Page 11
I look up as the door opens with a bang. Heads turn. My hands check for the gun tucked into my pants. I stand, blocking the man from fully entering the room.
“This is a private party.”
“I must’ve left my invitation at home.”
Despite his suit, the man’s a punk. His hair is slicked back with too much gel.
“You need to leave. Now.”
“My girl’s here. She’s hooking up with some dude from Creed.”
My hand resting on my gun relaxes. He’s just some local businessman who stumbled into the wrong bar on the wrong night. “Whoever she is…she’s not worth it.” I place a hand on his shoulder, gently pushing him back.
He barrels forward getting in my face. “I’m not leaving without my girl.”
“Really?” I cross my arms and raise a brow. Not in the least getting pissed. If anything, a deep calm comes over me. I feel her at my back.
“You got this?” Federico stans to my left.
“Go back to your date, VP.”
“I think you should help him,” Shiloh pipes up.
“This doesn’t concern you FB.”
“FB?” Federico mouths.
“Fur baby.”
“Denise! You’re coming home with me. Get your ass over here!” The man yells above the music and merrymaking, ending both.
He tries pushing past me to see into the crowded bar, but I hold grab his forearms, pressing down basically locking him in place.
“See? I got this,” I wink at FB. Her eyes widen as they stare at my bulging biceps popping under the fabric of my stretched shirt. “Catching flies?” And damn, it feels good watching her—watch me.
Her mouth snaps shut.
“Denise! Baby? Come home for Christmas.”
“Which one is she?” Federico asks, yanking the man’s elbow. His head falls forward, his body goes slack three seconds before his elbow comes up hard, clipping our VP under the chin.
“The fuck?” I snarl. One hand sweeping behind me to keep Shiloh out of his reach. In seconds, I grab him by the shirt lifting him up and pressing him back
“Time to go lover boy.”
I turn him around, yanking his hands back and press his wrists together. Federico opens the door and I walk him down the steps. Mac will tail you and make sure you go home. I suggest you don’t come back.
“Deb-bie,” he wails.
“Are you cryin’?”
I shake my head, releasing him. “She ain’t worth it. They never are.”
The man shakes his head, muttering under his breath but as he stares at Mac, and Federico flanking me he knows there’s no way he’s getting through us.
I brush wet flakes of snow off my sleeves as I watch the dude’s taillights disappear with Mac right behind him. I climb the wooden steps letting the cold bounce right off me as I walk back inside.
“You followed me.”
“You wish sweetheart.”
“Why else are you here?”
I shake my head, ignoring her, joining Federico and the rest of the men from Creed hanging by the pool tables. They each fist bump me and when Tina, the waitress comes over with a round of shots, I raise mine high meet Fur Baby’s eyes and down that shit.
Hers narrow.
“What’s the deal with you and Shi?”
“Shiloh,” Federico glances over my shoulder at her,
“Not a damn thing, brother. She’s all yours.”
“I wish. But the chemistry just isn’t there. I think she just asked me out to prove a point to you.”
“Which would be…wait. She asked you out?”
He nods.
“She’s playing games. I don’t like it. Woman who play games are trouble.”
“Don’t I know it,” He replies, bitterly.
“Someone’s getting to you?”
He nods. “Some piece in Cali.”
“California girls, eh, brotha.” I raise my bottle to his. They clink and we both turn our backs on Shiloh. Bro’s before hoe’s and all that.
But she could give a shit. I’ve been watching her from the corner of my eye get all cozy with Devon. Now that is trouble. With a capital T. Seems she just can’t stay out of it.
“Hi. I’m Devon. We didn’t get a chance to meet yesterday at the festival. Thanks for helping Sally with the cookies.”
“Right. You’re married to the mayor?”
“I am.”
“Lucky. He’s damn fine.”
“I know. We met here.”
“In Springdale?”
“Yes. But right here. In Sassy’s by the bar.”
“Wow. Maybe I’ll be just as lucky.”
“Maybe. You never know. You’re staying over at the Maple with Dare.” She wriggles her brows.
“It’s a small town. World travels like wildfire. You and Dare are the only stragglers staying for the holidays and I already heard about your Luis.” She winces, “Sorry. But at least you get to sleep under the same room as him…”
I roll my eyes. “Not going to happen. We grate each other’s nerves.”
“No way. Dare’s a real ladies man will a sea of broken hearts littering the streets of Chicago.”
“Really? He’s an ogre. A real Grinch. He’s always scowling or in a foul mood. I can’t imagine any woman wanting to spend time with him.”
“You mean out of bed?” She giggles.
“I stole his rental car after I line jumped him.”
She points to an empty table tucked behind a Christmas tree in a quieter corner of the bar. “Let’s go. I need to hear this one.”
“Oh? And did I mention Santa stopped my purse snatcher and has six-pack abs?”
“You saw him shirtless?”
“Kind of. His undershirt was clinging to them like white on rice.”
“…we might have kissed.”
“What?” She shrieks, grabbing my arm as heads turn.”
“It was nothing.”
“You kissed Springdale’s Santa?”
“Ok, fine. I did like it. His fake beard itched my face, but it was worth it. Do you know who he is? Could he be…you know…someone from the local MC?”
“Definitely not. None of them would be caught dead wearing that suit.”
I sigh, “I figured. But still, I am curious to know who I kissed.”
“These things have a way of coming out,” she averts her gaze.
“Are you sure, you don’t know? I mean you are married to the mayor.”
“He called an agency. They sent someone. He’s probably not even from Springdale.”
My shoulders slump, “Oh, ok. I guess I won’t be kissing Santa Claus anytime soon.”
I perk up.
“I could call the agency and request him again for Christmas Eve?”
My heart slams against my ribcage like a surfer caught in a barrel roll. “Is there another party?”
“There is now.”
I grin. “Something tells me this Christmas—I just might get everything I’m hoping for.”
“YOU KISSED HER?” The music is loud, the lighting dim and I need to take a serious leak.
“Who?” I retort. Felling moody as fuck. Devon grabs me by the elbow and hauls me into a dark corner. “You know who.”
“It was stupid. Meant less than nothing.”
“Really?” She crosses her arms over her chest.
“That’s good to hear since Federico has his lips sealed on hers right now.”
“What?” My head whips toward the crowded dance floor.
“Gotcha,” she smirks.
“Fuck,” I mutter, looking down at my boots.
“She’s having sexy dreams about a certain jolly fat man.”
A sense of pride surges through me. “She is?”<
br />
“She told Sally who told me.”
“You women are ruthless.”
“She said Santa has six pack abs and a wicked tongue.”
My eyebrow rises. “I am pretty hot and a total God in the sack you sure you good with the silver fox?”
She smacks my forearm. “He put a baby in me.”
“Right. There is that.”
“I need a favor…”
“You too? Is that why everyone wanted me to come back to Springdale? To grant favors? I’m not a genie in a bottle.”
“No. You’re Santa and I need to book you Christmas Eve.”
“Fuck. No.”
Her chin tips up and her head back. “You can’t say no to a pregnant woman.”
“I can.”
“Can too.”
She stomps her foot. “Has anyone ever told you how annoying and frustrating as fuck you are.”
“I have.” Her voice does weird shit to me. My skin tightens over my cheekbones, heat unfurls to snake along my spine and my mind—can’t figure out what to do with the woman. Kiss her or strangle her.
“Buy me a drink?”
I don’t even glance her way. “Can’t. Won’t. Isn’t tour date taking care of that?”
“He can’t. He left.”
My lips twitch. “Your date left you? Here? Jesus, fur baby how did you scare him off already?”
“I didn’t. He said you did.”
I finally face her and shit…she’s gorgeous as fuck. My fingers itch to run through her thick mahogany hair again. I want to feel her pressed up against my dick. I wonder what the color of her nipples are soft pink or dusky with a hint of honeyed-brown? I hiss through my teeth, suddenly my jeans are too tight. “I didn’t do jack. He probably had club business. How are you getting home?”
“You big guy.”
Her devilish smile has me shaking my head. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing.” She holds her palm up.
“Fine,” she tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear and leans closer. “I heard you were good at finding people.”
“You did?” My eyebrow rises.
She nods. “I need you to fine someone for me.”
I knew it. I knew she came here looking for someone. No one comes to Springdale.
“Who?” I ask suspiciously. Fur baby is trouble—a petite, gorgeous, sexy as hell ball of trouble and I don’t want to get mixed up in it.
I stare at her lips for far too long, then throw back my head and laugh.
“It’s not funny.”
“He ain’t real sweetheart.”
She stomps. “Springdale’s Santa.”
“Why do you want to find him?”
“Because we have unfinished business.”
“What kind of unfinished business?”
“The dirty kind.”
My laughter dies on my lips. I’m sober as fuck now. This woman grates my nerves, but I can’t stop remembering the chemistry we had when she thought she was kissing a stranger. I could just tell her. Here’s my chance. But I just can’t. Something is holding me back from blurting it out.
“Never mind. I shouldn’t have asked you. With my luck you’ll find him and send him to the North Pole just to spite me.”
“Fur baby, you’ve got me pegged.”
“Please. Can we just call a truce? Afterall we will be spending Christmas together.”
“That depends…”
“On what?”
“On you telling me about these dreams you’ve been having,” I shoot her a slow wink, pressing her up against the wall, not giving her an inch to escape.
“What?” She shrieks. “Who? How—?”
“My room’s bugged isn’t it? And you work for that mafia guy Roque?”
I lean in close, my nose brushing against her soft hair as I speak against her ear. “One—I have no idea if your rooms bugged. Two—I absolutely do not work for Roque Salvatore. Three—I’ll agree to a truce if you promise not to come down to breakfast in that silk sleep shirt and Ugg slippers.”
“Why?” she whispers, her eyes on my lips.
“Because, baby. It makes me want to haul you over my shoulders and take you the fuck back upstairs.” I finish, pulling back, our eyes inches apart. I stay for a beat watching her process my words before completely pulling away before I do something stupid like kiss her, tell her it’s me, and haul her into the supply closet.
“That’s very enlightening, Dare. But you’re not my type. I thought I’d already made that clear. Never mind about the ride. I’ll find my way back to the inn without you.” Her palm smacks my chest, landing on my rapidly beating heart. A heart that’s melting… for no reason because the minx wants someone else. She wants her mystery man and can’t see that he’s right here in front of her. I back away from her touch. Burned. Angry. Wanting.
Rog wriggles his brows as he pours drinks from behind the bar. Dev waves her fingers. I sail past the two of them, flipping Rog the bird, and continue down the back hall kicking the backdoor open.
Snarling, I kick the dumpster, punch the air while cursing Christmas, woman, Roque, Rog—everyone I can think of in one breath.
“Damn. I knew this day was coming. And my wish was that I’d be here to see it.”
“Fuck off, Smith.”
He grins like a mother fucker in the dark as he flicks his lighter and the tip of cigarette glows. He inhales deep and watches the smoke get taken by the cold air to float away.
“That shit will kill you.”
“Luce will first if she catches me smoking.”
“You quit.”
He shrugs. “I did. I’m kinda stressed to shit right now.”
“Club business?”
He saunters forward. Boots crunching in the snow. “Somewhat the rest is all Luce.”
“Trouble in paradise already?”
“She’s expectin’.”
“No shit. Her too?”
He grins. “What can I say. We love and fuck hard up in these parts…”
Images of me fucking Shiloh hard fill my head. I’m above her…driving in and out of her sweet cunt. She’s wet, hot and tight. We’re in her bed, moving on the silky satin sheets while a fire glows and the snow comes down outside.
“Christ. You’ve got it bad for the new girl, eh?”
I cup my myself, trying to rearrange my growing dick. Smith isn’t embarrassed and neither am I. We’ve killed together. A little growing wood ain’t a thing.
“I can’t stand her.”
“Obviously,” he smirks, nodding to my fly about to bust. “Do yourself a favor and take care of that shit. Bring her to heel. Don’t let her get the upper hand or you’ll never get that shit back.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“Yep. I’m whipped as fuck and there’s not a damn thing I’d change about it.”
“You’re lucky. Luce is…so out of your league I don’t know how you locked that shit down.”
“Simple, brotha. I’m a beast in the bedroom.”
“TMI, ass wipe.”
“I’m not the one standing out here in the snow and ice with a raging hard-on.”
“At least my balls aren’t freezing. Those fuckers are nice and snug,” I hiss, remembering how her ass felt in my hands as I pressed her against bricked wall of the back alley.
“Nothing wrong with a little holiday fling,” he smacks me on the back as he walks past.
“Merry Christmas to you, too asshole!”
He turns, flipping me the bird. “I’ll be back for New Year’s. Hope you’ve taken care of that by then,” he smirks.
Frustrated to all hell, I walk around in the biting cold, waiting for my dick to go down. I didn’t plan on her. Hell, coming back home was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I don’t want to get involved especially when we’re both leaving Springdale af
ter the holidays. Sure, I could fuck her real good and we’d both enjoy it. But something tells me fur baby won’t go for that. She might act all tough, but I see her. In her eyes is a hurt someone put there. I won’t be the one to add more. I need to avoid her ass somehow and everything will be just fine.
I thought it would help calm my nerves and slow my racing heart and runaway libido. When Dare corned me against the wall and his spicy cologne filled my nostrils, I wanted to lick his neck. His breath in my hair caused goosebumps to break out on my flesh. My nipples hardened in my bra. I felt gooey in all the right places and I panicked.
Straight up panicked.
I can’t be falling for him. One because he’s such a jerk. Two, I mean I don’t know anything about the man. Not even his last name. I’ve known for a long time I’ve had issues…like daddy issues. Needing love and approval from an alpha male was what I’ve never had, and I crave it more than anything in the world and I’m straight up done chasing it.
It took guts to spend the holidays alone in a place I’ve never been, but I took that risk and I’m having the time of my life.
By myself.
I don’t need a man to be happy and feel fulfilled. I’m finally realizing that. But I have a healthy sex drive that I won’t apologize or be ashamed of. I just need to make sure I’m scratching that itch for me not because I’m still pining for that white picket fence. That’s why I want to find my sexy Santa. He could scratch that itch all night long and, in the morning, I can walk away feeling satisfied and free.
I sway on the tips of my heeled boots. Wearing them was another mistake.
“You okay, there little lady?”
My head tips back. The room spins. The twinkling lights are hurting my eyes and a headache is knocking on the back door ready to come in.
“I’ve got this,” a deep voice growls, seconds before I’m swept off my feet and into a beefy pair of arms. Everything is blurry, blending together.
I was doing shots and drinking southern comforts between dancing with the men from the MC and I even played a mean game of darts. I must’ve been partying hard for hours, lost in my new friends.
“Ummmm.” I inhale, a manly neck and wrap my arms around it and close my eyes as I’m walked out of the bar, into the cold and tucked up and into the back cab of a truck.