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Echoes In The Mist

Page 16

by Rifi Strawn

  Jeremy put his arm around her. “You’re handling your aunt’s last wish very well.”

  “At times, I wonder why she sent me here.”

  “To meet me,” he said with wry smile.

  Torrey put her phone down after reading Levi’s group chat. “Looks like Claire is coming.”

  Jeremy’s face tensed. “I should call in sick or something.”

  “You don’t have a choice in the matter.” Torrey crossed her arms. “If only Levi hadn’t stolen Claire from you, we wouldn’t have these awkward family gatherings.”

  “Mum, please… A heart truly in love can’t be stolen away.” Jeremy held Stanley in his arms. “I don’t care about Claire anymore. I’m glad it didn’t work out for us, or I wouldn’t be with Stanley now.”

  Torrey smiled. “You two better get going.”


  Stanley enjoyed the spectacular drive along the coast with Jeremy. His soft kisses at every chance made her feel so loved and wanted. He held her in his arms at Boulder’s Beach to observe the penguins at a safe distance. The white sand offset the black and white jumble of hundreds of penguins coming in and out of water flapping their wings to dry off. Some lay in the sunshine, just enjoying the day. Jeremy called her attention to the penguins’ mating ritual.

  “See that male penguin offering the female a pebble?”

  She spotted the two birds facing each other. “Yes.”

  “If she accepts, they’ll go back to his nest.”

  “Aw…it’s like he’s giving her a flower.” The female took the pebble, and the two penguins walked off together. “Oh, my God, that’s the sweetest thing ever.”

  “I also have a huge pebble for you, but I might get arrested for indecent exposure.”

  She chuckled and wiggled against him. “I accept.”

  “Watch it.” He chuckled. “My pebble turns into a fetching stick in no time.” He looked at his ringing phone. “Leave it to my Mum to make it go down. I better get this, it could be important.” He finished his call and slipped the phone in his pocket. “She got her days mixed up. Levi’s barbecue is today.”

  After a quick look at her dress, she cringed. “I’m not dressed for it.”

  He gave her strapless, short beach dress the once over. “Levi better not touch you.”

  “Is he a rapist or something? You act like he’s dangerous.”

  “Nah. I just don’t want him hitting on you. He seems to like the same women I do.”

  She put her arms around his neck and gazed into his stunning eyes. “I only want you, my love, and no one else.”

  He hugged tight and took in her scent. “I’m so thankful you came into my life.”

  “Life has a way of surprising us. Who knew I’d find my dream man in Africa?”

  They walked together holding hands to the Mercedes. As she buckled in, he grabbed a large gift bag from the backseat and gave it to her. “It’s something you like.”

  She hesitated to open the gift. “I hope it’s not your grandmother’s special beads or something. I saw Claire wearing an identical bracelet to mine.”

  “Every female supporter of Save the Elephant program gets a bracelet. You earned yours for your dedication to the cause.”

  “And I thought I was special.”

  “You’re very special to me, that’s why I’m giving you this. Open it.”

  She smiled and pulled the fancy white tissues out of the light blue bag. Heart racing, she took out the turquoise ostrich skin purse she’d admired at the shop. “How did you know I liked this? I didn’t say anything to you or anyone else about it.”

  He tapped a finger on his temple. “I have ESP when it comes to you.”

  “But this is so expensive.”

  “You deserve this and more for making me so happy,” he said with a smile.

  She admired the unique color and texture of the purse. “Thank you. I love it.”

  “Look inside.”

  She pulled out a small jewelry box. “Another gift?” The earrings inside were the ones she’d thought were ivory in the shop. She laughed nervously. “How did you know I wanted these?”

  “My mother owns that boutique. Liz, the saleslady, called and told me.”

  “I thought your mother only had non-profit shops.”

  “Those are her pet projects. She’s owned a few high-end boutiques for years. Your dress for the fundraiser also came from one of them.”

  “Now I know why your mother looks so put together all the time.” She tried on the earrings and admired them in the vanity mirror. “It was you spying on me, not the other way around.”

  “You wouldn’t have gone to the shop otherwise. I tried to make it exciting for you.”

  “That was some game. I was petrified.”

  “Sorry, it was the only way to find out what you liked.” He admired the earrings on her. “They were inspired by Luki and Makeda.”

  “That makes them even more special.” She transferred the contents of her purse into the new bag. “I love my gifts. Thank you.”

  He enjoyed her soft kiss. “My oxytocin levels just went through the roof.”

  “Say it in plain English, please.”

  “My ‘feel good hormones’ are addicted to you.”

  “I think mine are at an all-time high, too.”

  He checked the time. “We’re over an hour late for the barbecue. I wish it weren’t a family obligation.”


  “I’d rather go home and visit.”

  She grinned. “Visit?”

  They laughed together.

  She hesitated. “Does it bother you to see Claire with Levi?”

  “At first it did, but now that I have you, I could care less.”

  Her heart raced from the thought of meeting his entire extended family. It seemed she was auditioning for the job of a lifetime to be his partner. Torrey didn’t seem too thrilled about his open affection for her this morning. When it came to her son, no woman was probably good enough for him. Now she had to pass the scrutiny of his aunts, uncles, cousins, and ex-girlfriend.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jeremy drove to his cousin Levi’s house in Camps Bay. His underlying tension distracted Stanley from enjoying the breathtaking ocean views and beautiful homes. Family functions must be a source of anxiety for him. Was he tired of defending his life in the Zambian bush?

  She massaged his neck as his fingers tightly gripped the steering wheel. “I’m a bit nervous about meeting your extended family,” she said.

  “No need to worry. Just don’t let my nosey family intimidate you with their questions.” His tense shoulders relaxed a bit. “Claire’s unexpected appearance at the fundraiser has me a bit concerned. I’m sure she told Levi all about you.”

  “Why do I feel like I’m on a dangerous safari ride?”

  “The animals in Zambia are practically tame compared to this wild bunch.” He smiled. “I’m just exaggerating. Don’t worry. I won’t take my eyes off you.”

  “It’s like that everywhere we go, it’s me, you, and the predators.”

  Jeremy parked in front of a contemporary house. It stuck out among other beautiful homes on the cliffs. The enormous imposing architecture seemed expensive despite its stark commercial appearance.

  The main entrance looked like a concrete parking garage opening. She walked past the fortress exterior into an open courtyard, landscaped with tropical plants and a gushing waterfall that flowed from top of a rock wall. The transparent glass walls within the house gave her a preview of the high-end contemporary furnishings inside.

  Stanley eyed the stunning home. It seemed that cousin Levi had more cash than he knew what to do with. Somehow, she’d entered the world of South Africa’s wealthy. Jeremy punched a code, and the large glass door automatically slid open.

  She stepped into the spacious living room and was drawn to the chandelier. It’s wavy green, blue, and clear crystal tubes simulated floating seaweed. The décor’s oceanic theme carrie
d throughout the open concept house.

  Her roaming gaze moved to the stunning glass dolphin sculpture perched on top of a clear glass pedestal. The playful mammal seemed to be jumping out of the water. Natural light poured in through the odd-shaped windows in the room’s thirty-foot high wall. They framed the ocean view like landscape paintings. This house of illusions must’ve cost a fortune.

  Jeremy waited for her by the giant glass door leading to the outdoor entertainment area. She gasped at the vast ocean view as the entry slid open. The house felt like a yacht sailing away on the waves. “This place is incredible,” she whispered.

  “I prefer elephants, mud huts, and waterfalls in my haven,” he said.

  White smoke rose from the large stainless-steel grill in the outdoor kitchen. The salty ocean air mixed with the aroma of grilling meat. She held her dress’s hem down as Jeremy introduced her to his aunts, uncles, and cousins whose names she’d forgotten.

  A tall, handsome man dripping with water stepped out of the infinity pool and adjusted his Speedo. From a distance, she would’ve mistaken him for Jeremy. He also had a toned physique, light eyes, and dark hair.

  “Welcome to my home. I’m Levi.” His firm grip lingered in a handshake as his intense eyes moved from her head down to her toes. “Jeremy didn’t tell me he had a new, beautiful American volunteer.”

  She released her hand from Levi’s awkward hold. “I love your home, especially the view.”

  “Thank you.”

  Her heart beat faster from Jeremy and Levi’s tense conversation. The underlying anger could be from Claire’s shift of loyalty. Even though his cousin looked like Jeremy, she wasn’t attracted to him. His pheromones repelled her more than the insect repellent at the lodge.

  Levi undressed her with his eyes. “Where are your swimsuits?”

  Jeremy tucked his hands in his pant pockets. “Mum got the barbecue days mixed up. We were out sightseeing when she called.”

  Levi looked toward the covered porch where Torrey sat with the older relatives. “My beautiful aunt is forgetful these days. Well then, you’ll just have to swim in your birthday suits.”

  Jeremy unbuttoned his shirt and jokingly unzipped his pants. “I’ll get in mine right away.”

  “I’d rather see Stanley’s than yours.”

  She changed the subject. “Levi, did you build this place?”

  Levi’s voice choked as he wiped an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye. “Tina, my beautiful wife, did it all. She’s gone now.”

  If Torrey and Jeremy hadn’t warned her about Levi’s sad sap routine to impress a woman, she would’ve fallen for it. His gold wedding band gleamed in the sunshine as he played with it on his finger. Claire must’ve fallen for the handsome widower’s trick.

  Levi placed his hand on her arm. “Tina was beautiful and as full of life as you. You would’ve loved her.”

  “She must have been special.” She pulled away from Levi’s tender hold and moved closer to Jeremy.

  “We all miss Tina,” Jeremy said. “This house isn’t the same without her.”

  After introducing herself to Stanley, Levi’s younger sister, Lynn, joined the Tina lovefest. “I got tired of hearing about old people’s arthritis at the table over there. It’s a contest to see who has the worst pain.”

  Levi checked the time on his phone and rang the dinner bell. “Food is ready. We have chicken, steaks, and sausages. And we have vegetables and fruit. There’s something for everyone. No one should go hungry today. Thank you for coming. I love you all. Enjoy your meal.”

  For a petite, fit woman, Lynn had the appetite of a lumberjack. Her plate was heaped with food. Stanley couldn’t miss the long scar on Lynn’s toned right leg. “What happened?”

  Jeremy put his arm around Lynn. “This girl is an adrenaline junkie. She nearly lost her life diving with sharks.”

  “That must’ve been some dive,” she said.

  “Ah, it was nothing.” Lynn waved her hand. “The shark bent a few bars on the cage, and one of them broke and got my leg.” She lowered her voice. “But I told everyone it’s from the shark’s bite. It makes the scar much more interesting.”

  “It’s impressive.”

  “It looks more painful than it was.”

  Jeremy gave his cousin an annoyed look. “Lynn is a glutton for punishment. She’s going on another dive next week.”

  Lynn smiled. “Wanna come with me?”

  “No, thank you. It’s not my cup of tea,” Jeremy said.

  “What’s on your bucket list, Stanley?”

  She laughed nervously. “Leaving Africa alive.”

  Lynn chuckled. “I like her sense of humor.”

  “She’s not joking,” he said.

  Stanley had never met so many daredevils in one place. “You all love to flirt with death. Jeremy risks his life every day working with dangerous wild animals and you love swimming with sharks.”

  Lynn kissed an older man on the cheek as he came over to talk to them. “Hey, Daddy.”

  Her father kissed her forehead. “How’s that leg?”

  “Better than ever.” Lynn’s father put his hand on Jeremy’s shoulder. “We need to talk.” He looked at Stanley. “I won’t keep him too long.”

  Lynn clicked her tongue as the two men walked away to a private corner. “My dad must have some good advice for Jeremy. He’s like his father.”

  “That’s nice.”

  From a distance, Jeremy seemed upset during his fatherly chat with his uncle. Torrey came over and nervously looked at her brother and son. Fanning her face, she adjusted her hat and looked at Lynn. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. You know Dad.” Lynn looked at her. “I heard you lost your aunt recently.”

  “Yes, I’m in Africa to spread her ashes.”

  “I’m so sorry for your loss.” Lynn’s gaze softened. “If you need a special place for the ashes, you should check out our family vineyard. It’s a peaceful place in the foothills. On a clear day, the endless rows of grapes beneath the wide blue sky are really special.”

  “It sounds beautiful. My aunt loved her gardening and her red wine. I’d love to visit your vineyard.”

  Torrey nervously looked at her brother, still talking with Jeremy. “Ed and I inherited the vineyard from my father. He started it from nothing, and today, our wines are the first choice for most restaurants and entertainment businesses in Cape Town.”

  “That’s impressive,” Stanley said.

  “Your aunt will be in good company if you decide to spread her ashes there. We have many bodies fertilizing the grapes,” Lynn joked.

  Torrey flashed her eyes at her niece. “Be respectful.”

  “Sorry.” Lynn cringed. “The vineyard is sort of like our family cemetery.”

  “You’re so lucky to have such a large family. Now that my aunt’s gone, I have no one.”

  “Consider us your new family,” Lynn said, without hesitation.

  “Aw, you’re so sweet.”

  Torrey gathered her niece in her embrace. “Lynn is a good girl and an excellent manager. She runs our winery in Stellenbosch. I’m sure she won’t mind showing you the perfect spot for your aunt’s ashes.”

  “I don’t want to impose.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure,” Lynn said.

  Jeremy gave his mother the look as he walked back to them.

  “Is everything okay?” Torrey asked.

  “For now.”

  Lynn tapped his arm. “Hey, why don’t you bring Stanley over to the vineyard tomorrow for a look? It’s supposed to be a perfect day for a stroll and a picnic.”

  Jeremy looked at Stanley. “I’ll take you if you want to go.”

  “I’d love that.”

  The doorbell rang, and Levi rushed to answer it. He returned with Claire on his arm. Jeremy looked at his mother. “I need to leave now.”

  “Don’t worry about me, I have my car,” Torrey said.

  He rushed Stanley to the door.

; Levi ran after them. “Leaving so soon?”

  “Mum has a chore for me.”

  Levi’s voice had a hint of aggression. “It can’t wait?”

  “No, Mum needs her medication tonight. I better get to the pharmacy before it closes.” Jeremy grabbed Stanley’s hand. “Thanks for the barbecue.”

  She could barely keep up with his rushing steps to the car. She belted herself in as he drove out the driveway. “What’s going on?”

  “Levi was looking for a fight, and I’m not giving him the satisfaction.”

  Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at his nervous face. Something was up. He’d been very protective of her the entire time.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next morning, Stanley cuddled with Jeremy in bed, but his mind seemed elsewhere.

  She caressed his broad chest and gazed into his eyes. “Hey babe. Are you thinking about Levi?”

  “Yeah…I didn’t like how he tried to intimidate us when we tried to leave last night.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “It was like a threat rather than a friendly request to stay.

  “I know. Levi and I used to be so close growing up. We were inseparable, and now I can’t stand him.”

  “Because of Claire?”

  “Yes, that and other things he’s done lately.” He kissed her. “I don’t want to talk about Levi. I’d rather talk about you…us. I’m so glad I didn’t marry Claire, or I wouldn’t have this relationship with you.”

  “I think my aunt used the ashes as an excuse for me to meet you,” she said with wry smile.

  “Daisy was quite resourceful when she wanted something.” He looked her in the eye. “Don’t feel obligated to release your aunt’s ashes at the vineyard. No matter what you decide, I’ll support you.”

  “I couldn’t have made it through this difficult time without you.”

  “I’m here whenever you need me.”

  Jeremy’s tender kisses turned passionate. Tingling from his kissing lips all over her body, she squirmed and begged for more. Leaving her breasts hard from his gentle caresses and nibbles, he spread her legs apart and the entered her.

  It was impossible to stay apart in this newfound love. The more love they made, the more they craved each other. He knew how to please her beyond her imagination. Perhaps he’d learned from the wildlife how to seize the moment. She’d relished his words of love and tantalizing touch.


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