. “I love you.”

  She froze in mid-bite, her cheeks caked in syrup and butter.

  “I love you so damn much.” I cupped her cheeks, feeling the stickiness on my hands, and then kissed her. She tasted like syrup and butter, and I felt like I was kissing French toast more than Aspen.

  She kissed me back but a chuckle escaped her lips. “I look like a pig right now.”

  “Maybe I like pigs,” I whispered.

  “That bodes well in my favor.”

  I stared into her face, unable to stop smiling. “So, how long are you going to leave me hanging?”

  Her eyes flashed in an emerald light, and emotion was clear on her face. She looked at me like I was her whole world, the only thing that really mattered. Words didn’t need to be said because I knew how she felt. But I wanted to hear it anyway. “I love you too.”

  As soon as we crossed the threshold to my apartment, our bodies were pressed together and our lips were attached like magnet to steel. My hands gripped her hips as I directed her toward my bedroom. I was devouring her, and she was consuming me with the same passion. We knocked over a lamp in our hasty movements and it shattered on the floor.

  “Oh no,” she said. “I’m so sorry—”

  I silenced her with my kiss. “I don’t give a damn.” My hand fisted her hair and got a strong hold as I moved her to my bedroom. The curtains were closed so it was dark and cool in the room, hidden from the summer sun. I moved her to the bed then lay her down. I’d been thinking about this moment for a long time. I’d fantasized about her on this very bed, and that made me more turned on than I already was.

  My hands moved to her shorts and I pulled them down her long legs. When I reached her ankles, I pulled off her shoes and socks. Then I moved back up and kissed her inner thighs.

  Aspen immediately dug her fingers into my hair and arched her back.

  Feeling her excitement egged me forward. I gripped her thong then pulled it off, feeling my heart beat harder than it ever had. Once I saw the area between her legs, my cock twitched. My mouth moved to the nub and I kissed the area, loving the way she tasted. My tongue circled her clitoris then plunged deep inside her.

  Her hands moved to my shoulders and her nails dug into the skin, almost piercing it. Deep, musical sighs escaped her throat, and made my spine shiver the second they entered my ear.

  I sucked the area a final time before I moved up and pulled her shirt off. She wore a pink bra underneath. The curve and swell of her breasts were just as I imagined them to look. They were perfect and round, flawless skin that wasn’t blemished with a single mark. Before I moved in, I kissed the skin of her chest then moved down to the valley. Then I unclasped the back and felt it come loose.

  I peeled it off then stared at her naked chest, loving its perkiness. Her nipples were hard like the tip of a pencil, and they were red like someone had already sucked them until they were raw. My mouth moved over them and I took each one in my mouth, loving the way her skin felt. She moaned louder and harder, and her hands moved under my shirt as she prepared to pull it off.

  I used one hand and helped her remove it. Once the fabric hit the floor, I looked down a
t her. Long, lean legs led to wide hips. Her petite waist had the definition of small muscles, and her rib cage spanned the length of my hand. I could crush her if I wanted to. Large breasts contrasted against the tightness of her stomach, and I thought I would blow my load right then and there. “You’re perfect.”

  “I bet you are too.” Her hands moved to my jeans and got them off. Then she pulled my boxers over my ass, letting my long cock out. She stared at it for a long moment then wrapped her fingers around the shaft.

  I kicked off my jeans and boxers the rest of the way then pressed my naked body against hers. Her skin was scorching hot next to mine. We fit well together, like we were made for one another.

  Her hands moved up my chest and to my shoulders. “Geez, you’re hot.”

  I didn’t smile but I was amused by her bluntness. “So are you.” I spread her legs with mine then pressed my forehead to hers. “Are you on the pill?”


  Good. I didn’t want to wear a condom. I’d never had sex without one, but Aspen was the only woman I’ve ever loved. I never wanted to wear one with the one woman I gave my heart to. I wanted to feel my skin rub against hers. I didn’t want us to be separated by cheap latex. And I wanted to come inside her, to claim her in a sensual way.

  Once I was positioned over her and my face was pressed to hers, she tensed noticeably. It was like I hurt her or she was extremely uncomfortable. The arousal that was in her eyes a moment ago disappeared like a shooting star. It was like she didn’t even want me anymore. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing…” She still remained rigid like she was closing off from me.

  “We don’t have to do this.” I was extremely disappointed but I would never tell her that. “There’s no rush.”

  She sighed, like she was irritated.

  Then it hit me like a lightning bolt. I knew exactly what was wrong. “Aspen, relax.”

  She looked into my eyes with uncertainty.

  “Relax,” I repeated.

  “I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  I cupped her face while I looked down at her. “First of all, you can never disappoint me. You’re the woman I love. Even if you are terrible in bed, it doesn’t mean we can’t practice. And I would love to practice.”


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