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Walking the Crimson Road

Page 6

by Perrie Patterson

  He slowly backs the car onto the gravel road, and we begin driving down the dark path out of the woods and back into civilization.

  “I picked up the assignment for you. I can give it to you in class in the morning.”

  He glances at me and says, “Thank you, Bex, that was very thoughtful of you.”

  I smile. “Sure, no problem. I actually got to speak to Professor Brigg when I asked him for an extra paper for a classmate.” I giggle when I say that, because he knows how intimidated I was to take a famous author’s class.

  He reaches over and turns on the radio. A song by the Eagles called “Hotel California” is playing softly. How fitting? A weird song about stabbing some beast with steely knives seems very appropriate after experiencing some secret Greek society introduction. When the song ends, he looks over at me.

  “I saw you on Halloween at my fraternity house. It looked like you were with some of your friends and maybe a date?”

  Oh my gosh, is he poking around to see if I have a boyfriend? Trying to keep calm, I answer him coolly. “Yes, my roommate and my other Phi sister Lexi are good friends with Jack and Patrick. I was with a guy named Grant, he’s a Chi Phi.” I leave it at that, because of yet Grant and I have only been on four or five dates.

  We pull up to the curb along the front lawn of the Phi Mu house. He turns the radio way down. Then he picks up my left hand, pulls it towards his mouth, and touches the back of my hand gently with his lips. Butterflies are doing somersaults in my stomach while actual drops of water are running down my under arms. I think my heart is going to pound out of my chest. He whispers, his breath warm on my hand, “You looked beautiful as Daisy.” He kisses my hand and says, “Goodnight Rebecca.”

  As he releases my hand, I say, “Goodnight, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I run into the house, up the stairs into the bathroom, where I sit on the marble floor. It’s 1 a.m., and I hope no one is up wandering around. I need to re-coup alone in the bathroom before going to bed. I’m breathing heavily, not from running up the stairs but just from the feeling I had when he was holding my hand and looking at me. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life. I must be in love. This must be what love is like. The butterflies doing flips, the heart palpitations, the heavy breathing, all incredible things just from being around Lane. It’s like being transported into another world. I realize I don’t even know his last name or where he’s from. But he said something about New York tonight. I get off the floor and splash water on my face a few times to come back into reality. I brush my teeth, sneak back into my room, crawl under the covers and breathe deeply as I calm down, drifting into sleep.

  The alarm is going off, and I hear Bella from a distance as I slowly wake up.

  “Bex, Bex! Wake up, Bex!” I open my eyes and look at the time. It’s 7:45. I usually try to get up by 7:30 for a hot shower.

  I sit up in bed and say, “Sorry, Bella. I’m totally wiped out.”

  “Where the heck were you last night? I didn’t notice you were gone until it was after midnight. I just thought you were in the bathroom.”

  “Yeah, I had a stomach thing and stayed in the bathroom a while last night.”

  “I hope you are feeling better this morning.”

  “I think I’ll be okay,” I say slowly getting out of bed and feeling really weird that I just lied to my best friend.

  I grab my stuff, take a super-fast shower, brush my teeth and come back into the room to dry my hair. I want to wear it down today and put on a little more make up than usual. I don’t want to be late for class, so I run down the sidewalk all the way to Phifer.

  I slow down as I enter the lecture hall. I quickly scan the room for Lane. I see him sitting in the seat next to where I usually sit, down front on the left. I hustle down the steps and to the seat next to him, but there’s a book and a pen sitting on top of the desk. Lane sits with his long legs stretched out and his feet crossed at the ankles. His shirt is unbuttoned a little lower than normal for a classroom setting, and I get a peek of his chest. I see a tiny bit of blonde hair, but he doesn’t have too much, which I think is just right. He’s looking at something on his phone.

  I interrupt him, “Hello.” He looks up at me, smiles a huge, perfectly white smile, and picks up the book and pen off the desk next to him.

  “Good morning, you’re just in time,” he says.

  I sit down, open my backpack, get my notebook and pull out the assignment. I hand him his copy.

  “Ah, yes, the dreaded assignment. Thank you, Rebecca.” When his eyes meet mine, I blush and turn a burning shade of red.

  The lecture begins. We’re fascinated by Professor Brigg as he shares his experience writing for the New York Times. He reported from war-torn countries, often in life or death situations, to capture stories that earned him the honored Pulitzer prize. When the lecture ends, Lane stands and looks at me. “Bex, I’d really like to get your phone number.”

  I tell him my cell number and watch as he puts it into his phone.

  “Well, you know I’ve got to get to my next class across campus, so I’ve gotta scoot.” He winks at me.

  I say, “Okay.” He’s already walking up the stairs to the hallway.

  I wonder if he has any idea how crazy I am over him? He’s always so calm, collected, perfectly polite and interested in everything I say. I just can’t get a read on his feelings. I think the closest I came was last night when I really felt something from him. Not only the way he was looking at me, but the way he was talking to me, making me feel like I may be the only girl in the world.

  I have twenty minutes to get to math, but I hurry, because I want to go over some notes before the test. I’m in deep concentration when I get a text. I look at my phone but don’t recognize the number. I put my phone in my bag and don’t think about it again until class is over. After math I remember the text, so I grab my phone and look at it.

  Hey gorgeous, from an unknown number that has a (212) area code.

  Who’s this? I text back. Within a few seconds I get a response.

  Your secret admirer. I laugh at that and text Lane? I quickly get another text.

  Do you want to meet me for a bite to eat?

  I do, but I have two dance practices today and just can’t squeeze another thing into my day. I text back, Not today, maybe another time.

  Hard to get drives me crazy.

  Reading that last text makes me drop my phone on the floor. I say, “Crap” a little too loudly. People turn around to look at me picking up my phone off the ground. I just can’t respond to that last text. I add Lane to my contacts smiling to myself.


  Later, during choreography practice, Bella notices I’m back to my old self. She was probably worried that I was coming down with a bug. She walks over to me during a break.

  “You look more chipper than ever. I guess you’re feeling better?”

  “Oh, yeah, lots better.” I beam. She has no idea. I lean down to pick up my water bottle and notice a text from Grant. I open and read the text quickly--- Thx again for coming 2 the swim meet. It was good 2 see u, I know u r busy. Can’t wait 2 see u dance at the game.

  I quickly text back a smile emoji, but my smile has faded.



  On Sunday afternoon, we set up the Homecoming lawn decoration in front of the house and work on adding the final touches. My hands are full of tissue paper when I get a text from Mom asking about the game Friday night and if I can get their tickets to them when they arrive. Come to the house around noon, I’ll have your tickets and the calendars. Luv u. Slipping my phone back into my back pocket, I wander over to Bella and Lexi who are carefully creating flowers at the bottom section, using three colors of tissue.

  “Do you guys want to walk with me while I get pictures of lawn decorations and painted windows? I’ve got to get some cool looking Homecoming stuff for a project in my digital media class, and I need some for the article on homecoming I�
�m writing for the newspaper.”

  “I would, Bex, but need to study tonight,” Lexi says with a sad face.

  “I’ll go with you,” Bella says, packing the extra tissue away. “In fact, I’ll judge the other sorority lawn displays with a British accent as we go,” she says, in a fake British accent. I laugh so hard I’m wiping tears away.

  “Are you going to do your accent tomorrow afternoon when we’re working on the canned food sculptures?” I ask, stopping in front of the KD house. Instead of answering me, she begins describing their lawn decoration, beginning with the elephant standing on one foot, crushing a bear, all in a very loud theatrical British accent. Two girls giggle at us when they pass us on the sidewalk. Both Bella and I are doubled over with laughter at this point.

  “I do think our canned food display for the food bank will be interesting this year, since our theme is the Disney castle,” I say.

  “I agree. Caroline bought special Disney stickers for the food drive sculpture because she wanted to make sure it tied in with our lawn decoration theme, too.”

  “You know she’s all about getting the points and winning,” I add, “and she’s participating in the blood drive to gain points, since she’s not doing choreography this year. This week is so busy, but in a good way.”

  “My favorite will be the basketball games. I can’t wait to go up against Cat and her Tri Delta team,” Bella declares with fervor.

  By the time we get to the restaurants and shops on the strip to take pics of the Homecoming themed painted windows, I get a text from Grant. Want to get together tonight?

  Bella and I are out on the strip getting pictures for my digital media class. He asks if he can help, and I text back sure. Within a few minutes, Grant pulls up in his black jeep. Bella and I hop in and continue down University Blvd. When I’m done, we decide to grab drinks at Innisfree Irish Pub.

  We get a table near the outdoor patio and order Cokes and nachos. We chat about the canned food sculptures that we’ll be working on tomorrow, and I ask Grant if he signed up to play basketball Tuesday.

  “I did, but I’m not that great at basketball, so please don’t judge.”

  Bella and I laugh and say, “Same.”

  Bella adds, “But Cat is playing on the Tri Delta team, and she’s good. They’ll probably be the team to beat. Oh, and let’s not forget our girl Bex here is performing at the first home basketball game Tuesday night.”

  Grant grins. “I’ve been planning on that for weeks.”

  We laugh, and I take a sip of my drink. When I set it down, out of the corner of my eye I spot Lane walking in with a girl hanging on his arm and her head on his shoulder. He’s with another DKE that I know I’ve seen before. I think I might have seen this same girl on Halloween at their fraternity party. I feel a stab of jealousy just seeing another girl with her hands on him. I’m shocked that I would be so jealous, since I barely know him. She could be his girlfriend, for all I know. They walk past us into the next room, and as they do, Lane looks over and sees me staring daggers at him. He suddenly looks sad and moves away from the girl, but he keeps his eyes on me. He gives me a wink and a half smile, and they move to their table out of view. Bella and Grant are talking about something and haven’t noticed my distraction. I feel a bit embarrassed because Lane noticed I was staring.

  “Hey, guys, let’s see if we can get our check. I want to get back to the house and work on editing the pictures I took tonight and write a little for the article on homecoming I have to submit in a few days.”

  Grant signals our server for the check. We chip in and pay in cash, so we don’t have to wait on change or sign anything, then we quickly leave. I’m more quiet than usual on the ride back to the house, I think Grant notices. He takes my hand, kisses it and asks, “You okay?”

  I smile sweetly at this adorable guy. “Yes, I’m glad you were able to join us. Thank you so much for the ride back to the house. I think I’m just overwhelmed with the work I need to finish tonight.”

  “Thanks, Grant. This was a much- needed study break,” Bella chimes from the backseat.

  When we pull up to the house, I lean over, kiss him, and say, “See you later.”

  “Bye, babe.” He pulls me back over for another sweet kiss.

  Bella and I hop out of the jeep and head up to our room to begin studying and homework. I work on my article for the Crimson White until 10:30. I set the alarm and turn out the light in hopes of getting some rest before the most fun week of our lives begins. As soon as my eyes close, I hear my phone ding. I grab it and look at the screen. It’s a text from Lane.

  It’s not what you think. I’m not dating anyone. But I see you might be????????

  He has eight question marks behind the text.

  Rather than answer, I text back, I’m asleep already. I’ll see you Tuesday. I use a smiley face emoji and add one last text, Thank you for clearing that up.

  I roll over, trying to go to sleep, but now I’m curious. He wants me to know he’s not dating anyone….


  I make it through Monday, and our canned food display turns out to look a little like the Disney Castle. We add some cute Disney stickers so that everyone gets the main idea of the design. After we finish the sculpture, Lexi, Bella and I head over to choreography practice. After that, I have dance team rehearsal at Coleman. I catch a ride back to the house with Amanda after practice.

  When we get into the car Amanda says, “You know Lane was the one who chose you for the secret society.”

  “Oh really?” I look at her, surprised. “Do you know if he has a girlfriend?”

  She gives me a serious look, like she may not want to answer. “No, as far as I can tell he’s never dated anyone seriously. But I do know Lane is from a very wealthy family in New York, and he’s a total playboy.”

  I respond, bemused, “But I thought that DKE’s only allow southern guys or legacies in?”

  “He is a legacy, and he’s from a wealthy family. He got in with a southern connection, I’m just not sure who. Look, Bex, just be careful with him. He’s a heart breaker.”

  “Thanks, Amanda. I appreciate the advice and the information. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Amanda’s a senior and obviously has known Lane a while now, so she probably knows best. I should take her advice and ignore my feelings for Lane. I should….and after all, Grant’s a great guy and uncomplicated.

  When we get back to the house, everyone is eating so I grab my plate and join Bella and Lexi at the table.

  Bella says, “You need to ask Caroline for your basketball jersey for tomorrow afternoon’s competition. The uniforms were passed out before dinner.”

  “Okay, I’ll make sure to get it after I finish eating. I’ve also got to get some work done on the Homecoming article I’m writing, since it’s due Thursday.”

  Lexi says, “By then you’ll have info on which sorority won the lawn decoration competition and which house won choreography.”

  Bella butts in, “And who wins the basketball tournament.”

  I raise my glass in a mock toast to that statement. “I’ll put in a blurb about the bonfire and the parade, too. Since this is my first featured article for the Crimson White, I want it to be great.”

  The next morning, I wake up feeling more refreshed than usual. I throw on some ripped jeans, a Phi Mu sweatshirt, thick socks with fur lined boots and my knit beanie, since it’s a chilly 48 degrees this cold November morning. I grab a Diet Coke out of the fridge, say bye to Bella, and head out the door to Phifer Hall. I walk in, find my seat, pull out my phone, and start checking my messages.

  As I sit reading, sipping on Diet Coke, Lane’s voice startles me.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Lane is standing next to me with a huge smile, perfectly coiffed hair, and a gorgeous Burberry scarf around his neck. Gawd, he's a vision. His shirt is unbuttoned a little further than it should be, and I am for sure drooling on myself. I let him past to get to his seat.

“Good morning. You look very nice today.”

  “But never as beautiful as you.” He leans in very close to me.

  A whiff of his cologne transports me into Neverland. I can’t help but smile at him. All the advice Amanda gave me last night flies out the window. He leans closer and whispers in my ear, “You are the most beautiful girl on the entire campus.”

  “Look, Lane, you don’t have to flatter me. We aren't dating, and I shouldn’t be mad at you for being with another girl. I’m dating Grant, anyway.”

  He’s still very close to me, but his smile has disappeared. His look is intense and questioning. “But do you want to be dating Grant?”

  Before I can answer, Professor Brigg walks to the podium and begins talking. He talks a lot about our project that’s due over Christmas break and wants us to begin working on it over Thanksgiving and not waste time. He lets us out thirty-five minutes early since its homecoming week. I’m thankful for the extra time, but now I have an hour to kill before math. Afterward, I’m meeting the Phi Mus over at the rec center for the basketball tournament. I packed my shorts, jersey and an extra water bottle in my bag last night so I wouldn’t forget them.

  As we stand and gather our things Lane asks, “Will you walk over to Ferguson with me? I have a few minutes to kill since we got out early.”

  “Sure, but aren't you on your bike?”

  “I am, but you can ride on the front handlebars if you don’t mind holding your backpack.”

  When we get outside, I watch Lane unlock his bike and decide I can do this. “Let’s try it,” I say.

  It’s hard to get up on the handlebars, but Lane picks me up under my arms and lifts me. I get situated and off we go, riding across the quad over to Ferguson, laughing the entire time.

  I hop off and Lane locks up his bike and says his class is not far from here. We walk inside, buy some drinks, and find a seat. When I go to sit, he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap with a huge smile on his face.

  “Remember I asked you if you really wanted to be dating Grant?”


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