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Rejected Bride

Page 8

by Margaret Tanner

  She had just finished making the bed up when Kyle strode in. “What are you doing?”

  “I put sheets on the bed.”

  “Weren’t there any on it?” He stared intently at her.


  “Is the coffee on?”

  “Yes, but I thought you said you’d slept here a couple of times.”

  “I did but it was hot, so I didn’t bother getting under the quilt.”

  “How could you?”

  He shrugged. “Once I moved in permanently, I was going to check all that kind of stuff. I’m sorry, Jemma. I didn’t think I’d be sharing this place with a wife.” He grinned. “Well, not so soon anyway.”

  “Oh, you. Come on our coffee should be ready. It will have to be whatever you’ve got in your kitchen dresser for supper.”


  She laughed. “I thought as much.”

  “We’ll go into Longbow tomorrow and stock up. I found a not bad looking buckboard, and that old nag you rode looks to have a bit of draught horse in him. Should be able to pull it if we take it easy.”

  After a supper of coffee and beans, Kyle let her use the washroom first. It was really an enclosed portion of the back porch containing a copper and a trough. She was dying to wash her hair but to be able to strip off her clothes and wash her body in warm water was a luxury. She savored it after so long on the road making do with quick wipe overs with a wet cloth.

  She slipped into the nightgown she had brought from New Orleans and brushed her hair. Hopefully she’d done enough for Kyle to find her attractive.

  She walked inside. He was sprawled in one of the armchairs, his long legs stretched out in front of him. Rising to his feet, he let his gaze wander from the top of her head to the tips of her bare toes sticking out from the hem of her nightgown. His nostrils flared slightly, his eyes blazed.

  “You hop into bed. I’ll clean myself up and join you.”

  He strode off and she wandered into the bedroom. Nerves knotted her stomach. Would he be disappointed in her? Would she enjoy what he had to do to make her his wife? Her mouth dried up thinking about it. She didn’t want to be disappointed on her wedding night. More importantly, she didn’t want Kyle to be disappointed.

  Slipping between the sheets she waited anxiously for him. What was taking him so long? Time ticked slowly by and her tension heightened. Maybe he had collapsed outside? She was almost ready to climb out of bed to check on him when he sauntered into the room, freshly shaved and wearing clean drawers. He had taken off the bandage and the dark bruising on his chest had now turned yellow.

  He blew out the lamp, climbed into bed and reached for her. His mouth was hot and eager, and after a few kisses she happily gave herself to him and became his wife.


  Two years later

  As Kyle drove the buckboard down the main street of Longbow, twelve-month old Emily sat on Jemma’s knee. Kyle had been disappointed when she was first born as he’d had his heart set on a son. Within a few minutes of her birth, the baby had him wrapped around her tiny finger. They had named her Emily after his mother.

  “Where do you want me to drop you off, darlin’?”

  “The mercantile, I think. I’ll put in our order and Flora will make me a coffee while I wait for you. I wonder what the sheriff wants?”

  “I don’t know. The deputy when he came out yesterday said Earl wanted to see me urgently. Now, you be a good little gal for your ma, won’t you?” The baby gave him a dribbling smile and he kissed her plump little cheek before helping them down.

  “After I’ve finished with Earl and we get the stores we’ll have lunch at the diner. My two beautiful gals need a treat.”

  He escorted them into the mercantile and left them. “I shouldn’t be too long, darlin’.”

  She watched him walk off, straight backed and strong. She really loved that man. He had proved to be a caring husband to her and a doting father to Emily. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure but thought she might be expecting again. I’ll wait another couple of weeks until I’m absolutely sure. I don’t want to build up his hope and have him disappointed.

  Kyle strode into the Sheriff’s Office. Why would Earl want to see him so urgently? He hated mysteries and he was right put out that the deputy hadn’t told him what this was all about.

  Earl Davies had been a Texas Ranger with him a few years ago. It was partly due to this that he had taken up the Marshal’s job at Coyote Crossing. It still burned him up the way he had been treated, betrayed and almost murdered. He had kept a low profile since then. He wasn’t afraid for himself, but he had Jemma and then Emily to think about. Had it not been for that he would have tracked Frank and Seth to the ends of the earth, the vicious polecats.

  Earl was sitting at his desk flipping through wanted posters.

  “Howdy, you wanted to see me?”

  “Yeah, pull up a chair. Thanks for coming in Kyle, I appreciate it.”

  “What’s this about? It better be urgent.”

  “That fool deputy. I told him yesterday to ride out and tell you to see me within the next few days.”

  “He told me it was urgent and to come today.”

  “It’s hard to get decent deputies these days. They’re either gun happy, stupid or trying to get my job.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “You sure you’re not interest in the job, Kyle?”

  “No thanks. I’ve had my fill of law keeping, besides I’ve Jemma and Emily to think of now.”

  “I know. Just thought I’d ask – again.” Earl grinned.

  “Anyway, what’s so important?”

  “Seth, Frank and Black Bart have all been killed. They tried to shoot it out with a troop of Texas Rangers.”

  “Good, I’m glad they’re dead.”

  “I wanted you to know so you don’t have to keep looking over your shoulder or worrying they might sneak up on you some day.”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “I wanted to tell you myself, seeing as I knew what they’d done to you. Do you miss being in the Rangers?”

  Kyle didn’t hesitate. “No, not now.”

  “Well, I still miss the old days, but I’m happy to stay here, it’s a nice little town. Helen likes it so we’ll probably retire here when I’m done with being the sheriff.”

  “That’s good.” Kyle shook his friend’s hand. “It will be nice to have someone to reminisce with about the Rangers if I feel the urge. Thanks for telling me personally, too. At least I know there’s no risk to my two gals, so it is a load off my mind.”

  “Yeah, well, good riddance to them,” Earl said.

  “Amen to that.”

  Kyle strode out of the Sheriff’s Office into the sunlight and crossed the street to the mercantile to collect his two gals.

  What a strange thing fate was. It had to be divine intervention that the bullet had lodged in his mother’s St Christopher medal rather than his chest, and Jemma had come along to save him.

  He was indeed a fortunate man.

  The End

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  About the Author:

  Margaret Tanner is an award winning, bestselling Australian author, who mainly writes Historical Romance and Historical Western Romance. She loves delving into the pages of history as she carries out research for her novels. No internet site is too boring, no book is too old or tattered for her to trawl through, no museum too dusty.

  Her love of Westerns came about because of the movies and TV shows of her childhood. Some o
f her favorites were Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Wagon Train and Little House on The Prairie.

  Many of her novels have been inspired by true events, with one being written around the hardships and triumphs of her pioneering ancestors. She once spent a couple of hours in an old prison cell so she could feel the chilling cold and fear.

  Apart from her family and friends, writing is her passion.

  Margaret is married with three grown up sons and two gorgeous little granddaughters.

  Also by Margaret

  Western Historical Romance

  Deceived Mail-Order Bride

  Merry’s Mission – Westward Home and Hearts Series.

  Logan – Bachelors and Babies – Series - Book 2

  A Husband for Christmas – Spinster Mail Order Brides – Book 3

  A Niece for Christmas – Spinster Mail Order Brides – Book 10

  Rescuing Cain – Christmas Rescue Series

  Lily – Guilford Crossing Brides – Book 1

  Freddie – Guilford Crossing Brides – Book 2

  Alfie – Guilford Crossing Brides – Book 3

  Alex – Guilford Crossing Brides – Book 4

  Edwina, Bride of Connecticut (American Mail-Order Brides Series)

  Cowboy Christmas

  The Sheriff’s Outcast Bride

  The Cowboy and The Quaker

  Savage Possession

  His Brother’s Wife

  Fiery Possession

  Claire, Tess, Flame, Jessica, Scarlett, Sophie (Women Betrayed Series)

  Historical Romance

  Pearl Harbor and More Anthology

  A Rose in No Man’s Land

  Reluctant Father

  We Never Said I Love You

  Daring Masquerade

  Allison’s War

  Rich Man’s Folly (Sequel to Allison’s War)

  Lauren’s Dilemma

  Falsely Accused

  Contemporary Romance

  Baby Maker

  Haunted Hearts

  The Billionaire’s Revenge




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