American Love Story (Dreamers)

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American Love Story (Dreamers) Page 18

by Adriana Herrera

  I leaned further back from him until I was flush against the bar before I spoke. “Brad, I’d make introductions, but you know Patrice.” I extended my hand, intentionally ignoring his comment.

  When I turned, Patrice was sitting upright and sending a very unfriendly look in his colleague’s direction, then trained his eyes on the spot on my arm Brad was touching.

  When he spoke his voice was a barely restrained growl. “We work together.”

  Brad’s smirk was condescending enough to make me want to smack it off. He gave his back to Patrice as he spoke.

  “Oh Dr. Denis and I go way back, I was on his hiring committee. There was a lot of talk before we hired him, as there usually is when the department takes a big chance on a candidate.”

  Before Patrice could answer I stood up, grabbing our drinks. I was not going to let Brad get up to his usual shit stirring and ruin the dinner with Patrice that I’d been looking forward to all week.

  I glared at him, my tone chilly. “I’m sure the pressure was high to make the best offer possible to Patrice, considering all the options he had.” I looked over to the man in question and he was standing with his back against the wall, his face completely closed off. Then I turned back to Brad. “We’re headed to our table, have a good evening.”

  I handed Patrice his drink and we started walking. Patrice muttered something that sounded a lot like a curse word and was at the table before I had taken two steps there.

  When we sat down, his face showed the frustration that I was sure he’d held back at the bar.

  “I’m sorry about that,” I said as I glanced in the direction of the bar and saw that Brad had already left, probably looking for someone else he could fuck with. “Brad is an ass.”

  Patrice watched him walk away, his gaze icy. “Brad thinks he can talk to people however he wants.” He paused then and I could tell he was working on letting go of the annoyance of the last few minutes. He took one breath, then another and lifted both shoulders as if to shed some of the tension there, the whole time his eyes trained on mine.

  He opened his mouth to say something, but instead of saying whatever was on his mind, he reached across the table and grabbed my hands possessively. His eyes locked with mine. “What bothers people like Brad is that I don’t take his bait. He wants to get a rise out of me, so when I curse him out he can point at me and say I’m trash and that I don’t know how to act. He knows I don’t give a fuck about him getting off on talking to me like I’m the help, and that just makes him look bad.” It was clear he was not done talking about all the ways Brad pissed him off, and the way he was looking at me made me hold my breath. “But if I see him pawing or talking to you like that again, I’m going to pop him in the mouth. I don’t care what kind of influence he has in the department.”

  Oh wow what was even happening in my chest right now. I breathed through my nose until I found words. Patrice Denis was going to ruin me. “I didn’t know you had such a possessive side, Professor Denis.”

  He dipped his chin, and his expression turned just a tiny bit bashful, but he answered with a flustered laugh. “I didn’t either.”

  I couldn’t help the smug smile that was probably pasted on my face. “Brad and I go way back. His parents were a power couple at Cornell, and my parents loved to have the local academia luminaries at their dinner parties.”

  Patrice twisted his mouth to the side at that. “I don’t like the way he talked to you.”

  I lifted a shoulder, aware of what he meant, the dismissive way in which Brad had talked about my job. “For my parents, and some of their friends, my entire career choice is mystifying.” I made air quotes as I said the next part. “Apparently, spending five years working on some of the toughest cases in the region is my cute way of getting people to ‘take me seriously.’ Even my mom, who at least tries to be supportive, just can’t see why I would do this instead of work for the winery.”

  His face became thunderous then. “Well that’s just bullshit. Don’t they read the news and see the cases you’re dealing with?”

  He shook his head and there was a fluttering happening in my chest that I’d never particularly felt before. “That shit’s not happening again on my watch.” He looked so serious, and he sat there with his mouth closed, running his tongue over his teeth, as he came up with whatever he wanted to say. But after a few breaths he relaxed his shoulders and let go of my hand to grab a drink of his beer.

  He’d said his piece.

  Something I was learning about Patrice was that he never said more than he had to, but whatever did come out his mouth was good as gold.

  What he said, how incensed he was on my behalf, it made me want things that I knew very well I should not ask for. But I was still me. “Are you going to be my defender?” I was trying for humor, but even I could hear the yearning in my voice.

  Patrice’s eyes took me in. Inch by inch, they moved over me with such intensity that I could swear my clothes were at risk of igniting. “I’m going to tell you what I see, if other people in your life can’t or won’t.”

  There was danger for me here, I knew that. This was not territory I could tread into without serious risk of injury, but I never was one to heed trouble. “And what exactly do you see?”

  “Someone worth me getting my shit together for.” It came out in grumble, like he wasn’t even sure how he’d gotten there himself.

  I laughed then and leaned over, deciding to kiss him after all. When I pulled back I smiled at his serious expression. “You sound so agonized about it.”

  He lifted a shoulder and looked at me, and I felt scared for a minute that what he would say next would hurt me. That he would blow off this moment and make it something less than what it had meant to me.

  “I can be conflicted and still know I am where I’m supposed to be. I’m trying to learn how to make that work.”

  They weren’t exactly lines from Romeo and Juliet, but they didn’t have to be, because I knew that Patrice Denis was braving unchartered territory, and he was doing it for me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The knock on the door came a second before the holler from the hallway.

  “Are you ready, professor?”

  I just laughed, because for a guy who looked like he’d be right at home at the Cornell Club, Easton Archer could holler. I grimaced at the racket he was making then remembered he owned the fucking building, so we were probably okay.

  “I’m coming.” I could barely keep the humor out my voice, because that was my permanent state these days.

  I walked around happy as hell, smiling at people and asking about their dogs and shit. It was like fucking with Easton Archer had turned me into a...happy person. I opened the door, digesting that new development with a grin on my face, knowing what my current state of nothing but sweats on would have on Easton.

  He didn’t even say hello, he just got a look at my chest and jumped me.

  I stumbled backward, laughing my ass off as he did his best to get this tongue down my throat.

  “This is not right.” Those eyes looked up at me like I was everything he’d ever wished for.

  I exhaled and nuzzled his neck. “Your eyes make me think of the semester I spent in Edinburgh. Whiskey and moss.”

  He groaned as he backed me up against the nearest wall. “Why do you hate me? Here I am trying to be suave. Trying to woo you, so that you don’t think I’m just after your dick, and you start telling me my eyes are like all Scottish and drugging?”

  I couldn’t help it, I busted up and tightened my arms around his waist. “You trying to woo me, counselor?”

  He ran his hands over my bare shoulders and the possessiveness there made me grin again. When he answered his voice was strong.

  “Yes, and we’re going someplace we can’t run into anyone. Last time I thought you were going to rip Br
ad’s head off.” He tried to make it humorous, but I seriously wanted to pop that fucker on the mouth. It really pissed me off that Easton was so used to people talking to him like Brad did. I could only imagine the type of shit he dealt with from his father for him to be practically unbothered by a prick like Brad talking down to him. I vowed right there and then that I would never be one more person in Easton’s life who didn’t let him know what he was worth.

  Easton’s tongue clicking brought me back and his face was a mix of serious and horny. “You feeling some type of way, professor?”

  He thrust his hips toward me and I could feel his hard cock brushing against me.

  “You letting Tyren teach you words again?”

  He laughed and pressed closer. “No. You just looked really serious. But I’m having trouble staying on task right now. It’s hard not to get hot and bothered when you make that face. I’m only human, how can I be expected to resist six feet four inches and two hundred plus pounds of—”

  “Pissed-off Haitian?” I asked, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling.

  “I was going to say of gorgeous broody man.” He wrapped his arms around my neck and looked up. “I almost want to cancel this outing. It’s too cold today anyway.” His tone told me that he was a lot less concerned with the temperature outside and lot more with getting into my bed. He was also bundled up in jeans, snow boots and what looked like a few layers under his parka. I shook my head as I dislodged his arms from my neck. “Nuh uh, we said we were going to do stuff together,” I said as I went to grab my socks.

  “Fine.” His pout was too fucking cute. “But I think not staying indoors while you’re so close to being fully naked is a really wasted opportunity.”

  I dipped my head once, biting back the smile that seemed to be permanently ready to come out whenever Easton was around. Despite the tension that had been going on with the stops, things seemed to have calmed down. Easton had said his meeting with the sheriff hadn’t been terrible, but not great either. He didn’t elaborate other than to say he expected things to quiet down for now. I was still working with some groups organizing a “Know Your Rights” teach-in in town, and that was a priority. But I was trying to make a go of things with Easton and I could not put every shitty thing that happened in town on him to solve.

  “Okay, what are you thinking about?”

  I shook my head, trying to focus on the moment. “I was thinking I need to put on at least four more layers so we can begin our romantic adventure.”

  He rolled his eyes at my obvious lie. “Are you still worried about the meeting with the dean?”

  That reminder I could’ve done without. I’d been called in for a meeting, which coincidentally came the Monday after Easton and I had our run-in with Brad. It was supposed to be a “check in” but when I asked Ted, he’d told me that was unusual. So I was expecting to be called out on the carpet for something that had nothing to do with the job I was actually hired for. But that was another thing I didn’t want to get into right now.

  “Nah, I’m trying not to worry about it until it happens. There’s nothing I can do about it at this point.” I lifted a shoulder before turning around and going up the stairs to finish getting dressed with Easton right behind me.

  “I hope this isn’t Brad being a petty asshole, but this would be very in line with his MO. Fucking with people because he can’t deal with rejection.” I stopped as I got to the mezzanine and looked over my shoulder at him. His angry expression made me wonder what that little prick had done to fuck with him. But before I could even answer he just shook his head and waved his hand as if asking me to forget about it.

  “That was a long time ago. I don’t indulge in grudges about petty shit people do.” The way his mouth flattened and his face blanched made it pretty obvious it was not just some petty thing. Easton liked to maintain that unaffected facade. Except I could tell he minimized how things that people said and did hurt him. He acted like his dad’s slights didn’t affect him. How much it hurt him to be dismissed. But I’d seen it when I’d done it to him.

  I pulled a T-shirt and then a sweater over my head, trying to figure out how to let him know he could trust me, while Easton acted like a fool, fake swooning and fanning himself. He was so extra, but fuck if I could stay mad with him around.

  I walked up to where he was leaning against the dresser and tightened my arms around his waist. Again taken aback by the way he just made me forget to be pissed at shit that usually infuriated me. “You’re a clown.”

  He preened like I’d given him the best compliment of his life. “I think you like it though.”

  I shook my head, my mouth itching to break out into a grin. “I’ve had to learn to live with the constant bullshit you’re on. I’m also curious about this romantic date.” My voice was serious but that little flame of excitement in my belly came back to life. No matter how much of a grumpy bastard I pretended to be, being the object of Easton Archer’s attention was apparently one of my new life goals.

  He pushed up to kiss me and then pulled my hand as he started going down the metal spiral staircase. Once we were downstairs, he started wiggling like he was so excited about this date, he could barely contain himself. “Well, I don’t want to brag, but it’s pretty amazing.”

  I went to grab my coat as he flashed me those perfect teeth. “I don’t even know when you would’ve had time. You’re in the middle of a trial.” As soon as I said it I regretted it because the light in his eyes went out completely.

  “We’re trying to take one day in the week to recharge.”

  Fuck, now I’d made him feel guilty. I hurried over to him as it sunk in that seeing Easton unhappy even for a second had now become unbearable for me.

  “Of course you should take a day. I’ve seen all the late nights you’ve been pulling.” I bent down to kiss him, sliding my tongue with his, that immediate and complete connection powerful as always. Sometimes it felt like we’d been giving each other comfort forever.

  When he pulled back he had that addled look he got sometimes, the one that made me feel ten feet tall, and I decided to say exactly what was on my mind. “I’m honored you’d want to spend your day off with me.”

  He lifted a shoulder then, a cheeky smile on his lips. “Well, everyone else was busy, so I figured I’d take you.”

  I walked by him to the door and smacked his ass. “Come on, let’s go get your plan to sweep me off my feet on the road, Mr. Archer.”


  “So what other books have you been reading? What Chris Hayes is breaking down isn’t exactly light reading,” Patrice asked, as we drove to the stable where I’d arranged our date. The closer we got, the more concerned I got that the frigid weather was going to mess up my plans. So I turned my attention to Patrice’s questions.

  He’d been surprised a few minutes earlier when he tried to put on some music and ended up hitting play on A Colony in A Nation, which I’d been listening to. I kept my eyes on the road, not sure I wanted to see his reaction to my reading choices. I didn’t want him to think I was only doing it to impress him or something.

  “I’ve just been thinking there are things I need to get some perspective on, so I asked Pri to recommend some books. You know she has every opinion on everything.”

  I looked over and saw him nod. “I was just surprised. I mean clearly these are topics that are important to me. I’m happy to talk about them with you anytime.”

  I thought about that for a moment as I drove up to the turn for the stable. I didn’t want him to think I didn’t value his thoughts on this, but I wanted him to know I didn’t feel like it was his job to enlighten me on things that it was my job to be aware of. “I want to come to you when I feel like I have more knowledge about the things I need to understand.” I looked at him then. “The more I’m with you the more it’s sinking in that I could’ve lived my whole life being a quote unquot
e good guy, without ever having to think about the true history of my own country, or my privilege,” I scoffed, feeling embarrassed, but compelled to continue. “If you don’t have that luxury, then neither should I.”

  He swallowed hard and then in a very quiet voice said, “I think you’re a good prosecutor, Easton, and I’m glad you’re doing this. It’s necessary.”

  I did turn to look at him for what I wanted to say next. “There is too much I’ve not thought about enough and it embarrasses me because I wonder how it’s impacted my ability to do my job.”

  “You’re doing it now, and that matters.” That was all he said, but there was a relief in his voice, like this had reassured him of something.

  I didn’t quite know what that meant, but thankfully our arrival at the stable put the conversation to rest.

  “We’re here.”

  Patrice still had a faraway expression as I powered off the car. As soon as we stepped out I knew that my big plan was going to be a bust. I looked over at Patrice, whose teeth were chattering despite being bundled up in a heavy coat, gloves, scarf and hat.

  “Shit, I think it’s too cold,” I said, looking around at the stable parking lot and noticing that other than the owner’s truck it seemed no one else was here.

  Patrice, who was now shivering so hard he was vibrating, raised an eyebrow while taking in his surroundings. “So I take it that part of our romantic date involved the outdoors.” I groaned and he pointed at the barn longingly. “Maybe it’s warmer in there?”

  I sighed and nodded as I grabbed the saddlebags I’d prepared with some snacks and spiked hot cocoa for us to drink at some point during our snowy trail ride.

  “Yeah, but it’s going to be a challenge being on a horse in this weather.” I grimaced again as we stepped into the less cold, but not nearly warm enough barn. The weather outlook had been good, but around here a squall could hit at any time.


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