Book Read Free

Walking the Crimson Road

Page 17

by Perrie Patterson

  Finishing my second exam of the day makes me feel even better. Two down and two more to go between Tuesday and Friday. I get a reminder text from Amanda that we don’t have practice again until Friday afternoon, but we do have a chapter meeting tonight about the party we’re hosting at Gallette’s. I walk back to the house after my second exam to find Bella studying.

  “Hey,” I say as I walk in.

  “Hey, how were your exams today?” she asks.

  “Good. How many did you have?”

  “I had one today. I have two tomorrow and one on Thursday. I was exempt from one.”

  “Oh, wow, you’ll be done by Thursday afternoon.”

  “Yes, I’m sleeping late on Friday.”

  “I’ll try not to wake you up. I have a Spanish test at 10:30 Friday.”

  “Don’t forget we have a chapter meeting tonight about the party at Gallette’s Friday night,” she says.

  “Right, I need to do an inventory of the winter clothes in my closet. We may need to go shopping at KSO for some boots or something later this week.”

  “You know I’m always up for a shopping trip. Lexi invited Patrick, and I, of course, invited Jack. Let me guess you invited Lane?” Bella says, grinning at me. She knows the answer.


  The end of the week, end of finals, party night, and the beginning of Christmas break are all rolled into one day. The celebrating starts tonight. A lot of people have finished with finals, but there are those few who still have some later today or even tomorrow morning. Most people are finishing up today and are in a celebratory mood. While I’m walking back to the house after my Spanish final, I get a text from Lane.

  I just finished my last final of the semester, how about u?

  Yes, just finished, lunch? Walking thru the quad rn.

  Lunch sounds good. I’m on my bike. I’ll meet u on the strip.

  I walk down to the strip and see Lane on his bike coming toward me. We pop into a taco bar, order food, and grab a table.

  “So how did your finals go?” I ask between bites.

  “Really well. I only had to take four. How about you?”

  “I had to take four, too.”

  “Nice, I’m looking forward the snow party with you tonight,” he says, with that sexy look he wears so well.

  “Me, too.” I smile back. “It’ll be nice to start getting into the season of Christmas.”

  “Are you leaving early tomorrow morning to go home?” He asks.

  “No, not really. I still need to pack. Bella and Lexi leave with the band on the buses around 11:30. She said they stop at their hotel first. The game starts at 7:30. They have to be at the stadium by 6:00. I’m going to find a ride with another Phi Mu to the game.”

  “How about you ride over with me?”

  “Really? I’d love that. I’m glad you’re going. When do you leave for Aspen?”

  “I’ll fly out Sunday afternoon from Atlanta. I’m planning on leaving my car at a fraternity brother’s house, and I’ll fly back into Atlanta at some point to drive my car back to campus after the break. By-the-way, I wanted to tell you that the clip of the interview you sent me is really good. You could edit it several ways and Tweet out different versions for promotions on the secret account.”

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll do that this weekend.” Glancing at my phone, I realize I need to get going. “I’m glad we got together for lunch, but I’ve got to scoot. I’ve got practice today because of exam week and Christmas break.” I make a sad face and stand up.

  Lane stands, gives me a hug, and kisses me.

  “I’ll stop by the house to pick you up at 8:00. We can walk to Gallette’s together.”

  “That’ll be awesome. I’ll see you later.” I wave as I walk out of the restaurant.

  Back in the room, I quickly change and text Amanda to see if she’s ready to go. We meet at her car and ride to practice. She’s chatty on the way over and asks, “So, are you going to the game tomorrow?”

  “Yes, are you?”

  “No. I’m planning on flying home to Dallas tomorrow. I figured you’d probably be going since it’s in Atlanta, and you live there. If we end up in the National Championship game on New Year’s, I’m definitely going to New Orleans.”

  “I’m planning on doing that, too. Bella’s from there, so we plan to stay at her house for a few days.”

  After rehearsal we’re given a DVD of our new dance and told to practice it over Christmas break. No rest for the weary.

  Back in the room, Bella is packing her big suitcase. I get my suitcase out and start putting things in, including my bag of laundry. I pull out the leggings, coat, and Lane’s scarf I’m going to wear to the party and open the box of cute winter, waterproof boots I bought yesterday when we went shopping.

  Bella stops packing and asks, “Are you riding to Atlanta with someone?”

  “I was going to ride with Alexis, but I found out a little while ago that Lane is going to the game. I’m going to ride with him tomorrow afternoon, instead.”

  “Riding to Atlanta with Lane will be fun.”

  “I know. I’m thrilled to be able to spend time with him before we go our separate ways for two weeks. I wasn’t sure if he’d be able to go to the game or not since I wasn't totally sure when he was planning on arriving in Aspen. I’m going to walk down to Alexis’ room and tell her I’m riding with Lane tomorrow. I’ll be back in a few minutes.

  A few hours later, we’re changed and ready to go to our snow themed date party.

  Bella leaves with Lexi and a few other Phi Mu’s early to help set a few things up before the party. I work on packing a little more before I walk downstairs to wait for Lane. I see him stroll up and open the door. He’s wearing a cool Ralph Lauren black and white ski jacket, ski pants, a black hat with ski goggles and a red plaid scarf.

  “Wow, you look amazing. You look like you just stepped off the ski slopes in Aspen.”

  He laughs and says, “Yep, but right now I’d rather get snowed-in with you.”

  I laugh as he pulls me into a hug. He takes my hand, and we head down the sidewalk and over to the strip to Gallette’s for the party.

  We smoosh our way inside. It’s packed like a can of sardines. People are spilling over and out onto the patio. The music is loud, and the base is thumping. It feels amazing, especially with the crowds this tight. The videos on the screens have spliced in snow and skiing pictures of our sorority sisters from past parties and ski trips they’ve taken, which is really cool. There’s even a fake snow machine blowing a dusting of tiny white flakes in the air. After Lane returns with drinks, we start dancing. The energy in here is explosive. A mixture of body heat, good music, and lots of drinking gives the feeling of complete freedom from tests and school. A feeling of I’m on vacation for three weeks, and I’m going to party nonstop until January. That strong vibe of total undeniable freedom is alive and tangible.

  We find Bella and Lexi with Jack and Patrick. After several rounds of pictures and selfies, we ditch our coats and continue dancing. After several hours, the crowds mixed with dancing and layers of ski themed clothing has made the air inside Gallette’s too hot to breathe, we so decide to walk outside. Lane and I grab our coats and walk out to the patio. There’s a light snow falling. I put my coat back on, and Lane and I walk hand-in-hand toward the quad. It’s dark, and quiet and feels enchanting walking through campus in the snow. I get an inkling of what it might be like inside a snow globe.

  The trees lining the campus have gone from sharp colored yellow and red leafed trees to solemn, looking dead sticks. Without all the green and color, the red brick paths and red brick buildings stand out. As we walk along the crimson path to the quad, the snow falls onto the bricks and melts away. The snow falling on the frozen ground forms a light dusting. I send Bella and Lexi a text. It’s snowing, and I’m out walking around on the quad with Lane. We continue walking through campus, engulfed in the magic of the night, and end up in front of Woods Hall, the art department build
ing. Woods Hall has a beautiful courtyard setting, and the red brick is offset by black rod iron balconies along the outside of the buildings. We find a bench and sit down.

  “Over the past three years I’ve spent a lot of time in Woods Hall and across the street at Morgan,” he says, as we lean back into the bench. “Do you know the ghost story behind Woods Hall?”

  “No, but tonight would be the perfect time to hear a ghost story.”

  The campus is quiet and still, and the snow fall gives it a serene look. Lane puts his arm around my shoulder and begins the story.

  “So, after Woods hall was completed in 1868, it was first used as a barracks for university cadets. There was a gunfight between two male students over the honor of a female. The two men decided to settle the score the traditional way with a duel. After the gunfight, one man fell over the balcony, and he either died from the fall or the gun shot. Today, they say that on some nights you can see this student’s ghost walking along the top balcony of Woods Hall.”

  I look up at the balcony as he says that. I don’t notice anything, but I feel a chill go through me. “Wow, that’s an interesting piece of history.”

  I snuggle up to Lane and tuck my hands inside his coat.

  “I have another ghost story for you. There’s a story about the Little Round House, the one we sat in during the night of the bonfire. According to this story, during the Civil War, three Union soldiers were lured there by the promise of whiskey, only to be shot by a Confederate cadet hiding inside. You can sometimes hear the soldiers digging around for the whiskey that was promised them.”

  “Oh my gosh, I’m so glad you didn’t tell me these ghost stories the night we were in there, it would have totally spoiled the romance.”

  We both laugh, and Lane pulls me close and kisses me gently. We hear laughter behind us and notice a group of students has come out to play in the snow, and they’ve started a snowball fight. We decide to walk back to Gallette’s to see how the party’s wrapping up.

  The walk back is not as peaceful or as quiet. The campus, now white with snow, is alive with co-eds running, laughing and playing in the light dusting. At Gallette’s, most of the girls and their dates are outside taking pictures and running around in the snow. Bella and Lexi have built tiny snowmen on top of a table. It’s cute, kinda like a snowman forest. Bella waves us over when she sees us walk up.

  “Hey, what do you guys think of our tiny snowmen?”

  “Adorable. Lane and I just got back from a long walk across campus. It was quiet at first, very peaceful and beautiful. Now most of the campus is out playing in the snow.”

  Lexi comments, “I wonder how long it will last.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t remember anyone mentioning snow in the forecast for this weekend. It will probably melt by the time you guys leave on the bus tomorrow. It didn’t look like it was sticking to the roads.”

  Lexi announces, “I’m going to walk back to the house with Patrick. I may see you guys at the game tomorrow, but if not, Merry Christmas.”

  I give Lexi a hug and tell her goodnight. Lane and I wander back inside with Bella and Jack as the end-of-term party continues into the night. After a while we decide to call it a night.

  Lane walks with us back to Phi Mu. Inside the foyer, he leans down and kisses me on the nose. “What time do you want me to come by to pick you up tomorrow? I don’t want to rush you, if you still need to pack.”

  “I’ll get up to see Bella off. I think I can be packed up and ready to leave by noon.”

  “That sounds perfect. We’ll get to the stadium by 5:00. Plenty of time before the game. We’ll even be able to enjoy eating dinner after we arrive. I’ll text you in the morning.”

  Lane kisses me goodnight while running his hands up the back of my sweater. A wave of butterflies washes over me. I say goodnight and smile dreamily as I walk to my room. I open the door and see that Bella’s already in her Pj’s. I quickly get ready for bed and drift off to sleep dreaming of snow, ghosts, and Christmas.



  I wake up to the sound of Bella zipping her suitcase. “Good morning,” I say, sitting up yawning and stretching.

  “Hey, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “No, that’s okay. I should be up now anyway. I need to finish packing and get dressed.”

  “I’m going to head down for breakfast.”

  “I’ll come, too, and help you carry your bags.”

  Over breakfast we chat about the travel plans everyone has over the break. Lexi’s roommate Jessica tells us she’ll be in France for Christmas. That totally beats Atlanta for sure, but honestly, I love being home for Christmas.

  After breakfast, I help Bella and Lexi to the door with their stuff before going back to the room to finish packing my bags.

  I look around the room to make sure everything is neat and tidy. Just as I place the room key into my backpack, I get a text from Lane telling me he’s on his way. I grab my bags, throw my backpack on, and bolt down the stairs. I hug a few of my Phi sisters, good-bye and wish them a Merry Christmas on my way out the door.

  Outside the snow is mostly melted, but there are still remnants of snow on the roof of the Alpha Delta Pi house next door. Lane parks along the curb and takes my bags from me and puts them into his trunk. The radio is playing softly. He leans in and kisses me at the first traffic light we stop at. As we’re driving, I send Mom a text, so she knows I’m on the way to the game with a friend. I still haven’t told anyone except Lauren that Lane and I are dating. I probably need to mention him to my parents over the Christmas holidays. Mom only knows that I had a date to the Undertaker’s Ball with a guy named Lane.

  “Do you want to drive through Starbucks?” Lane asks.

  “Sure, I’ll have a mint hot chocolate.” I dig my Starbucks gift card out of my bag and try to hand it to him, but he just kisses my hand instead.

  We stop for gas next then make our way onto the interstate toward Birmingham and Atlanta.

  I’m elated to spend this time with Lane. We talk about snow skiing and what he thinks he may get for Christmas. He asks about my sister and my parents.

  “I need to tell my parents about you over the holidays.”

  “I’d love to be able to meet them soon.”

  “If we end up in New Orleans for the National Championship game, you’ll be able to meet them there.”

  He laughs and says, “Good. You won’t hide me forever.”

  “No, I’d never do that.” I take his hand in mine, giving it a squeeze.

  “There’s a private party after the game tonight. Have you said anything to your parents about what time you’d be coming home?”

  “Not really. They know I’m on the way to the game. They’ll be watching it at home with friends. I think Lauren has friends coming over to hang out tonight. She may even have some friends sleep over. They know that it’ll be late when I get home.”

  “But do you think you can tell them you’re sleeping over with the friend that you’re riding to the game with?”

  I look over at him with a big question mark written all over my face but don’t answer.

  “Since the game will end around 11:30 and there’s a private party I want to take you to afterward, it might be best if you tell them you’re sleeping over at a friend’s house.”

  “Uhmmm, where will I actually be sleeping?”

  “We won’t be sleeping. The party will go until the wee hours of the morning, like 4 a.m. I can have you home by then, but it just might be best to have your parents think you’re sleeping over rather than coming home at that time.”

  “Oh, right, okay, I can do that. I should text Lauren and let her know the plan. She can leave the basement door unlocked for me. I can text Mom and tell her Alexis will drive me home early on Sunday. I’ll be asleep in my room by the time anyone wakes up.”

  We pull into the security lot at the Mercedes Benz stadium, and Lane pulls out a pass. We park and have direct access into the n
ew sleek stadium. The stadium is massive and impressive. We go through the tunnel gates and pop out into a restaurant decorated with mirrors, TV’s, chrome lights, and shiny marble. Lane takes my hand as we walk to find a table. Once we’re seated a waiter arrives and places menus in front of us. Lane is texting with someone while I sit and enjoy the moment. I text Mom and Lauren to let them know we’re at the stadium.

  When our food arrives so do a couple of Lane’s fraternity brothers. He introduces me to James, Brock, and their dates Christina and Erin. They tell us they’ll see us later and wander off. A few minutes later a few more guys that know Lane show up. He introduces me to them and their dates. I notice that they’re Sigma Nu’s, and I recognize the girls from the Tri Delta house. They sit with us, order food and hang out. After we finish eating, we walk to the railing that overlooks the field. It is so cool being able to walk out at field level. When I hear the band playing, I look up to see Bella, Lexi, the Crimsonettes and Big Al. The cheerleaders are down on the field stunting and tumbling. The stadium is starting to fill up.

  We make our way to our section, and I wave to a few Phi Mu sisters. The Cheerleaders are lined up in front of the player’s entrance, and the excitement is riveting. Smoke explodes from the entrance, and the cheerleaders take off down the field with Bama flags waving, and Big Al is jumping up and down to the band playing the fight song. We stand waving and cheering as the team runs out on the field behind Coach. We’re playing Florida for the SEC Championship, and they look like they have almost as many fans as we do.

  At halftime our Million Dollar Band performs first. We watch them exhibit an impressive half time show. Afterward, Lane and I decide to walk down and hang out along the field. It’s also easy access to the restaurants and the bathrooms. We take a few selfies and I text them to Lauren. She responds. Wow, ur right down on the field, how cool.


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