companions ref1
as Countess of Gloucester
absences from family events ref1, ref2, ref3
birth of first child ref1
at Caerphilly ref1
at Clipstone Palace ref1
Glamorgan, restoration of ref1
insurgency in Wales ref1, ref2, ref3
leaving court without permission ref1, ref2
power ref1
surrendering Glamorgan ref1
travelling to Ireland with husband ref1
visits to siblings ref1
wedding reception ref1
wedding trousseau and presents ref1
as widowed Countess of Gloucester
at court to pay homage to king ref1
at court to secure estate ref1, ref2
death and burial of husband ref1
dower estate ref1
estates ref1
land management ref1
power and freedom ref1, ref2, ref3
as ‘prize’ ref1
Ralph de Monthermer, arranging knighthood for ref1
Ralph de Monthermer, falling in love with ref1
travelling with court ref1
vow not to remarry without king’s permission ref1
as remarried Countess of Gloucester
acting as intercessor ref1
daughter Eleanor’s wedding ref1, ref2
expenses and debts ref1
negotiating marriages of her children ref1
offer of aid to brother Edward ref1, ref2
paying homage to father and brother ref1
pregnancy ref1
punishment for secret marriage ref1
Ralph de Monthermer, secret marriage to ref1, ref2, ref3
seeking forgiveness from father ref1, ref2
Tonbridge Castle restored to ref1, ref2
travelling with army ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
travelling with court ref1
at Tynemouth Castle ref1
death, funeral and prayers ref1
early childhood in Ponthieu ref1, ref2, ref3
education ref1, ref2
genealogical table pen portrait Plate 13
Gilbert de Clare, betrothal to ref1, ref2
Hartman of Habsburg, betrothal to ref1
Hartman of Habsburg, death of ref1
household ref1, ref2
hunting with dogs ref1
independent and defiant spirit ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Langley Palace, visits to ref1, ref2
move to England ref1, ref2
pilgrimages ref1
political intelligence ref1
pre-wedding feast ref1
pride ref1, ref2
with brother Edward ref1, ref2
with father ref1, ref2, ref3
with husband Gilbert ref1
with husband Ralph ref1
with mother ref1
in royal nursery ref1
travelling with court ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
wedding ref1, ref2
Joanna of Bar (Eleanora’s daughter) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Johan, Count of Hainault ref1
Johan I, Count of Holland ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
John, King ref1
John of Brittany, Earl of Richmond ref1, ref2, ref3
John, son of Edward I ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Katherine, daughter of Henry III ref1, ref2
King Horn ref1, ref2
Knaresborough Castle, Yorkshire ref1, ref2, ref3
knighting ceremony ref1
‘Lady of Shalott’ (Tennyson) ref1
Lady of Shalott painting (Waterhouse) Plate 1
lady’s seal Plate 31
Lancelot (de Troyes) ref1, Plate 8
land management ref1
land-ownership, female ref1, ref2, ref3
Lanercost Priory, Cumbria ref1, ref2
Langland, William ref1
Langley Palace, Hertfordshire ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Langtoft, Peter ref1, ref2, ref3
Langton, Walter, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ref1
languages ref1
Leicester Castle ref1
Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain (Green) ref1
Libro de los Juegos ref1
Life of Edward II ref1
Life of St Edward the Confessor ref1, ref2, Plate 12
Lives of Saints Edmund and Fremund (Lydgate) Plate 21
Lincoln Cathedral ref1, ref2
Linlithgow, West Lothian ref1, ref2
Lives of the Princesses of England, from the Norman Conquest (Green) ref1
Lives of the Queens of England (Strickland) ref1
Llywelyn ap Gruffydd ref1, ref2
Lochmaben Castle, Annandale ref1, ref2
London, medieval Plate 16
Louis IX of France ref1, ref2
Ludgershall Castle, Wiltshire ref1
Luttrell Psalter Plate 4, Plate 27
Mabinogion, The ref1
MacDuff, Isabella ref1
Madog ap Llewellyn ref1
management, household ref1
maps xiv–xv
Margaret, Maid of Norway ref1, ref2
Margaret of Holland ref1
Amesbury Priory, visit to ref1
companions ref1
death ref1
death of mother ref1
as Duchess of Brabant
acting as diplomat ref1, ref2, ref3
acting as intercessor ref1
Brabaçon merchants’ debts situation ref1
Brabant chronicle presented to ref1
death of husband ref1
delay in moving to Brabant ref1, ref2
dowry and dower ref1
Edward II’s coronation and feast ref1
Edward II’s wedding ref1, ref2
Elizabeth’s return to England ref1
father’s visit ref1
freedoms ref1
goods taken to Brabant ref1, ref2
household in England ref1
illness ref1
isolation from family ref1, ref2
jewellery ref1, ref2
languages ref1, ref2
luxuries ref1
move to Brabant ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
New Year at Ipswich ref1
power and influence ref1
return to England ref1
reunion with family in Ghent ref1
Tervuren Castle ref1, Plate 32
travelling with court ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
wardrobe ref1
weavers’ revolt ref1
wedding feast ref1
as Dowager Duchess of Brabant ref1, ref2
education ref1
embroidery ref1
feminine virtues ref1
genealogical table pen portrait Plate 13
household ref1
hunting with dogs ref1
Jan II of Brabant, betrothal to ref1, ref2
Langley Palace, visits to ref1, ref2
‘model’ courtly lady ref1, ref2, ref3
pilgrimages ref1
pre-wedding feast ref1
with brother Edward ref1, ref2
with Elizabeth ref1
with father ref1
in royal nursery ref1, ref2
son ref1, ref2
travelling with court ref1
wardrobe ref1
weaving ref1
wedding ref1, ref2, Plate 18
Margaret, daughter of Henry III, Queen of Scots ref1, ref2
Marguerite of France
character ref1
children ref1, ref2
custody of Joanna’s son Gilbert ref1
Edward I, death of ref1
Edward I, marriage to ref1
Edward I, proposed
marriage to ref1
Edward II’s wedding ref1
Elizabeth’s wedding ref1
family connections ref1
intercessor, role as ref1, ref2, ref3
journey to Linlithgow ref1
at Northampton Castle ref1
pilgrimages ref1, ref2
with husband ref1
with step-daughters ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
with step-son Edward ref1
retirement to Marlborough ref1
second son ref1
tours through kingdom, constant ref1, ref2
travelling with army ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
at Tynemouth Castle ref1
at Woodstock Manor ref1
Marie of Brittany ref1, ref2
marriage costs ref1
marriages, royal
age of consummation ref1
average ages ref1
bride’s active role ref1
children as ‘pawns’ ref1
family vs politics ref1
minimum ages ref1
negotiations ref1, ref2
political purposes ref1, ref2
vows ref1
Mary de Bohun, Queen ref1
Mary I, daughter of Stephen, Countess of Boulogne ref1
at Amesbury Priory
during brother’s reign ref1, ref2
Clare estates, management of some ref1
death ref1
debts ref1
decision to stay ref1, ref2
as deputy inspector ref1
education ref1, ref2
expenses ref1, ref2
freedoms and privileges ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
grandmother’s death and funeral ref1, ref2
homesickness ref1
income ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
life as novice ref1
life as nun ref1
luxuries ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
meals ref1
during nephew’s reign ref1
nieces ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
offer of aid to brother Edward ref1
plans to transfer to Fontevrault ref1, ref2
private chamber ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
profession ref1, ref2
as royal intercessor ref1
servants ref1
taking final vows ref1
unpaid accounts ref1
veiling ref1, ref2, ref3
visits from family ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
birth ref1
coronation of Edward II and Isabella ref1
death ref1
at Dover to greet Isabella and Margaret ref1
education ref1
Eleanora’s wedding ref1
father’s death ref1
father’s funeral ref1
gambling ref1
guardian of half-brothers ref1, ref2, ref3
Henry III, carving on tomb of Plate 14
illness ref1
Joanna’s and Margaret’s weddings ref1, ref2
journey to Eleanora’s wedding ref1
love affair, possible ref1, ref2
pilgrimages ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
reading, enjoyment of ref1
with brother Edward ref1, ref2, ref3
with Elizabeth ref1
with father ref1
with niece Eleanor ref1
with step-mother ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
in royal nursery ref1
visits to family ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11
Mary, Virgin, cult of ref1, ref2, Plate 10
maternal mortality ref1, ref2
Matilda, Empress ref1, ref2
Meliadus (Rustichello da Pisa) ref1, ref2
Mirror for Princes (Aquinas) ref1
modern-day romantic notions of ‘princesses’ ref1
Montfort, Simon de, 6th Earl of Leicester ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Monthermer, Edward de ref1, ref2
Monthermer, Joanna de ref1, ref2
Monthermer, Mary de ref1, ref2
Monthermer, Ralph de
charisma and good looks ref1
children ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
at Dunfermline ref1
Earldom of Atholl ref1, ref2, ref3
Joanna’s secret marriage to ref1, ref2, ref3
knighthood ref1
management of Clare estates ref1
military service for Edward I ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
paying homage ref1
relationship with father-in-law ref1
release from prison ref1
successes in battle ref1
Monthermer, Thomas de ref1
Morgan ap Maredudd ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Mortimer, Roger ref1
Naumburg Cathedral, Germany Plate 9
Nine Worthy Women, The Plate 35
Northampton Castle ref1, ref2, ref3
nuns ref1, ref2, ref3, 248; see also MARY OF WOODSTOCK
Oloron, Treaty of ref1, ref2
Owain ap Dafydd ref1
Papyot, Edeline ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Paris, Matthew ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Parlement of the Three Ages, The ref1
Pedro III of Aragon ref1, ref2
Philip IV of France ref1, ref2
Piers Plowman (Langland) ref1
Pisa, Christine de ref1, ref2
polyphonic music ref1, ref2, ref3
Ponthieu, France ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood ref1
primogeniture, right to ref1, ref2
princes, birth of ref1
Rhuddlan Castle, Wales ref1
Richard, Earl of Cornwall ref1
Ridderzaal, The Hague, Holland Plate 25
Ripon, Yorkshire ref1
Rishanger, William ref1, ref2
Rose Castle, Carlisle, Cumbria ref1
royal arms of England Plate 28
Rudolf I, Count of Habsburg, King of Romans ref1
Rustichello da Pisa ref1
St Albans ref1, ref2
Saux, Lady de ref1, ref2
alliance with France ref1, ref2
competition for crown ref1, ref2
Edward II’s campaigns in ref1, ref2
Edward I’s campaigns in ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Robert Bruce crowned king ref1
Sicilian Crisis ref1, ref2
Siege of Caerlaverock ref1
Stephen, King ref1
Stirling Castle ref1
Strickland, Agnes ref1
Strickland, Elizabeth ref1
Swan Knight, The ref1
Swan of Yarmouth galley ref1, ref2
taxes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron ref1, ref2
Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Tewkesbury Castle, Gloucestershire ref1, ref2, Plate 17
Theobald of Bar ref1, ref2
Thomas of Brotherton, Prince ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Tonbridge Castle, Kent ref1, ref2, ref3
Torel, William ref1, ref2
tournaments ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, Plate 23
travelling coach Plate 4
Treatise on the Laws and Customs of the Kingdom of England (Glanvill) ref1
Tristan and Isolde ref1
Trivet, Nicholas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Turner, J. M. W. Plate 5
Tynemouth Castle ref1
Uta, Margravine of Meissen Plate 9
Vescy, Isabella de ref1, ref2, ref3
Victorian interest in medieval princesses ref1
Victorian romanticizing of medieval women ref1
virgin-martyrs ref1, ref2, ref3, Plate 7
Wales; see also Glamorgan
1294 rebellion ref1, ref2
Edward I’s campaigns in ref1, ref2, ref3
Edward I’s castle-building programme ref1, ref2
Marcher lords ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Walsingham shrine, Norfolk ref1, ref2, ref3
Walter de Bruges ref1
Waltham, Essex Plate 20
Warenne, John de, 7th Earl of Surrey ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Waterhouse, John William Plate 1
weaving ref1, ref2
Westminster Abbey
Edward I and Eleanor ref1
Edward II and Isabella ref1
funerals and tombs ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, Plate 2, Plate 14, Plate 33
Girdle of the Virgin ref1
knighting ceremonies ref1, ref2
portrait of Edward I Plate 3
scriptorium ref1
shrine of Edward the Confessor ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
weddings ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Westminster Palace ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, Plate 6
widowhood ref1
William Adelin, son of Henry I ref1
Winchester Castle, Hampshire ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, Plate 15
Winchester, Henry Woodlock, Bishop of ref1
Woodstock Manor, Oxfordshire ref1, ref2
Wykes, Thomas x11, ref1, ref2
York, Walter Giffard, Archbishop of ref1
Yvain, or the Knight with the Lion ref1
1. Modern view of a medieval princess, locked in her tower: the Lady of Shalott in an early twentieth-century painting by John William Waterhouse.
2. The gilded effigy of the princesses’ mother, Eleanor of Castile, at Westminster Abbey.
3. Contemporary portrait of a king, possibly the only surviving image of the princesses’ father, Edward I, at Westminster Abbey.
4. Royal ladies travelling in a coach, from the contemporary Luttrell Psalter.
5. Depiction of Caernarfon Castle, where Joanna celebrated her twelfth birthday with her mother and sisters, by J. M. W. Turner, c. 1832.
6. Images of chivalric womanhood from the king’s Painted Chamber at Westminster Palace: Largesse and Debonereté.
7. Holy women, saintly models: St Anne (with a young Virgin Mary), St Katherine, St Margaret, and St Barbara, from Elizabeth’s Alphonso Psalter.
8. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere at court in Camelot, from a manuscript of Lancelot du Lac owned by Elizabeth’s family.
9. Contemporary image of an ideal medieval noblewoman: Uta, Margravine of Meissen, at Naumburg Cathedral.
10. Exemplary scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary from the Cantigas de Santa Maria, written by Alfonso X, half-brother of Eleanor of Castile.
11. Lady hunting, Alphonso Psalter.
12. The reception and coronation of Queen Edith from Eleanor of Castile’s copy of the Life of Saint Edward the Confessor.
13. Genealogical table pen portraits of Eleanora, Joanna, Margaret, and Elizabeth – the only surviving image of most of the sisters together (Mary is missing since her unmarried status rendered her uninteresting to the genealogist).
Daughters of Chivalry Page 35