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Rooney's Pain (Ruthless Rejects, 2)

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

Chapter Eleven


  No one but Venom knew about my country cabin. I’d always been careful in letting people know shit about me. I was a very private person for a reason. I knew there were people out there who wanted nothing more than to kill me. It’s one of the many reasons I kept away from Bryn.

  All of that seemed so fucking moot now.

  After everything I’d done, she’d still been taken, still been hurt.

  Grabbing my bags from the trunk of the car, I went inside the cabin, quickly turning on the lights. It had been a long time since I last came here and the scent of dust hung heavy in the air. But even if I didn’t come up here often, I made sure the electricity, water, and heat were all turned on at any given time for this very reason.

  An alias made sure no one tied this place to me.

  I also needed to clean the cabin, but I didn’t have any time for luxuries right about now.

  Once I had the bed made up, I rushed back out to the car and pulled Bryn into my arms, carrying her into the cabin.

  She let out a whimper and I tightened my arms around her. I had to keep her safe. A lot safer than I had been doing.

  “You’re fine now, Bryn.”

  “I know. It just hurts. All of it hurts. I’m not used to being beaten.”

  I kissed the top of her head, and laid her gently down on the bed.

  I left her alone for two minutes to secure the door, put my security up, and check all the windows and doors. After everything I’d gone through, I wasn’t going to allow anything to happen to Bryn again just by missing a few minor details.

  No matter what, I had to be thorough.

  Only when I was sure everything was locked up and secure did I go back to the room.

  Bryn was curled up on her side.

  I turned on the lamp and stared at her bruised face.

  Slowly, I touched her skin, feeling how soft it was.

  “I can’t stand this. I’ll kill him,” I said.

  “You haven’t?”

  “No. Vincenzo doesn’t travel alone. He’s always got one guard or another watching over him. He’s a fucking coward.”

  She let out a little gasp and groaned. “It hurts but I need to get cleaned.”

  “I need to know. Did he … rape you?”

  “No. I wasn’t behaving like a good enough girl for him.”

  “A good enough girl?”

  “I think he’s got some weird good girl fetish going on. He seemed obsessed with it. Please, I need to get washed. I hurt all over and just feel nasty after what he put me through.”

  “Okay, baby. But I’m not going to leave you alone.” I helped her up, supporting her weight as we walked into the bathroom.

  It wasn’t overly big as I’d never needed anything more than a shower and sink. I wasn’t the kind of guy who took his time sleeping it off in the tub or drinking wine and shit like that.

  This place was a safe house. Plain and simple.

  Turning on the water, I let the cold run out and looked at Bryn. The blanket wrapped around her didn’t exactly hide the fact she’d been naked.

  “I won’t look.”

  “It’s fine. I’m going to need you to look to take care of me, Rooney. I trust you. No matter what.”

  Hearing her say those words did something to me.

  I helped her into the shower and each time she let out a whimper, I locked it away in my memory. When I got the chance, I was going to fucking kill that son-of-a-bitch. I was going to get my hands on him and make him wish he’d never been fucking born.

  I’d take my time as well.

  “Rooney, you’re hurting me.”

  I loosened my hold on her. “I’m sorry, babe.”

  “I know. I can’t believe you killed Venom. This is bad. So very bad.”

  “Don’t you worry about it. I can handle whatever it is the club is going to throw at me.”

  “I’m not stupid. Killing Venom has put a death sentence on you, right?”


  “How can you handle something like that? They’re going to kill you.” She rested her hand over my heart. “I can’t do that. I can’t lose you. Not now. Not ever. I don’t want to think about it.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she looked like she was going to lose it. I didn’t want her hurt anymore.

  “It’s okay, baby. I can handle it.” Holding her close, I knew I’d fucked up everything else in my life but I couldn’t do it with Bryn.

  She was my salvation.

  My very reason for breathing.

  I had to make this right.

  There was no doubt for me that I would. First though, I had to make sure she was protected, then I was going to war.

  Chapter Twelve


  I stared at the fire, the thick blanket wrapped around me, my hair still damp from the bath. I was shaking a little bit, the coldness seeping right down to my bones even with the warmth and blanket around me.

  I lifted my legs and bent them at the knees, resting my feet on the cushion of the chair.

  I’d been sitting here since I’d gotten out of the bath, long enough that Rooney had stoked the fire several times.

  The light touch on my shoulder had me looking over, seeing Rooney smiling softly at me. Although Rooney wasn’t classically handsome, he was rugged and beautiful in a brutal way.

  He held a plate in one hand, and a cup in the other. On the plate was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a pickle slice, and some chips. And in his hand was a hot cup of tea.

  “Milk and sugar, just the way you like it,” he said softly.

  I smiled in thanks.

  During my bath, he’d gone into town and gotten supplies. I hadn’t wanted to be alone, had even started to freak out a little, but I needed to be strong for him. He had risked a lot—his very life—to make sure I was safe and rescued. Even going into town, taking a chance of being spotted, was risky and dangerous.

  But he’d done all this to make sure we were safe. If I couldn’t hold it together for him then I was no good to anyone.

  I placed my feet on the ground and straightened, taking the plate and cup from him and giving him a grateful smile. For the next ten minutes we ate in silence, staring at the fire, thinking about what would happen next, how our lives would be changed forever.

  Before I could get up and put the plates and cups away, Rooney was right there doing it for me. He was taking care of me, probably thinking I was fragile. And I was, to a point. But I had to be strong, not only for myself, but for him as well.

  We were in this together, and there was no changing that, no going back.

  He sat in the chair beside me, neither of us speaking for long moments. But it was a comfortable silence, at least for the time being.

  I could feel this tenseness in him, could see in his face that his mind was working, that he was plotting how to fix this. I wanted to ask him a million different questions about Venom, the club, and what we are going to do about Vincenzo. He’d come for us. He’d make us pay.

  Although he said this place was safe, I wanted to know for how long.

  I turned toward him, watching as the shadows from the flickering light played over his masculine face. He had a couple days’ worth of stubble covering his jaw and cheeks, his focus trained in front of him, his expression telling me he was thinking deeply.

  “Rooney?” I said his name softly and instantly he turned and looked at me, his focus trained right on me, his attention solely on me.

  “How deep are we in this?” Rooney didn’t answer for long moments, but I could see in his expression he was trying to word this correctly, safely.

  He looked back at the fire for a moment and I could see him playing over my words in his head. He finally exhaled, lifted his hand to rub his eyes, and looked exhausted for the first time since we’d come here.

  I thought about Rebekah and if he’d had to … take her out as well. He must have seen that worry in my face because he exhaled slowly an
d shook his head.

  “Rebekah is fine.”

  I felt a breath of relief leave me, but as I stared at him I saw the weight of the world crash down around him.

  He’d been so damn strong this entire time, but I could see he was barely hanging on, that the rope that kept him together was starting to unwind as the reality of all of this came full circle.

  I saw him inhale deeply. He looked at me then, sorrow in his eyes.

  “I’m in deep, Bryn, so deep that I don’t know if I can actually get myself out of it.”

  My heart started beating painfully.

  “But I will not let anything happen to you. No matter what, I will make sure you’re safe.”

  I knew without a doubt he’d keep me safe, but what about him? Who would keep him safe? I knew he’d die for me, risk his life to protect me, would give it up to make sure I was happy, and nothing harmed me. But I wanted him to be okay.

  I wanted him … with me.

  His focus on me was intense, severe. “I won’t let anyone hurt you again, Bryn. That I fucking guarantee.”

  Before I could respond, three rapid knocks on the front door had both of us going still, silent.

  My throat tightened, and fear set in. I tried to be rational, to tell myself that if it was the club or Vincenzo they certainly wouldn’t have knocked, right?

  Rooney was already standing and reaching for the gun that he had at the small of his back. He picked up another handgun that had been lying on the table. He walked toward the front door and moved to the side. When he looked over at me, I saw his concentration was in place. He gestured for me to get to the ground, which I did instantly.

  The only sound that could be heard in those tense moments was of the fire crackling.

  It was only seconds that ticked by but felt like hours had passed.

  “Rooney, it’s me, Rebekah. Open up.”

  I felt my eyes widen as I looked between Rooney and the door.

  She sounded frantic, almost crazed. Neither of us said anything for long moments, but I could see how tense Rooney had become.

  There was only one reason Rebekah was here.

  She either needed help because she was in trouble, or she was going to take out Rooney because he’d killed Venom.

  Chapter Thirteen



  I couldn’t keep from cursing. The moment I did, I saw Bryn flinch out of the corner of my eye. “Go away, Rebekah.”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “I’ve got nothing to say. Leave before I fucking kill you.” I closed my eyes and pressed my head against the door.

  Silence met my threat. I expected a whole lot from Bryn, but not silence. That was new.

  “I’m not leaving, Rooney. Let me the fuck in now.”

  It was rare for me to hear Rebekah curse.

  Glancing back at Bryn, I knew I had no choice here.

  Opening the door a tiny bit so I could look at her, I glared. “Fuck off, Rebekah. I mean it.”

  “I was told you were going to say that.” She drew a gun out of the back of her jeans, shocking the shit out of me. “Guess what, I’m not going anywhere and you’re not going to make me either.”

  “For fuck sake, do you even know how to use that?”

  “Does it matter? I’m here and I’m coming in.”

  I paused, staring at her. “Who told you to come here?”

  She pushed her way inside and I took a step back, letting her walk into the cabin. I stayed in front of Bryn. There’s no way in hell I was letting this woman shoot that gun.

  “I should kill you.”

  “Why didn’t you?” I asked.

  “We both know I can’t.”

  “I’m the one that told her to come,” Venom said, coming out of the basement of the cabin.

  Bryn gasped, getting to her feet. I whirled around to see him standing there, looking all cocky.

  “What the fuck, man? We had a plan. You were supposed to be a fucking surprise. Not popping up like a damn puppet. Where is our surprise?”

  “Wait, what the hell is going on?” Bryn asked. “You’re Venom, right?”

  “Yeah. He destroyed my cut, or at least it’s on a dead body out in the middle of nowhere. I’ve got a replacement, but we needed to make it look real.” Venom ran fingers through his hair. “We’ve got a snitch in the club. One of my boys or one of the whores sneaks back to Vincenzo. It’s how he was able to get to Rooney. I had a hunch but until I talked with Rooney, I wasn’t so sure.”

  Rebekah ran to Venom and slapped him. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? I thought you were dead.”

  “Did you miss me, babe?”

  “I couldn’t believe it when you called me.”

  “Why did you call?” I asked Venom.

  He held up his cell phone. “I got a call from Crank. I didn’t take it but he left a message that Vincenzo had contacted them. I was to pick up, or they were coming after Rooney.”

  “So you didn’t pick up. I figured the element of surprise is still with us. Vincenzo is still out there and whoever in the club wants to take my MC from me, well, I’ll get to kill them as well.”

  “You really think we’ve got a rat?”

  “Yeah, I do, only they’re not going to the cops. Vincenzo came sniffing around there years ago. I sent him and a load of his men packing. Some of them in body bags. Told him if he ever came here again, I’d tear him apart. I should have known he’d try for my territory again.” Venom looked past his shoulder. “I take it you’re Bryn.”

  She held her hand up in a wave and I went to her side, pulling her in close against me. “This is my girl.”

  “I’m your girl?”

  “You think I’d fake kill my Prez for just anyone?” I watched her smile. “What?” I always loved her smile and now her cheeks were a pretty shade of red.

  “I’ve never heard you call me your girl before.”

  “You like it?”

  “I could get used to it.”

  I chuckled. Having her in my arms felt good. It felt right.

  “So, what’s the plan now?”

  “The plan now is to keep the girls safe while we go on hunting.”

  “Did anyone follow you?” I asked, looking at Rebekah.

  “I don’t know.”

  “We lock up the cabin, go and check the perimeter. It has been a long ass day and I want to rest before we take down Vincenzo and his men.” Venom stared at the gun Rebekah held. “It’s so hot to see you with this but it would be even hotter if you didn’t have the safety on.”

  “I don’t deal with guns. I told you that.”

  “I know. You keep this with you at all times. Don’t let it go.”

  “Got it,” she said. “I’ve got this, Venom. Go and do your manly stuff that you love to do.”

  He winked at her but then pulled her in his arms and kissed her.

  Turning to Bryn, I saw how nervous she was.

  She kept glancing over at Venom and Rebekah and I was sure I saw a look of yearning in her eyes. Did she want me to do that to her?

  To kiss her?

  I’d never kissed her the way I’d wanted to.

  For so long, when it came to her, I’d been a fucking coward. Holding myself back.

  No longer.

  She belonged to me and when all of this Vincenzo shit was handled, I’d be staking my claim and she’d have no doubt exactly who she belonged to. “Be careful,” she said.

  “I will.” Cupping her cheek, I tilted her head back, staring into her pretty eyes. I could look at her face for a lifetime. She calmed the beast within me, gave peace to my soul.

  Running my thumb across her lip, I slowly pressed inside.

  It wasn’t enough.

  I moved my thumb and slammed my lips down on hers.

  She melted against me instantly, driving me crazy as I kissed her, wanting to do a lot more, but knowing I couldn’t, not with an audience present.

  Breaking the
kiss, I pulled back and saw there were a lot more questions in her eyes.

  “We’ll talk as soon as I get back.” I nodded at Venom and made my way to the door. One last lingering look back at her, and I winked.

  She smiled in a way that made it hard to leave her, but I had to do this.

  “Dude, you’re so fucking smitten.”

  “Fuck off.” We had an asshole to hunt and kill. I didn’t have time for his teasing.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I couldn’t help but be nervous, so damn nervous that my hands were shaking and I had to sit on them to keep them still. I felt Rebekah looking at me, and knew she had things to say, but she stayed silent, maybe too afraid to say anything.

  Finally, because I couldn’t sit still any longer, I stood and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed two mugs out of the cupboard and started rifling through to see if I could find coffee, tea bags, or even hot chocolate. At this point, I’d take just about anything.

  The cupboards were pretty empty, aside from the few things Rooney had bought in town today. But pushed way back in the cupboard, I found a bottle of whiskey. It was dusty and I didn’t know if Rebekah drank alcohol, but I figured after the day we’d had, we both needed something to take the edge off.

  I poured both of us a decent amount of whiskey, set the bottle aside, and grabbed the mugs, turning and heading back toward her. She was sitting on the love seat, her legs pulled up underneath her bottom, her hands in her lap as she twisted her fingers together.

  She tried to be strong, but I could see she was just as scared and nervous as I was.

  “I’m not a drinker,” I said. “But I know the older the whiskey the better it is.” I shrugged. “Besides, I figured we both could use something to help ease the fucking stress.”

  She took the offered cup and smiled. I went back to my seat, and for long moments we didn’t speak. I took a long sip from the mug, the whiskey strong and burning as I swallowed. I tried not to cough because I didn’t want to seem like a novice, but when Rebekah started coughing instead, I looked over at her.


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