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Walking the Crimson Road

Page 9

by Perrie Patterson

  “We have barbecue sandwiches, beans, salad and apple cobbler,” she says picking up a plate. “Bella stopped by about ten minutes ago and said hello,” Mom adds while scooping up apple cobbler for Grant.

  We watch the Elephant Stomp pep band make its way past us toward the stadium. After helping Mom pack up the rest of the food, I give my parents hugs and tell them I’ll see them in the morning. Grant takes my hand in his as we walk over to the stadium to watch the game.

  We beat the Mercer Bears 42-0. Since the Phi Mu house is close to the stadium, we go there after the game, grab water bottles, and hang for a few minutes. Bella and Lexi walk by, wave and run upstairs. I know they’re going to be a while, since they need to shower and change for the Homecoming parties tonight. I text Bella and Lexi that Grant and I will probably just hang at the Chi Phi house most of the night and to be careful.

  Bella texts back. U b careful. I know she is being a little sarcastic. Careful was my middle name. But throwing caution to the wind feels way more interesting this year, maybe just a bit anyway.

  Lexi texts back. Have fun and stay out of trouble.

  Wow, what do they think I’m going to be doing?

  Grant and I walk to Chi Phi through the quad. On home game days there’s no way to drive around campus with literally a hundred thousand or more people walking around. We stop at Denny Chimes, the statuesque monument located in the center of the quad that chimes on the hour. He takes my hand and pulls me down to sit next to him on the steps.

  With a big smile, he says, “Bex, I’m so glad we met. You are such a great girl. I want you to know I’m starting to have serious feelings toward you, and I hope you feel the same.” He lets go of my hand, opens his coat pocket, and pulls out a small box.

  He takes the lid off and says, “This is my Chi Phi pin, and I’d like you to wear it. I’d like for us to only date each other. Will you be my girlfriend?”

  I stare at him without saying anything, then I clear my throat.

  “Grant, I’m very flattered, and I don’t know how to answer that just yet. I certainly wasn’t expecting this.

  “It’s okay. Please take your time thinking about it. I just want you to know how I feel.” He kisses me on the cheek.

  “I need to think it over for a few days.” Ugh, how am I ever going to tell him how I really feel now? I silently yell to myself.

  He puts the pin away and seems a tiny bit disappointed but not totally put off by my non-acceptance. When we stand, he takes my hand. We walk down to the Chi Phi house and enjoy the Homecoming party.

  Around 12:30 I ask Grant if he can take me back. By this time the families and alumni have mostly cleared out, so the roads are drivable again. Grant opens my door, takes my hand, and helps me out of the jeep. He walks me to the front door, and because I don’t want to stand outside and kiss him, since there are still people milling around, I ask, “Do you want to come up to my room for a few minutes?”

  When we get to my room, no one is there. I offer him something to drink from our fridge. He looks around at everything. I tell him which bed’s mine and show him a few framed pictures on my desk. Bella walks in and looks surprised to see us. She says “Hi”, creating the perfect moment to say goodnight to Grant.

  I take his hand, “Grant, I’ll walk you downstairs. It’s been an awesome day.” I give him a quick hug and kiss when we get to the foyer.

  He whispers, “Goodnight, Bex,” as he walks through the front door.

  Back in the room I say, “Bella, you’re not going to believe this.”

  She looks at me, her eyes big, “What?”

  I walk over and sit on her bed.

  “Grant sat me down on the steps of Denny Chimes and offered me his pin and told me he was developing very strong feelings for me. He asked me to wear it and for us to date exclusively.”

  Bella’s eyes are bulging out of their sockets and her mouth is hanging open.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said I wasn’t expecting this, and I need a few days to think it over.”

  “That’s an understatement.” Her words drip in sarcasm. “You need to tell him how you really feel.”

  “I know I do. But I just don’t know when the right time will be yet. Since my parents are in town, I think I’m going to skip church and have breakfast with them before they leave in the morning. Do you want to come with me?”

  “Sure, what time?”

  “Mom said to come to their hotel in the morning, and when I get to the lobby to text them. There’s a breakfast buffet at their hotel until noon. I’m going to set an alarm for 9:00, if that’s okay with you.”

  “Sounds good. Goodnight,” she says rolling over to go to sleep.

  “Goodnight,” I say, crawling into bed. But sleep is hard to come by, so I pull out my journal and write down my thoughts on what I should tell Grant.

  The next morning while Bella and I are eating breakfast with my parents, I get a text from Lane and from Grant back to back. I turn the volume off on my phone and put it into my purse. My parents start talking about Grant and ask Bella if she knows him.

  Bella explains, “I’ve known Grant about a year. We were camp counselors together at Young Life summer camp. Lexi, Cat, and I are involved in Young Life and do some volunteer stuff with them. Sometimes Bex goes with us when she doesn’t have dance practice.”

  Mom asks, “Will your parents be in town for the Auburn game?”

  “Yes, they’re coming in a few days prior to the game. I’ll drive back to Louisiana when they leave and be home with the family for Thanksgiving.”

  “We should get together with Bella’s family for dinner after the Auburn game,” I suggest.

  With hugs all around, Bella and I say goodbye and walk over to her car. I pull out my phone and read and reply to the text messages from Grant and Lane. Thoughts of Grant are clouded with stress, so my mind quickly switches to daydreaming about Lane. I’ve got it bad.



  Now that basketball season has intersected with football season, the Crimson Cabaret has another home game performance on Tuesday night. Our practice times have changed from every afternoon to just Sundays and Mondays. The huge rivalry football game called the “Iron Bowl” against Auburn University is coming up this Saturday.

  “Bella, don’t forget we need to make plans with your parents for dinner together after the game,” I say, picking up a notebook off the floor.

  Stretching out on her bed, Bella says, “My family will love getting together with everyone, and Saturday night should work. I’ll text mom now and make that happen.”

  I move over to Bella’s bed and tell her to scrunch over so we can scroll through Netflix to find a show to binge on.

  “I’ll probably only get one episode in before practice.”

  Amanda pokes her head in our room and signals for me to follow her.

  I walk into the hall and say, “I know that practice has moved to Sunday afternoons.”

  “That’s not why I’m here.”

  I close the door to our room so we’re alone in the hallway.

  Amanda whispers, “We have a meeting tomorrow night. If you need help memorizing your Latin, I can help.”

  “I forgot about that. What if I’m not interested?”

  “Look, accept it as an honor to be chosen. Most of the Greeks involved in the secret society have high powered connections and go on to successful careers because of those high-ranking contacts. Most of them have families that have a great deal of political power as well.”

  Reluctantly I tell her, “Okay, I’ll ride with you to practice, and we can work on it then.”

  I walk back into the room and sit next to Bella.

  “What did Amanda want?” Bella questions.

  “Nothing much, just dance team issues, nothing major,” I lie, knowing that I can’t tell her secret society stuff, anyway. “How about this one?” I say, changing the subject and pausing the screen on Stra
nger Things. “Grant told me it was really good.”

  “Speaking of Grant, have you decided what you’re going to do about his pin proposal?”

  “Not exactly. I know I need to talk with him honestly and one-on-one but, I’m not sure how to go about getting together with him and bringing it up.”

  “You could see him on Wednesday night at our Young Life event.”

  “Yeah, talking to him then might be easier.”

  After the first episode, we’re totally hooked, and I am wishing I could watch more. Bella says she’ll wait for me to get back from practice to watch the next episode. She promises to do homework and study while I’m gone.

  I say, “You’re the best,” as I run out the door.

  When I get back from practice, I promise Bella we can watch another episode of Stranger Things, as soon as I glance through my agenda for homework assignments first. I see I need to write an article for Alice magazine, the trendy magazine featuring University of Alabama students as models, photographers, and a student writing staff.

  “Bella, I need to come up with an interesting article for Alice, and I have to do the layout and photos, too.”

  “Why don’t you write about binge-watching or just something like… Is binge watching good or bad? And do a poll on campus.”

  “Yeah, sounds like a topic to think about.”

  After the second episode, I really want to keep going, but I’m beat and so is Bella from our big Homecoming weekend. We can’t keep our eyes open. I turn out the light and drift off to sleep dreaming about strange aliens speaking in Latin.


  Mondays seem to be my busiest day. I have three classes, all in Phifer Hall, which makes life easy, and afternoon practice for the dance team. We have our chapter meetings on Monday nights. And now, I have a secret society meeting tonight, too.

  Amanda had me practice the Latin chant to and from dance practice today and again on our trip to who-knows-where into the dark of the night. I’ve taken five years of Spanish but never Latin. I asked her to translate it for me. The words Credimus sumus et honorem illuminati determinatae instructus ad consequi translated from Latin to English mean We believe, we are, with honor, enlightened, determined, equipped to achieve. It sounds so normal in English but being chanted in Latin, super sinister.

  We arrive on the dark, creepy path in the woods. When we get out of the car I’m blindfolded and led to a spot. After I’ve felt three taps, I am to recite the chant. I can feel someone behind me. There is hesitation. I wait, then I feel three soft taps on my shoulder. I begin.

  “Credimus sumus et honorem illuminati determinatae instructs ad consequi.” More voices join in and begin chanting softly at first, then louder until there’s a sound like a small explosion. The blindfold is removed. There’s now a fire on top of a stone table in the center circle, maybe that was the explosion. Someone hands me a mask and a black hooded robe. I notice everyone has them on. They look like they’re wearing masquerade masks. I quickly slip the cape and mask on, then take my place in the circle, and the blood bowl is passed. I notice tonight the entire circle is lit with candles along the outside. After we dip our left hands into the bowl and clean them with the ceremonial hand towel, the names of the student government candidates are revealed. Each one is read from a piece of paper then lit on fire and engulfed in flames on the stone table. We’re instructed whom we’ll support for the election with promotions and campaigning. We’re to control all the Greek votes. A leader asks if there’s any news or grievances that need to be addressed. Nothing else is said, and suddenly all the candles go out. Just like that we’re in complete darkness.

  Amanda turns on her flashlight. “We’re going to the after party now.”

  “What? An after party for what?”

  “Because we inducted a new member, there’s a celebration in a secret location.”

  “I hope you’ve noticed I’m getting a lot better with going with the flow, but I’d love a heads up about an after party before-hand. I have an early class on Tuesdays,” I say, with an eye roll. Amanda snickers at that comment. We shed our masks and robes and toss them into a large trunk as we walk quickly to the car.

  When we get into her car, Amanda hands me a black dress. “Put this on.”

  I noticed she was wearing a black dress, but I didn’t think anything of it. I quickly change clothes in the car, thankful it’s late and dark. We end up on campus at a building farther away from where I normally go. Somehow, we get into the building and down to the basement. I am dumfounded the alarm hasn’t gone off. How we’re able to just walk in is a mystery.

  Only candles light the dark room, casting large shadows on the walls. Black tablecloths cover the tables. The room is set for a party. There’s a sound system and red rose bouquets sit on all the tables. A buffet is set up with a spectacular display of fruits, cheeses and a mini bar. I’m standing in stunned silence, just staring at everything, when Lane walks up behind me and whispers in my ear.

  “Looking for someone to sweep you off your feet?”

  I turn around to face him. He looks so good he takes my breath away. He’s wearing what almost looks like a tuxedo, black jacket with a red rose on the lapel. His white shirt unbuttoned just far enough to be super sexy, a black silk scarf, black pants and expensive-looking shoes fit his image. He hands me a long stem rose and asks me to dance. The music playing is a slow song, so we slow dance. Everyone at the party is having a good time drinking, eating, laughing, and dancing.

  “This is quite the impressive secret party. How in the world are we able to be inside a basement on campus without the alarm going off?”

  “A perk of being in a secret society,” Lane says with a smirk.

  He pulls me close, and we dance for a while. The entire time I’m wondering how all the stuff got set up so fast. Minions, I’m sure. I feel like I’m dating Chuck Bass without having to be the snotty Blair Waldorf. I laugh aloud at this thought, and Lane looks at me, smiling.

  “What’s so funny?” he asks.

  “I was just thinking this reminds me of a movie scene or something from a TV show where everything is perfect. From a viewer’s standpoint you watch it and wish it was real and wish that was you on the screen. Now I feel like that’s me, I’m in a movie or a TV show where life is perfection, and I get the hot main character.”

  He laughs. “Oh, this is very real.”

  Lane and I sit on a fancy, antique looking sofa that’s also a part of the party decor. I pull out my phone to see what time it is.

  “I should get back. You and I have an early class in the morning.”

  “Yes, you’re right, it’s late. I’ll take you home.”

  Lane takes my hand and the butterflies do loop-de-loops in my stomach. I’ll never get tired of feeling so giddy when he’s near, even thinking about him makes me giddy. An idea pops into my head.

  “Hey, let’s get a selfie, I don’t have any pictures of you. I’ll send it to you, so you’ll have a picture of me too.”

  “I have the Crimson Cabaret calendar in my room at the fraternity house.”

  With a look of surprise, I say, “Oh, I could have autographed one for you and given it to you personally.”

  He lifts an eyebrow. “I asked Amanda for one a while back. I’m not really using it as a calendar. I have it set to the month of July, and it’s sitting next to my bed. It’s my favorite picture.”

  “I was having a good hair day.”

  He pulls me close and whispers in my ear, “You have a good hair day every day.”

  He lightly kisses my neck. We walk to his car then drive to Phi Mu. He opens the door for me and takes me by the hand, helping me out of the car, then he kisses the hand he’s holding.

  “Goodnight, Rebecca.” He lets go of my hand, and I turn to walk toward the house. I float up to my room to find Bella sound asleep, thank God, because I have no idea what I’d say about coming home at this hour on a random Monday. I slip out of the dress, then I crawl under the c
overs and set an alarm for later than I should and drift off to sleep dreaming about scenes from Gossip Girl.



  Tuesday morning the alarm goes off, and I open one eye and look over at Bella. She’s sound asleep. I turn on the Keurig and give her a nudge. She makes an un-comprehendible noise and rolls over.

  “Bella, I turned on the Keurig,” I say, poking her.

  When I come back from my shower, Bella’s sipping her coffee. I pour myself a chi tea latte into a to-go cup and open my closet to pick something to wear.

  “A lot of people are coming to the basketball game tonight,” Bella says, setting her cup down.

  “Cool.” I give her a thumbs up. “I gotta go. I’m running late,” I say, rushing out the door to class.”

  As I’m walking up the steps to Phifer, I remember the last week of August when school started---how nervous I was to be taking a Pulitzer Prize-winning author’s class. Now I get excited every Tuesday, but not about hearing a lecture from Rob Brigg on creative writing and journalism. But because I know I’ll see Lane. I get there before he does this morning and settle in while sipping my tea.

  Lane walks in and winks at me. “Good morning,” he says, sitting down. “What day do you plan to leave for Thanksgiving break?”

  “I’m planning to leave on Wednesday afternoon after dancing at the basketball game. I’ll ride back to Atlanta with my parents. We leave for Cumberland Island the next day.”

  “That sounds like a fun trip.”

  “It’s my Mom’s birthday, which rarely falls on Thanksgiving, but this year it does, so we’re celebrating at The Greyfield Inn.”

  “I’ve heard of it. I’m not sure yet if I’m leaving on Monday or Tuesday.”

  I nod, sipping my tea. “I’m hoping Tuesday’s classes will be cut. I don’t have anything on Monday that I need to attend, but I do need to work on my article for Alice magazine. I have to write it and do the layouts. I’ll be busy with that on Monday.”


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