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Candy King

Page 18

by Christine d'Abo

  “No, no, no. That’s too quick.” She closed her eyes and turned her head to the side, not knowing if he could see her pouting. “Slow down.”

  He did as she asked, but the damage was already done. Despite only the occasional licks across her clit, Simone knew that she wasn’t going to be able to hold back much longer. “Shit.”

  Dylan lifted his head. “Want me to stop?”

  “I’ll fucking kill you.” She sucked in a breath before leaning up to look at him. “Make it hard so I can fuck you.”

  A soft growl echoed in the back of his throat before he dropped his mouth to her clit once more. There was no pretense any longer on either of their parts. Dylan was unrelenting with his mouth until Simone knew there was no stopping her release. She tried to hold off, but within a matter of seconds her body seized up as her orgasm slammed into her. “Fuck!”

  The pleasure didn’t seem to want to stop. Over and over the waves rolled as she pressed her pussy up against him as hard as she could. As quickly as it happened, the pleasure stopped, and she collapsed back against the bed. For several moments afterward, the only thing she was aware of was the pounding of her heart and Dylan moving around her room.

  When she finally had the energy to open her eyes, she saw that he’d retrieved the sex shop bag from her dresser, where she’d placed it earlier. He’d pulled out the strap-on and the big bottle of lube. “You okay?”

  She smiled, giving him a thumbs-up.

  “Good. I need to clean this in the bathroom and lube up a bit.” He grinned. “I find the first time I do this with someone it’s best if I do that in private. Hate to freak people out.”

  The mental image of him putting lube up his own ass nearly had her come again. “Don’t be long.”

  It was, in fact, a good ten minutes before he came back to her room. He’d taken off his pants and briefs and was now gloriously naked in her bedroom. She couldn’t help but stare at him, unable to process that a multimillionaire was in her apartment getting ready for her to fuck him with a dildo.

  And that’s why sugar daddy sites are a thing.

  She pushed herself to a sitting position as she pulled off her shirt and bra. “So, what do I need to do here?”

  Dylan looked like a kid at Christmas. “Stand up. You’ll need to step into the harness, and we’ll adjust it for you. There’s a vibrator that should give you some extra fun.”

  This was more complicated than Simone was used to when it came to sexual encounters, but she was more than willing to learn. Especially if it meant she got to make Dylan come hard. The long silicone phallus had more weight than she’d expected, as it hung between her legs. “This is the weirdest fucking thing. How do you guys live like this?”

  “We survive.” He winked at her as reached between her legs into the harness. “There’s a little button right about here.” He flicked it on, and an egg inside the harness began to vibrate against her clit. Dylan turned it off quickly. “When you’re ready, you can turn that on. I’d wait until you get this thing inside me though.”

  Oh my God, what am I doing? “Okay.” She swallowed hard and nodded toward the bed. “So now what?”

  “Now, I’m going to get on my back while you make sure that there’s lots of lube on that cock.” He handed her the bottle and gave her an earnest look. “Lots of lube.”

  Simone had only had anal sex once in her life. The entire production had been far too uncomfortable for her to ever want to do again. Maybe if she’d been with someone as careful as Dylan, she might have enjoyed herself.

  A thought for another time.

  As thoroughly as she could manage, Simone coated the dildo. It wasn’t as thick as her vibrator—or Dylan himself, for that matter—so she hoped it wouldn’t cause him any discomfort. Clearly, this wasn’t his first time, and seeing as he was the one who bought it, he would know what he could handle.

  Giving herself a moment to collect her thoughts, she finally looked over at Dylan, who was now stretched out on the bed. “Okay. I can do this.”

  “You can. And I’ll be all the more thankful for it.” He beckoned her over. “Come here. I’ll talk you through it.”

  Simone was not usually someone for role reversals, so the act of stepping between a man’s thighs and placing the tip of a cock to his ass was enough to give her pause. That was until she looked down into his eyes and saw how much he wanted this. Without putting much thought into it, she slowly pressed the cock into him, inch by inch.

  “Take it slow. Pause every inch or two, so I can adjust.” He closed his eyes, and a strange look of relaxed concentration washed over him. “There you go. A bit more.”

  It took them a few minutes to work the dildo in, but eventually, she was able to move in long, smooth thrusts. Dylan’s cock was hard and leaking against his stomach, bobbing and jerking with each thrust she gave. The sight was more than arousing, as was the bumping of the harness against her clit.

  Right, the vibrator.

  She paused long enough to reach in and flick the switch, before resuming her fucking. “Shit, this is hot.”

  Dylan moaned. “Can you stroke me?”

  Simone wrapped her hand around his cock and fell into a rhythm of stroking him as she thrust. It didn’t take long for a flush to cover his chest and throat, and beads of sweat to form on his forehead as his hips bucked up to meet her. She could tell by the way his body shuddered beneath her that he was close to coming. She increased her thrusts and did her best to hold off coming herself.

  The first spurts of come splashed across her hand and his stomach before Dylan cried out in release. Simone stared in awe and amazement as his come coated her hand and his skin, knowing that she’d done that to him. It was all too much for her as a powerful orgasm hit her. Her body bowed over him as she rode out the waves, scared to move too much for fear of hurting him. Only after the world threatened to go black on her did she turn off the vibrator and slowly pull out of him.

  She didn’t bother to take the harness off and flopped on the bed beside him. “Wow.”

  Dylan began to laugh. “Yeah. You could say that. I haven’t come that hard in a long time.”

  “I can’t believe I just did that to you?” Simone closed her eyes, unable to stop smiling. “I need a shower.”

  “Me too.” He rolled on his side. “Mind if I use yours before we eat?”

  “Go for it. The towels are under the sink.”

  She watched him pad to her tiny bathroom, as her mind slowly came back to life.

  He didn’t want to run away from her. He let her do something to him that she knew was intensely personal, and he didn’t want to rush out the door. How the hell was she supposed to keep from developing feelings with him if he kept being so fucking amazing?

  This was going to be a problem.

  Chapter 19

  Dylan’s body, mind, and spirit hadn’t been this happy for well over a decade. In the two weeks since he’d shown up at Simone’s and let her peg him, he’d begun to question his self-proclaimed commitment to bachelorhood. Because, really, a woman who would do that for him and then ask him what he thought about the state of Toronto city politics in the next heartbeat was a woman he could very quickly see himself falling in love with.

  And he didn’t know what he’d do if that happened.

  For the past two weeks, they’d gone out to dinner at some of Toronto’s best restaurants, had attended an evening at the Toronto Symphony, and had some of the best sex of Dylan’s life. Not to mention their conversations. Simone was knowledgeable on a wide range of topics, everything from the current Blue Jays roster to fan theories on how Game of Thrones was going to end to the drama surrounding the latest Toronto city council proposal on how the hell they could fix the city’s transit system. She was able to debate, to listen to opposing opinions, and eloquently get her point across without belittling others.

She was perfect.

  It was terrifying.

  Sounds of the contractors working brought Dylan back to reality as he had to redouble his attention on the state of the renovations. Jonathan was supposed to have met him here today to review the next stage of work. They’d set an aggressive timeline for getting things done. Jonathan had wanted to have the building to a point where he could present it to Sarah as a wedding present. Dylan didn’t think that was going to be possible, but he was trying his best.

  Even though the building had been mostly completed, due to a previous development that had fallen through, they needed time to ensure it would meet the needs of the intended users.

  To that end, Simone was bringing her father by today, someone who would be the ideal candidate to rent a room in the complex. She still didn’t like talking much about her family, but Dylan did know that her dad suffered from significant depression and anxiety and had been seeing a therapist for years. Living in a zen environment with access to free daily yoga and meditation might help someone like him.

  Hell, it might help Dylan too. He’d have to see if Sarah would mind him slipping into a class or a support group every now and again.

  The sound of the door opening drew Dylan’s attention. Simone was there, walking beside a man who didn’t look much like her, but from his gestures and the way he moved, Dylan knew this was her father. He crossed the room and held out his hand. “Simone, Mr. Leblanc, thanks for coming.” He didn’t know what she might have told her father about him, so he figured it was best to keep things professional so as not to invite any unwanted questions.

  “Dylan, this is my dad, Gerald. For the story, I was hoping to get his perspective on the building. That kind of personal touch will be great and will encourage others to inquire about your rooms.” She blushed and didn’t quite meet his gaze. “Dad, Dylan here is the lead for the project.”

  “Nice to meet you.” But he didn’t shake Dylan’s hand. “I thought this was supposed to be some zen shit.”

  So that’s where Simone got her straightforwardness. “It will be when we’re done.”

  “What’s in this room?” Gerald walked forward into the common room.

  Simone shrugged. “He’s a bit on edge. I don’t know how long he’ll stay.”

  Dylan gave her hand a squeeze before turning his attention to her dad. “Right now, it will just be a big space. I thought maybe people would want a television or something.”

  “No.” Gerald looked around again. “There should be a waterfall. And no talking. If you’re going to make this a Buddhist thing, then be respectful. Meditation, quiet. It’s loud enough in my head, I don’t need fucking commercials chasing me off to my room all the time.”

  Shit, he hadn’t thought about that at all. “Good point. I’ll make a note, and we’ll see if we can get a water feature here.”

  Gerald turned around and narrowed his gaze. “Really?”


  “Just like that? Some asshole you’ve never met before walks into your building and tells you to shut up and put a waterfall in, and you do it?”

  “That was the whole point of inviting you here. This isn’t a typical apartment or condo building. It’s to help an exceptional group of people.”

  “Why? Sorry, but the average person doesn’t usually give a shit about folks with mental health issues.”

  Dylan looked over at Simone, who was trying very hard not to look as though she weren’t hanging on their every word. “Honestly, it’s a wedding present from my brother to his bride-to-be. I didn’t think it would work. So I’m doubly glad Simone invited you here. It’s important for me to see that there’s a real need for a place like this.”

  If it helped someone like Gerald—and, by extension, Simone—then maybe Jonathan wasn’t so out to lunch with his idea after all.

  “Are you the one who’s brought a smile to my daughter’s face?” Gerald spoke quietly enough that she didn’t hear him. “Because if you do anything to hurt her, I’ll end you.”

  Dylan held up his hands. “I wouldn’t dream of it. She’s a special woman, your daughter.”

  “She is.” Gerald gave him a good hard look before turning around and heading toward the kitchen. “Show me what’s over here.”

  Dylan chased after him, strangely hoping that his work would impress her dad. Though why it mattered to him, Dylan wasn’t sure.

  It wasn’t as though they were dating.


  * * * *

  Simone had raced back into the office after dropping her dad at his apartment. Carl had wanted an update in person regarding both the development and the sugar daddy stories, and she was far from ready for a report. At this stage, she didn’t even know if she wanted to do the sugar daddy article, not wanting to risk Dylan’s reputation if anyone got as curious as she did and went looking.

  And yet that was still her best opportunity to break out of the community stories that she seemed forever obligated to do.

  With her mind continuing to spin, she raced to her cubicle and dumped her purse and sweater on her desk. Elena looked over and whistled. “Is that a new purse?”

  She’d completely forgotten that the bag she’d been carrying was new. “Yeah. I just got it a few weeks ago.”

  “That’s beautiful. How much did you pay for it?”

  Simone turned around, knowing that Elena would realize something was up. “It was a present. I’m not even sure where he bought it.”

  “He?” Elena was on her feet and in Simone’s cubicle. “Who is the mysterious he, and how can I get him to buy me a nice purse like that?”

  Oh, you know, join a sugar daddy site and ask. Here’s the link! “He’s a friend, and I’m not going to tell you anything else because I have to get my ass into Carl’s office, like, now.”

  “You’re killing me with the secrecy. You’re never around anymore. What the hell am I supposed to do with you having an exciting adventure and not sharing the details?”

  “I’m sure you’ll survive.” Simone flashed her a grin before grabbing her cell phone and her notepad. “I really have to go.”

  “Good luck.”

  Carl was waiting for her, sitting in front of his desk as he usually did. He looked up to see that it was her and pointed at the guest chair before returning to what he was reading. Simone sat, using the few moments she knew he’d give her to catch her breath and mentally prepare for what she needed to say. Carl finally turned to face her, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

  “Where are you at on the Williams Development piece?”

  “I’ve been on site with Dylan for a few weeks now. They’re working on an accelerated time frame for some personal reasons that I won’t go into for the story. I have managed to get a person who would be their target demographic to come and look at the place. We were just there before I came to the office. Dylan thought it was great, and they’ll now be working together. It will be a great angle for the story. Gives it more of a human touch.”

  Carl nodded. “I take it you haven’t given up on your other project?”

  Simone’s eyes widened. “I promised that I’d make the Williams Development story my priority. And I have.”

  “But that’s not the story that you want to be working on. I know you, Leblanc. Once you’ve set your mind on something, there’s no stopping you.” He shook his head before leaning forward on his desk. “What’s the status on that one?”

  Well, there wasn’t really any sense in denying that she wasn’t working on the sugar daddy story, not when it was so painfully evident that she was. “I’ve uncovered the identity of the owner of the site.”

  Carl straightened. “You have?”

  “I was able to track him down based on some key words and school records.” Simone didn’t dare say anything else or risk exposing Dylan’s identity. “I’m working
on securing an interview.”

  “After you were here in my office talking about all this daddy stuff, I did some digging on my own. It’s a good lead and a great opportunity for you. If you’ve gotten as far as you claim, this might be a big break for you.” He cocked his head to the side as he narrowed his gaze at her. “If I like what I read, I’ll give you prime placement and online marketing runs for the website. If I like what I read. If I don’t, the story will go to Mark, and you’ll be doing food trucks for the rest of your career here at the Record.”

  No fucking way was she going to let him take her story. “That won’t be necessary. It will be the best thing you’ve read this year.” She got to her feet. “In fact, I need to get going. With two stories and all the in-person research I’ve been doing, I don’t really have time to be here.”

  “That’s what I like to see, Leblanc.” Carl grinned and waved her away. “Go. Get out there and dig up whatever you need to. There might be hope for you yet.”

  Simone nodded, not quite sure how she felt about her boss’s praise. Not once in all the years that she’d worked for the paper had Carl ever given her encouragement like that. No matter how hard she’d tried. And now that he’d done his own digging and knew that she’d found something good, he wanted her to succeed, or else.

  Elena wasn’t at her desk when Simone returned, which gave her the opportunity to get out of there without getting pulled into a conversation. That was good because she needed time to think. If she did the sugar daddy story, there was a chance she’d put Dylan’s reputation in danger.

  If she didn’t, she’d lose her chance to move up at the paper.

  The last thing she wanted was to screw this up and have the story end up on Mark’s desk. While he wasn’t the friendliest of men, Mark was far from incompetent. There was no way, given the information she had, that he wouldn’t be able to discover Dylan’s identity. She was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t.

  She needed to figure out what the hell she was going to do.


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