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Almost Perfect

Page 7

by Doyle, Dawn

  I understood. Playing for the Jets was a fucking dream come true for me—Cash too. If we fucked up, they could let us go without a second thought.

  “We’ve been training our asses off,” Channing said above the mumbled complaints of the team. He held his gloved hands up, raising his stick. “We’re here most days before sun up, busting our balls, but all you’re doing is accusing us of slacking.”

  Coach crossed his arms over his chest, bunching his thick, dark-green parka. His beady brown eyes narrowed on Channing, burning into him. “Because you are,” he gritted out. “I don’t want to hear the fucking excuses that you’re tired, that you’ve been studying, because I know for a fact it’s all bullshit.” The guys turned to look at each other, and I was wondering where the hell coach was going with his tirade. “Partying doesn’t score goals. Spending your time hooking up with random girls doesn’t score goals. Being here, perfecting your craft, putting in the damn time, does scores goals.”

  “All work and no play makes Jonah a sad boy,” Jonah said, grinning.

  “Yeah, we have to work out our frustrations somehow, coach,” one of the other guys added. “The ice doesn’t hit all the spots.”

  Laughter and hand slapping broke out at their comments while I kept my mouth shut. For a little while, anyway.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck if your dicks are like steel fucking poles. You just need to show up here and make the most out of the hours on the ice. When I see improvements, you can fuck whoever you want.” He held his hands up. “Hell, fuck each other—I don’t care, just don’t give me a shitty turnout like you have this weekend. Your game against the Laketown Cats needs to be tight.” He made a point of making eye-contact with all twenty of us, then turned around and walked away.

  Once he was clear of the rink, I raised my arms. “Coach has a point.” I rolled my eyes and patted the air to get them to shut the fuck up when they all grumbled. “We are getting comfortable, but that doesn’t mean we’re lacking in skills.” I couldn’t stop the smirk from spreading across my face like I was crazy. “Other skills, the kind that make grown men drop to their knees and piss their pants.” The team rested their sticks on the ice, pressing the tip of the blade down while folding their hands over the small area at the end of the shaft. “So, the Cats are gonna hit us hard—we know that. I’ve been planning a little something to make them think twice about fucking with us like they did last time.”

  When the guys beamed and choruses of ‘yeah’ and ‘about time’ ran through the group, I hit them with my plan. “It’s gonna be fast, it’s gonna be hard, and it’s gonna be so fucking precise that this, what coach had us doing, is actually gonna be beneficial.” I slapped my hand down on Cash’s shoulder. “Time to get in formation, man, cos we’re gonna make one hell of an impact.”


  My legs were tight from training and my ribs were sore from body checking over and over, but it was nothing to what we were gonna face during our next game. I rolled my shoulders, trying to ease some of the tightness in the joints, but they stung like a bitch.

  “Hey, Maddoc,” a couple of girls greeted me as I walked past them.

  As usual, I responded with a wink, a cocky smile, and a pump of my brows. “Hey yourselves, ladies,” I purred, making sure they saw me checking them out in their matching black leggings, their asses swaying as they walked. “Have a good session in the gym.”

  “Oh, we will,” the blonde said, stroking over her shoulder-length ponytail. “Like always.”

  I turned around to walk backward, just as they did. “Those asses don’t workout themselves,” I said, tugging a tiny part of my lip between my teeth while watching them through hooded eyes. The blonde girl giggled while the other two, brunettes with the same hairstyle, smiled coyly, their shyness certainly an act. I’d seen it before, and often, to know the difference. “And what fine asses they are. Dayum.” I spun around and continued toward the main building, through the arched, wooden doors, and into the mouth of Westchester.

  Images of another figure ran through my mind, one I preferred over any of those three. But, she wasn’t my biggest fan, or at all. Sure, I used every opportunity to piss her off, but I thought that was endearing. Okay, it was me being an ass, but just to see the color flush her cheeks and her deep-blue eyes flare, especially when she thought my ‘girlfriend’ would show up at their door… Ah, it was fucking worth it.

  But that soon changed when she demanded I got the fuck out of their place. She looked at me with all the usual bitterness she’d shown toward me since seeing me again after our first encounter. It made no fucking sense, but I knew one thing… Sean and Daryl Levine would end my career or break my legs if they knew I’d touched their little sister; maybe both.


  When the rest of my team had found out Kaia was related to the NHL players, the guys had vowed never to get on her bad side, and even kept their distance. They were shit scared of getting the ‘Lex treatment,’ especially Channing since the crap he pulled at our last senior party as Lions. But me? I’d known all about it—long before they did—and what had driven the Levine twins’ revenge, but that didn’t stop me. I got on her bad side, then jumped all over it, enjoying every fucking second. Call it crazy, call it a knack for getting myself in deep shit, but I knew one thing for certain… The moment I saw her, my mission for the day was to annoy the crap out of her. Starting the second I walked through the wide, glass-paned doors of the library.

  My lips curled up at the corners as soon as I looked through and saw Kaia sitting there, her head down, studying the books covering the table.

  Show time.

  “Whatcha reading?” I asked without thinking.

  I guess this is going to be a verbal pissing off rather than just my usual charming presence.

  That thought sparked another, of the way I danced on the bar, staring at her as I body rolled, concentrating on gyrating my hips more. Oh, that got the desired affect; she fucking hated it. At least, I think she did. Her furious scowl and blazing glare said as much, but before that… Yeah, I saw the look in her eyes when she first spotted me, and it said something different entirely. Then later, when I took her home… Fuck me, I heard something that I held on to with both hands.

  Kaia lifted her head. “What?” Then, her eyes met mine. Tired, dark circles underneath, and a downturn to her lips.

  My brows pinched at her pale complexion, and my stomach tightened. “Your books,” I replied, purposely relaxing while jerking my chin to the yellow-backed textbook in front of her. “Looks important.”

  “I don’t have the time or the patience to deal with you right now,” she said, dropping her chin back down. “So, if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you fucked off.”

  “Ooh, harsh words coming from somebody so sweet.”

  Her eyes snapped up to mine, the depths blazing, but it seemed she couldn’t hold it for long while I easily held my immature grin. My specialty, and never failed me, but right then, as I stared down at her, I spotted a faint redness lining her lower lids. “Are you kidding right now?”

  My stomach contracted and acid burned inside of me. I wasn’t nauseated, though, I recognized those signs, especially when getting hit during a game. A sly punch, a rogue knee… I fought against my fingers trying to curl into fists; instead, gripping the back of the chair opposite Kaia.

  “Sickly sweet,” I retorted. “With me, you’re a raging banshee,” she raised a brow, “but with everyone else, you’re like a one-woman candy shop.” And I wanted to see how many licks it took to get to her center.

  And I bet she’d be fucking delicious.

  “Maddoc, seriously, I’m trying to study.” I watched her head lower, and I took in the detail of the top of her hair, the untidy parting as though she’d pushed her tresses back in frustration, with overlapping strands falling over her shoulder, slowly slipping as they smoothed themselves out over her loose, gray sweater. “Some of us actually have to work to stay here.”

  Okay, that was harsh. I straightened and gripped the wooden back harder, the curved rest creaking as the pressure increased. “I work hard, sweetheart,” I bit out more than I intended. “Just because you don’t witness it, it doesn’t mean I don’t.”

  “Sure,” she drew out, her face turning side to side as she took notes from the book. “Whatever you say, Mad-dog.”

  “I knew it. I knew you liked me really.” I pulled out the chair and sat my ass on the solid seat. Damn it was uncomfortable, but it was worth it for what I was about to do.

  Her hands flattened against the table top.

  There it is, ladies and gentlemen, Kaia Levine’s last nerve, and it’s about to get trampled on.

  “Maddoc, I’m trying to be polite, but you’re obviously missing the point. Yes, I was annoyed you were in my place the other day, and I might’ve overreacted, but you have to know I wouldn’t have let you stay if I’d known.”

  I licked my lips, enjoying her deadly glare toward me. “And you wouldn’t have let me carry you from my car to your bed if you weren’t totally wasted, but you had to get there somehow, right?” And I’d liked it more than I should. The feel of her in my arms, her head resting against my chest and her arm slung around my neck… Kaia’s eyes burned hotter, which only made me smile wider. “And let me tell you, you’re hilarious when you’re drunk.” And said things I couldn’t repeat—not yet, anyway. The morning after, it was clear she hadn’t remembered a damn thing she’d said to me, or about me. Even if she had, she’d have my balls if I spilled any of those secrets all at once. I had to let them slowly drip out, just to mess with her. It was going to be amazing.

  Kaia’s jaw dropped. “Maddoc, you need to get out of my space before I say something I can’t take back,” she seethed, dark pink coloring her cheeks.

  I leaned back and linked my fingers behind my head, enjoying the view of her nostrils flaring and her cheeks flushing adorably. “Like? Please elaborate—I’d love to know what things are running through your mind right now—I’m sure they’ll be fascinating.” I smiled again when her jaw clenched.

  “Does Willow know about your behavior?” she snapped. “Or don’t you care about her feelings?”

  I cocked my head to the side. “Willow?” What the hell did Willow have to do with any of this?

  Kaia’s lips pursed, her plump flesh creating a heart shape, the bottom one with a slight dimple in, just like her chin. “Don’t play dumb with me, ass.”

  I leaned forward and rested my elbows on the table. “Willow knows me more than you know, cupcake.” When her jaw clenched, it sparked a thought. “And I talk to her almost every day, so spare me the attempted guilt trip—it won’t work.”

  Her eye twitched in annoyance, which only made me happier. “Thank you for getting us home safe,” she ground out. “But I really do need to study, so please, just leave me alone.” She lowered her head again and wrote her notes with furious strokes across the page, her pen scratching violently across the surface.

  Instead of leaving like she demanded, I kept my numbing ass right where it was. While she stared incredulously at my resistance to vacate her beloved sanctuary, I lifted my legs and rested them over the corner of the table. I crossed my ankles, the bottom of my Adidas flats next to her. To add to the effect, I rocked onto the back legs of the chair.

  “You like studying,” I remarked, gesturing to her books, then rested my hands over the back of my head. My black long-sleeved tee stretched over my arms. “I’d even say you were passionate about it.”

  Kaia’s head whipped up, and what I saw in her expression had me pausing and actually thinking before I spoke. Criminal intent filled her expression, murder in her glare, and poison on her lips. Damn, if given the chance, I didn’t doubt that she’d go for my throat.

  My lips parted as hers began to twitch, growing wider until a tiny smile graced her mouth—the one I’d had a sliver of experience with.

  “Are you comfortable?” she asked, her voice calm, collected, and with a hint of mischief.

  Fuck, I liked how it sounded. Daring with a little seduction mixed in. I hid my surprise well, I hoped, and grinned wide in the only way I knew how. Like a smartass.

  “I sure am, Kaia. In fact, I think I like it here—I might just stick around a while longer.”

  Kaia leaned forward a little, not breaking eye contact with me, which was both unnerving and sexy as hell. Her right hand extended toward my legs, I focused on the movement, and she ran her hand under the gap between my ankles and the table.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  I smirked at her, then winked, but her expression didn’t change one bit. “You have no idea.”

  Her movement was so fast, I had no time to stop her. She threw her hand up, taking my legs in the process.

  My hands flew out at the same time my mouth and eyes both widened in shock, flailing about like a dick in the wind. The momentum had the chair falling back, and I landed with a loud thud on the floor. The air whooshed out of my mouth, emptying my lungs with the painful impact on the solid ground.

  “Fuck!” My voice was tight as I groaned out the word. “That stung a little.”

  “Aww, I’m sorry,” Kaia said, leaning over the corner of the table to see me sprawled out on the floor, but her sweet and innocent tone told me that was all bullshit. Pure evil, that’s what it was. “Are you okay? Should I get help?” Her bottom lip stuck out in an exaggerate pout.

  “Nah, I got it,” I croaked, rolling over and picking myself up. “Damn, if you wanted me to leave, you should’ve just said so.” I placed my hand on my left shoulder as I rolled it, then rubbed the back of my head where it was throbbing from hitting the floor.

  “I did tell you!” Kaia yelled, her hands fisted by her sides.

  “Shh!” the staff called out.

  “Many times, Maddoc, now just…” Her eyes looked me over, then closed for a few seconds. “Just leave me alone.” She gathered her belongings faster than I’d ever seen, and rushed past me and out of the library.

  Maddoc, you’re a fucking champ.

  So, why did I feel like a fucking douche?


  Mess cluttered my room as I put away my notepads and pens, not caring that I was knocking things over with my aggressive movements, fast and uncaring. Pages bent back, but with the mood I was in, I gave no fucks at all.

  Maddoc had royally pissed me off, and I was only calmed a little from the satisfaction of watching him fall back when I lifted his feet off the table.

  Ah, retribution, how I adore thee.

  But it wasn’t enough. I hated that whenever he neared me, my stupid stomach would swarm with butterflies, my heart would pick up speed, and my senses were on high alert. I’d come to admit that I was attracted to him. Hell, I had been since I first saw him.

  Yeah, and before that when you made out with him in the dark.

  I closed my eyes and bunched my fists, attempting to ground myself and stop the memories from coming back to me. I had no right feeling that way about somebody I didn’t like, couldn’t like, and most of all… Already had someone.

  I’d heard a ton of girls talk about crushing on guys that were seeing someone, saying it didn’t hurt to look, but to me, it was a waste of time. Why pine over somebody you can’t have? Well, that didn’t stop Maddoc. Hell, no. I’d heard of him hooking up, the way he looked at other girls on campus, and off. It was disgusting. His leering reminded me of my brothers. Sure, I loved them, but the way they’d treated their dates was deplorable, like their feelings meant nothing to them at all.

  “Forget about him, Kai, he’s not worth straining the brain cells over.”

  “Forget about who?” Daria asked, her presence making me jump.

  “Shit, Dar,” I hissed, spinning around with my hand on my chest. “Give a girl warning before you sneak up on her.”

  Daria laughed as she leaned against the doorframe to my room. “I wasn’t exactly creeping in here,” she said with a l
augh. Her smile faded as she took in my space. “Hell, babe, what’s happened? This place is a fucking mess.”

  “I know,” I groaned, my head dropping back. “I had a little incident today, and when I got back, I took it out on my laundry.”

  “Well.” Daria took a few steps in to survey the damage to my clothes. “I guess it’s better than taking it out on somebody’s face, huh?”

  “That might’ve worked a lot better,” I grumbled. I wouldn’t have struck anyone, I think, but hitting something solid would most likely work better than throwing socks and jeans around.

  “I’m sure, but let’s get this place cleaned up, yeah?” She started picking up my dirty clothes to put back in to my laundry basket. “I don’t need to guess who rattled your cage, do I?”

  I blew out a resigned breath and dropped to my knees to clean up the mess I’d made. “Why can’t he just leave me be?” The familiar sting in the bridge of my nose had me screwing it up to stop the onslaught of tears that would appear any second. It worked like a charm, just like any other time I’d done that in front of others. On my own, not so much. Frustrated sobbing had become a regular thing for me, especially on the nights Daria had gone to another party with Cash, and I’d made up another lame-assed excuse to stay behind.

  “Because he gets a reaction out of you,” Daria replied, a rolled-up polka-dot sock hanging from her fingertips. “Each and every time. Maybe if he doesn’t get one, he’ll get bored. Show him that you won’t bite the bait anymore.”

  I can’t help it. I don’t just bite, I sink my teeth into it and gnaw off a huge chunk.

  I was just glad that when it came to our only class together, he stayed well away.

  Once we were done picking up the contents of my entire closet from the floor, which wasn’t much, I tidied my desk and straightened the dog-eared pages and crumpled papers as well as returning my stationery to its rightful place in the tub. It looked like the end of a pencil, complete with eraser, and looked cute next to my framed photos of my family.


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