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Dreams of Fire

Page 11

by Christian Cura

  Her head snapped up from her work and she swiveled her chair to face her partner. “Oh, Saba! I’m sorry I didn’t hear you. I was so caught up in my work.”

  She grinned. “No problem, Miss McGuinness. I just wanted to know if there’s anything else I can help you with.”

  “Thank you, but I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Saba asked. She looked at the myriad of documents strewn about Rachel’s desk.

  “Well, maybe I am a bit busier than usual. Would you mind taking care of the report on the theft?”

  “Consider it done.”

  “Thank you, Saba. Oh, and there are also some records we need to file but we’ll do that later.”

  “All right. I’ll get started.” Saba replied. Then she turned and left the cubicle.

  An hour later, Rachel had completed her reviews and went to check on her partner. She approached Saba’s desk just as she typed the final keystrokes. “How’s the report coming?”


  Rachel leaned forward and scrolled through the document. “Saba, this is excellent work! You’re very concise and detailed. John will be very pleased.”

  “Thank you, Miss McGuinness.”

  “I’ll deliver this to John’s desk, then you and I can start filing those records.”

  With Saba’s help, the documents were neatly sorted in two and a half hours. Rachel closed the filing cabinet with a sense of relief. She turned to her partner and said, “You’ve been a great help to me today. I would not have finished all this work nearly as fast if not for you.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  “Have a good evening.”

  “You too.”

  John Hartman, Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  John stood at his office window with his hands behind his back and watched as a new batch of prisoners landed at the headquarters. The long, sleek jet which carried them hovered above the landing pad while blue flames extended from its vertical thrusters. Clouds of dust swelled from the ground as it slowly descended. The faint roar of the engines reached John’s ears in the silence of his office.

  Presently, the ramp of the jet lowered until it hit the ground with a dull thud. Then moments later a queue of prisoners streamed out led by a squad of dark-coated Enforcers. The sullen faces of the rogues was a sight with which John was all too familiar. It was the melancholy expression that overtook all the rogues once they landed as they realized their magic, their most precious gift had been ripped away. For those serving life sentences, it meant they would never cast again. Perhaps they should have thought about the consequences before they resorted to a life of crime.

  Brandon Smith Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  Brandon stood at the door of the Tower and let out a massive yawn. He watched with disinterest as a jet descended on the landing pad. Maintenance workers clustered together with upturned faces while the vertical thrusters blasted the ground. The aircraft alighted amid the roar of its engines and rising dust. Within a few moments, a ramp lowered and a dull, metallic thud echoed over the grounds. Then a queue of shackled prisoners trailed out, escorted by uniformed Enforcers.

  Brandon checked his watch for what must have been the fiftieth time that day. He groaned. There were still forty-five minutes left until the next shift change. Stephen fidgeted impatiently beside him. Brandon was convinced Tower duty was the most pointless responsibility in the whole prison. He was assigned to guard a Tower against prisoners who had no chance of escaping anyway. Without the use of their magic, the rogues might as well be ordinary humans.

  “I can’t wait for the shift change.” he said. “I’d rather be doing anything else right now.”

  “At least we don’t have Officer Jones barking at us.” replied Stephen.

  “Dude, even running is better than this crap.”

  “Well, not everyone is a superstar athlete like you, man.”

  Brandon opened his mouth to say something when suddenly he noticed Saba approaching the Tower. “A little early, aren’t you?” he said when Saba was close enough.

  But she only smiled and struck them with a bolt of lightning.

  Saba Qureshi Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  The rancid odor of burning flesh filled Saba’s nostrils as their smoking corpses collapsed on the ground. She stepped over the dead guards and jabbed the access code into the keypad. The door slid open with a hiss and Saba entered.

  She raced across the ground floor and sprinted up a spiraling staircase. She bounded up the steps two and three at a time. Saba’s heart thudded in her chest while her magic burned white-hot within her. She held on to her Lightning Spell with all of her focus while the fingers of her right hand sparked with electricity. Footsteps echoed from above as Saba continued to run. Two more guards rounded the bend and saw Saba charging at them. Their eyes widened with astonishment as they shouted for her surrender. When she didn’t stop, one of them blasted her with a shockwave. Saba flung herself to the wall and watched the rippling air fly past her. Then she struck them dead with a crimson lightning bolt. Saba leaped over their charred corpses and ascended to the Tower’s peak.

  When she reached the top, she came upon a landing which led into a short passage. She followed it until she reached the door of the control room. Saba blasted the door with a powerful shockwave that ripped it from its hinges. It hit the floor with a thud and Saba stepped through the empty doorway.

  As soon as she entered, two more guards swiveled away from the control panel in astonishment. They rose to their feet and hurled glowing daggers at her. Saba ducked and rolled as they stabbed into the wall and floor behind her. A bolt of lightning stretched from her fingertips and one guard fell to the floor screaming. Saba was knocked against the wall by a rippling shockwave. She groaned and collapsed on the floor.

  “You’re one of us! What are you doing?” the guard exclaimed.

  “None of your business,” Saba replied. Then with another crack of lightning, he too fell dead to the floor.

  In the center of the room was a large, red crystal which filled the chamber with its crimson glow. It was mounted on a wide, metallic cylinder that amplified the crystal’s energy to encompass the prison grounds and ensured the rogues could not escape. Well, not anymore. She went to the control panel and shut off the cooling mechanism. The temperature of the amplifier rose slowly…too slowly. Saba increased the energy output and watched as the temperature rose to critical levels. The red glow of the crystal brightened and stung her eyes. Alarms flashed and wailed but she ignored them. Warnings appeared on multiple screens but to no avail. The blinding light of the crystal filled the room as the blaring alarms shrieked more insistently. Saba fled the chamber moments before the amplifier exploded.

  John Hartman Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  The roar of the first explosion reached John’s ears and he looked up from his desk. He spun around in his chair and gazed out the window. A cold weight dropped in his stomach. The peak of the Tower was in flames and a column of smoke billowed into the sky. The glow of the crystal inside had ceased. Seconds later, a sound like the distant rumble of thunder echoed all over the prison grounds. Without the glow of the crystal suppressing the rogues’ magic, all the prisoners felt their powers revive and they blasted out of their cells. John cast an Orator Spell and connected with the entire garrison. “Attention all Enforcers! There has been a jailbreak! Prepare for battle!”

  Rachel McGuinness, Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  That same morning, Rachel was in search of Saba to begin their daily sparring session. When she had not shown up at the training arena, Rachel went looking for her. She had just turned away from Saba’s living quarters when the roar of the first explosions filled her ears. She gasped in terror at the sudden calamity. Enforcers who had been reclining in their quarters peeked out of their doors to see what caused the commotion. Rachel sprinted through the hall then bounded down the stairs to the ground level commons area. She ran a z
igzag through the chairs and tables and burst out the door. Immediately upon her exit, she saw that the Tower had gone dark.

  Rachel froze in horror as she turned back toward the prison and saw plumes of smoke erupt from the walls. Chunks of debris showered the ground and landed with an awesome thud. Her fellow Enforcers gathered behind her and shouted urgently to one another. “The Tower is down! The Tower is down!” Then smiling rogues stepped out of the smoking breaches as their hands bristled with lightning and flames. They stalked over the debris and inhaled their first breath of freedom in years. The walls of the cells on the upper levels exploded outward and triggered an avalanche of stone that fell upon the rogues on the ground. The chunks of rock crashed against domes of light as the prisoners shielded themselves from the falling debris. Then the rogue mystics leaped from their cold cells and slowed their descent with Levitation Spells. They stood upon shimmering clouds of light and joined their fellow criminals down below. The small army was then flanked by two more masses of rogues, one on each side. They swarmed together and reveled in their returned might. Their sullen, hopeless faces were now masks of sinister delight.

  Rachel stood with her comrades before the advancing multitude and clenched her hands into fists. Though her heart raced and her palms moistened, her face showed no fear. By her rough count, 1,500 rogues marched toward them with thousands more still inside. She could hear the faint din of battle from within. Behind her stood 500 of her comrades, their ranks easily dwarfed by the menacing wave of outlaws. Rachel turned to Marcus with a grave expression on her face.

  “We have to get the Tower back online,” she said to him.

  “Go!” Marcus replied. “We’ll handle them,” he said as he nodded toward the rogues.

  Rachel turned and ran for the Tower as her comrades assumed formation behind her.

  Marcus Jones Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  “Hem them in!” Marcus shouted from the third line back. Then immediately upon his command, he and his entire line began to cast as the first two lines provided cover fire. Bolts of lightning and fireballs streaked back and forth as the swarm of outlaws advanced on them. Marcus and his comrades spoke the incantation and gestured with their hands in perfect unison. Just like in the training arena, the air rippled as the currents of magic stirred all around them. The field was engulfed by a hot whirlwind that blew across the grass and rippled their coats. Their voices were almost drowned out by the roaring wind. Marcus’ eyes stung as a semicircle of bright glowing swords appeared before the wave of criminals. Their advance slowed as the radiant and deadly swords neared their ranks. They lashed out with their spells but to no avail. A few of the rogues assayed to leap over the barrier but were instantly cut down. Their severed limbs fell upon the grass and struck terror in the hearts of those in the front line. Suddenly it donned on them that they didn’t have to leap over the Ward. All they had to do was disable the ones casting it. A few at a time, rogues began to float up into the sky and hurl fireballs down at the Enforcers below. The idea spread and others joined in the overhead barrage. Fire rained on the Enforcers from above as clouds of flame exploded among their ranks. Marcus saw his comrades get devoured by fire to his left and right. Magical barriers were raised to deflect the attack from above. They flashed with ripples of light as the rogues pummeled their shields. Then Enforcers from the rear line rose up into the sky and fired back in retribution. Marcus and his comrades were just barely hanging on.

  There was no way they could sustain the Champion Ward forever. Someone would tire or lose focus. The rogues would pummel their Ward and shields beyond their stamina to maintain them unless Rachel could get the Tower up and running again. Marcus inwardly prayed that she would.

  Rachel McGuinness, Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  Rachel’s arms swung as she sprinted across the grass. Behind her the din of battle erupted as her fellow Enforcers clashed with the rogues. The crack of lightning and the roar of flames filled the air accompanied by the screams of the dying. Ripples of light exploded everywhere on the field of battle as they clashed with mystical blades. Her lungs burned as she ran toward the Tower which now loomed only meters before her.

  But before she could reach the door, a wall of red flames burst up from the ground. Rachel gasped in shock and leaped back from fire. She stumbled and fell to the ground under the searing heat of the flames. Rachel panted as the flames burned steadily. I have to sever the Ward! She sprang to her feet and began to sever the currents of magic but as soon as she reached out, the flames only burned higher above her head. It was feeding off her energy. Any effort she exerted to undo the Ward would only make it stronger. If she tried to go through it, she would be incinerated. A cold weight of dread sunk in her stomach.

  Then suddenly, a vertical gap opened in the flames and Saba stepped out. The wall of fire closed behind her.

  “You! You disabled the Tower!” Rachel exclaimed in disbelief.

  A corner of Saba’s mouth rose in amusement. “Yes, I did.”

  “But why?” Rachel shouted. “With the Tower offline all these rogues will break free and unleash their chaos on the world…but that’s exactly what you wanted, isn’t it?” she suddenly realized.

  This time, the corners of her mouth stretched and upturned as a malicious glee touched her dark eyes. It was the first time Saba had ever smiled at her and it was the most sinister thing she had ever seen.

  “How could you do this to us?” Rachel continued. “We trusted you!”

  Saba tossed her head back and laughed. “Yes, yes. Shy, insecure Saba just trying to make her own humble contribution to the world! You all believed so strongly I was good inside. Well, I suppose the cat’s out of the bag now,” she finished with a shrug.

  “But why have you gone to such lengths to join the Enforcers, to train with us and deceive us?” Rachel pressed angrily.

  “Now, now. Your bosses will discover my purposes soon enough. Of course, it will be too late by then,” Saba replied.

  “The Council? You did all this to strike at them?” said Rachel incredulously.

  Saba only smiled.

  “Saba. You have one last chance. Undo the Ward and let me restore the Tower.”

  “I’m afraid I cannot allow that.” Saba said as she shook her head. Then she pulled her fist back and drove it straight at Rachel’s face. Rachel saw her shoulder move a split second before she attacked and slipped the punch. She leaned to her right and pounded Saba’s ribs with an uppercut. She hunched forward and groaned as a sharp pain stabbed into her body. Then Rachel swung with a fierce hook which Saba quickly evaded. She ducked beneath her arm as her fist flew over her head. She punched Rachel in the stomach then followed immediately with a knee kick to the face. Rachel staggered backward as she struggled to reset herself. But before she could recover, Saba blasted her with a shockwave that knocked her off her feet. Rachel was hurled backward through the air several feet before she hit the ground and rolled. She groaned as she lay on her back completely winded. Rachel turned her head and saw the wall of flames tower over them as Saba stalked toward her. The oppressive heat belted down on Rachel as she pushed herself up from the ground. She held out her hands and summoned a pair of serrated blades which materialized in her grip. Her face was illuminated by their orange glow as she assumed an offensive stance. Saba noted her weapons with little surprise. She gestured casually with her right hand and Rachel’s swords burst into a myriad of embers. Her eyes widened in shock as she watched the tiny fragments of light fall to the ground and fade.

  As soon as Saba stepped within range, Rachel twisted her hips and threw her arm back as she swung her leg out in a roundhouse kick. But Saba rapidly spun around and thrust her heel into Rachel’s stomach. Then, as she stumbled back, Saba rushed at her with a flurry of strikes. Her hands moved in a blur as she struck pressure points all over Rachel’s body. She struggled to deflect her attacks but it was as if she were being assaulted from every angle at once. Rachel was overwhelmed by the
ruthless efficiency of her strikes. In one final act of brutality, Saba spun and finished her off with a backfist to the temple. Rachel collapsed and lay completely still at her feet.

  Saba Qureshi Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  Rachel lay unconscious before the wall of flames. Saba looked down on her and could not help but smile in satisfaction. A little payback for all our sparring sessions. She briefly felt an impulse to kick Rachel into the flames and watch her burn but decided it was unnecessary. She was no threat, just a brief nuisance.

  She observed the battle just beyond the landing pad and saw the Enforcers as they cast their Champion Ward. They were attempting to hem the rogues in, no doubt hoping Rachel would bring the Tower back online and disarm the rogues of their magic once again. Well, they were about to be disappointed. Saba needed the rogues to escape—all of them. She had to do something to disrupt their casting. She thought for a moment, then chuckled quietly to herself as she came up with the perfect idea.

  Marcus Jones Prison, Canadian Wilderness, Present

  Marcus watched as their Ward pushed the rogues back to the ruins of the prison. They stood like a horde of angry, caged animals hemmed in by a border of burning, twirling swords. Their shields flickered dangerously as the rogues pummeled them from above. With as much attention as he could spare, he prayed to the Creator that Rachel could reactivate the Tower soon. Their strength was fading and he feared it would not be long before the rogues burst through their Ward like a battering ram through a gate.

  Marcus and his comrades continued to cast in unison determined to hold the outlaws at bay. Their magic flowed like fire through their veins as their stamina rapidly drained. Marcus waited desperately for the crimson glow of the Tower to reignite and became anxious that it never would. Suddenly, he noticed that his hands moved more slowly through the gestures as if his fingers rebelled against his casting. Marcus continued to move through the sequence but it was like trying to move his fingers through deep water, then through quicksand, then through solid concrete. Marcus looked down at his hands completely frozen midway through the sequence. He glanced nervously up and down the line and saw his comrades all with their hands as rigid as stone. Murmurs of astonishment rose up all throughout their ranks. The currents of magic slowed and the Champion Ward began to flicker erratically. Marcus realized with dread that someone had sabotaged their casting. “Front line! Maintain the Ward!” Marcus shouted. But it was too late. The Ward vanished from sight and the rogues charged forward.


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