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The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper, #3 a LitRPG (ATS)

Page 4

by Alvin Atwater

  "I hope you know what you’re doing," Clyde said, his voice full of humor then left. Harumi’s face brightened.

  "Judging by that grin on your face, everything’s going well?" she said.

  Clyde chuckled then told her everything.

  "Let’s just say Seth’s decision today will be unFROGettable."

  Harumi groaned.

  "Let’s just hit the showers. Maybe Seth will ask for your FROGiveness, when he needs our help."

  The duo laughed.

  "I will keep an eye on him," Harumi said.

  "Same. He’s man enough to take care of himself, but I’m not so trusting of froggy in there."

  "Funny thing…. there is a CEO of a Nowie’s named Maya," Harumi said. "No one’s ever seen her in public, but she owns a ton of pizza restaurants"

  Clyde shrugged.

  "We’ll see."

  The duo parted ways to the showers… Or so, Clyde thought they were parting ways, but Harumi followed him. He looked at her. She shrugged.

  "You’ve seen every part of me," Harumi said, "so don’t mind if join."

  Sure enough, she almost seduced one more round in the shower, but Clyde was firm.

  "As much as I would love to, we’ve got to go check on the others," he said. "Before this place goes even farther to hell."

  She let go of his erected horn.

  "Fair enough," she said. Clyde would rather rest then chance wearing himself out. What good would he be for training or…additional activities?

  He would check on Alice first. See if she recovered…. although something within signaled that she’d jump him that night. Hopefully without the clamps. He wasn’t dealing with that.

  Seth and Maya were just entering the showers as Clyde and Harumi left. Although Harumi managed to leave ahead right at a moment that prevented them from being seen together. Not that Clyde cared.

  "I’m going to change into something other than a robe," Clyde told Harumi.

  "Good idea," Harumi said, "not that I mind spending time with you in the nude." She smirked. Clyde laughed.

  [System suggestion: Marry all of your female friends. Impregnate Harumi first.]

  Stop that, you troll, Clyde thought to the system. He strained to hold back the laughter.

  The first thing he noticed when he returned to his room was the missed calls and notifications on his phone.

  [Volume 3.] Episode 17 (Part 9)

  Maid Café, Lot City…

  Ming glowered at her four companions, her dual colored eyes shutting them up. How dare they wake her up just to have nothing new to say. The perverts spent more time fapping off the women of their cards than actually accomplishing her orders. She shot the approaching maid an icy stare that made the poor woman scurry off. Ming would have to apologize later.

  "How hard is it to find the one who’s awakened the legendary Sorceress Amina?" she snapped. "You bragged about sensing his resonance. And you said it was a handsome man, Zack? You know it’s my destiny to marry the cardholder of Amina. And have lots of babies. And he’ll ravish me all over the city—And—"

  "Please don’t go off on another one of your fantasy tangents, Ming," Tyrone said. "Last time, it took twenty minutes to convince the police that you weren’t nuts."

  Ming blushed. One eye glistened a red hue, the other blue—this always seemed to intensify her glares, unless the perverts were looking in other places.

  "And could you stop leaving your annoying BL novels in the clubroom," Peng said.

  "Do not forget who’s giving the orders here," Ming said, flinging her long black hair to the side. Her companions blushed. Even Tyrone’s blush could be seen despite his dark brown skin. Ming smirked. She was beyond good enough for the legendary card holder. Her companions told him that his resonance felt new to the game, but that was fine. She’d be the perfect tutor. And maybe teach him everything he needed to know about the female body.

  Zack folded his arms.

  "I never said anything about handsome—hell I don’t know if it’s a guy," he said in a whiny voice.

  "And here comes the emo whining," Han said.

  "Oh shut up, Han," Zack snapped. "I’m not the one who cried for days because his girlfriend, excuse me, ex-girlfriend beat him in a Non-real game then dumped him."

  "Ouch man, no need to be a dick," Tyrone said to Zack then turned to Han. "And don’t you start with the emo jives. Let the guy enjoy his black."

  "Because he’s so edgy," Peng said then laughed. "I don’t even know what Zack found fascinating about that cold-hearted snow woman. She’s got more ice than Sazuki."

  Zack turned his head, blushing.

  "Tone it down," Tyrone said, "because I’m not trying to be here all day."

  Ming cleared her throat loudly.

  "Are you done?"

  Her companions gulped and stared back at her.

  "Good," Ming said. "Because if you don’t find him, I’ll just stop writing the Loli Saga and go look myself. And Tyrone, before you start, you read my other manga, Monster Girl Mania. I’ll cancel the entire thing—you’ll never know who kidnapped Haru."

  Her companions said nothing, just looked nervous. "Good. We’ve been a team for a while now, killing it at Stone Tokken. There has always been talk about the return of the Forsaken Spellcaster deck and the Stone Tokken incarnate wielding it."

  "That’s just a bunch of marketing myth bologna—I said that a year ago," Tyrone said, "until you showed me Real and Non-real games, and how to sense resonances. You also said you were one of these gifted—but those who knew how to access Real and Non-real games are the next best thing. At first, I thought you were some kind of witch. The others may not outright say it, but we’re still a little scared of you." He chuckled.

  Ming sighed.

  "Just do what I say and you’ll be fine. And don’t go around telling anyone I’m the author of those books. What would my true love think when that’s the first thing he hears?"

  She rose gracefully.

  "If you see my cousin Maki, tell her where Naomi lives. But go with her. I don’t want her assaulting my friend. If we weren’t cousins, she would’ve tried, not that I’m weak-willed like her previous victims."

  "Why is she doing this?" Peng said.

  "To be honest, I’d like to watch," Han said.

  Ming fixed him with a glare.

  "I’ve only heard rumors and there’s no evidence. I confronted her, but she wouldn’t admit to anything. Maki’s popular and is hated by a lot of jealous women. So, it’s no surprise that a rumor like this would come about."

  She turned to leave. "Get to work. I want his identity as soon as possible. On the double! Or I’ll cancel it all. And you’re free to duel him, but no real games. Just Non-real."

  Her companions nodded then scurried off. Ming took note of Tyrone’s muttering.

  "Cancel my favorite manga series. Damn, you’re a slave driver. Can we ever get thanks?"

  She laughed. On her way home, she read her favorite BL manga, flushed, and breathing deeply.

  Soon, she’d meet her future husband.

  Labido Grasslands… Hot springs inn.

  Clyde let out an icy breath after he hung up. So Hades, at last, wanted his blood. Fine, he’s been a pain in the ass for the entire city, far too long. For Clyde, it’s been two weeks. For everyone else, the Hades family ruled and dined on human lives for years. The real question is, where the fuck are the other gifted and why didn’t they do anything about this? What the fuck?

  Well, Harumi did once mention something about demon lords moving into cleared territory. Why didn’t mankind fight back—nuke them? Anime logic? Or demons in the government. Probably both. One did own one of the largest pizza chains in the world. Another was an accountant. Anything’s possible.

  Still, there had to be experienced gifted around here somewhere or military men. He should’ve written down the information of that level sixty ex-special forces guy Melody mind controlled a couple of weeks ago.

it, there is no excuse for this. Was it safe to try and call all gifted? Of course, it wasn’t. He’d bet a million dollars that there were "enemy" or twisted gifted out there too, some probably working with the demons. Some working against everything and everyone. Mankind in a nutshell, whether on Earth or in Satovia.

  Melody offered her protection and said she’d stop by to help with his training in the morning. Sweet. She also wanted to talk with him about something private, whatever that meant.

  Clyde left his room to check on the others. Chika, Yuki, and Neko were finishing up their meals. They seemed to be having a heated conversation before silencing it upon Clyde’s approach.

  "Nya," Neko jumped him, licking his face. He held his ground with a back leg. Falling over meant wasting more time. "What brings you out here?"

  "Just seeing how everyone’s doing?" Clyde said. "Where’s Toru?" That question was directed at Chika.

  "I think he went outside to explore a bit," she said. "The attendant lady told him about a spot to lay down and enjoy the ‘true pleasures’ of the grasslands. I warned the idiot not to go anywhere near the forest. Something about it creeps me out."

  [Quest: Go check on Toru. Accept? Reward: 1000 EXP and relationship gain with Toru.]

  Clyde almost selected no just to slap something back at the system, but he needed to make sure the man was good to go. Sure, he wasn’t his mother, but in an area where demons came and go to dip into a hot spring, one had to be cautious. He warned the others about demon guests. Yuki blushed.

  "Sorry," she said. "I…I mean, it felt normal to me."

  "Don’t worry about it, just make sure the men don’t get adducted," Clyde said.

  "We’re coming with you," Chika said.

  "In your robes?" Clyde said, eyebrow raised. He noticed they were all sitting on towels too. Ah, nothing like the common ground of sanitation, he thought.

  "I’ll go put on the sweatpants," Chika said then stuck her tongue out. Before she left, she gave Neko a warning stare. Neko only smiled innocently and smothered more of her body over Clyde. The young man tried to pretend that he didn’t notice the wetness. The catgirl was ready to go and apparently anywhere. Clyde quickly deescalated the situation before it could turn into a bloodbath.

  "Go get changed," he said to Neko.

  "Nya-no can do," she said. "I’m an observer."

  "If you don’t, I’ll," he whispered the rest in her ear. "I’ll deny every advance and give them to Chika."

  Neko huffed.

  "That’s not how you’re supposed to treat a lady."

  She reached into his pants with her tail and squeezed Clyde. Before the young man could protest, she violently stroked.

  Yuki barged between the two.

  "Neko, stop being childish."

  "I can’t help it, it’s the heat," she said, innocent look on her face. Yuki continued to stand in Clyde’s defense. She was close enough to where his erection pressed into her ass. He forced down the beast inside and stepped back. Now wasn’t the time nor place. Yuki ended up hustling the catgirl to her room.

  Chika returned with a fully dressed Kitome, though the blue-haired girl looked annoyed from being hustled out of her room. Was she napping? Nothing wrong with that, Clyde supposed. She blushed for some reason upon making eye contact with the young man.

  "Are you up for this?" he said to Kitome. She flinched as if not expecting him to speak with her.

  "Of course, I am, idiot," Kitome said, mustering up her anger. It wasn’t as feisty as normal, but a nice sign to know that she didn’t lose her damn mind.

  When Neko and Yuki returned, they set off to search for Toru. They found him minutes later…in the air. Two women, similar to the honeybee Clyde once encountered, carried him off, laughing and yipping. Of course they were heading toward the forest. Of course.

  "Son-of-a-bitch," Clyde snapped as he and the others chased. He analyzed one.

  Hornet- Mui

  Level: 35

  Type: Monster

  Work under: Queen Hornet.

  Special: Lustful sting. [Great chance to stun. Hornet may lose control and vigorously super-rape victims].

  Weakness: Fire, ice, lightning, wind, and lust.

  Resistances: earth, nature, forest, and volcanic.

  Secret: she once watched two dogs have sex and grew jealous. She also once caught goats going at it—having more fun than she’d ever had.

  Clyde facepalmed.

  [Volume 3.] Episode 17 (Part 10)

  [Quest updated. Step one completed. Step two: rescue Toru. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Reward: chest drop.]

  [Kitome activated Heart arrow.]

  Clyde watched the attack predictably miss. What could she expect with moving targets? And damn they were fast. Also, what a way to risk hurting Toru—they were at least fifty feet in the air. Clyde voiced that. Kitome flushed of embarrassment, offering a low apology. The fast fuckers continued on.

  Shoot, Toru’s rape was going to end up being next-level if they didn’t catch up. He wouldn’t be able to make claims of enjoying it—hornets were probably sadists. By the look of his damaged shirt and pants, he fought. Unfortunately, all it would take is a single sting from the monster girl to stun a man.

  Bees aren’t aggressive back home, but hornets and wasps are fucking demons, Clyde thought.

  He really didn’t want to go into that forest, but no one said anything about monsters being incapable of killing. Toru needed a serious scolding after this—he should’ve known by now how he attracted monster girls. The monster girl magnet, even if not at fault. Going outside at a place like this was careless. Did Toru not feel the Forest?

  Clyde still felt the soreness as he picked up his pace. His speed stat helped him to keep up with the monster girls. There was no way he’d be able to run this fast back on earth without the boosts—he had to be moving faster than Usain Bolt’s best. Faster than a cheetah.

  [You activated Trust Bond Skill Mimic.]

  [Random skill obtained: Alice’s Explosion]

  [Skill stored: Explosion.]

  He wasn’t looking to cause a wildfire, but stored the skill anyway. He’d let this be an example of RNG and how not to rely on it. Random number generators were the ultimate bane to gamers—and often, overly addictive.

  Clyde’s endurance and composure kept him going and focused, eyes always on his targets while dodging bramble, thorn bushes, and trees.

  After what felt like an eternity—more than likely eight minutes—the hornets landed in front of what Clyde could only describe as a giant yellow hive, the size of a mansion. Leaving spears on the ground, the hornets rushed into the hive, Toru secured.

  In front of the hive was another monster girl Clyde never saw before. She was a green-skinned busty woman with long, light-green hair, and curves that could lure in any man. Various vines decorated her body like skimpy clothing. A rose was in her hair, on the side. She stood in a giant pink flower, covered in a dark yellow substance. Well, she was getting erotically licked by a hornet—going for all the strange orange liquid and especially the around the treasure trove. Honey? No, nectar.

  They were supposed to be the guards. Well, it was best not to disturb them and their festive moaning. He motioned for the others to follow but not before analyzing the flower woman.

  Alruane- Yasna.

  Level: 51

  Type: Monster

  Work under: N/A

  Special: Sweet Scent. [90% chance of luring men that inhale this scent for mating.]

  Weakness: Fire x4, ice x4, and lust.

  Resistances: Earth, forest, nature, water x4.

  Secret: desperately wants to be loved, as it is incredibly difficult for rooted beings to find husbands. Will never let a husband go.

  As they were approaching the reached the entrance of the hive, a prompt appeared.

  [Warning: you are about to enter a dungeon. Dungeon type: hive. Difficulty: Very Hard.]

  Clyde frowned then angrily muttered curs
es to himself. Toru would be eternally stuck in the hive if no one helped him—he just knew it.

  "This is going to be very—"

  "Don’t even talk of going or sending us back," Chika said.

  "Nya, since we’re not interfering with your progression, I will fight," Neko said as she walked over to Clyde. The catgirl licked his cheek. "I could use some exercise. And I’ve never been a big fan of hornets. Nor honeybees. Nor wasps. They sometimes abduct men in our homeland."

  Clyde looked at Yuki, Chika, and Kitome. They nodded.

  "Give me the word and I’ll set this fucking place on fire," Kitome said with a badass grin. The magical girl was already in her transformed state. Clyde laughed.

  "And I got worried for nothing. Let’s go rescue our idiot."

  Labido Grasslands… Hot springs inn.

  Alice’s danger-senses snapped her back to normal and she leapt from the bed, face still flushed. The feeling of wanting to take Clyde on a dimensional ride of pleasure still remained, but that was for later. He was in danger. Her life mate needed her.

  An enormous pink aura surrounded the demoness and it grew when she couldn’t sense his presence at all in the building.

  "Where’s my Clyde?" she asked, voice deadly calm.

  "We hadn’t left your side, Highness," Natalia said. "I’ve healed as much of it as I can. You need time and water to let it flush out of your system."


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