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The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper, #3 a LitRPG (ATS)

Page 19

by Alvin Atwater

  Defensive skills:

  Spirit shield: [Defense] – invoke a magical shield around you for a few seconds. Will shield you from magic and block physical attacks. Chance to invoke Spirit Counter at 1%.

  Special skill:

  Quick meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost random stats. The buffs will last for up to two hours.

  Mystic meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost speed, will, and composure. This buff will last up to 2.5 hours.

  Power Up [charge]- Once per cooldown, you may recharge 30% of your MP and slightly increase attack and speed.

  Combat level:

  -Intermediate level 4. Combat style: somewhat skilled.

  -Mystic combat level 3.


  -Energy Blast [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. (Mystic counterpart is available.) Now does scorch damage.

  -Six Hand Skill [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Shoot a flurry of energy balls at multiple enemies. 8% chance to stun an enemy. Now does gun, metal, and glass damage. 1% chance to instantly kill enemies ten levels or more below you. (Mystic counterpart is available)

  - Holy Spirit Wave [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious.: Shoot a wave of concentrated spiritual energy. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 7%. Chance to do double damage on dark creatures: 35%. Now does holy and purity damage. (Mystic counterpart is available)

  -Spiritual Fire. Type: spiritual. Class: very rare. Unleash special fire at your enemies. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 9%. Chance to cause burn at 4% Chance to agony at 3%. (Mystic counterpart is available.)

  -Binder’s hand 3. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Bind your enemies with tendrils of spirit energy. 38% chance to bind 1 enemy. Does no damage unless you will it. If willed, will do 3% damage per second. Able to will it to hold allies. Cannot damage allies.

  - Charm 2. Type: spiritual. Class: mental. Once per cool, you have a chance to take control of 1 targeted enemy. At this level you can only charm 1 enemy at a time and only those with lower levels. Be wary of enemies immune to charm.

  -Mystic aide: invoke the power of nature to assist you. Does nature damage. 150% attack increase in forests, grasslands, and spiritual domains.

  -Mystic wrath: Enter mystic mode. This form lasts for a short time and drains magic points, but all physical and magic attacks increase greatly. You will be able to cast Mystic Lightning. Due to the strain this form does on your body, it is highly recommended to use if needed.

  -Mystic Lightning- can only cast during mystic mode. Does spiritual, electrical, and holy damage. Change to cause spiritual blight at 34%. Chance to blind.

  - Trust Bond Skill Mimic. Type: mystic. Class: very rare. Once per day, you will be able to randomly activate a skill from any of trusted friends. If you do not wish to activate the revealed skill, you may store it for later use; however, if not activated that day, it will vanish from storage.

  -Summon Mist: Type: water. Class: uncommon. summon a thick mist that can cover an area the size of a small town. You and your allies will be able to see 40% better than any enemies. Warning, this is useless against enemies that do not rely on vision.

  BCFUS lv. 2. You can only present a temporary speed and jump boost. You may make only minor changes to their appearances, heal minor injuries, and sense their whereabouts.

  Tier 2 skill: Blizzard: Type: ice. Class: very rare. Unleash a portal blizzard on your foes. Does Heavy Ice damage.

  Summon: Tear- 1.

  Tier 2 skill: Neptune’s Water Edge. Type: water, holy. Class: very rare. Unleash a sharp blast of water blessed by Neptune himself.


  Main character stuff.

  Mystic languages. [Can read and speak old and unknown tongues.]


  10% boost to relationship stats with Harumi and her friends.

  +5% damage for a physical attack.

  Marriage System.

  Bravery noted to someone of great power.

  Ruthlessness noted to someone of great power. (Demons killed.)

  10% boost to all stats- mystic bonus.


  $ 1,551,400

  -Map of Lot City, Satovia.

  -Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

  -Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

  -Map of Niyoto, Satovia.



  -Reminder for practice- note.

  - Zelt’s printer. Level 1/25.

  - Wind blade. (item class: very rare.)

  -Melody’s note.

  - Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

  - Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

  -Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

  - Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.


  * Legendary Sword: Ludacris (Ashfall family loom)- +30 to attack. Fallen Angel element. Can fire raw magic from the weapon. Does magic damage. Lv. 1.

  -School uniform or casual clothes.

  -School shoes or casual shoes.

  -Necklace of strength. (Uncommon) +1 attack +1 defense.

  -Ring of Emergency Magic. (Very rare) +20% MP.

  - Dust stone armor set. (Rare). +15 to defense. (Warning durability is down due to Hades cracking it with Hell shot. Replace immediately.)

  - Steel dagger. (Uncommon).

  Stone-Tokken Deck:

  The Sorcerer’s Creed.

  Classes: (year1).

  -Satovia History 1.

  -Romance Literature 1.

  -Sciences 1.

  -Crafting 1.

  Phone numbers:







  - Melody


  Quest log:

  Main story.

  Locate the whereabouts of Kiko the vampire. (MS.)

  Gather materials and craft three items. Reward: 300 EXP.

  Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

  Call Chika in the late hours. (MS.)

  Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours.

  Talk to Melody.

  Investigate Niyoto (multi-step quest. Required to defeat demon lord)

  Give Tear the Gift. (MS)

  Take the test next week. Excel.

  Quest: craft 1 complicated item. (MS)

  Volume 3 Epilogue...


  [Warning! You are being confronted with unimaginable power.]

  [Warning! Consider a tactical retreat.]

  [You have entered a Maxed Death Sentence!]

  [You have been challenged by the Viper. Prepare yourself.]

  [The pressure of the power is impossible to withstand!]

  [You have entered PVP combat!]

  [Life and Death! Survive!]

  Dark coughed out a mouthful of blood as HE approached. Tears fell from his eyes—all of his servants…his friends—his family in this world, laid in a bloody heap inside the palace. High levels, some even in the three hundreds, taken down easily by this man. What could Dark possibly do? Even the man’s servants were too strong. Their levels showed up as red question marks.

  "I would’ve thought the Leaf to be stronger than this," the man said. "You’re the first non-native of the game I’ve met and yet, just a brat. If you weren’t one of the five, I’d consider sparing you, motivate you to get stronger to face me properly. Shame that I cannot do that."

  Dark analyzed him.

  Name: Aunder.

  Level: ???

  Type: Antagonist/ Viper. Esper.

  HP: ???%

  MP: Infinite.

  Spirit Sign: Legendary soul.

  Tears continued to drop…All he wanted to do was have a better life. He escaped his hell on earth and found it, only to have it ripped away by this man. Death himself in the flesh.

  "No need to c
ry over your servants, they’re not dead," Aunder said, "just beaten bloody for attacking without provocation. Lack of honor for servants if you asked me. Protecting a weak lord..heh. Now, die in peace, die in honor. Get up and face me with your last breath. Unsheathe your weapon."

  Dark forced himself to stand up from the cold rocky ground. What he saw through the black cloak were glowing purple eyes. Death’s glare.

  [You have been ensnared.]

  [You have been inflicted with fear and despair.]

  [Your passive skill Soul protection prevents you from succumbing to the status alignments.]

  Dark drew his black sword took a deep breath then exhaled. He would go down with a fight, for his servants and friends and for Ikumi…whom he could never confess his love….He put aside the thoughts and focused.

  [You have invoked Burst Mode.]

  Surrounded in white aura, he raced forward, knowing he was a fool, and brought down the first blade, right into the Viper’s afterimage. Aunder placed a hand on his shoulder.

  "Try harder."

  Dark snarled as he swung but missed and missed and missed and missed.

  "Is this a game to you," he yelled.

  Aunder shrugged.

  "Isn’t that what they called it?"

  "Great power—hurgh!"

  [You activated Dark Bolt Shock Field.]

  A field of dark energy and electricity expanded from the young man in a sphere. It reminded Dark of an ability called Raid Ender. Or maybe Vegeta’s final explosion from Dragonball. He shook his head. Even in front of Death, he still thought of silly things.

  "I am Dark, who will conquer this world," he said. "Great lord of the dark."

  Aunder laughed, walking through his shock field casually.

  "A bit delusional I see," he said. "I suppose that’s a possibility when you’re given power. Well, I guess this is it—the extent of what you can do. Dark element and that’s it. Maybe you’ll be reincarnated into someone capable of fighting me."

  "My lord," said one of his servants, a pretty dark-haired woman. "Let me. Don’t bloody your blade."

  "I must. It is a duel, now back off. Let him die with honor."

  Dark fell to his knees, shaking. He didn’t want to die. The man before him couldn’t be sane. He was just not real. Not one of them. Why was he granted this ridiculous power and not everyone else? Not even the normie would have time to—

  Dark gasped as the piercing, agonizing pain erupted into his chest. His breathing grew short. He forcibly held in the tears of fear and defeat. He realized that he was just a nineteen-year-old child, playing pretend in a demon’s world. Attempting to escape the hellish reality of his old life for his dream life. Living inside an anime, apart of it, with power and actual friends. And now he had to die for just wanting to be liked.

  Aunder suddenly pulled back his blade and the pain vanished. Selkie stood in front of him, full glory—power and light raging around her.


  Winds and lightning and hundreds of colors pushed toward the Viper.

  "Damn pretty lady, no need to hit me with an angelic scream." Aunder laughed as if warmhearted. "How about it? Will you fight me in his stead? I’ll kill him another day."

  [Selkie’s heal has stabilized you. You are cleared of all injury and status alignments.]

  Selkie was already in Aunder’s guard, but couldn’t touch him. The Viper laughed.

  "Feisty. I like them with a little spark."

  Dark had to do something about this, but what? The Viper would do more than just wipe the floor with him. He’d…

  Dark stood. Of course….the system warned him. A tactical retreat. He would force Selkie and himself to…And abandon all of his servants to die. Ikumi.

  [Aunder continues to take no damage.]

  [Selkie’s HP has dropped to 21%]

  [Selkie’s Hp has dropped to 9%]

  There was no time.

  [You activated Tier 3 Skill: A Last Retreat.]

  [You selected Selkie to travel with you. You will be whisked away to Dark Elf Territory, Messalay, Satovia.]

  Aunder’s blade missed by just a centimeter as Dark’s power took he and his companion away.

  I’m sorry, he thought as the new land emerged around him. He could only hope that the Viper did not see them as worthy of his time.

  He allowed himself to collapse, trembling. Those glowing purple eyes of death. The attack on his palace that came out of nowhere. The feeling of the blade which claimed his soul.

  Dark did not want to face the Esper ever again. He truly was a Viper.

  Somewhere in Lot City…

  Ming let out a breath as she finished both her main works. Her mind couldn’t be released from the thought of actually meeting the man who wielded the forbidden spellcaster deck. Then her stupid cousin had to go and ruin everything. Where did she learn magic? She showed no signs of being gifted before. And as if things weren’t already bad, the entire family was hit by scandals, left and right. If her parents didn’t work abroad, there was no doubt Abe Tanaka, one of the most powerful men in the city, would’ve taken them out too. To think she met his daughter, all over her future husband. Ming let out an exasperated sigh. Nothing short of a miracle that she was able to write and draw under such stress.

  Despite everything, she stood as gifted too, with powers she could wield to help out the Stone. Venus knew Ming wanted to be useful to him. She didn’t get the chance to sit and talk with Clyde, to tell the young man things that he needed to know. The girls around him didn’t give her the chance.

  "Dammit, Chika’s such a bitch…and she is not." Ming dove into her bed, burying her face into the pillow. "I’m supposed to be one of the Stone’s prophets and I can’t get over simple intimidation of other girls. No…they’re gifted too. And powerful."

  Ming clenched her fist, determined. She wouldn’t give in—he’d be hers and she’d actually utilize her powers to see him succeed in his quest. Venus knew she would.

  This has been volume three of The Anime Trope System. The episodes will remain in order.

  The next story arc is underway!

  Clyde’s story continues, and his mystery slowly unravels. The journey still has quite the way to go as it brings out more and more. It’s certainly not limited to just one city or world.

  Fate is a mysterious string.

  Hello, you amazing anime, novel, fantasy, and manga fans. I’m Alvin Atwater and I would just like to take the time to thank everyone who read and support the series. Please consider leaving a review on Amazon as you see fit. It truly helps me out. In the meantime, I will get back to work as this series is very fun to write. The number of plans and ideas feel endless.

  Audiobooks for Audible are currently in production. I can also be found on

  And until the next volume, have a good one.




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