Book Read Free

HT Scrappily HEA A15

Page 5

by Travis, Haley

  I’ve never really concerned myself with sales. My father owned the land outright, and the building requires minimal maintenance.

  Since I have nothing in particular to spend my money on, I’ve already paid off my house. I work at the shop only because completing restorations is deeply satisfying for me.

  It’s not really a job as much as it is maintaining my father’s legacy. Well, that and making sure that all the pieces are enjoyed for as long as they’re useful.

  When I put it like that, yeah, it just sounds weird. I live my life out of respect for lamps, candlesticks, and ornaments. So sue me. It’s the way I’ve always been.

  After Mom and her friends leave, I try to look around the space through Claire’s eyes. Will she think it’s too old-fashioned? I don’t want to point out the gap in our ages. We haven’t discussed that yet.

  As I pour myself another coffee, I realize there’s a lot we haven’t addressed yet. I’m going to have to step up and point out the obvious questions that require answers.

  Does Claire really want to be my girlfriend? Does she care that I am older? Does she have any weird habits that I'm going to have to be aware of?

  After a few slugs of coffee, I go around the shelves and pull everything cute and light-colored to the front. Claire seems like such a sweet girl that I can only assume she might like things like butterflies and ladybugs.

  Stepping into the back room to start some repairs, I grin to myself at the memory of this morning when I called her sweetie. I’ve never seen a woman’s eyes light up like that before.

  It was a strange sort of satisfaction. I hope that means that I’m doing a good job of…whatever the hell this is. Am I wooing her? Is this dating?

  Deliberately accidental coffee meet ups aren’t really dates. I’m going to have to step up my game.

  Considering I’ve never had any “game” in my entire life, this is going to be a fascinating creative exercise.

  Dinner. Every romantic movie teaches us that women like being taken out for dinner. Claire is so easy to talk to that I know we’ll have a good time no matter where we end up. I just want to make sure I’m making a proper impression right from the get go.

  Even though I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m not just going to date this beautiful girl. I’m going to make her fall in love with me, and she is going to be mine. I need to keep her forever.

  Or however you say that in a non-stalkery way.


  ~ Claire ~

  At the end of a busy day at the office, I’m curious to see if Shane would be waiting for me. When he isn’t, I’m not sure how to feel.

  I guess I’m glad he isn’t too clingy. Or maybe he remembers that I mentioned my book club is tonight, so I’m only walking as far as Henry’s.

  But by the time I reach the corner of Cedar and Sherborne, Shane is striding toward me.

  He pulls me into his arms, swinging me around as if he was greeting me in an airport and we’ve been apart for weeks. His kiss is deeper, hungrier, and makes my lower belly twitch with a deep longing.

  Then he sets me on my feet. “How was your day, sweetie?”

  It absolutely isn’t natural to feel this much about a person I’ve only known for two days. It’s like discovering a new color. There aren’t words for it, and there’s no way you can describe it to someone else.

  Yet my feelings are growing at an astronomical rate.

  “My day was pretty good, thanks. I was able to order some samples of pieces made using an entirely new binding technique that might be interesting for future journals and notebooks.”

  Shane takes my hand and begins walking toward Henry’s. “That’s cool. Technical innovation and all that business.”

  I love the way he makes me smile all the time. “How was your day? What did you do?”

  “I power sanded a frog, among other things.”

  Squeezing his hand, I look up at him with a grin. “What else?”

  “A coat of primer on some garden gnomes, and some serious buffing on a couple of dented silver candlesticks.”

  “At least it’s different every day for us,” I laugh lightly. “It’s good to keep things interesting.”

  “I think you’re going to keep me interesting. Or is that interested?” he says, pausing in the middle of the sidewalk to pull me against him for a deep, luxurious kiss.

  He makes me feel like we’re the only people on the planet. That nobody else exists. And somehow he manages to make me feel like the most important person in his world.

  After living my entire life in my brother’s shadow, I have to admit that it feels incredible to be the complete focal point of someone’s attention.

  It’s also extremely weird. In a good way. Just…a brand new, still squeaky around the edges, still not certain about things yet, good way.

  “It’s your book club tonight, right?” he asks when we finally part for air.

  “Yes.” I peek through the cafe window to see the other women already gathering at the large back table.

  “What time shall I come back to walk you home?”


  “Of course. Do you think I’m going to pass up an excuse to spend a few more minutes with my favorite girl?”

  Once again, my knees become suddenly confused about their job.

  “It’s usually about an hour and a half. I can text you when we’re almost done.”

  “Perfect.” He takes my hand to kiss it, but instead of placing his lips on the back of my hand, he turns my wrist so that it is facing up. His warm breath across my pulse as he kisses me lightly makes my spine prickle.

  “Have a good time, beautiful. I’ll see you soon.” I walk into the café, and when I glance back to wave he is still looking at me with a big grin on his face.

  I walk in, dropping my purse and shoulder bag over the back of a chair, and I don’t even have to ask if the others were looking out the window.

  “Someone has news,” Diana says, raising her perfectly arched eyebrow as her dark ponytail swishes down her back.

  “Cup of tea first, please,” I say, holding up my hands.

  When I return, they’re all staring at me as if I were on trial. My butt barely touches the wooden chair when they start in.

  “Were you making out with the scrap yard guy?” Tanis asks. Her eyes are absolutely sparkling with mirth out from under her perfectly cut curtain bangs.

  “Whoever he was, he’s cute as hell,” Becca chimes in. “Why didn’t you mention you have a boyfriend?”

  I shake my head, not sure of how much to share. “That’s Shane, from the antique shop across the street. I guess we’re together now. We haven’t really talked about it.”

  They all laugh as Elizabeth leans in. “Does he kiss you hello and goodbye?”


  “Are either of you seeing anyone else?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “That sounds pretty boyfriend – girlfriend to me,” she laughs.

  I’m not sure how I feel about all of this attention directed at me. It’s strange. Unnatural. Just a bit too much.

  “What did we think of the book this week?” I ask, trying to change the subject. “I wasn’t sure what to think of that Walsh guy.”

  “Not so fast,” Becca smirks, tucking her hair back behind her ears to show off her long, pointy nails. “You mentioned once that your parents are super judgmental, and absolutely worship your older brother because he’s a lawyer. What are they going to say when you bring home the junkyard guy?”

  “It doesn’t even matter where he works,” Tanis adds, looking at me carefully, “but...I mean...any guy who looks like...that.”

  “He is the big tough guy type,” Elizabeth says, nodding. “Most mothers would be pretty nervous if they saw a dude like that coming to the front door, asking to take their daughter away.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I say, holding up my hands. “We’ve only been hanging out a little. We haven’t even g
one on a real date yet.”

  “Oh, so it’s just a sex thing?” Becca asks, naughtily twirling a length of blonde hair around her finger.

  My cheeks suddenly flame so hot you could probably fry an egg on them. I giggle at the stupid visual image. Then I giggle harder because I’m that much of a freak that I giggle when asked about my nonexistent sex life.

  “It’s not that…yet. I don’t know. It’s only been a couple of days.”

  Diana gives me a kind smile. She always seems very intuitive. “Claire is completely embarrassed now, guys. Let’s leave her alone for a minute.”

  The conversation switches to the book we’ve just read, and the tangled web of lies Walsh wove in order to win Magda’s love. Our general consensus is that his heart is in the right place, but that still isn’t a free pass to make douchebag moves left and right.

  “Does it matter how they arrive there, as long as they get their happily ever after?” Becca asks.

  “Sort of,” Elizabeth says, nodding into her empty coffee cup. “I mean, people say that the end justifies the means, but he hurts some innocent people along the way. That means it’s in his fundamental nature to be an ass.”

  “You’re right,” Diana nods. “That means there’s nothing stopping him from being an ass to Magda later down the road when they aren’t all starry eyed over each other anymore.”

  Although I’m not sure that I want the answer, the question pops out of my mouth anyway. “What if a couple’s happily ever after isn’t perfect?”

  “What do you mean?” Tanis asks.

  My finger runs around the edge of my empty tea cup as I think. “In some stories, everything turns out absolutely utterly perfect. But in some, there are sacrifices and compromises along the way, so they still end up happy, but it’s not perfectly perfect. Do you know what I mean?”

  Tanis cocks her head. “Give us an example.”

  “Well…” I know they are going to see through me right away but I have to ask anyway. “What if a couple are great together, and fall in love, but the girl’s parents never accept him. But she’s known her entire life that nobody would ever measure up anyway as far as her parents are concerned. Should she care?”

  Becca twirls her hair around her finger, staring into space. “So they’re totally in love, have a house, two babies, they’re perfectly happy, all of that business. But her family never completely approves, and always act snotty about it at holidays…?” She shrugs. “That actually sounds pretty normal to me.”

  Tanis reaches out to pat my hand on the table. “Claire, are you that worried that your parents are going to be weird about Shane?”

  “Absolutely. I’m pinging back and forth between petrified and telling myself I don’t care.”

  “Of course you care,” Diana says. “We always care what our parents think. Even if we don’t want to.”

  “Ultimately, they want what’s best for you,” Elizabeth adds. “Once they see that he’s good for you, and treats you like a princess, they’ll come around.”

  “Especially once you have kids,” Becca grins. “They won’t jeopardize anything that gets in the way of spoiling their grandkids.”

  I shake my head, trying to hide behind my hair. “You guys are thinking about step three-hundred and fifty-two, and I’m on step three.”

  “Which is the step where he professes his eternal love for you?” Tanis giggles.

  “Which is the step where they get naked, and she finds out how big he really is!” Becca says with a big laugh.

  Diana’s hand reaches out to smack her in the shoulder. “Don’t scare the poor girl. Let her date him for at least a solid week first.”

  “Yeah, she doesn’t strike me as a one night stand kind of gal,” Tanis agrees.

  On the one hand, it’s incredibly embarrassing to have other people discussing my potential sex life.

  On the other, it’s absolutely wonderful to have some friends to bounce ideas around and make me understand that my problems are normal.

  On the third hand, or possibly first foot, depending how you count such things, this conversation might have been better suited to a bar than a coffee shop. Oh well. Too late now.

  As we wrap up our discussion and choose another book to download for next week’s meeting, I send Shane a text.

  Me: We’re finishing up now. I’ll probably be done in about five minutes.

  He answers in seconds.

  Shane: I’ll be out front.

  Just as I'm putting my phone away, it beeps again.

  Shane: Unless you want me to come in and meet your friends. I’m fine with whatever you like.

  Somehow, even through text, it feels like that is a big step for him. I know that he doesn’t interact with a lot of people, and being open to meeting strangers simply to please me is sweet. And interesting.

  Me: Out front is fine. See you soon.

  The group of us clean up our cups and muffin wrappers, then thank Henry. Tanis, Becca and Elizabeth head north, but Diana waits on the front step with me.

  “You just want a closer look, don’t you?” I laugh.

  “Actually, I’m just checking for a vibe,” she says.

  “What sort of vibe?”

  A large, heavy hand lands gently on my shoulder as I look up to instantly smile at Shane. “Hey, sweetie.”

  “Hey. Shane, this is Diana.”

  “Hi,” he says, shaking her hand warmly. “How was your book club?”

  “Great, thanks,” Diana answers. I can see her eyes darting around his face carefully, as if she were analyzing him.

  “Can we walk you anywhere?” Shane asks. “Or do you need a ride?”

  Even though it’s only just past seven-thirty, I think that’s incredibly sweet of him.

  She points to an old silver car parked twenty feet away. “That’s me. But thanks.”

  To my surprise, Diana hugs me goodbye. Then she breathes low into my ear, “He really has it bad for you. Text you later.”

  “Good night.”

  “Good night, Diana,” Shane says as he wraps his arm around me.

  I love that he pauses and waits until she’s safely in her car before walking away. I love the way he has rearranged his evening just so he can take me home.

  I love that I’m using the word love quite a bit when thinking about him.

  Once Diana starts her engine, I start to walk toward my house, but Shane stops me. “It’s getting a little late. Would you like me to drive you instead?”

  To be honest, I don’t care one way or the other. It’s a lovely night for a walk. And walking would be slower, giving us more time together.

  But if he suggested it, it’s probably his preference, so I may as well go with it. More importantly, I want to see his car. I want to learn more about him. And since I haven’t had a chance to check out his shop yet, this is a good way to take a peek into his world.

  “Actually, a drive would be nice. Thanks.”

  He takes my hand, then we walk past the antique store, around the corner to a large paved area that must have been the parking lot where people used to drop off their junk in his father’s day.

  Now it is a row of large garbage and recycling bins, some open space, and a black pick up truck that looks almost brand new.

  I realize with a start that we’re finally going to be sharing some private space together. With potential for a real make out.

  The grin that spreads across my face takes on a life of its own, probably warping my features. I can’t help it. All I want is to get closer to Shane in every possible way. Then maybe I can finally relax enough to ask him if we’re officially dating.

  After Shane helps me into his truck, I check my phone.

  Diana: He looked at you with stars in his eyes. He’s falling hard. This is serious to him.

  Me: Wow. Thanks so much!

  It feels great to have a little backup, and realize that I’m not totally nuts. This is real. This is happening.

  My huge, gorgeous kinda-boy
friend is falling in love with me.


  ~ Shane ~

  As I get into the truck, I look over to see Claire looking pretty as a picture beside me.

  No, wait, that’s not right. There’s no way a picture could capture the warmth and life in my gorgeous girl’s eyes.


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