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Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance

Page 23

by Weston Parker

  “I am.”

  “You don’t have to lie to me. I know you’re crazy about him.”

  “I was crazy about a man that doesn’t exist. The real Jameson Harrow is not a man I want to know. I don’t want to be anything with him. I don’t want to be his fake fiancée or his real girlfriend. Nothing. The sooner I get him out of my life, the better.”

  “You’ll miss him.”

  “Like a bad rash.”

  I drank my coffee before taking a shower and getting ready for work. I decided to walk to the community center. I was ready for work way early. I didn’t want to stay in the apartment with the flowers and his reminder. I needed to get out.

  When I got to the community center, there were already plenty of kids and adults milling about. Some were homeschooled, others were dropouts, and then there were a handful of the young ones that were there with their parents.

  I walked around and familiarized myself with the place. I walked into a room with several easels set up. “Good morning,” a man with a thick black beard and black-rimmed glasses said. He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans with heavy boots. He had a very artsy flair about him.

  “Good morning,” I greeted him.

  “Are you here for the class?” he asked.


  “Basics of oil painting?”

  I shook my head. “No. I didn’t know the center offered art classes. Today is my first day. I’ll be teaching piano and music in general.”

  “Oh,” he said and stepped forward to shake my hand. “I’m Todd. I’m the art teacher.”

  “I’m Paislee. This is exciting. I might have to sign up for some of your classes.”

  “Are you interested in art?”

  I smiled and nodded. “I am. I usually sketch with charcoals, but I’ve wanted to learn oil painting techniques. I haven’t done it in forever, and even then, it was all very basic.”

  “I’d love to have you. Maybe you can teach some sketching classes if you have time.”

  I bobbed my head up and down. “I would love that. I’ll see if the director is open to that.”

  “We’re trying to get as many classes on the books as we can. The more we offer, the busier we keep the youths in the community. We need them in here making art and music, not out there getting into trouble.”

  “I agree. It’s why I’m here.”

  “It can be a tough crowd sometimes, but the majority of the kids and even the adults we get in here are always thrilled to have somewhere to go.”

  “I’ll stop by and check out your class schedule. I’m off to find the music room.”

  He laughed. “The music room is the gym, which is also the multi-purpose room, which is also the weight room.”

  “Got it,” I said with a smile.

  I introduced myself to a few more employees and a handful of people that were there to take advantage of the free computers. I found the gym, with the music room being nothing more than a spot on the stage behind a thick black curtain.

  The piano was old and nothing like the gorgeous Steinway, but it was in tune. That was a bonus. I sat down on the bench and ran through a few pieces to get a feel for the sound of the piano.

  It wasn’t bad at all. I could definitely work with it. I was certain I could bring music into the lives of people with the few instruments they had.

  “Hello?” I heard someone call out.

  I got up from the piano and pulled the curtain back. “Hello.”

  An older woman, a grandmother I was assuming, held the hand of a nervous little girl who was sucking on her fingers. “I’m Edna and this is my granddaughter, Maisie. She’s here for her very first lesson.”

  I guessed the girl to be four, maybe five. It was definitely young, but it was never too early to love music. “Hi, Maisie,” I said and squatted down to get to eye level. “Do you like to play the piano?”

  The little girl nodded. Grandma spoke up. “I have an old piano at home. I play in our church and have taught her some things, but we thought it might be nice to have her learn from a professional.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think I can claim to be a professional, but I would love to teach her all that I do know. Maisie, do you want to play the piano with me?”

  The girl looked at her grandmother, who gave her a nod of approval. I took the girl’s hand and helped her onto the bench. We spent the next hour learning some keys and techniques. She was already very talented. I couldn’t wait to watch her grow.

  After my day at the community center, I walked home feeling buoyed. If this was what my days were going to be like, I was going to be a very happy woman. I was surrounded by art, music, and creativity. I could flourish. I could pour my passion for art into my work.

  I hoped I could show some of the impressionable youth that came through the doors that there were options to the lives they were currently living. They could sit inside a warm room and draw instead of going out to a party and getting drunk and doing other things.

  When I pushed open the front door, I was lost in my daydream of one day opening my own arts center for anyone who wanted to come. I froze when I spotted Ashton on the couch with Bella. They were laughing about something.

  “Uh, hello,” I said as I walked in.

  “Hey, there you are!” Bella said and got up. “How was it?”

  I couldn’t hold back my excitement. “It was amazing! I love it.”

  “Good for you,” Ashton said.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him. “Was I supposed to be doing something?”

  He shook his head. “I’m just here to see Bella.”

  “Oh. Oh!” I realized what I thought I saw the other day was actually happening. It was cute. I was happy for both of them.

  “Did you get to teach anybody?” Bella asked. “Tell us everything.”

  I gave them a recap of my day and told them about possibly being able to teach some art classes. They were both very happy for me.

  “Those are pretty flowers,” Ashton commented. “Who likes sunflowers?”

  At first, I thought maybe he was playing dumb. “Jay sent them,” I said.

  “Jay?” he repeated.

  “You didn’t send them for him?” I asked.

  He looked down. “No. I haven’t been back to the office since I walked out yesterday.”

  “You quit?” I gasped.

  “I don’t know. I think I did.”

  “Ashton, please don’t quit your job over me. Jay is convinced I told you something horrible about him. You have to know he isn’t to blame for anything. This was all very consensual.”

  “Consensual doesn’t make it right.”

  “Maybe not, but it doesn’t make him the bad guy.”

  I couldn’t believe I was defending him. I was pissed at him. I was pissed at him for making me want him. For making me fall for him. He should have just continued being a dick the whole time instead of being nice and thoughtful on occasion.

  “I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I have liked working for him, but I’m not sure he will take me back after what I said yesterday.”

  “That bad, huh?”

  He nodded once. “Yes.”

  “He came to see me after you left him,” I told him. “He was pretty upset.”

  “So was I. I’ll talk to him. I don’t expect to keep my job after what I said. I’ll take some time and figure out what I want to do next. I’m not in a rush. One thing Jay did very well was pay his employees generous salaries. I can afford not to work for a bit.”

  “Good. I would hate to think of you homeless and starving on account of me.”

  He smiled. “Not a chance. Bella and I were just about to go to dinner. Do you want to come along?”

  I looked at Bella with surprise. She was moving fast. No way was I going to be a third wheel on their date. “No thank you. I have to get ready for the London trip.”

  “Ah yes,” he said with a smile. “Did all the clothes get delivered?”

  “Yes, alo
ng with a new suitcase,” I said with a laugh. “I take it that was you?”

  “You needed something to put all those beautiful clothes in.”

  “Thank you, Ashton.”

  “We both know I didn’t pay for it,” he said with a laugh.

  “Well, thank you for the thought. It will definitely help. I had to stuff my other suitcase pretty full. The new one is perfect and the garment bag will keep me from folding those dresses. I still don’t know where I’m going to wear them.”

  “It’s better to be prepared for anything,” he said.

  “You two have a nice dinner. I won’t wait up,” I said with a laugh.

  I watched them walk out. At least there would be one love match made from all this craziness. I hoped they did stay together. I liked Ashton and I thought he would be a nice calming influence on Bella.

  It would be tough to see Ashton, especially if he stayed working for Jay, but I would suck it up. I would get over Jay soon enough.

  As soon as I got him out of my life, I could start that process.

  Chapter 37


  I checked the time. It was still early. I wanted to get this day going. I wanted to see her. She never said a word about the flowers. Not a text, not a phone call, and not even an email. I was going to assume she was still pissed.

  She wasn’t the only one. I knew Ashton would be up. At least, normally he would be up. I was going to apologize to him as well. Although I wasn’t sure what I was apologizing for with him. All I knew was yesterday was all the proof I needed to know I couldn’t run my office without him. With me leaving town for the next few days, I knew I had to have him back.

  “Don’t hang up,” I said when he answered the phone.

  He sounded groggy. “What do you want?”

  “I want to talk. Can I take you to breakfast?”

  He covered the phone and I heard a female voice. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I kept my comment to myself and waited for him to come back on the line. “The normal place in an hour,” he said.

  “I’ll be there.”

  Ashton was a private man. I never knew if he was dating anyone. I didn’t get the feeling it was ever anything serious. He worked just as much as I did. It would almost be impossible for him to have a relationship I didn’t know about. I showered and finished packing the few things I needed for my flight later.

  I got to the restaurant about three minutes before Ashton. I was glad he showed and even happier he was on time. He wasn’t going to make me sit and stew too much. We ordered right away before I dove right into things.

  “I need you back at the office,” I told him. “I get it. You don’t like what I did. If I’m being honest, I don’t like what I did. I’m trying to make it right with her.”

  “Sending her sunflowers?”

  “How did you know about that?”

  There was a flash of guilt. “She told me.”

  “Well, I’m trying. I plan on talking to her today. Ashton, I fucked this all up. I know that now. I didn’t realize before that I went into this as a selfish prick. Now I want to make some changes.”

  “Is this one of those near-death experience things? You fly right for a bit and get everyone back in your good graces before you go right back to doing what you do best?”

  “That’s not my plan, but I’m sure I’ll stumble.”

  “What are you going to do about Paislee?”

  “I want to be with her. I care about her. I’m not saying I want this engagement to be the real thing right now, but I do want to have a relationship with her and see where it goes.”

  “You think she’s going to be on board for that?”

  “No, but I have to try.”

  “I think you have a long road uphill with that one,” he said.

  “I do, and I’ll climb it, but I need to know you’re back in my corner.”

  He slowly shook his head. “I’m not in any corner. You know my opinion on the matter. I think you either cut her loose or you get your shit together.”

  It was some tough love coming from him. I expected nothing less. “I know. I am.”

  “I’ll keep working for you, but I cannot be a part of anything like this again. You dirtied my soul. I don’t like that. I’m not a saint but there are some lines I won’t cross.”

  “Fair enough. You know I’m leaving today. I’m hoping you can jump in where you left off. I told everyone at the office you were sick and taking a couple of days.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Are you going to be able to work for me?” I asked him bluntly.

  “I’ve managed to do it this long,” he said with a smirk.

  “I’m serious,” I told him. “No matter how you feel about me, there needs to be a certain respect when we are in that office. I will not take that kind of shit again.”

  “Then don’t put me in the position to dole out that kind of shit.”


  Our breakfasts were delivered. He dug in like he was starving. “Late night last night?” I asked.


  “I want to understand something,” I said as I picked up my fork. “I can sleep around with women as long as I don’t pretend to be engaged to them. Is that the gist of this?”

  “You can’t sleep around with anyone if you plan on trying to make this thing with Paislee work.”

  I smirked. “Got it, and if I stray, you’ll be right there to kick my ass.”

  “Damn straight and I won’t come back a second time.”

  He was being brutally honest. I understood it. I actually appreciated it. I needed someone to help keep me on the straight and narrow. I wasn’t doing a great job of it on my own.

  We finished our breakfast. He headed back to the office while I headed over to pick up Paislee.

  “Hello,” I said when she slid into the backseat.

  She shot me a dirty look. “We’re not there yet.”


  “London. I don’t have to talk to you until we are there.”

  “Ouch. Did you get the flowers?”


  “Did you throw them away?” I asked with a smile.

  “I thought about it, but no. The flowers didn’t do anything wrong.”

  I nodded and had a feeling my flight to London was going to be very, very long. We got to the airport and boarded the jet. She purposely sat as far away from me as possible. I considered getting up and moving but didn’t want to antagonize her any more than necessary.

  “Did you get a new suitcase?” I asked from my seat at the front.

  Little did she know, the seats could turn completely around so I could face her. She shot me a dirty look. “I did, thank you.”

  That was when I realized I’d bought her the suitcase. “Ashton?”

  She grinned. “Yep. He wanted to make sure the wardrobe you bought me stayed in pristine condition.”

  “Always a thoughtful guy.”

  She looked back down at the sketchbook and began to furiously sketch. She was an expert at flying already. She barely flinched when we hit some turbulence. I watched her for a while before turning back around.

  This was not how I wanted this flight to go. I had so much I wanted to say. So much I needed to say. I just couldn’t seem to get it out.

  Instead, I tried to take a nap. It was my practice. I slept when I couldn’t be doing anything else. When I woke up a couple of hours later, I turned to check on her and found her sound asleep in her chair. I got up and walked to the bathroom but paused when I saw the sketch she’d been working on.

  I smiled when I saw my likeness watching a woman from afar. It was me in Jamaica watching her play. She was damn good at what she did. I could almost feel the way I felt in that moment. The yearning in my eyes right down to the hands that were curled into fists.

  That night had changed everything for me. It was about so much more than sex. I needed to make her see that. I had to make her understand tha
t I didn’t just take her virginity. She took my heart.

  I quickly walked away when she stirred. I didn’t want her to think I was peeking. I splashed some water on my face, and before taking my seat, I did a few stretches.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” the flight attendant asked.


  She looked at me as if she wasn’t sure she heard me correctly. “Water?”

  “Please. I need to keep a clear head.”

  “Water coming right up.”

  I took my seat and spent the rest of the flight mulling over what I would say. No matter what, I had to get it out tonight. It was now or never. If we returned to the States without me saying what I needed to say, I was certain I would never get another chance. She would walk out of my life for good.

  It was a little hectic getting through customs, but once we were in the back of the car and heading for the hotel, things started to calm down. She still wasn’t speaking to me. That was okay. In fact, it might have been for the better. I needed her to listen. She couldn’t hear if she was yelling at me.

  A bellhop led us to the suite I always used. I knew this one would be a little more to her liking. Once inside and the bellhop was gone, she spun on her heel. “I am not staying in this room with you. Either get me another room or I’ll find another hotel.”

  She said it with such venom, I had no doubt in my mind she would walk right out the door if I didn’t do what she asked. Luckily for both of us, I had expected this would be an issue. “There are two rooms in this suite. You can take the room through there. My room is on the other side.”

  “Your room?”

  “I spend a lot of time here. My things are in that room.”

  “Your things?” The way she said it sounded like she was accusing me of something.

  “I keep clothes here just in case I have to jet over here in a hurry.”


  She dragged her suitcase behind her as she walked across the suite to the extra room. I followed behind her, determined to have the conversation now.

  “What are you doing?” she snapped when I moved to follow her into the room.

  “I want to talk.”

  “I don’t. Get out.”

  “Paislee, will you stop? Please. I need to talk to you.”


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