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By the Horns

Page 52

by Jeanette Lynn

  The noise that followed came from in front of me, steps shuffling closer.

  “What do you require of me, vacha?” My dark-furred Tauran said gutturally, the gravely depth of his voice had my nerve endings sizzling like they might pop.

  Like a little bubble had built and burst, I fizzled and popped. The fingers in my cunt slid away.

  “I want both of you, now, right now. I want you to fuck me while Kvigor takes me from behind. I want you, both of you, to stake your claim, here and now. I want you to bond with me, mate-bond, forever. The three of us, together forever.” It was blunt but truth.

  When he was standing over me my hands went to his chest, sifting through the fur to give it a tug. “I want you to make me think of you, and only you, and never think of another male besides mine.”

  Adelric gripped my waist, lifting me up, my legs going around his hips to hook my ankles at his back. His cock was right there and he notched it at the entrance to my pussy, ready to go. “Be ready,” he called to his brother, his hands sliding up my back to my armpits.

  Kvigor crowded in behind us, his cock lining up where he wanted it, replacing his fingers. “Make it count, brother.” There was still a tinge of a taunt to his words, sibling rivalry alive and well amongst my beasts, if somewhat good-naturedly.

  Adelric snorted, grunting as his dick slowly slid home. “Best you try to. It is not I who has catching up to do, brother.”

  “Enough with the brothers,” I muttered, trying to adjust to the sudden fullness threatening to stretch my privates until I split, “this is- Well, this is strange enough without reminding me you’re relations.” Feeling rather dramatic as I tried to relax, threatening to squeeze the cocks balls deep inside me to death, I was tensed up so tight, I forced myself to take a deep breath. It wasn’t truly painful, if a bit tug and pull, considering size and girth, though I was most awkwardly full.

  Truth be told, I found being sandwiched between them a turn on, wondering when one of them was going to start moving already, impatient to start this dance.

  I received twin snorts for my statement. “No need to remind us, vacha,” Adelric muttered, his hips pulling back, allowing him to slide halfway out before he slid back in. “Now you go,” he said to Kvigor, waiting until my pale Tauran did the same to go again. They kept on like this, one and then the other, until my hips started moving, trying to catch one and then the other and that rather elusive, tease of a climax, all of us eventually moving in unison.

  “I- I want- I want,” I tried to get out, crying out between pumping hips, hands gripping, grabbing, fingers digging in. “Ah gods...”

  Kvigor made a noise that echoed the sentiment, jerking suddenly as he found his release.

  Reaching behind me, I gripped Kvigor’s hip, nails digging in, holding him in place, my hand at Adelric’s shoulder doing the same.

  Adelric, moving frantically, my multiple orgasming male had yet to find his release, his sharp, panting gasps and each jabbing thrust growing harder, his cock growing thicker, as it held off.

  Finally, with a growl in his voice, wrenching me to him, he gripped an arse cheek in one hand, lifting me until Kvigor, starting to flag, his cock already softening, slipped free, and turned us, taking us to the bed. My back hit the thin blanket atop it and he was right there, grinding me down into the bedding, the bed ropes creaking noisily as our bodies slapped together noisily.

  “Mine. Mine. Mine,” he muttered over and over, in time to each thrust. He came and continued on, pausing long enough to grind into me before starting up again.

  He kept going until I was keening, a high-pitched squeal of a cry, calling out with my own fulfillment, ecstasy tearing through me, riding through it with me as it led to his second climax.

  Adelric’s lips found mine and he kissed me softly, his tongue gently tangling with mine. His pace slowed but he was no less eager, the eagerness of earlier falling to the tenderness he implemented now.

  This last time was tempered, breaking our kiss to pull back, his hand sliding over my belly. Gold eyes blazed down at me with that inhuman light, possessive, loving, demanding. Big hands went to my knees, hooking on the underside of them, holding me in place as he leisurely made love to me.

  Kvigor, seizing the opening, plopped down beside me. “Clean,” he assured me, his hands still cool from washing them with the small basin with the soap and pitcher of water I kept in the corner to wash up with. “You liked this,” he whispered, that long, pink appendage he loves to torture me so with rasping across my breast.

  My breath stuttered, the combined feeling of Adelric and Kvigor touching, teasing, making me ache anew. Virile, relentless, I wanted them with an endless, wantonness I could barely fathom.

  Fat fingers found my other breast, kneading, tweaking my nipple. I nearly jerked up, sucking in a sharp breath, the sound tapering off into a wordless shout as he wrapped his mouth around my other breast and suckled.

  A doubly thick finger found my clit and started rubbing. My insides clenched, again and again. Adelric dove in harder, deeper, lifting my hips off the bed with his efforts.

  Kvigor’s fingers pinched harder, his mouth taking dragging pulls until I thought I might reach completion from that alone. One hand clenched the bed sheet below me, the other gripping his horn, squeezing it tight.

  “I’m going to! I’m going to,” I shouted, not realizing I was voicing my thoughts aloud.

  Adelric was already emptying himself inside me, his cock jerking, but then Kvigor was gone, taking with him his gut clenching breast teasing, and then Adelric was gone as well, flying back with a startled yelp. There was a thump and a snarl, but I was distracted as Kvigor dropped down on top of me. Without any preamble his cock was there, pressing inside my sheath, pounding into me while I was still mid orgasm. He groaned at the fit, his cock so thick and my pussy clenching so tight, his invasion so abrupt, I cried out. His member was wet and a little cool from its recent washing but not less rock hard.

  “Addie-mine,” he grunted out, fucking me straight into the bed and right up it, until my horns were smacking the wall. Dragging me back to him, he started up all over again, pounding into me with a desperation that made my heart ache and my head spin.

  My insides cramped as he hit a particular spot, his fat cock swollen to bursting. He hit it again, and again, my sharp cries muffled in his chest as I shot up, fingers digging into his flesh, clawing at him, hips wiggling as if to get away as I jerked up and he pressed down harder, until I felt it: heat. Hot, pulsing heat so deep inside me I could actually feel it.

  “MINE,” he ground out gutturally, pulling back to pump back in, manipulating that special spot inside me while he came until I was mewling, clawing at him for all the right reasons.

  Sucking in sharp breaths as I forgot and promptly remembered I needed to breathe, he pistoned into me until I broke. It hit me hard, washing over me with a force that had my ears ringing, one climax after the other, until it hurt.

  Falling back limply when he began to slow, I was gulping, gasping for air, wrung out, spent.

  “Sorry,” he murmured softly, dropping his fat head to my shoulder, his warm breath labored, puffing noisily against my skin.

  “You should be sorry,” Adelric snarled, giving his brother a shove until he dropped to his side, toppling him, Kvigor taking me with him. Adelric continued to shove until his sibling relinquished his hold on my pussy.

  “Wasn’t talking to you,” the big beastie of a male teased.

  “Shut it and move,” Adelric snapped priggishly, “always taking yours and then some. Can’t ever wait your turn... for anything. Got to jump ahead and... You had her, and then some, knock me off... snip your balls, you bloody-”

  “Waited my turn,” Kvigor cut in harshly, “stood by and waited, patiently, trapped in my own body, watching while my brother earned my mate’s heart. Done my waiting. Sharing her with your stunted arse, aren’t I? So you shut it.” His voice was hard, softening as he muttered without any real heat,
“Be glad she loves you and I don’t murder you in your sleep for touching my female.”

  Adelric started to make a low, rumbling noise, until I reached out, slapping at him weakly. Kvigor got up, the sound of rustling, coming back to the bed with a wet cloth to hand it over. Making quick work of rinsing certain particular parts of my anatomy off, I shook my head. “Enough, or I’ll add another to this burgeoning, potential harem, hmm? One who doesn’t mind sharing and isn’t prone to bossing everyone around. I’ll spend all my time snuggling them while you two go at it.”

  “I’d slit his throat.” Red eyes flashed in the dark, glowing once more, a thick hand taking my cloth from me, the sound of something smacking the wall making me frown. The cloth, it fell with a wet splat.

  “Gouge out his eyes.” Golden orbs lit as well.

  “Cut off his cock and shove it down his throat.”

  “Disembowel him.”

  The heartfelt sentiments grew more gruesomely detailed as they went on, but, well, they weren’t fighting...

  “Right, there you go,” I called out enthusiastically, “enough bickering, it’s making my head hurt. Focus on murdering, quietly, any potential suitors. Ah, not that I’d actually ever think it.”

  Once satisfied Kvigor was out of the way, Adelric crawled up behind me, spooning me to him, our legs all dangling off the side of the bed. A thick hand went to my sex, cupping over it protectively, and he let out an irritated grunt.

  “No more,” I begged with a half-tease, muffling my groan into Kvigor’s shoulder. “Too soon. I’m sore.”

  “Wasn’t going to. Just want to hold you.”

  A cuddle? Yes, lovely idea. Snuggling back against him, wiggling until my ass was pressed into his groin, I paused when he startled suddenly.

  “What?” Peeking over my shoulder in the dark, I waited.

  “Nothing,” Adelric said quickly. Too quickly.

  Kvigor let out a small chuckle. “Your new tail is still comin’ in, like a wee willy growin’ out the back at the moment. It’ll get longer then. Gave him a poke is all.”

  “A little... dick?” My hands slid to my bottom, the stubby tail coming out of my backside wiggling away. “Gods preserve me!” I gasped in horror. “It wiggles when I’m happy!”

  Kvigor barked out a laugh. “Give ye a surprise, eh, Adel?”

  “It’s fine,” Adelric insisted, dragging me back to him, rubbing my hip.

  “Fine?! He said it’s like a cock! And it wiggles! Wiggles!!”

  “When you’re happy,” Kvigor felt the need to add.

  “It’s not funny!” I cried out, cupping my hands over my tail nub self-consciously. “I’m like a puppy! No, worse than a puppy! I’m- I’m a hairless puppy with a dick tail...”

  “There’s some hair comin’ in round those parts, makes ya feel any better. Thinkin’ it’ll come in thicker as times goes.”

  “I have a hairy ass now, too?”

  “Not helping?” my white bull ventured slowly, a hint of mirth mixing with confusion.

  “Kvigor,” Adelric, ever the more serious one, grumbled, a frown in his voice.

  “Could fuck ye in the arse just fine, no’ in the way at all,” my white bull got out, sounding sober as a judge, ruining it when I launched myself at him before Adelric could catch me, slapping at his chest with a snarling growl.

  Adelric managed to stop me from permanently maiming his sibling, Kvigor’s guffaws melting me on the inside, pleased to hear the sound, while I raged at him on the outside. Love’s funny like that.

  “Lemme at him! I’ll kill him! Argh!” Yep. Totally melty on the inside. “I’ll bite off your snout, you pompous- No, your tail!”

  “Much as I’d love to let you,” my dark-furred Tauran soothed, “ye’d never forgive me once you found your senses, vacha.” Turning me towards him, he pressed us together, until his cock bumped my belly. Lips found mine, kissing me until my head swam. “Better?” he asked after a long, languorous kiss that left me panting.

  “No,” I muttered, melting anew as he dove back in, his hand smoothing over my bottom, making a point to coast his fingers over my tail and one cheek, then the other. By the time he’d finished I was a right puddle and Kvigor’s boisterous laughter had died down.

  Shivering, cuddling into my mate warrior, I sighed gustily. “He’s right,” I opined sadly. “I totally have a monkey butt. I can...” leaning in, I dropped my voice to a whisper. “I think- I think I can feel it.” His hand stroked over it, touching it lightly again. Yep, I could definitely feel it.

  “Would it help to mention I find it sexy?” Adelric asked quietly.

  “Little bit.” Smiling in the dark, I stroked my hand over his face sweetly. His skin rippled, shivering beneath my fingertips, at my touch. “Keep talking, my big, strong, handsome male,” I gave an eyebrow wiggle I hoped he could see, “I like it.”

  “Oi,” Kvigor muttered, shifting, rolling closer, “what am I, then, luv?”

  “Right now? The other one,” I grumbled, making him fall back, busting a gut with laughter.

  Adelric chuckled too, his horns scraping the wall as he shook his head.


  Dawdling, is what we were all doing, going to the bathing chambers while each male allowed me to wash them up. This led to other things, non-penetrative acts that left my jaw sore and my body sated, both males humming happily right along with me.

  Adelric had his hand at my back over my ugly sweater from Vachel, the chill in the air this night too much for me, guiding me towards the dining table, where I spotted that familiar, imposing yak of a Tauran.

  “You waited,” Kvigor said with surprise, coming up behind us, finding Yhem seated at the table, picking at a piece of knobby yellow fruit with a small knife. My mate brushed me as he passed, a smile in his eyes when I went ahead of him. I’d missed him so damned much, especially things like this, little moments, glances. They meant more to me now than I’d ever have thought.

  “Tea left still,” the grey and white furred Tauran gestured to a half full pitcher, then me. His chin jerked to the remnants of the meal spread out among long platters on the table. “Thought you might be hungry after all that noise you three were making,” Yhem said with a sniff, a teasing lilt of his lips.

  “You’re too loud,” I told Kvigor, my tone chastising, the smile on my lips anything but.

  “I shall endeavor to quiet myself, my little wife,” he promised solemnly, his hand pressing over the middle of his wide chest. Eyeing my puffy sweater, he bent, blowing air over my damp locks. “You look sexy in that, mate,” he murmured, just for me alone, “tell me, who has gifted you such an ugly thing? I’ve never wanted to undress you more in my life than right this moment.”

  “Your sister made it, and while your words are flattering, dear husband,” leaning towards him, I clacked my teeth at him, snapping them as if I meant to take a piece out of him, “I bite.” My arms folded over my chest and I gave him an I dare you stare. He straightened, holding his stomach as he laughed, and took his seat.

  “I asked Yhem to stay and wait,” Adelric admitted, pulling a chair out for me, brushing his hand possessively over the back of my neck in a gentle caress before taking the seat to my left. “We have much yet to discuss.”

  Kvigor sat to my right, grabbing a plate to pile it high, passing it to me without a word to fill a mug with tea, setting that next to it before doing the same for himself.

  Yhem opened his mouth to speak but paused. Clearing his throat, I noticed his gaze kept wandering past me, again and again.

  “You can stare,” I said suddenly, shrugging. “I think I look odd, too.”

  Yhem’s head jerked towards me. “It is not that, Lady Riadne. Though I do find your new looks... unique.” Those eyes unerringly went to my horns, my eyes, those slightly pointed teeth, my fingers, stopped to go back to my face when Kvigor made a noise that suggested if he liked his eyeballs in his head he’d best stop studying his lady love.

Riadne?” My eyebrows arched, but I made a humming sound in my throat. “I like that. Has a nice ring to it.” I ignored the sourpuss looks Kvigor and Adelric adopted at Yhem’s new title for me. “And thank you.” I’d take that as a compliment. The poor thing looked bewildered. He had no clue what to call me, it seemed. This begged the question, “Do you call Suzaela Lady Suzaela?”

  “Ah... no,” he said after a brief pause.

  “Oh. Then why would you call me it?”

  Yhem frowned, scratched at his furry cheek. “I didn’t know what to call you.” The giant Tauran looked positively sheepish. “You are mated, are you not? It is usually customary to refer to a mated female acquaintance as Lady, so as not to give them the impression of interest with formal address.”

  “Yhem,” I mock-gasped, “are you implying you’re worried I might get the wrong impression from your forward impressions? That I might interpret your begrudging acceptance of my puny human presence in your tight butt towards outsiders, backwards society?” Smacking the table, I looked between my mates. “He had me at first ‘Lady’. I’m adding him to my harem!”

  Yhem gaped down at me from across the table, his jaw swinging towards the tabletop.

  Adelric’s hand tightened on my chair but then he sighed. “Not funny,” he chuffed under his breath but, oh, how much it was.

  Kvigor snorted, picking up his half-eaten roll to stuff it in my mouth when it opened again. “Silence, woman,” he grumbled, pecking a kiss to my temple to roll his eyes at Yhem, his lips twitching all the while, “you’re frightening the poor boy.”

  “Boy?” Yhem sputtered. “Boy?! I’m old enough to have fathered you!”

  “She doesn’t mean it.” Kvigor’s eyes swirled red and he picked up his fork, stabbing a roasted tuber with it to bring it to his lips. “If she did,” he said around a bite, “you’d be a dead male walking.”


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