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Command of the Dragon (Shifter MMF Menage Romance)

Page 3

by S. J. Smith

  “Did we frighten her, Aadall?” said Zefelli.

  “Well, yeah, you could say that. I’m sure she wasn’t planning on two Dragonruu crash-landing next to her in the Outlands tonight...and then, especially how we all started to...”

  “Yes, Aadall...she showed us. She showed us true desire. She showed us LOVE. It is what we want for ourselves, so we can discover the emotion of love for each other and for our race, and we can all learn how to love humans, too. Because, I felt that with Arielle...Her angelic voice and real, human beauty overwhelms me in a way I have never felt before. But, Aadall, I know you, who could not ever fathom trusting a human until tonight...that upon hearing her gentle voice and seeing and feeling her beauty, that Arielle made you feel real love, too...”

  “Yes. You are right, Zefelli...And, I can barely stand all the feelings I feel right now. I need...I need you right now...” Zefelli quickly blew out the fire, and crawled over drunkenly to his best friend. Aadall’s strong arms lifted Zefelli on top of him, where Zefelli quickly covered Aadall’s firm, soft lips with a deep and hungry kiss. The two rugged, slightly drunken Dragonruu, tumbled into a dark corner, grappling at each other as they rubbed the shared heat between them, trying to stifle growls, as they kissed and nipped at each other’s necks.

  Meanwhile, curious Arielle had dipped a toe into the swirling, beckoning water of the pool. Somehow, the mysterious water managed to bring back the same exhilarating sensations as the Dragonruu’s powerful touch, once again bringing a surge of tempting emotions throbbing deep within her. She kicked her legs back and forth in the soothing water as she began to hum an alluring, captivating hymn to herself. Her own voice soothed her weary soul and she slipped into an ambient state of pure delight, suddenly forgetting her worries and troubles; not even worried about Zefelli and Aadall and what they were doing in the very next chamber.

  The two males had grown more impatient and excited in their arousal, when suddenly Arielle’s hypnotizing melody filled the chambers of the cave. Aadall’s frantic kiss that was smashed against Zefelli’s hungry mouth suddenly softened. They began to kiss slowly and methodically, and Zefelli gently guided the quivering Aadall to flip over onto his stomach. The smooth slab of rock on Aadall’s tight abs cooled down his heated body temperature. He felt Zefelli help guide him out of his shorts to where he was finally exposed and fully vulnerable to Zefelli for the first time.

  Zefelli leaned down over Aadall, kissing the side of his scruffy face gently, as Aadall felt Zefelli’s own powerful chest and abs cover his exposed back. He focused on feeling Zefelli’s heartbeat against his shoulders, as he breathed in and out evenly in essence with Zefelli’s sweet breaths against his ear. Zefelli entered Aadall. He moved in and out in a slow and easy rhythm, with the soft singing continuing to resonate through the cavern. Just as Arielle’s song seemed to reach a high point, so did Zefelli, with a feeling from deep inside, as he let out one last animalistic groan, signaling a final release of all the built up, primal urges leaving his body, once and for all. Aadall was still shaking. Zefelli kissed and stroked him gently, trying to soothe him. He lay on top of him for a few more minutes, interlocked with his male lover.

  Arielle had been so entranced in her own music and the warm, inviting water that she stripped out of her innocent blue dress and undergarments. She enjoyed the feel of the warm silt at the bottom of the pool between her toes and then dipped completely under.

  The singing abruptly stopped. Zefelli and Aadall came to their senses and realized it was once again Arielle’s powerful vocal gift that brought them together. They walked hand in hand around the corner into the room containing the blue pool. Arielle popped up from the water just in time, tossing back her full mane of hair behind her, and thrusting her bare, full breasts upwards towards the ceiling. She continued singing again, unaware the two were watching her in awe.

  Aadall had received great pleasure from Zefelli, but was desperate to experience his own explosion of intimacy. He looked at Arielle, not with lust, but with appreciation and amazement.

  “Arielle...” he began.

  But instead of being startled by the valiant Aadall, now standing at the edge of the pool, nude and ready for her, she smiled a knowing smile, still humming, and crooked a finger towards him to join her in the water. Zefelli rested his back against the cooling rock nearby, but was anxious for Aadall to receive the human love that Zefelli already felt in his heart from Arielle. Aadall waded in towards her in the warm water, wrapping his arms around her waist, feeling her soft and wet human skin as he kissed at the side of her neck.

  Arielle again felt the sensation of something hard and stiff, but this time naked and burning hot at the front of her thigh, as she continued to hum softly. But his grip on her was still tight and urgent as he tried to fight the music. He could feel her quivering, as she tried to continue to act seductive, despite him being able to smell her virginal innocence. Arielle felt Zefelli’s watching, glowing eyes meet hers. He, too, could smell her fresh virginity and secret nervousness to receive Aadall.

  Zefelli motioned her over to him, then lifted her up out of the water, and pulled the two of them backwards, propping them up against a smooth rock. He held her against his still bare body, cradling her full breasts, and nuzzling her neck, trying to soothe her.

  Zefelli knew Aadall was pent up still with the same innate, aggressive dragon frustration Zefelli had experienced until only moments ago, but he was determined to help guide sweet, virgin Arielle on how to make Aadall be tender and gentle with her.

  “Open your thighs apart, Arielle. Let him see your forbidden human fruit,” Zefelli whispered into her neck. Arielle did as he commanded, and Aadall, still in the water, leaned down towards her timidly opened thighs, and inhaled her intoxicating scent, as he then began to nuzzle at her exposed and vulnerable place.

  She smelled of sweet strawberries and vanilla beneath the little red curl of hair that rested above her tiny opening. Aadall kissed each thigh to keep them from shaking, but they only seemed to tremble more as his mouth edged closer and closer to her nether region.

  “Now...let him taste you,” Zefelli whispered.

  Arielle felt the most pleasurable sensations she had ever felt in her young human existence. She cried out, which still had a beautiful sound to it. Aadall held her still quivering thighs down with his strong hands, as he kissed and explored her swollen area with his soft, wet lips and firm tongue. Zefelli massaged her breasts, and she even felt his own hardness return against her. Arielle could finally not take anymore of the amped up, Dragonruu pleasure that she had somehow unlocked.

  She wailed out, shaking the walls of the cave; a crystallite form even dropped and shattered from the other chamber. She almost felt like she could not breathe, as she managed to cry out, “Aadall...kiss me, tell me you love me, and TAKE ME!”

  Zefelli quickly helped Arielle onto her back, allowing Aadall to lean over her throbbing body, as he whispered with true sincerity that he loved her and her humanity, and that he was going to take her all the way. He entered her, causing her to gasp.

  The two virgins became loud with surprised and excited moans. Zefelli continued to try and calm Arielle’s tiny shaking body that was trying to accommodate the massive dragon length inside of her. He stroked her hair gently in his lap, as the two quickly found an unstoppable rhythm.

  But soon, Zefelli felt new waves of arousal as he watched his best friend thrusting into Arielle and making strong love to her, causing her full, white and creamy breasts to bounce alluringly. She began to scream as Aadall roared in unison. Full of desire, Zefelli entered Arielle’s wide open mouth with his long, throbbing member. She gulped it, muffling out her powerful screams of ecstasy as she came. Aadall then climaxed in a hot torrent, soon followed by Zefelli.

  The three quickly separated, all sprawling onto their backs, their breaths heaving in and out. They lay on the cooling floor, trying to regain their composure. It quickly dawned on all three that they had managed to con
quer a century of separation oppression and hatred against all odds, through their shared, triangular explosion of united love; dragon and humans, finally fused together as one.

  Chapter 4

  Arising from their post-coital slumber, the three quickly parted and sat up in fear, all exchanging worried glances. A deep rumbling that seemed to come from outside had suddenly shaken them awake. Muffled, angry shouting was carried through the air rushing in from the mouth of the cave. The shouts sounded like many voices pounding on the rocks at the foot of the cliff in a collective rage.

  “How...?” Arielle’s voice waivered in panic. Zefelli scratched his head, racking his brain.

  “The hawk that saw us?” Aadall offered, with panic rising in his own voice.

  Zefelli shook his head. “No, they don’t have speaking capabilities. The only ones who would tell on us in this forbidden territory, are the fairies.”

  “The FAIRIES?!” Arielle cried out. Aadall and Zefelli both looked at her, puzzled. “The fairies - no - they’re my friends. They’re the only ones I could talk to about how I wanted our world to change. They’re the ones that I talked to when I visited my place on the cliff! They know all about my secret yearnings to one day fall in love with a Dragonruu. They....they...”, Arielle couldn’t even finish her sentence, and hid her face in shame between her drawn up legs, trying to cover her nakedness, and began to weep at her stupidity.

  Zefelli and Aadall each surrounded her, hugging her to console her, ignoring the still threatening shouts from outside below. They were safe in this cave for now, especially since they knew it was humans after them. Humans could not reach this high up, nor would they be brazen enough to face off two male dragons.

  Zefelli began to speak calmly, as he rubbed Arielle’s shoulder softly, and Aadall stroked her hair.

  “Arielle...these fairies live in this part of the territory because they’ve been banished. You see, they are trapped Dragonruu souls, who disrespected Dragonruu law or committed heinous crimes in their lifetime, and are now banished to a weakened fairy form forever. Dragonruu officials use them as messengers and spies. They live in the Outlands, but travel back and forth. In exchange for information they collect, they get to spend a day in Ansuul and Denbyshire each, as a reward for each piece of information they gather.”

  Arielle still did not seem consoled. Her head continued to hang down in shame.

  Aadall then spoke. “Humans are charmed by their sparkly colors and tiny size, and they know just how to trick humans – just like they did you. You might not be to blame. Maybe they witnessed my crash landing in dragon form, which drew them near, or saw us all together in the clearing, or—”

  “Or maybe this is ALL my fault, because I was here and singing like a dumb, naive, human girl, and now we are going to be killed! You will be dwindled down and forced to exist among these fake, sparkly mongrels, and I’ll be...I’ll be burned at the stake or hanged, and - and be DEAD.”

  “NO, Arielle, damn it! We are going to protect you!” said Zefelli. She looked up, and saw his eyes aglow in all seriousness. He kissed her sweetly. The cave rumbled again.

  “I have a plan, you two,” said Aadall, firmly. He knew he needed to be strong in the protection of his new beautiful human.

  Zefelli looked up curiously and unsure, and said, “You do...?”

  Aadall’s eyes were ablaze with an energy, and Zefelli was quickly informed of the plan via telepathy.

  “Arielle, go and show yourself,” said Aadall. “Let them see you are unharmed. They must know you are with dragons, but survey the area, and let us know what we are truly facing, please.”

  Arielle sniffled back her tears, trying to be brave. She fetched a large fur blanket from Aadall’s backpack in the grotto to hide her nakedness, then took a deep breath and peered outside the mouth of the cave, looking far below.

  Her father’s face was at the front of the crowd. “Arielle, you come down here, RIGHT NOW!” he boomed up at her.

  Other men had joined the frontline of the brigade with guns, bows and arrows and torches, ready to try and fend off the dragons. The crowd was rowdy and had their weapons already drawn, ready for a fight.

  “I’m okay, Daddy, just leave me alone!” she cried out desperately.

  “No, the fairies found us, right in the middle of one of your sister’s most important auditions yet – letting us know you had ventured out here again, and this time, had been KIDNAPPED BY DRAGONS!”

  Again, Arielle felt like such a fool for trusting the vicious little fairies, who only tattled to stir trouble and be compensated for their message. Aadall and Zefelli could hear the interaction taking place, and then Zefelli stood, ready to take action.

  Arielle ran back into the cave, ignoring her father and dropping to her knees to hug the dragons, crying again.

  “So this is the plan, Arielle,” said Aadall. “We are taking you back to Ansuul with us. Let the humans think we kidnapped you. We will present you to the king, Zefelli’s father, tomorrow in the palace theatre. He will say he was lured to your voice from a walk in the woods during Twilight, and decided to bring you back on his own. He is the King’s son after all; so I think he can bypass a few rules. Everyone else will hear how powerful your voice is at provoking more emotion than any other human thus far has been able to bring us. Your gift is so strong, you will change hearts. We can then work on a harmonious relationship with humans, once and for all!”

  Arielle felt empowered. Zefelli did too, though he still felt a bit woozy from all the alcohol he had ingested earlier. He felt he needed to offer reassurance to Arielle about the seemingly haphazard plan.

  “Arielle, I know you are brave,” said Zefelli. “And you have to be your bravest right now, and you have to trust us.”

  “I do, with my whole heart,” she responded, fighting back tears. The three hugged before they blindfolded her and strapped her onto Zefelli’s transformed dragon back, preparing for flight from the cave. Aadall soon followed, and they roared their warning in vicious tandem, knocking the hapless humans backwards with the sheer force of their roars. In just the knick of time, the two dragons swooped sideways through a narrow crevice as arrows sailed passed them and shots rang out.

  Soon, all was quiet as they entered the bi-atmosphere between Denbyshire and Ansuul. It was silent and peaceful there, and calmed Arielle’s fears temporarily. She thought about how she was finally entering the city of Ansuul, and expected to give a performance of her lifetime.

  Once safely back in to Zefelli’s castle, which they had to sneak into, Zefelli arranged for Arielle to stay in his guesthouse, letting her know that he and Aadall would take turns watching her sleep.

  She woke up early the next morning, greeted by Zefelli. He climbed into the bed next to her, kissing her forehead sweetly.

  “I’m scared to sing, Zefelli. I’m scared that the humans will become hostile due to my absence. And, I’m scared that I won’t ever really be with you and Aadall.”

  Zefelli set her down gently in his lap and kissed her reassuringly. “Everything will work out fine in the end. It always does,” he said with a wink.

  Aadall brought them breakfast. After that, they showed Arielle a closet full of one of Zefelli’s sister’s designer gowns that she stored in the guesthouse. Arielle put on one of her very own designs from her seamstress job. She’d never imagined that one day she would wearing one of the beautiful dresses she’d made. She herself looked in the mirror at herself. Do I really have the power to change the world? She took a deep breath, as she glanced one last time into the mirror, awaiting her escort to the theatre. Zefelli had gone to his father earlier this morning, feeding him their white lie, but the skeptical king did agree for the human to present herself at a special palace performance later in the day.

  Chapter 5

  Arielle had never felt so nervous in her life. Inside the palace was a grand theatre, with marble tiers of lofty seating meant to hold and entertain large audiences. Word had filtered through roy
al courts, and hundreds of the elite Dragonruu were coming to watch the surprise performance. Once she was introduced to the intimidating mix of beautiful female and male Dragonruu, her nerves somehow disappeared. The lights had dimmed, and everything fell silent.

  Unaccompanied by instruments, she sang a lovely song about freedom. Aadall and Zefelli sat in the front row to root for her, and with a mix of supportive love for her, neither could also get images of last night’s passion-filled encounters out of his head.

  Instead of the crowd’s attention being captivated by the young beauty’s gift, the whole crowd began to shift around uncomfortably, and a hushed murmur circulated the room. Arielle continued to sing, totally unaware; so determined in her bursting heart to elicit a positive response from them all. The King, as well as the entire crowd, began to feel hypnotized. They began to feel weak in their physicality and special powers, as they began to absorb and empathize with the pure human emotion of romantic love. Some of the Dragonruu suddenly fled the theatre in terror, covering their ears. As the crowd became more and more restless, finally, the King spoke, halting Arielle.

  “STOP! Stop at ONCE!” demanded the King. He got off his golden throne, walked down the main aisle of the theatre, and hopped right onto the stage. “You wicked, wretched little siren! How dare you terrorize my people in this way!” He unsheathed a long, glinting blade from beneath his silken robes, ready to slay her, without any further questions. Arielle stood frozen in tremendous fear; her life was flashing right before her eyes as her dreams, too, were about to be sliced in half. More of the others screamed and ran out, not wanting to witness the gory horror.

  Zefelli leapt in front of Arielle to protect her from his own father. “Stay away from her, Father,” he sneered, baring his dragon fangs in both fear and anger.


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