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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 31

by Tara Brent

  After half an hour the captain starts to move the boat away. Callum waves goodbye to the amazing orcas. This vacation could not get any better but it's time to move back inland before nightfall. We're soon anchoring in Carmel Bay.

  Calvin informs me that scuba diving is on the agenda for the next day. It’s something I’ve never done but it sounds awesome. I’m allowing him to spoil us on our vacation. After all, everyone overspends when they go on holiday. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

  Staying on the yacht is living in the lap of luxury. Calvin has crew members for everything. From a personal chef to a captain, and even someone who cleans and makes the beds. I can’t imagine living like this all the time. I prefer to do things for myself but I do like it on my vacation; it’s good to be so spoiled.

  As we sit down to eat later that night, Callum has gone to bed. He gets exhausted every day doing so many activities with his father. I decide to steer the conversation to a certain important topic.

  “You can give mom and me some advice on the best place to move to if you want, Calvin,” I say, inviting him to have some input.

  What is it you are both looking for, besides somewhere with no earth tremors?” He asks, with his luring lopsided smile.

  It was that smile that first attracted me to him, many years ago. He had thick dark hair and wore t-shirts that made the most of his developed six-pack and biceps. That sexy lopsided smile was a big draw for all the girls I knew, but I guess I got lucky when he noticed me.

  “Hah, yeah,” I said at his remark. “You're right, we don't want anywhere with earthquakes of any size. North Dakota would be good and we’d like to go inland to somewhere that isn’t so touristy.”

  “What about your job?” He asks.

  “Women have babies everywhere, so wherever we go I’ll secure work before we move. If we choose the place first, then I’ll work it out from there. I thought you might like a say in it, seeing as you’ll have to come and see Callum wherever we end up.”

  “I believe that the world is your oyster. You can choose to go anywhere, anytime. So, for me, you go where you’re happy. If it doesn't work out, then you move on.”

  “Hmmm, that's something only a wealthy person would say," I admonish him. "Working people cannot go anywhere they choose,” I admonish him. Instantly I'm a little guilty when I see a look of discomfort on his face, so I change the subject.

  Mom’s not looking forward to it, are you mom?”

  “I’m old. Packing up a whole house makes me feel tired. Only thinking about it all exhausts me,” she smiles.

  “I know, mom, but I’ll do most of it,” I assure her.

  “Well, I might be able to help with this dilemma,” Calvin joins in again. “I have a suggestion that could be the answer as to how we move forward as a family.”

  “That sounds very intriguing. Please don’t offer us any financial help, Calvin,” I say, cringing as the words come out of my mouth.

  I see a quick twinge of disappointment in his eyes and I could kick myself. I don’t mean to be so hard on him, but he has to know how I feel.

  “I would not dare offer,” he says, showing no offense at my stupidity. “My suggestion is more to do with a life-changing event.”

  “Okay,” I agree. “I asked for your input, so let me have it...”

  “Are You Sure?”

  Taking courage in my heart, I stand up and take a deep breath. I’ve been practicing this speech all night. It's not the kind of speech you give at a Board meeting. I've gone over and over it, making sure I say the right words. I will not falter and it is now word perfect. Which would be fine but my mind has gone blank.

  Walking around the table, I stop by her side and take her hand in mine. As she looks up at me waiting for me to speak, I kneel beside her.

  “What the heck, Calvin...” She laughs as she looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind.

  “Tiffany Miller," I begin, my voice faltering already. "To make my life complete, please will you marry me?” I ask.

  My hands shake as I take out the engagement ring from my jacket pocket.

  For a moment there is almost complete silence around me. No one says a word for what seems like an eternity. It’s so quiet I can hear the gentle lapping of the ocean on the boat's hull. My proposal is a complete shock to her but I hope she doesn’t see it as a plot for me to get my son, because it isn't.

  I look into her deep brown eyes and see speckles of amber. I also notice they fill up with tears and one trickles down her cheek as her bottom lip quivers. I thought for a minute she was going to burst out crying but she wrestled back some control and manages to look brave for me. She also takes in a deep breath, understandably as nervous as me.

  “Are you sure?” She asks me.

  “I have never been so sure of anything in my life,” I tell her, trying not to laugh at the question. “Why would I ask you if I wasn’t sure?"

  “You don’t have to marry me to see your son, Calvin,” she tells me.

  I take her long ginger curls in my fingers and enjoy how silky it feels. It makes me think of her soft warm skin when we lay naked next to each other.

  “Do I need to tell you why I want to marry you?” I ask, bemused. “My answer might embarrass your mom.”

  I hear Pauline laugh and Tiffany shows me her pearly teeth in a big smile.

  “If you're sure you mean it...” she stutters.

  Taking her delicate hand, I place it on my heart.

  “Can you feel that thumping in my chest?” I ask her, as we look into each other’s eyes. For a tiny moment, there is no one else in the world but us. “It is you who makes my heart beat so fast, Tiffany. I should have married you years ago, but I was young and foolish. Now, I’m older and I’ve matured. I’m not letting you get away from me again.”

  “Oh Calvin, this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me,” she says, not sure whether to laugh or cry.

  “You do realize that I can’t get back up until you give me an answer?” I remind her, not letting go of her hand.

  “I always wanted to be with you, Calvin. In a way, that’s why I never settled with anyone else. But I thought you were out of reach back then, and what with all your family wealth, I thought you were still out of my reach. I never in a million years dreamed you would ask me to be your wife. I’m...I’m...I don’t know what to say...”

  “How about giving me an answer,” I ask, giving her my best of lopsided smiles.

  “Oh, my darling, yes. Yes and a million yesses,” she finally says.

  We stand up together and I scoop her off the ground.

  I have my redhead and I have my son. I must be the happiest man in the world right now.

  Chapter 26

  “I’m in Texas”

  “Oh my god...oh my god...oh my god! Ali. I have to tell you something...” I bellow over the phone to my best friend, when I finally get a moment alone.

  She’s almost yelling as loud back to me, making it difficult for either of us to hear what the other is saying.

  “Okay! Let's both calm down," she manages to make herself heard in the minuscule gap of silence as we both stop to take a breath. "Let’s decide who’s going first.”

  “Me, Oh, please, let me go first, Ali” I raise my voice again with giddiness. “I have to get this off my chest or I’m going to explode!”

  “Alright, but only if you promise to stop screaming in my ear,” she agrees.

  “Okay, okay," I say back at her flapping my arms about. "Are you ready for this?”

  “Well, yeah. I’m standing here waiting for your news,” she mumbles, impatiently.

  “Calvin has asked me to marry him!” My voice goes up another couple of notches, I can’t help myself.

  “Well, guess what my news is?” She responds while I catch my breath again. “Nico has asked me to marry him! AND! I’m in Texas right now!”

  We must both have moved our phones from our ears at exactly the right moment, which is just as well.
Otherwise, we would now have permanently damaged our hearing from the wild whoops of joy. Anyone listening in, who didn’t know us, would never have guessed we are two grown women. I can’t say for Ali, but I’m jumping up and down on my bed in pure exuberance. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy. I’m going to become Mrs. Tiffany Luca, something I wouldn’t even have dreamed of before.

  As we calm down and finally manage to speak at a normal level.

  “This is fantastic. I’m jumping up and down so hard that the boat might send a tidal wave up to your end. Oh, hang on, I take that back, you’re in Texas, WOW!” I laugh down my phone.

  “I know, I know, I just said yes when he asked me to visit. I dropped everything so I could stay with him,” Ali explains. “Who’d have thought that we’re both getting married to the best hunks in town?” she says.

  “I'd better calm down a little or I’ll wake Callum,” I say to her, taking a seat on a velvety, dark blue dressing table stool. It’s the first time I’ve realized that this whole room decor is dark blue. No wonder it’s so dim in here. “We desperately need to get together, girl.”

  “Sure we do. How about a joint wedding?”

  “That is so perfect, we have to do that, Ali,” I reply. “We can tell them that if they don’t agree, we won’t marry them.”

  “Whoa! You’ve waited so long for this moment, I wouldn’t go doing anything so rash,” she interjects. “Besides, I’m pretty certain it’s what they'll both want. It wouldn’t surprise me if they haven’t concocted this little plan up together. They're pretty close brothers. Have you thought about where to get married? You’re rich now, girl, you can go anywhere in the world.”

  “I am, aren’t I?” I'm stunned by those words. “You do realize, you’re rich too?”

  There's a silent gap as we both contemplate this new idea. The overwhelming sense of being wealthy is a weird feeling. Never having to worry about paying the rent. Medical bills won’t ever be a problem ever, ever again. Wow! This is phenomenal.

  “Okay, you crushed me by saying that,” I tell her. “It’s not something I've thought about before. The thought of finally having Calvin to myself was my only reaction. Now, I have to face the fact that I’m marrying into wealth. How do you feel about that one, Ali?”

  “Me, I’m over the bloody moon. My dad can finally afford the treatment on his leg. I can give up work and be a lady of leisure and ride horses all day. I can’t wait to go to Nico’s ranch.”

  The door opens and mom walks in.

  “I’m going to put you on speaker, Ali. Mom’s here, so tell her your good news too,” I say.

  “Hi, mom!” She squeals out. “I’m in Texas, right now, and I’m getting married too. Calvin’s brother, Nico, just asked me.”

  Mom puts her hands to her face in delight. Then she starts to cry, which sets me off crying and I can hear Ali sobbing at the other end too. Why is it that women cry when they’re happy? I take a hold of mom’s hands and we jump up and down on the floor together, in our excitement. Callum comes running into the bedroom and joins in, only he’s jumping up and down on the bed. Finally, with all the noise we're making, Calvin comes to see what’s going on. He hears Ali on the other end.

  “Did he ask her?” He asks me.

  “Yes. You knew?” I ask him, over the noise. “Did you two plot this? So, how about a double wedding?” I suggest.

  “That’s what we were hoping for too,” he replies and picks me up to kiss me. “Are they both in Texas?

  “Yes they are, you scoundrels, planning and plotting all along,” I laugh. “You’ve made me so happy, Calvin Luca,” I announce.

  “No, Tiffany Miller, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

  Tickling Toes

  At last, we’re alone. Everyone else has gone to bed. We're sitting outside on a small deck that is located just off our bedroom suite. The stars twinkle brightly in the sky as it’s a beautiful clear evening. It’s a very private area, and unbeknown to my fiancé, I’ve had many a passionate evening out here. Now though, other women are long and gone behind me, Tiffany is the woman I love and she's the one who's agreed to marry me. We belong together and I can’t wait to make love to my fiancé.

  We lay on a double lounger, perfect for couples with romance in mind. Tiffany lays in my arms and we can hear the slight rippling of the water. Her face turns up towards me and I can’t help but lean in and kiss her with a burning passion. She allows her lips to part as my tongue explores her mouth. Our tongues dance together serving to increase my desires with every pounding heartbeat. Tonight, I want our sex to be wild and passionate. Free from worrying about her mum overhearing us, or Callum running into the room and catching us in a compromising position. Tonight, I have her all to myself and we can make all the noises we want.

  I move gently down her neck flicking my tongue along her pale skin. As I stop licking I start to nip softly with my teeth, making my way down between her cleavage. A sudden rush of blood overcomes me as my testosterone increases. She is mine and I'm the alpha around here. Gripping her blouse in my hands, I rip it in two, allowing her perfectly formed breasts to fall free. Already her nipples are hard with ­­­­­­­excitement as I swoop down and engulf one into my mouth, sucking voraciously. Tiffany arches her back, pushing more of her luscious flesh into my mouth.

  Taking her wrists, I force them above her head. As I pin them down with my strength, she writhes around under me. Her groans are passionate, and I nip one of her sensitive buds between my teeth.

  “Oh, you brute!” she cries out as I hurt her.

  Lifting myself a little off her body, I look into her flushed face and stare into her now open eyes.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I ask in a husky lust laden voice.

  She doesn’t answer with words. Instead, she arches her back, even more, offering me her other tit. Immediately I bite down on that one too. This elicits another long groan from her throat. When I pull back I can see a light imprint on her soft flesh and my erection grows even harder.

  Kneeling up, I take hold of the waistband at the top of her slacks and roughly pull them down. Panties come with them, and I throw her clothing on the floor. Now she's completely naked and I run my eyes over every inch of her exposed body. She does not attempt to hide her most intimate places. The light ginger bush that once covered her mons has now gone. Her legs are parting wider and wider and I see her moist pussy lips inviting me in.

  Cupping her shaved mound in the palm of my hand, I slip my middle finger between her labia lips. A soft moan emanates from her and I can see her eyes are tight shut. It makes me curious as to what wild images she’s playing out in her mind. Wasting no more time I move my head down between her legs. As my tongue lashes at her vulva and clitty, she shivers with delight. Probing my tongue in her wetness causes her to buck her hips against my face. Her pussy is soaking wet with passion. Oh, my little kitten, let’s play a better game and see how far I can push you.

  With knees placed firmly between her wide open legs, I take a grip of her ankles. Yanking on her feet I hold her slender legs high in the air, wide open and ready for the taking. Before she has a chance to realize what I’m doing, I move one of her graceful feet towards my mouth. Now I can lick each one of her delicate toes. First circling the tip of my tongue around her big toe, I move to engulf it in my mouth. She loves it and it encourages me to do it to her other foot too. Licking at the underneath of her sensitive feet, I know from experience that this sensation is delightful.

  My manhood grows at the pleasure I’m giving my woman. Moving my lips over the skin and towards the top of her foot, I nibble at the surface with my teeth.

  “Ohhh...fuck me!” She cries out. “Now, do it now! Fuck me with your hard cock, please!!”

  I say nothing and ignore her begging plea. I want to tease some more yet.

  First, I lick the inside of her leg and work my way back up to her soaking wet pussy. Running my tongue along her labia I lap at the folds with my lips
. Blood pumps through my body as I delay and anticipate the best part. Tiffany grabs my hair and tugs it hard. The pain forces me to push my tongue deep inside her tender parts.

  To pay her back, I prize open her soft ass cheeks and stroke the edges with my fingertips. Feeling around for the opening I'm soon pushing my finger in there. She jolts as my digit enters her tight asshole. Instead of fighting against the probing finger, she swings her legs back towards her head. Now, she's doubled up and giving me better access so I reward her efforts. My greedy mouth covers her wet pussy. She's completely at my mercy in this vulnerable position. Can I help it if I take advantage and probe both her ass and her cunt at the same time? Oh...she's loving every minute of it!

  When I pull back, she moans her disappointment at the lack of attention. I have better things in mind as I replace my tongue with my throbbing dick. In one swift thrust, I'm balls deep inside of her.

  With both of us on the brink of our climax, this won't be a very long fucking session. The warm tight grip of her slurping pussy is pushing me nearer and nearer. I try to make it last and set a slow pace but Tiffany has other ideas. She writhes and bucks underneath me and in no time we're both strutting like animals on heat. We both pound at each other like our life depends on it. I can feel my orgasm approaching as it builds up from my balls and swells my cock. Just as I pump my seed deep inside of her, Tiffany is in having her own organic ecstasy. She thrashes about the bed screaming out her passion as the orgasm shudders through her body.

  As I collapse by her side with sweat glistening my body, I hear her giggle.

  “What?” I ask, wondering if she’s insulting my manhood.

  “That was different,” she says. “I’m looking forward to all the new tricks we have to learn together.

  “Oh, there’s plenty more where that one came from,” I reply. She lays her head on my chest to rest. “We have a lot to make up for and it’s all going to be fun,” I finish before we fall asleep out in the moonlit evening.


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