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Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance

Page 17

by Weston Parker

  “What?” I said with confusion. My head was fuzzy. I couldn’t blame the alcohol. It was the kiss. The kiss had jumbled my brains.

  “Fuck the deal. Let me have you.”

  I didn’t think twice about it. I nodded, giving him my complete trust. His mouth slammed over mine again. His hands slid up my sides before cupping my breasts. I moaned, thrusting my breasts into his hands. It felt so good. His hands were rough as he moved them over my body.

  He slowed down and rested his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’ll go slow.”

  I shook my head and yanked his mouth back to mine. I really liked his kisses. He slowed down. His mouth moved over mine. His kissing was purposeful and determined. I was lost. I felt drunk on desire. I never knew it was possible to want someone this much. I wasn’t even sure I knew what I wanted, but I trusted him to give it to me.

  We started moving toward the bedroom. His hands reached up to pull the straps of my dress down. He deftly pulled the zipper at the back down until the dress was falling to my feet. My heart kicked up, pounding against my chest. I was standing in front of him wearing nothing but my bra and panties. I was nervous but not afraid.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  His hands dropped to my bra and unhooked it. Butterflies fluttered low in my belly. I couldn’t think about what was happening. I just wanted to live in the moment. I wanted this. I think I had decided weeks ago that this was what I wanted. I just never really expected it to happen.

  “I want you to lay down. Relax. I’ve got you.”

  I did as he asked, my eyes locked on his. He was pulling off his clothes like he was preparing to jump into the water to save a drowning child. He left his underwear on, which was a bit of a disappointment, but I was not one to complain.

  He stretched out beside me, kissing me while his hands worked over my breasts. His mouth moved down my jaw and over my neck. When his tongue lapped over my nipple, I damn near flew off the bed. “Oh god!”

  He sucked the nipple into his mouth. I felt my body spiraling. Warmth flowed through me. Everything tingled but most especially between my legs. I groaned, writhing on the bed. Something was going to break. Something had to give.

  “Jameson, I—”

  His mouth covered mine. His hand slid under my panties. His hot fingertips moved over my mound. I instinctively opened my legs. He continued to kiss me while he slipped a finger past my folds to find my entrance. I found myself holding my breath. The moment the finger pushed inside me, I felt a hot explosion burst through me.

  I cried out, arching and grabbing at him.

  “Holy shit,” he whispered against my lips. “God damn, you are so fucking wet.”

  “Good?” I managed to get out.

  “Yes. Very good. So good.”

  His mouth suckled at my neck while his finger pushed deeper inside me. I opened my legs just a little wider.

  “You’re okay with this?” he asked.

  I opened my eyes to look at him. “Yes. Please. I need this.”

  “I need to get you ready.”

  I was pretty certain I was ready, but this was his arena. “Okay.”

  “If I hurt you, stop me.”

  He moved to push my panties down my legs. I kicked them off my ankles. He used one hand to push my legs open wide. My heart pounded. My pussy throbbed. I wanted more. I knew there was more. His mouth returned to mine. One finger pushed inside me. I was used to it. I accepted it. I reveled in it. He pulled his mouth away. “I’m going to put a second finger inside you.”

  The way he said it was hot. It was dirty and incredibly attractive. “I’m ready.”

  He slowly pushed the second finger in. I flinched. He immediately kissed me until the second finger glided in beside the other. He worked the fingers inside me until I was worked into another frenzy. My skin felt hot. My insides were liquid fire.

  “Please,” I begged.

  He slid off the bed and stripped off his underwear. It was the first time I caught a glimpse of his erection. I should have been scared. I wasn’t. I was excited. He grabbed a condom from his suitcase that was sitting on the floor. He stood next to the bed and stared down at me. I stared at his erection. I wasn’t an expert, but I knew his erection was bigger than two fingers.

  He crawled back on the bed and immediately kissed me again. He moved between my legs, nudging them open while he continued to kiss. His ability to multitask was pretty impressive. I felt like he was attending to every one of my needs. He kept me on the edge of orgasm.

  His hand slid between my legs. I felt the head of his cock rub over my pussy. I gasped. This was the moment. This was the end of my innocence.

  He slipped the tip of his cock inside. I stiffened. His hand stroked over my cheek. “Do you want to stop?”

  I shook my head. “No. I want this.”

  He stared into my eyes as he slowly pushed inside me. I tried not to show any reaction. The stretching and burning hurt a little but I didn’t want to stop. I knew there was good stuff to come. He’d taken care of me this far. I trusted him to be gentle.

  Sweat beaded on his forehead. His jaw was clenched, and the veins were popping out in his neck and along his arms. I reached up, running my hands over his biceps and felt the power he was holding back. “That’s good,” I whispered.

  He pushed in the rest of the way. A pinch of pain and it was done. He was inside me. There was a moment of shock followed by a sensation of being filled. He dropped a gentle kiss on my forehead before he began to move.

  He moved slowly at first. The friction reignited that fire I felt earlier, and pleasure rolled through me.

  My hands squeezed his biceps. “Jameson!”

  Something wild was happening. It was like the first time I came but so much more powerful. I could feel his power. It heightened my own pleasure.

  “Shit,” he breathed. “Oh my god. Too good. Too fucking good.”

  I understood what he was saying. I felt the same way. I wanted to stop and I wanted more. I didn’t know what the hell I wanted. It was better than I ever imagined it would be.

  The orgasm burst through me. My toes literally curled, and a strange, keening sound escaped my throat.

  He grunted once and then let out a loud, long groan. His body was stiff, and his head was thrown back. The muscles in his arms bulged. He collapsed on top of me, kissing my neck and then my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close.

  I tried not to think about what just happened. I had no regrets. Well, maybe one or two, but I didn’t regret that it was with him. I was certain he’d just given me an experience I wouldn’t have gotten with anyone else.

  He kissed my forehead before getting off the bed and walking naked across the room into the bathroom. I crawled between the sheets and waited. I didn’t know if he was coming to bed with me. I didn’t want to invite him, but I did want to lie with him.

  He returned to the bed with a damp washcloth in his hand. He didn’t have to tell me what it was for. I quickly cleaned up while he walked around the bed and got in.

  I felt a sense of relief when he pulled me next to him. It wasn’t a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am. He made it special.

  I might suffer some remorse later, but this little bit of cuddling would help lessen it. I could pretend this man loved me and we shared something beautiful.

  That was what I was sticking with.

  Chapter 27


  I held her close. I felt like there was something I should say. What did one say after being gifted something so unbelievably precious? Words felt like they would ruin the moment. I opted to hold her instead and let her know with my touch how happy I was.

  My fingertips gently caressed her arm, sliding up and down the length while I relived the moment over and over in my head. I was still in disbelief. If I was feeling this much shock, I could only imagine what she was feeling. I needed to be sensitive. That didn’t come naturally to me, but I was going to do my b

  “Tired?” I asked her after we had lain in silence for a while. I knew she wasn’t asleep.

  “A little.”

  I squeezed her a little closer to me. All of her warm, soft skin pressed against me from her boobs to her knees. This was not something I normally did. I didn’t do the cuddling thing, but I could now understand the appeal. It was nice. There was a sweet connection that developed and heightened the afterglow.

  “Rest. Sleep in tomorrow.”

  “Do we have any events?” she asked sleepily.

  “No. Get some sleep.”

  I felt her breathing regulating and knew she was slowly falling to sleep. I found myself wanting to sleep but my mind was racing a mile a minute. The situation had taken a serious turn.

  What started out as nothing was quickly turning into something. She was supposed to be my fake fiancée but all I could think about was marking her as mine. I felt downright possessive. She was mine.

  I told myself to let it go. I wanted her but I had no right to claim her as my own. It was just the heat of the moment. The drinking and dancing and then her music. I’d been half-hard for weeks and it was as if the stars and the moon aligned. I couldn’t stop the passion from igniting. There was some satisfaction knowing she made no effort to stop it either. She’d been practically begging me.

  When I finally fell asleep, it was with a satisfied smile on my lips. I wasn’t going to think about the ramifications of me taking her virginity. I was going to think about the next time I could have her.

  I wouldn’t have to be so damn gentle.

  I awoke Sunday morning with a start. The novelty of having a soft, naked body pushed against me threw me off until I was fully conscious.

  She’d stayed with me all night. I half-expected her to demand I leave the bed or to find she snuck out like a thief in the middle of the night.

  I turned my head to look at her in the faint light of the morning sun. Her long black lashes rested against her skin. Her lips were slightly parted as she exhaled. I was tempted to kiss her, but I didn’t want to wake her. She looked so peaceful and relaxed.

  My eyes drifted up to the faint scar on her forehead. I loved that scar. That scar was the very thing that brought us together.

  I couldn’t resist and bent forward to brush my lips over the thin pink line. She didn’t stir. I took some satisfaction knowing she could sleep that good while she was in my arms. I very carefully and ever so slowly extracted myself from under her sleeping body.

  I wanted to do something special for her. She’d given me something that was better than any gift. The least I could do was try and treat her right.

  I pulled on the underwear I shed last night and left the room. I quietly closed the door behind me before picking up the hotel phone and ordering breakfast fit for a queen. I ordered just about everything. I had no idea what she liked. I wanted to make sure she was happy.

  “Guilt,” I muttered to myself.

  I felt guilty for what happened. I didn’t regret it because there was no way I could ever regret something that wonderful, but I did feel guilty. She’d held on to her virginity for twenty-six years and then I snatched it away.

  She wanted to give it to the man she was going to marry. I reasoned that if it wasn’t me, it would have been another guy. Another guy might not treat her right. I was going to do right by her.

  With breakfast ordered, I decided to hop in the shower. I needed to erase her scent from my body, or I was going to jump her again. I needed to play this carefully. Too much, too fast and she was going to run the opposite direction.

  When I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, she was just waking up. I greeted her with a smile. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” she murmured without actually making eye contact.

  That was expected. She was shy. “I ordered breakfast. It should be here any minute.”


  “There’s plenty of hot water if you want to get in.”


  She wouldn’t look at me. I walked to the side of the bed and waited until she finally looked up at me. I smiled at her. “Good morning,” I said again.

  She blushed and looked away. I didn’t miss her looking at my mostly naked body. She was welcome to look. If she asked me to, I would drop the towel. I would jump right back in bed with her if she gave me the slightest hint that was what she wanted.

  “I’ll shower before breakfast,” she said. The sheet was pulled up to her chin. I got the message loud and clear. I wasn’t going to push the issue, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t give her a little show.

  I dropped the towel and heard her suck in a breath. Looking over my shoulder, I caught her staring.

  She quickly looked away.

  “Look all you want,” I told her. “It isn’t like you haven’t seen it all.”

  “Not really,” she muttered.

  I turned and gave her a full-frontal view. “Paislee, there is no reason to be shy.”

  “I’m not going to stare at you.”

  “Pull down that sheet and let me stare at you then.”


  I laughed and figured she had enough teasing. I quickly dressed and walked out of the room before the poor girl burst into flames.

  I liked that she was shy. It was a challenge and a tease. I knew she wasn’t too shy, though. I had the red marks down my back that proved she knew what she wanted, and she wasn’t afraid to ask for more.

  I collected our room service and put it on the table. I’d ordered a little too much and had to leave some on the cart. When she finally emerged from the bathroom, I was almost finished with my own meal. I found myself hungrier than normal this morning. I was chalking that up to the exercise she’d given me last night.

  “Gee, did you order enough?” she said as she took a seat.

  “I wanted to make sure you got enough to eat. I wasn’t sure what you liked or what you were in the mood for, so I ordered a little bit of everything.”

  She was still avoiding making direct eye contact. I hoped it was just the initial morning-after jitters. I didn’t want to think of her as regretting what happened. I wasn’t sure I could live with the guilt.

  She sipped her coffee and munched on a waffle without adding any of the toppings I ordered.

  “Do you want to talk about what happened?” I asked.


  “Don’t you think we should?”

  “Definitely not.”

  “Paislee, you have nothing to be ashamed of. What we did was special. I felt it and I think you felt it too.”

  “I know.”

  She wouldn’t look at me. It was too much. I had to know. “Do you regret it?” The words felt like sandpaper scraping over my throat as I said them. I wasn’t sure how I would respond if she said she did.

  She looked up from her plate and looked me dead in the eye. “I don’t regret it, but it will not happen again.”

  Relief washed over me. “You’ll beg me for it.”

  “No, I won’t,” she said with complete seriousness.

  “Ah, come on, you enjoyed it. I sure as hell did. Paislee, it isn’t like you can go back to being a virgin. Why not have fun? Your cherry has officially been popped. There is no reason we can’t enjoy each other while we are together.”

  Her eyes flashed with anger. She very slowly put down the coffee cup and rose from the table without saying a word. I watched as she walked to the door.

  “Paislee, where are you going?” I asked without getting up.

  She opened the door and walked out without a word or a look. Just like that, gone. I stayed in my seat and waited. I half-expected her to come back with a bucket of ice or the paper or something. When she didn’t, I realized I fucked up.

  “Son of a bitch. It was a joke.”

  Clearly, she wasn’t in a joking mood. One would think after two orgasms and finally getting laid, she’d be a little happier in the morning. I
put on my shoes and grabbed my phone before heading out to find her. I didn’t need her moping around the hotel. I would apologize for my joke. I thought once we shared something like that, a little joking and teasing was okay. Obviously, I was wrong.

  I started my search for her in the lobby. When I didn’t see her there, I headed for the pool. She’d been wearing a pair of shorts and a flirty blouse, but maybe her swimsuit was on underneath.

  “Where are you going in such a hurry?” my mother asked.

  I did not need to deal with her right then. “I’m headed to the pool.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Do you plan on jumping in fully clothed?”

  “I’m not going swimming.”

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “Where were you just now?” I asked.

  “I just had breakfast, why?”

  “Did you see Paislee in there?”

  She sighed and shook her head. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing. Why do you assume I did something?”

  “Because you look like a child who has lost his favorite toy. You did something and now your fiancée is mad at you.”

  “She’s upset with me. It was a slight misunderstanding. I need to talk to her.”

  “Son, when a woman walks away from you, she’s doing it for your own good. For your own safety. Give her the time and space she needs to calm down.”

  “I need to talk to her,” I insisted.

  “And you will once she’s had some time to process her anger, and don’t try to tell me she’s not angry.”

  “You saw her?”

  “No, but I know how these things go,” she said with a laugh. “You need to get used to these little spats. Take a breath and it will all be fine.”

  I didn’t think she was right. If she knew why my fiancée was pissed at me, she’d probably drown me in the pool. “I’m going to check the pool area.”

  “Oh, Jameson,” she muttered. “You are so stubborn. You don’t know what’s best for your own good.”

  She followed me to the pool. I scanned the people already in the water and lounging poolside. She wasn’t there. “Maybe she’s in the music room.”


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