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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 40

by Tara Brent

  When Annie came along I thought I had everything. Then I got wrapped up in Clara’s illness. My love for my wife was clouded over in an aching sense of despair at her illness. She didn't deserve to suffer so much pain.

  Clara was a beautiful person and we had a wonderful life together until the illness took her from me. She suffered in the end and it pained me to see another human in such discomfort. Looking back, I think I mistook pity for love. Although I’m certain I did love Clara in some sort of way but in the end, it was more a compassion for what she was going through. I knew before she passed away that I would return to my home town. Something called me, but I denied it. I’d assumed I was wanting what was best for Annie as I was so happy here as a child. I'd convinced myself that leaving France would help my daughter to overcome her loss. I’m not so sure that was the real truth why I returned home.

  Now that Chrissy is back in my life, I’m not sure I’m ready for it. Those old feelings we had have certainly been rekindled. Yet, how can we pick up years later as if nothing has happened in between? Nor do I want Annie getting the wrong messages. She’s still grieving for her mother and doesn’t need any further emotional complications. I’m a little curious about whether we could make a go of it. The sex is amazing I can’t deny that. But I know that my daughter must take precedence over what my loins ache for. That’s why I’ve taken the decision to avoid Chrissy, in the hope that my feelings for her will fade away.

  Right now though, I’m still an emotional wreck. I’m usually a guy in control of his life. I’ve always been a composed person, that’s how I managed to make a fortune. But, the realization that my wife may have been a substitute for a childhood sweetheart, is wrenching at my guts. The guilt of it overwhelms me.

  A knock at my door brings me back to the realization of the here and now. I’m sitting at my desk tapping a pen up and down without even realizing I’m doing it. Rita opens the door and looks at me puzzled.

  “You want lunch with us?” She asks.

  “No!” I snap, annoyed at the intrusion.

  “I bring sandwich?” She pushes me further. I’m about to give her a killer glare but her smile penetrates through my selfish thoughts.

  “Yes, thank you, Rita. That would be good,” I reply like a meek puppy. I’ve always been like putty in Rita’s hands. She’s like a second mother, not that I need one.

  While the door remains open I can hear Chrissy’s voice as she’s teaching our children together. I like that our children have each other. Though the thought of that dickhead, Paul, being Lucas's father brings back my frustrations.

  I manage to stay in my office until Chrissy and Lucas leave. That’s day one over, without seeing her at all. I managed it, though how I’ll do it every day I have no idea. At the moment Annie is fine with it, she thinks her papa is busy with work. What do I do tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...

  Chapter 15

  Wolves at the Door

  “I said no one was to disturb me!” Drew shouts out in a tetchy manner as I knock on his door.

  Rita warned me he was in a foul mood but he seems totally unapproachable. He must have had a bad business trip, not that he needs the money of any business deals.

  “Yes, I know," I say in a quiet voice, wishing the earth would swallow me up. "You haven’t confirmed if the timetabling is satisfactory?”

  “If it wasn’t I would have let you know. Yes, yes, it’s fine,” he says waving his arm at me to leave the room. “And shut the door behind you.”

  Wow! That was a hostile experience.

  “I tell you,” Rita says with a worried look etched in her brows. “He not himself.”

  “I’m not going in there ever again,” I tell her as I rush away from his door to distance myself from the beast in the room. “He’s not like that with Annie, is he?” I ask Rita.

  I’m quite relieved when she shakes her head to say no.

  “Something troubles him,” Rita adds.

  “I agree with you, Rita," I say, heading back to the schooling area as if that might be a safer option. "I’m only here to teach so I’d better get on with it.”

  That night I lay in my bed worrying over Drew. When we were younger we told each other everything, but I can’t approach the adult Drew. I wish I could help him, I hate that he’s all alone suffering inside his head.

  A sudden wailing noise pulls me from my thoughts.

  “What the hell was that?” I say out loud to myself.

  It sounded like a howling wolf in my back yard. Has one escaped from the sanctuary? No, it can't be, it must be a stray dog. Someone should call the dog patrol. But that someone wasn’t going to be me and I drift off back to sleep.

  Next thing, I'm awoken by a huge crashing sound. Instinctively I jump out of my bed and head down the hall towards where I thought the noise came from. Our house is all on one floor and I soon arrive at the living area. As I open the door I can see the entire window is broken. What the hell?

  Switching on the light I realize that it’s no wolf that’s broken it, someone has thrown a huge stone through it.

  “Go back to your bedroom, Lucas,” I say to my son who has come running after me.

  “I’m scared mommy, what was that noise?”

  “It’s okay, honey. But, you can’t come in here because there’s broken glass everywhere. Go sit with grandma while I call for help.”

  He runs off to mom’s room who’s standing in her bedroom doorway with a look of concern, but she soon comforts Lucas. I know full well who’s done this, and I pick up the phone to dial 911. That was no wolf, it was a howling lunatic. Paul is around and up to his old tricks again.

  The police arrive quickly because they know my situation. We’re not a huge community around here, other than the tourists. I hadn’t realized how much my hands were shaking until I accept a blanket that my neighbor wraps around my shoulders. It’s Dan and he holds me in a tight hug seeing how distressed I am. His partner, James, has also come outside to see what all the commotion is about. It seems I’ve woken up the entire neighborhood.

  “We have an APB out on him, Chrissy,” the police officer tells me. “Do you have somewhere else you can stay for a few days?”

  “We can take it in turns to stand on lookout for the moron if you want, Chrissy,” Dan tells me.

  I thank him but refuse his offer, I can’t get my neighbors involved, they have enough issues of their own. As I’m speaking with Dan I see a car pull up out of the corner of my eye. A feeling in my gut forces me to turn around and look at it. As I realize that it’s Drew I feel as though this is all a dream. Out of the blue, I have a sudden sense of relief. Almost as if he's my knight in shining armor and now that he's here everything will be okay. It doesn't last long as a sudden panic sweeps over me; what am I going to say to him? How did he know? Oh no, he’ll fire me, I know he will.

  “Is everyone okay?” Drew dashes over to me asking with a genuine look of concern. “Lisa rang Rita. She thought you were being attacked by rampaging wolves, is how she described it. I couldn’t think what she meant so I got around here as quick as I could.”

  “We’re all fine, thank you, Drew. I haven’t had a chance to speak with mom so I wasn’t aware she'd called you. I’m sorry about that.”

  I must look so pathetic in my nightclothes, with a blanket over my shoulders. Why am I caring what the hell I look like? My whole world is turned upside down. Now Drew has an excuse to get rid of me, which I'm sure he’s been looking for. Yet, instead, he lays one of his arms over my shoulder and pulls me close to his solid chest. Oh god, I feel so safe when he's around. Just seeing his face makes all the world’s problems go away. I don’t want him to ever let go of me.

  “You’re shivering, you should go inside,” he says, leading me towards the doorway.

  “About my question,” the officer yells over to us. “Do you have anywhere to stay for a few nights?”

  “Yes, they’re coming with me,” Drew answers. “Let’s go get Lisa and Lucas.
I can’t leave you here with that madman on the loose.”

  “It’s okay, Drew, I’m not afraid of him. Though if you could take mom and Lucas I would be very grateful.”

  “You’re all coming, Chrissy. See if he dares to bother you when there’s a man in the house, shall we? I would welcome him at my door so I can sort him out, once and for all.”

  “You can’t think like that, Drew, what about Annie? I won’t bring my troubles to your door. Take my mom and my son but I need to stay at this house. It’s me he wants.”

  “Chrissy!” Drew says my name loud and firmly. He stands in front of me with his arms outstretched and his huge hands on my shoulders. “You are all coming home with me and that’s the end of it. No way are you dealing with this guy on your own.”

  Secretly I’m relieved. I know from experience that when Paul starts to lose control he can be very unpredictable. My worry is that he'll turn his attention to Drew and his family. I couldn’t bear that. Yet, if I stay in my own home, what will he do next?

  A sudden chill ripples through my body and I stand frozen on the spot, unable to clear my head and think straight. The police lights on the car are still flashing blue and red. It feels like a million voices are screaming at me, all asking questions. The last thing I remember is seeing Drew’s face as he dashed towards me. The world around me went fuzzy and I felt myself falling...falling into a deep dark pit.

  Chapter 16

  Disney Day

  Poor Chrissy, she's is in such a state. That basket-case needs a good talking to. If he shows up at my door, I’ll be the one to give it to him.

  One positive thing that's come out of this misfortune is that it's clarified my thoughts on how I feel for Chrissy. Or, at least it's set off my protective instincts. I have a great need to protect her from danger. The more thoughts I have on that guy, the more I'm convinced that he's a danger to her.

  “Let's have a day-off schooling today, what do you think folks?” I ask at the breakfast table that Rita's laid out for us all.

  Annie and Lucas are cock-a-hoop at my suggestion. They set off running and shouting around the table, with the adults looking on bemused. It’s good to see Annie so relaxed and happy, but my suggestion is not only for the benefit of the children. Primarily, it's for Chrissy. I doubt she’ll be able to concentrate today after last night, even now she looks pale and her eyes have shadows. After she had fainted, I carried her to my car and brought her straight here. Lisa and Rita undressed her and I called my doctor to come over and check her out. She gave her a clean bill of health but suggested Chrissy take it easy for a day or two. Which is why I suggested a day off from teaching.

  “I should call the police station and find out if my house is safe yet. I need to get that window repaired soon,” Chrissy says. I can see she’s uncomfortable with the situation.

  “I’ve sorted it already," I assure her. "Joe from our maintenance for the building is there securing your property. Put it out of your mind.” I’m relieved to see her smile, I thought I might have overstepped the boundary by taking control. “Look, I want you to stay here for a while, Chrissy.” I make it clear that my suggestion is not a request. “The last thing you want is for this mess to affect Lucas. At least here you know he’s out of harm’s way and I can help. The thought of you being alone while that maniac is on the loose doesn’t bear thinking about.”

  “I’m thankful for your sanctuary for my mom and Lucas, Drew,” she says quietly to me, so the kids don't hear. “It’s very kind of you to help us in this way.”

  “I would have it no other way,” I reply, and I mean it.

  “But, your work? We don’t want to get in the way,” she says, concerned. “I’ll keep the children occupied. It’s okay, we can have some schooling and keep them busy.”

  “No, today we binge watch TV,” I announce.

  “Papa, what does that mean?” Annie asks, trying to listen in on the grown-up talk.

  “It means that we have cookies, and ice cream, and watch your favorite Disney movies. You can build a play den for you and Lucas and watch TV from there.”

  The children are delighted and go on their crazy rampage again.

  “Papa, I love ice cream days!” Annie tells me when she catches her breath.

  “I know you do, and I bet Lucas will too,” I say, relieved to see the children have forgotten all about the adult stuff.

  It’s agreed that Rita will help the children build a play den while Chrissy and I go into town to speak to the police.

  “I don’t know how to thank you,” Chrissy says, smiling as she watches the madness happening around us.

  I stand up and go to sit in the chair next to hers. Taking a hold of her hand I look into her eyes and notice once again how tired she is.

  “We need to talk,” I say. “I've been a fool and it’s time for me to apologize to you.”

  She looks back at me, surprised at my apology.

  “Now's not the best time to talk. But, later, when the kids are in bed and we have some time to ourselves. Get yourself refreshed and we can go to the station if that's what you want. Though wouldn't you prefer to just phone them? The doctor said you could do with staying indoors today. How much peace you’ll get though, with all this commotion, is anyone's guess.”

  “Yeah. I like the sound of that. Staying in and relaxing sounds good.”

  For the first time since the incident, she genuinely smiles. I recall her smile as a teenager, it used to light up her whole face. How much I've missed it, I hadn't realized.

  “Ah, children, Look, you've woken Lisa!” I try to get their attention but it's a lost cause. “Good morning, Lisa. I trust you slept well?”

  “I did until this mob ran into my room insisting I get up and have ice cream,” she laughed.

  “Grandma, grandma,” Lucas shouts out running rings around her. “We’re going to build a den.”

  “Well, I’m going to have breakfast before I have any ice cream or build any dens,” she says, heading towards the table.

  Chrissy goes off to the shower room in my bedroom, where she slept last night.

  “I just remembered,” she turns back to me before disappearing. “I don’t have any clothes. All I have is the night clothes on my back.”

  “Pajama party, mommy!” Lucas yells out, before heading out to the bedrooms and leaving a peaceful silence behind him.

  “Okay, I’ll take you back to the house to pack, but I’m coming with you and you’re not staying long.”

  “Thank you Drew that sounds good. Have you got anything I can wear for now?”

  “I have some pants and tops that might fit you,” Rita suggests and they go off together to sift through Rita’s wardrobe.

  I go and sit with Lisa.

  “This is a fine thing you’ve done, Drew,” she says. I’ve been so worried for my daughter and grandson, thank you so much.”

  “It's my pleasure, honestly. I couldn’t leave her at the mercy of that madman.” She reaches over and places her hand on my arm, “You’re a good man, Drew Gagnon. I always wished you and Chrissy know, got back...”

  She left her sentence unfinished but we both know what she’s trying to say. If I’m honest with myself, I’m wishing the same thing.

  Chapter 17

  My Knight in Shining Armor

  As we pull up outside my home, a chill of unease runs up my spine causing me to shiver. I shouldn’t be so scared, Paul's unlikely to be here. Besides, I have my knight in shining armor by my side. My life has turned upside down overnight, and without Drew, I’m not sure how I’d cope. In the past, my mom was my rock, but now I’m hers. Little Lucas, thankfully, is unaffected because he’s having such a great time with Annie. He seems to have completely forgotten yesterday’s incident.

  I’m surprised to see a police car parked opposite that sudden chill returns. What if he is here, after all? Drew must have sensed my unease and takes both my hands in his. Mine look so small in his huge shovels, with their stro
ng artistic fingers.

  “It's okay, baby,” Drew says reassuringly. “He can’t hurt you now, I won’t let him.”

  Nodding back at his remark, silently, I get out of the car. As I tread onto my driveway and walk up the path to the front door, I notice the broken window boarded up. Something else I have to be grateful to Drew for. It's time to enter my home and I look on with shock, swallowing back my tears. My whole house has been ransacked. Drawers are opened and contents are strewn all over the floor. Pictures have been pulled off the walls and destroyed. Trinkets, with huge sentimental value, are smashed to pieces. He’s completely wrecked my home.

  “The bastard,” Drew mutters under his breath with real venom. A part of me is relieved that Paul isn’t here, not for my safety but his. I fear what Drew would do to him, he is furious.

  I head towards my bedroom to get some clothes. As soon as I open the door my head spins, it feels like I’m going to throw up. He’s spray-painted my walls with horrible words. I read the messages of "slut" and "whore" and other words I can’t bear to say to myself. My knees go weak at the thought of what this man is thinking of me. I'm so relieved that Drew is by my side or I might have collapsed.

  “Why don’t I pack what clothes I can find and you go sit in the car?” He suggests.

  I say nothing but once again nod back with a silent agreement, I can’t face any more of my desecrated home.

  “Chrissy,” a female police officer steps towards me as I go outside. “Are you up to talking?”

  I nod silently.

  “Your neighbors rang us when they saw him. They chased him off so we know who did it,” she informs me, not that I needed any confirmation. “We have an APB out on him. If he's still in the area we should catch him.”

  She follows me back to Drew’s car and remarks on what a beautiful Aston Martin it is. Strange how I never noticed that Drew has such an expensive car. In fact, I’m sure he’s got more than one because this isn’t the car he was in last night. That was a huge SUV. I sit in the passenger seat and recline it as I look through the front windscreen at my wrecked home.


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