Miss Understanding (The Miss Series Book 1)

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Miss Understanding (The Miss Series Book 1) Page 23

by Aubrey Bondurant

  She pulled me into her embrace with her legs, put her arms around me, and rubbed my back. “I had no idea you felt that way about me.” Then she pulled back. “And obviously, I’m not in a hurry to tell everyone at work. Maybe I’m being oversensitive to things tonight.”

  “Why do you say that?” Perhaps if I could get to the bottom of what had triggered her feelings tonight, I could work to resolve it.

  “Stephen hit a nerve. He talked to me about following my passions. I’m not.”

  It didn’t surprise me she would come to this realization because anyone who knew her understood her calling was food and cooking. But what did bother me was that she’d talked to Stephen about it instead of me. Then again, it wasn’t as though I’d afforded her the opportunity. That, however, was about to change. “You want to be a chef?”

  “More than anything. But the responsible thing is to finish my degree.”

  “You’re close. How many classes remaining?”

  “Two more classes next quarter.”

  “A chef with a business degree isn’t a bad thing. Especially if you ever want to open your own catering business. So you’ll finish school by summer. Then what?” Although I had some ideas, I wanted her to trust I would listen and not try to influence her decisions.

  “Maybe I could go work at a restaurant part-time. Take culinary courses.”

  “But still working at the club on the weekends?” I hated to see her unable to trade in her late nights.

  “You know I don’t have a choice with working there.”

  Right. Because of her grandmother’s care. It was tempting to repeat my offer to have her work extra hours for me, but I knew it would only insult her. She had to figure out what she wanted on her own.

  However, I did decide to show her my commitment to being a part of her future by asking, “The grandmother I get to meet one of these Sundays for a family dinner?”

  Her smile was immediate. “Do you mean it?”

  “I do. But in all fairness, that means you’re stuck hanging out at Disneyland with my sister and her family when they come to visit in May.”

  Her smile only got bigger.

  There, had it been so hard for me to make future plans? No. The pain in my chest started to ease with the thought I’d still be with her in the months to come. However, there was a warning voice in my head telling me I was only prolonging the inevitable. Delaying the arrival of a known fact. And once we did break up, we’d be even further involved. Yet when faced with the choice between letting her go now or jumping into the deep end, I was jumping. The only question was whether I’d hurt her with the fall.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  Although my birthday wasn’t until tomorrow, I was celebrating it with my family during our regular Sunday dinner.

  And this time Liam was with me.

  It had been a month since we’d redefined our arrangement as a relationship. Things had been great between us over the last few weeks, and we’d grown closer. I’d taken Liam’s words at face value. He’d been reluctant to have a relationship because he’d never balanced one with his job. And so far, we’d managed nicely by keeping to seeing each other mostly on the weekends.

  It made sense for us to keep it quiet at the office. While staying at the firm wasn’t my long-term goal, it was definitely his. By landing the Stephen Walsh case, he was closer than ever to achieving his goal of becoming a named partner.

  However, today would be the true test of how he felt about being my boyfriend. That’s why nerves attacked me the moment we pulled up into the driveway of my parents’ home. It seemed I wasn’t alone in my anxiety if his pale expression said anything. “You having second thoughts?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “No. I want to meet your family. But I’ll be honest and tell you it’s been a long time since I’ve met anyone’s parents.”

  I squeezed his hand. “It’ll be great.” At least here was hoping. My nan would be a delight with some slightly crazy tendencies and repetitive stories. My mother would fuss about feeding him enough and would have nothing but smiles that I’d brought someone home. As for my father— Hopefully he’d be able to accept the fact Liam was a few years older than I was.

  At least I’d talked Liam out of wearing a formal suit. Instead, he was in jeans and a sweater, same as me.

  We each got out of his Range Rover and stood in the driveway.

  “You told them we work together?”

  We’d already covered this, but given our nerves, it was probably best to go over it again. “Yes. I told them you’re an attorney, and we met at work. But they don’t know you’re my boss. And of course they don’t know I work at the club to supplement my grandmother’s care.” I paused, wrinkling up my nose. “Geez, I sound like a liar.”

  Liam smiled, pulling me close in a side hug. “At least you’re a cute liar. Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secrets.” He blew out a breath. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  I was the one who was suddenly hit with second thoughts. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to meet my family, but I worried I might be pushing him into something for which he wasn’t ready. Maybe I was freaking him out. Making him reconsider a relationship.

  But an hour later, at the family dinner table, my worries were proving unfounded.

  “I can see where Kendall gets her talent for cooking, Mrs. Tate. Dinner was delicious.”

  My mom smiled. “Thank you. It’s our pleasure to have you here.”

  Liam might not have felt completely comfortable at the table, but he’d definitely won over my grandmother and mother with his manners and compliments.

  My father was harder to please. However, the two of them had bonded over their love of the LA Rams. I found it fascinating to listen to Liam talk football as I hadn’t realized he was into sports. Then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised. He had to win clients and win over juries. Dealing with my family was probably a piece of cake.

  I was calling this evening another win until my nan asked, “Do you know Kendall’s boss at the firm?”

  Liam stiffened but gave her a kind smile. “I do.”

  “He as big of a prick as her roommate says he is?”

  I sucked in a breath. “Nan.”

  But she merely chuckled. Why did her memory have to be crystal clear just now? I could only imagine what Chloe must have told her when she’d visited while I’d been in Virginia.

  Liam handled it with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “He can be, certainly.”

  Oh, no. “He’s not that bad. It’s always an adjustment when you work for someone new. Now that I’ve gotten to know him better, we get along.”

  “Does that mean you got rid of the list you kept of ways for him to suffer?”

  Damn. Grandma went there. My gaze strayed warily to Liam’s face, but he was schooling his expression, casually taking a sip of wine.

  “What types of things?” he asked as if he was amused by the idea instead of the one the list was about.

  “It was harmless stuff,” I quickly explained. “And only at the beginning. I deleted it over a month ago. It was immature and—” I realized I was sounding way too defensive when my mother’s brow lifted.

  Liam smiled tightly.

  “Chloe only told me about a couple things. Funny stuff,” Nan said on a sigh. “She said he’s hot, too. Have to say it must be quite the law firm if all the lawyers are hot. They have a ‘bring your grandmother to work day’?”

  I’d failed to warn Liam that my nan could be a bit pervy. I blamed all of the romance novels she read with her friends at the facility.

  “I think that’s enough, Mother,” my mom said, giving us an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

  He waved her off. “No, no. It’s quite all right.”

  But a half hour later when we got into his Range Rover, he was uncharacteristically quiet.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  He glanced over with a smile and took my hand across the console
. “Yes. Sorry. Just lost in thought. Your family was amazing. I can see why you love spending time with your nan. She’s a kick.”

  “She is indeed. She was very lucid tonight.”

  “She especially loved giving you the knitted throw for your birthday.”

  I was hit with a wave of affection for her. “She did. I cherish everything she’s ever made me.”

  He squeezed my hand. “Thank you for introducing me to them.”

  Deciding now was my opportunity to bring up what had been said, I went for it. “I want to apologize for what my grandmother heard about you as my boss. And about the list. Like I said, I already erased it. And I only vented to Chloe in the beginning about—”

  “There’s no apology necessary. I understand.”

  “I no longer feel the same, of course.”

  His smile was strained. “It wasn’t as though I didn’t deserve what was said, Kendall.”

  True. He’d been an asshole, but now that I understood him better, I realized his behavior had been a sort of armor to keep people from getting close to him. Now I wondered if hearing about the list was affecting him more than he was letting on.

  He brought my hand up to his lips, kissing the knuckles. “Don’t give it another thought. On to better subjects, are you ready for your birthday surprise?”

  I was relieved he seemed to be taking it in stride. “I’m always ready for a birthday surprise. Especially if some of it includes you naked.”

  He chuckled, the tension leaving his face. “I think sex is a given, regardless of your birthday. And considering you’re a big fan of picking places other than the bed, I’ll make it ladies’ choice.”

  Damn. The way his voice went low and sexy made my stomach flutter with anticipation. Our sex life definitely hadn’t diminished in any way. If anything, the more we got to know one another, the more I eagerly anticipated his touch. “I’m looking forward to the options.”

  Once we walked into the house and made our way to the kitchen, I faltered in my step. On the counter were several wrapped gifts with big bows. I turned toward Liam. “How? When?”

  We’d left together for Orange County from his place. How had he managed this setup?

  “When I said I forgot my wallet, I went back inside and took this all out of the hall closet. I know your birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but I figured between work and school, you might want to open gifts tonight.”

  I put my arms around him, hugging him close. He’d not only listened to me last month when I’d told him I wanted more, but he was also putting in a continued effort to give me more. “Thank you.”

  He leaned back to cup my face. “You haven’t opened the gifts yet.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I just appreciate you coming with me for dinner and for thinking of me.”

  “There aren’t a lot of times I’m not thinking of you.”

  Chapter Forty-Six


  There was something both touching and sexy as hell about Kendall cooking in my kitchen on a Wednesday night when I arrived home from work. I’d given her a key since she had no class tonight. She’d come over because we wouldn’t have a chance to spend next weekend together since I’d be out of town. I found myself silently watching her go through the motions, not wanting her to know I was here yet.

  It reminded me of the first time I’d observed her in the rental house in Virginia. You could see how much she loved to cook in every graceful movement she made. I especially loved how she was using the new pots and pans I’d given her last weekend for her birthday.

  I’d enjoyed meeting her family on Sunday. However, I hadn’t expected to hear that she’d kept a list about me and the ways, as her boss, I should suffer. Then again, I don’t know why I was surprised. I’d been a prick. This wasn’t news. But it was a reminder how far we’d come from the days we’d avoided one another in the office.

  Now, with only a few months left of classes, I knew how anxious Kendall was to start on her next plan. I had been successful thus far in not meddling but rather allowing her to figure it out on her own. Honestly, as much as I’d miss her every day in the office, I’d also love to see her pursuing her dreams.

  “I’m a big fan of finding you in my T-shirt upon coming home, but I thought we had a deal about you wearing nothing but an apron.”

  She turned, smiling at me. Damn. I’d never get tired of the way she lit up when she saw me. Like I was the best part of her day. God knew she was always the best part of mine. I’d find myself literally counting the minutes until she’d come into my office each morning to say good morning. And on Friday nights, I’d count the hours until she got off work and drove down to my place.

  “Mm, but I don’t have an apron.”

  I didn’t hesitate to go over and put my arms around her from the back, loving the feel and smell of her. “I’m buying you one the next chance I get.”

  I nuzzled her neck, delighting in the fact we had all night together. As much as I’d worried about balancing a relationship with my work, it turned out I didn’t get as much time with her as I wanted. Between our busy schedules and my travel, it only left me wanting more.

  “I’ll miss you this weekend,” she said.

  It was as if she’d read my mind. “I’ll miss you, too. I wish I could’ve talked my mom into doing the reading of my father’s will via video call instead of in person.” I absolutely dreaded having to go home for it, but I wouldn’t say no to my mother.

  Kendall turned in my arms, laying a hand on the side of my face. “I could maybe take a couple days off and go with you if you’d like.”

  Her offer meant more to me than I’d ever admit. However, I knew she couldn’t afford to miss another weekend of work at the club. “It’s a quick trip, but I appreciate you offering.”

  I noticed her ingredients on the counter. “Did you go shopping?”

  “I did. I wanted to make lasagna.”

  She turned back around to start layering her pan with sauce and noodles. I wasn’t sure where she got her energy, between working two jobs and going to school. Yet here she was, wanting to cook a gourmet meal. I tried not to groan when I saw there were two pans. I’d gladly hit the gym harder, so I could enjoy her amazing cooking, but I could only eat so much pasta. I also didn’t want to hurt her feelings. “You’re making a lot, huh?”

  “Don’t worry. The second one is for your neighbor, Lucas, for taking the time to come over and check on me last month when I was sick. I promised him I’d make him something, but he’s been out of town the last few weeks. So I thought I’d drop it off tonight.”

  It was sweet. It also made me insanely jealous.

  She arched a brow. “You’re okay with that, right?”

  “Yeah. It’s a thoughtful gesture.”

  “Then, why the strange expression on your face?”

  “Because I’ve seen women throw themselves at Lucas. Guess I was having a moment.”

  My admission earned me an arched brow. “A moment of jealousy?”

  “Something like that. Sorry.” I moved toward the sink to get myself a glass of water.

  She laughed. “I kind of like seeing you a bit jealous. Makes me feel better about getting annoyed when Tabitha looks at you like you’re an item on the McDonald’s dollar menu, and she’s got a hundred-dollar bill to spend.”

  I nearly choked on the water I’d just sipped. “That’s, uh, quite vivid,” I chuckled.

  She shrugged. “It’s true.”

  “Now who’s jealous? I hope you realize there’s never been a moment I’ve ever considered dating Tabitha.”

  Her brow quirked. “Really? But you both have a lot in common.”

  “We’re both lawyers. But that’s about the extent of what we have in common.” Being ambitious was probably something else we had in common, but it bothered me to think we were similar.

  “I guess I thought you enjoyed talking to her given the frequency with which she comes around to your office.”

  “We always ta
lk about business. And it’s a chore.” Glancing over to her laptop on the counter, I frowned at the webpage I saw up on her computer screen. “What are you searching Craigslist for?”

  She sighed. “New roommate. Chloe accepted a job in Dubai for the next year. She leaves next week.”

  This was news. And not the good kind. I didn’t like the idea of Kendall out on the internet searching for a roommate. Especially since it was a studio apartment, and they’d have to share such a small space. Before I could filter my comment, it was out. “Do you think it’s a good idea to search for a stranger on Craigslist?”

  “It’s not ideal, but I asked around the club and the firm—no one is in the market for a roommate. And I need someone to split the rent.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to like it. It is what it is.”

  I realized I didn’t get a lot of say over this. Unless I wanted to offer her to move in with me. The thought hit me without warning, and my pulse skyrocketed. People who moved in together were in a serious commitment. They were looking toward the future. Marriage. Kids.

  Not for the first time, I recognized we were on a short track here without a lot more room to go if we wanted different things in the long term. So far, this relationship hadn’t taken me away from work, but any further commitment had the potential to undermine all I’d built. I suddenly remembered her appointment tomorrow.

  “You see your GYN tomorrow?”

  “I do. I plan to talk to her about going on the pill.”

  I liked the idea of her going on the pill; it was more effective than using condoms. However, using both would give us even better protection. The worst possible scenario would be for her to get pregnant. “I was thinking we could continue to use condoms even with the pill. Would be good to have double the protection.”

  She paused. “Okay. I guess it’s better to be safe.”

  Yes, it was.

  The next morning, Kendall popped her head in my office. “Mr. Kinkaid’s assistant called and asked me to schedule you for ten thirty. I put it on your calendar.”


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