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Betrayed (Dragon Shifter Book 3)

Page 6

by Naomi Sparks

  A little while later, a young man ventures over to us. He looks like he might not yet be in adulthood yet. His eyes are wide as he takes all of us in, his body shaking, though I have a feeling it's more from excitement than fear.

  "What can we help you with?" Lex asks, standing and walking over to the boy.

  The boy nods a couple of times as he looks up into Lex's eyes. "Surem sent me," he says, the words coming out in a jumbled slur as he speaks at a rapid-fire pace. "He said, he said he wants you and the others to join him for dinner tonight. I'm uh, I'm supposed to take your response back to him."

  I frown. Surem couldn't even be bothered to come and invite us himself? He sends a boy to be his messenger? I'm starting to think he's let the power of leadership go to his head.

  Lex glances at the rest of us before turning back to the boy. He nods slowly. "Tell Surem we would be happy to join him tonight. Thank you."

  The boy quickly nods again, then takes off running back through the maze of tents and buildings.

  Once he's out of earshot, Lex lets out a sigh and shakes his head. "I guess we get to go put on a little performance for him once more. Maybe a bit more brown-nosing will convince him to stop being an ass and help us."

  Somehow, I doubt it.

  Still, I slipped into my own tent and stripped off my clothes, digging something a bit nicer out of my bags. I don't exactly travel with a fancy suit or anything, but you never know when a nice shirt and pants will come in handy. Dressing nicely may go a decent way to showing Surem we're not all evil and out to ruin their lives.

  It also might impress Katia, which I don't deny makes me take a bit more care as I get ready.

  The boy returns later, still grinning like he just won the lottery. I wonder if he's excited because he's running messages for the camp's leader or because of us. Judging how he looks up at Lex with such awe, I'm betting on the latter.

  He guides us through the tents and back to Surem’s little throne room. We could have found it on our own but having a guide did make it a lot quicker. The tent is lit by lanterns and a few glowing orbs, probably enchanted by one of the Fae here in the enclaved. Stepping in there is like going back in time, to when things were a lot simpler for us.

  I take a deep breath and close my eyes, imagining being back in Greece, with Lex by my side. We could be free and open back then, not having to fear the humans or Amasis. Dragons had no master, no one they were accountable to.

  But then, maybe that was our problem. There was nothing stopping us from nearly wiping out the Fae, not with how powerful we were.

  So maybe I don't want to go back to then. Maybe things are better now, where our limited numbers force us to keep hiding. At least that limits the damage we can do.

  The dinner is a much more relaxing event than I expected. There are a good number of people wandering around, with food laid out more like a buffet than a formal dinner. It's a lot easier to relax, mingling with the Fae and answering their questions. Many of them are curious about dragons, having never encountered them before. It seems like Surem is the only one who hates us, which I consider a plus.

  Maybe they'll be able to convince him to help us. Or maybe one of them will go against Surem and help us, anyway.

  Katia, I notice, is absent. I wonder if she's avoiding me or if she just wanted to go get some sleep. She was up all night with me and most of the day, so I imagine she's quite tired. I would be too if it weren't for the bracelet I'd absorbed after the flight. I'll sleep well tonight though, that's for sure.

  When Surem heads my way, I tense up, wondering if this is going to be good news or bad. He's smiling, but it's that tight, forced smile, and I know it's not genuine. By the time he reaches me, we're out of earshot of most everyone here. The guys can hear if they're paying attention, but with everything going on, I doubt they are.

  "Leave Katia alone," he tells me, his voice low and measured.

  My eyes narrow as I watch him. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say, playing dumb.

  He doesn't believe it for a moment though. He just glares at me and says, "Keep away from my betrothed," and then stalks off.

  My stomach churns as I stare at his back. Betrothed. Normally, I would have no issue staying away from another man's woman. I don't want to get between two people who are already together. But Katia is my fated mate, my one true love, and there's no way I can just walk away from her.

  But it makes me sick, knowing she's engaged to another man already, especially since she didn't tell me anything about that when we were out flying together.



  Surem is probably going to be angry with me skipping the dinner, but I just can't do it. I don't have the energy for him, don't have the energy for Galen. All I want to do is crawl into my bed and sleep. But even when I get back into my tent, strip off the clothes I've been wearing for two days, and crawl in beneath the blankets, all I can do is lay there and stare up at the ceiling.

  No matter how many times I close my eyes and try to shut off my brain, all I can do is think about Galen, what it had been like soaring across the skies on his back, and how right it felt to be in his arms. I don't love Surem, I never have, but I know I need to marry him. It's the best thing for the enclave, and no matter how many times I try to put him off, I know I'll eventually have to give in.

  But as I think about Galen, I wonder what life would be like with him and the Fire Riders. Can I just walk away from the enclave, leave them in Surem’s hands? Will they be okay without me? Part of me thinks so. They're all capable people. They got along just fine before me, they'll get along without me. My heart aches at that thought, the thought of being disposable.

  I so desperately want to go with Galen, to live free, without the burden of being a leader. But I know it’s all just idle fantasy. I love my people and love my home. I don't want to walk away and give it all up, no matter how much I dream about living out in the open, living without having to worry about deciding for an entire group of people.

  The hours tick by as I struggle to get my thoughts in order, as I struggle to get my brain to just turn off for a while. It doesn't happen though, and soon, I can hear everyone returning from dinner. My stomach rumbles, but I ignore it. I can go one night without food. It won't kill me. And skipping dinner is much more preferable than facing Galen and Surem in the same room together.

  Lysandra doesn't return to our tent, even once the camp goes quiet. I frown up into the darkness. She's probably enjoying herself tonight, and I'm more than a little jealous. My little sister is having the night of her life while I'm stuck here, alone. I envy her lack of responsibility. She can go with the Fire Riders if she chooses. I don't want her to, but she's free to make that choice.

  I'm not.

  That should be the end of it, but I still can't stop thinking about Galen, about what life could be like with him. It's all silly fantasy, I know that, and yet, I find myself slipping out of my tent into the darkness. There's still fires burning around the camp, that combined with the clear night's sky, gives me enough light to gaze around until my eyes lock on Galen's tent.

  My feet move on their own, guiding me toward it until I'm standing just outside. I listen, but I don't hear anything inside, no sounds of wakefulness or sleep. I know I should go back to my own tent, get some actual sleep, but I find myself rooted to the spot, unable to move. I can't hear Galen in there, but I know he's there. I can feel it, deep inside me. It's like some unseen force is pulling me toward him.

  I take a deep breath and then slip into his tent. He sits up immediately, frowning as he looks over at me.

  "What are you doing here?" he asks, his voice low.

  I shrug and crawl over to sit next to him. Not quite sure what to say, I just lean forward and press my lips to his for a quick kiss. "I can't promise you anything beyond tonight," I finally manage to get out. My body is filled with heat.

  I can tell Galen wants to say something, can see it in his eyes. But he doesn't.
He just keeps his mouth closed and nods then reaches out to pull me down onto his makeshift bed with him. For a long while, I just lay there, head on his bare chest, listening to his heartbeat. It's oddly calming, unlike anything I've ever experienced with a man before.

  Just lying there with him makes my body shiver, makes me ache for more. Just because I can't leave this place and go be with him, doesn't mean I can't enjoy tonight though. I reach up with my left hand and trace the outlines of his muscles. He reminds me of those old Greek statues I've seen in books like he's a work of art come to life.

  "You should probably go back to your tent," Galen says after a while. His voice is low and soft, barely audible even in the silent night.

  "What if I don't want to go?" I find myself saying. My heart hammers in my chest. The sound is almost deafening, but I don't let it dissuade me. I've come this far. I'm not going to run off just yet.

  When Galen opens his mouth to say something, I move to straddle his waist. His mouth closes almost instantly as he stares up into my eyes. Even in the low light, I know he can see me clearly. I smile at him, ignoring the rapid way my heart is beating, then lean down and press my lips to his. He goes still for a moment, and panic rises up inside me. Then, he wraps his arms around me and pushes back against me, kissing me back.

  Passion wells up inside me, and I can't fight it anymore. There are no more doubts in my mind. This is exactly where I need to be tonight. I meant it when I said I can't promise him anything beyond tonight, but I can promise him tonight. I can promise him one night he will never forget.

  My clothes end up scattered across his tent as he all but tears them off me. It doesn't take long until the only thing separating our naked bodies is the thin sheet covering Galen's lower half. I can feel his hardness through it, and that makes my heart beat even faster and harder. I can't remember the last time I laid with a man, and here I was, about to have sex with one I barely know. And yet, that thought doesn't scare me. It excites me.

  I can't wait to feel him pulsing inside me. But before that, I want to become intimately familiar with every inch of his muscular body. If tonight is going to be our only night together, then I'm going to make damn sure I remember it as well. Maybe then, once I've sated myself, I'll be able to move past this infatuation I'm experiencing.

  I break our kiss and start working my way down his body, pressing my lips to his hot skin. Tingles go through my body as Galen moans softly, his sounds of pleasure filling the small tent. It ignites a fire inside me and spurs me to keep kissing my way down his body, tracing each muscle with my lips and tongue. He tastes amazing, and I can't get enough of him.

  Galen lays there, squirming as I work my way further and further down his body. His moans grow louder the longer I work my magic, and it's like music to my ears. I love how this big, strong dragon is being reduced to a quivering mess beneath me.

  His cock is rock hard, twitching with each beat of his heart. Only inches away from it, I lick my lips, wanting so badly to take it into my mouth, to suck him until he empties his load down my throat. But I know once I taste him, I won't be able to stop until I get that delectable reward. And I'm not done tasting the rest of him just yet.

  "Yeah, Katia...." Galen moans, making me shiver. I love the way my voice sounds on his lips. I love knowing that I'm the one who's driving him crazy.

  So, I ignored his cock, for now, promising to come back to it, and started working my way down his hard, muscular legs. Every inch of his body seems to be covered in hard muscle. It's like he really was carved from stone and turned mortal. None of the men I'd been with was anything like this. They'd been strong men, with powerful muscles, and yet they couldn't compare to Galen.

  Are all dragons like this? I wonder. Is the rest of his crew the same way? Are the women muscular and gorgeous, too? If they are, what can he possibly see in me? I know I'm not ugly nor am I weak, but how can I compare to how majestic a dragon is?

  I force those thoughts out of my head though, not wanting to ruin the mood. There will be plenty of time to think of those things later. Right now, the only thing I want to think about is the naked man lying right in front of me.

  I kiss my way down one leg and back up the other. Before I know it, I'm face to face with his hard cock again. My heart suddenly stops, everything stops, and all I do is stare at it. I've never been this nervous before in my life. It's not my first time, not by a long shot, and yet I feel like a novice virgin, afraid of not being good enough.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to get my nerves under control. I can do this, I tell myself. But if you keep hesitating, he will think you're insane. Just do it. Let go. Let yourself have some fun.

  When I wrap my fingers around his shaft, Galen sucks in a breath. His entire body goes tense, and I pause, wondering if he's about to lose control right then and there. But he doesn't, and after a few seconds, his breathing goes back to normal. I take that as a good sign and lean forward, pressing my lips first to the head of his cock, my tongue darting out to taste his seed.

  A moan slips from my lips before I can stop it. Gods, he tastes good, so much better than I imagined. And this is only the beginning!

  I kiss my way up and down his shaft, his cock twitching. Each time it pulses, a bead of precum appears at the tip, slowly sliding down his length until I lick it up. His moans grow louder and louder, and I hope everyone else around us is already asleep. Otherwise, he's not leaving anything to the imagination about what's going on here.

  Normally, that would give me pause. I'm not shy, but I'm also not an exhibitionist. I don't want the entire camp to know about my personal pleasures. But tonight, I can't bring myself to care. I don't want anything to get between us tonight, don't want anything to interrupt our one night together.

  I stroke him right my right hand, moving down to suckle on his balls. His entire body shakes, and I know he's getting close, which is exactly what I want. I keep teasing him, getting him right to the edge but not quite letting him crossover. I want to see just how long I can make him last, how long he can hold on before he just can't take it anymore.

  "Oh fuck," he moans out, his entire body tensing up again. When I glance up, I see his eyes closed and his teeth gritted. He seems to be trying to fight back his impending orgasm with all of his might, and that just brings a wicked grin to my face. I love knowing I can have this much control over a big, strong dragon like him.

  I tease him for just a few moments longer, but I'm afraid to go too long. I don't know how much control he has over himself, and I don't want to risk accidentally setting him off too early. So, I release his balls from my mouth and let go of his cock. Galen whimpers and sucks in deep lungfuls of air. When he opens his eyes again, I can see the lust and desire in them, can see just how badly he wants me to keep going.

  And who am I to deny him that?

  I lean forward again, but this time, I take his entire length into my mouth all at once. Galen lets out another string of curses, lifting his hips off the ground and pushing his cock as deep into my mouth as he can get it. He nearly gags me, and I have to quickly relax my throat to avoid that. I pause for a moment, this time giving myself a chance to adjust. Then, with my lips wrapped tightly around his shaft, I start bobbing up and down. My tongue swirls around his cock the entire time, while my hands roam up and down his muscular legs and torso.

  Galen's moans devolve into grunts as he gets closer and closer to the edge. He threads his fingers through my hair, holding my head tight, thrusting his hips up in time with my bobbing. It doesn't take long until he's in control, practically fucking my mouth as his more animalistic nature takes over.

  Normally, that would be a huge turn-off for me. But with Galen? Gods, it's one of the hottest things I've ever experienced. He always seems to be in control of himself, and I love how I can make him lose control like this. I love knowing that it's me doing this to him, it's me that is driving him absolutely crazy.

  OH fuck!" he yells out, throwing his head b
ack and arching his hips. He pushes my head down tight against his body, and that's all the warning I get. I quickly relax my throat as the first jet of cum shoots out of his cock.

  A shiver goes through my entire body as I do my best to swallow every last drop of his cum. It's salty, a bit sweet, and absolutely delicious. If dragons are the gods of old, then their cum must be the nectar legends speaks of. I keep my lips wrapped tightly around his shaft, doing everything I can to keep the muscles in my throat relaxed.

  I stay there for a moment once his cock stops throbbing, but then Galen pushes me away as he becomes too sensitive in his post-orgasmic state. I grin up at him as I lick my lips, savoring the last of his seed.

  He lays there, gasping for air, as he tries to smile back at me. His entire body is trembling now as he lays limp. His cock is starting to go soft, and I can't help but notice just how sexy he is like that. He's spent, for now, and it turns me on to no end to know I'm the one that did that to him. The big, strong dragon is brought to his knees by a simple blow job.

  Unable to stop myself, I lean forward again and start kissing my way back up his body. When I reach his lips, I push my tongue into his mouth, wondering if he can taste himself. He doesn't push me away, so if he can taste himself, then he doesn't seem to mind it. He just wraps his arms around me and kisses me right back, like he doesn't want to be anywhere but here right now.

  And I don't blame him, because there's nowhere else I'd rather be. My entire body is on fire now, and nothing will pull me away from him. Not until I've had my fill at least.


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