Walking the Crimson Road

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Walking the Crimson Road Page 24

by Perrie Patterson

  “Why?” I ask, looking a little sad.

  “Because yours is good, and its fiction. Mine may be good but it’s a story about something that happened to me when I was fourteen. Since you used creative writing skills as well as your imagination to write it, I think you should get as many votes as possible and win the spot in The New Yorker.”

  I give him a puppy dog sad face and say, “But I really want to vote for you.”

  He tries to give me the same puppy dog sad face and says, “But, I really want you to be the winner.”

  I roll my eyes up to the ceiling and say, “I’ll think about it.”

  “That’s my girl. I’ll walk you back to the house,” he says, closing his notebook.

  Lane and I walk hand-in-hand across campus laughing and talking. My heart is so happy and full right now it wants to burst. We get to the sidewalk near the front door and he stops, leans down, and kisses me. I reach up and pull him close, kissing him back with soft gentle kisses. We’re interrupted by a loud whistle from some guys walking down the other side of the street. We glance their way then turn back toward each other.

  Lane says, “I’ll pick you up an hour before the campaign party starts. If you don’t mind coming early and helping with some of the set up?”

  “Perfect, I’ll be glad to help.”

  He takes my hand and kisses it before he turns to walk away. I’m all smiles as I walk inside for dinner with my Phi sisters, bursting with feelings of being in love.


  When we arrive at Heat Pizza the next day, some of Lane’s fraternity brothers are outside setting up the check-in-table. Inside, most of the tables have been pushed to the back or to the side, leaving a large open area. There’s a small stage set up on the far end where a DJ is hooking up speakers and a microphone.

  Lane says, “I need to check on a couple of things. Would you help with blowing up some balloons?”

  We walk behind the bar to find a helium tank and a box of balloons. I start cutting ribbon, and Lane wanders off. A few minutes later a few freshmen KD’s show up and come over to help me with the balloons.

  One of the girls says her name is Mary Margaret and asks, “Who are you here with?”

  “I’m Lane’s girlfriend, Rebecca.”

  Her eyes get big and she says, “Oh wow, Lane is so cute.”

  She glances at her friend, and they smile at each other. I wonder, has Ashley started some sort of Lane Townsend fan club at the KD house?

  Mary Margaret and her friend Sophia help me tie balloons to each of the ten balloon weights. We set them around the restaurant to create a festive party look. I see more KD’s hanging campaign posters on the walls and windows. When the DJ turns up the tunes, Lane appears by my side.

  “Thank you for helping out tonight. The place is looking great,” he says.

  Adam walks up, shakes Lane’s hand and says, “Hi Rebecca, how are you? Thank you for helping put this event together tonight. I know it will be a huge success.”

  “We’re glad to do it, Adam. Anything to put the right candidate in office,” Lane says, cheerfully. I smile and nod in agreement.

  Adam turns to meet, greet, and chat with others around the room. People are coming in by the droves, and Adam is going to have a busy night talking and shaking hands with everyone. I text Lexi and Bella, telling them there’s free pizza here as well as drinks and a DJ.

  Bella texts back, U had me at free pizza. We’re on the way.

  By the time Lexi and Bella walk in there are at least five hundred people inside, and it’s a tight squeeze trying to walk around. There are even people hanging out on the patio. Bella and Lexi make their way over to where Lane and I are.

  “Thanks for coming,” I say happily.

  “This is quite the party,” Bella says. Her eyes roam around the room.

  “Yeah, it’s like frat party times two in here,” Lexi says, with a short laugh.

  Lane excuses himself and hops onto the stage. He taps on the microphone to get everyone’s attention. He greets the crowd and introduces Adam. He’s so polished and self-confidant I’m beaming at him. Before he hops off the stage, he gives me a wink and a smile.

  Adam makes an awesome speech, and the hundreds that have gathered are now in a very good mood, and the cheering is contagious. When the noise dies down, Lane is interrupted by someone wanting to talk to him. Lexi and I walk over to get more drinks. On the way through the mass of people, I see Ashley with Amanda and some other senior KD girls. Ashley has the attention of the eight or so people gathered in her circle. I don’t want to think about her right now or have any type of contact with her after her display at the Undertaker’s Ball.

  I point her out to Lexi and Bella and whisper, “That’s the girl I called you about the day you left for Thanksgiving break. The one that Lane used to date. She’s so animated right now like she’s performing. What could she possibly be talking about?”

  Bella yelps, “Stop looking at her. I remember seeing her at the Undertaker’s Ball. You know Lane’s not into her. She’s just a diva chick. She’s very pretty, but she has nothing on you. You’re genuine. It’s obvious Lane prefers you to that.” She motions with her hands toward Ashley when she says that. Somehow Ashley happens to look our way just as Bella flings her hand in her direction. She gives a deadly look. I turn back to Bella and roll my eyes.

  A few people are starting to leave, I’m feeling less claustrophobic and can breathe more easily. Lane comes back with a drink, glowing.

  “What do you think about the party? A success?” he asks.

  “Absolutely,” I say. “There had to be over six hundred people here tonight.”

  “Yes, and there were even more outside. I had someone film a little tonight. I’d like you to edit some clips to post. We’ll have another party like this at Innisfree the day of the election. I can take you back to the house now, if you’re ready to go. I’ll need to come back and help take some things down and pack up. I don’t want you to have to hang around for that.”

  “That’s okay, I can get a ride back with Bella and Lexi.”

  The three of us walk to the parking lot toward Bella’s car. Before we get to the car someone pushes into me. I almost fall in a puddle of water, but Bella and Lexi grab both my arms before I tumble. Stumbling to stand upright, I look up and see a group of girls laughing and running away from us, one of the girls is Ashley.

  “Bex, are you okay?” Bella and Lexi look concerned.

  “Guys that was Ashley,” I say, with a pissed off attitude.”



  Walking into the lecture hall on Tuesday morning, I’m nervous. I feel really weird about people discussing my story in class. I know no one will know who wrote any of them, but it’s still going to be a little strange. I sit down next to Lane, who leans over and kisses me hello.

  “Are you nervous about the discussions today?” I ask.

  His glorious smile is radiating. “No, and you shouldn’t be either.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that, but I’ll try to stay calm,” I say, half laughing.

  When Professor Brigg walks in, he asks each row to gather all the discussion questions so he can walk by to collect them. He asks us to write our name on each sheet before we send it down. He turns on the projector and the discussion questions for Freedom of Speech pop up. A heated discussion breaks out between Olivia and Lane during the discussion of Freedom of Speech—Freedom of Choice. Professor Brigg has to intercede so we can move on. Lane’s story gets lots of praise.

  My story provokes some very interesting discussion about my story line, and I can tell that most of the class would love to read the rest of the story. It appears that Lane is the only one who figured out that the story was a spoof on JFK, Jr., his wife and assistant. I couldn’t tell if Professor Brigg was impressed that Lane knew this or annoyed that only one student was able to figure it out. Class ends five minutes later than usual, and Professor Brigg tells us to be on the lookou
t for an email that will let us know which story wins.

  The rest of January is cold and damp. I spend most days walking to classes wearing rain boots and a raincoat. Tonight, will be our last home game performance for the month. I’ve come back to the room to work on assignments and get out of the freezing rain before heading over to Coleman for the pre-game festivities. While I’m finishing up an assignment submission, I receive a new email from Professor Brigg. A shiver of nervous energy shoots through my body when I open it and start reading, Congratulations to our story winner, Rebecca Brant. Rebecca’s fictional cliffhanger Prince of the Past” has won the opportunity to be published in The New Yorker. I’ve worked out the details with the editors, and I’ve listed the information that goes along with this honor below. I know all of you will want to congratulate Rebecca in class on Tuesday.

  I continue reading the rest of the email. My article will be published in the April issue of our campus magazine Alice. Wow, my Netflix piece was just in this month’s issue, and I’ll have another published piece in there a few months later. I continue reading the rest of the email.

  I will be flown to New York in April to meet with the staff and editors for a tour, and the final proofs of my story. The story will be published in the July issue. It says I have the opportunity to intern for eight weeks during the spring semester next year under the supervision of two of their editors. I jump off the bed and start bouncing around the room. Grabbing my phone, I immediately call Lane. When he answers I’m out of breath and can hardly speak.

  I finally get out in-between puffs of breath, “They chose my story. Lane, I can’t believe it. My story is going to be published in The New Yorker.”

  “I knew you could do it. I had every confidence in you, babe. I am so happy for you. Let’s go out after the game tonight to celebrate.”

  “Yes, I’d like that. I need to call my parents and tell them. I’ll see you later tonight.”

  I hang up and dial Mom’s cell. She answers on the first ring. I’m still spazzing out and running around in circles. I burst out, “Hey, mom, you’re not going to believe this.”

  She answers, “What is it, Bex?” with concern in her voice.

  “The assignment I wrote over Christmas break was chosen to not only be published in Alice the campus magazine, but also in The New Yorker in July. They’ll also fly me up in April for two days to meet with the editors.”

  Mom’s voice sounds out of breath, too. “Bex, that’s incredible. We’re so proud of you. You never cease to impress us. Can you send us the story? We would love to read it.”

  “Yes, it’s on my computer. I can email it now.”

  “Do you think we can all fly out to New York with you and make it a family trip? Maybe we could all be on the same flight and stay a few days longer and make it a mini vacation?”

  “That might work. They didn’t give me a specific date. It says for me to choose the best two days in April to come out. I have the address, phone numbers and the name of the person to contact at The New Yorker. It also gives a few hotel options. They aren’t paying for my hotel room, only my plane ticket.”

  “That’s good they let you choose the dates that work best for your schedule. If you choose a Thursday/Friday date, we could leave on the same flight on Wednesday night from Atlanta and return together on Sunday.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a plan. It’s a few months away, but I think by the first of March I’ll have a better idea which days in April will work. Make sure to tell Lauren when she gets home, please.”

  “She’ll be thrilled for you. Have a great performance tonight. We love you and are proud of you, Bex.”

  After hanging up with Mom, Bella walks in. “Guess what! You’re never going to guess.” I grab her in a bear hug.

  Bella looks at me like I’ve gone crazy, “Mmmm, let me see, Ashley has been stricken with a fatal disease.”

  “I wish, but no. My story was chosen to be published in Alice in April and in The New Yorker in July. I get to go to New York to meet with them for two days in April.”

  Bella’s eyes are huge. “Bex, that’s amazing.”

  She hugs me, and we both jump up and down.

  “I know. I still can’t believe it. I just got off the phone with Mom. I called Lane first, and he said we’ll go out and celebrate after the game tonight.” My voice comes out a little high pitched from holding in my breath too long.

  “Bex, this is so exciting.”

  Bella sits on her bed, and I fall back on mine, my head still spinning. A text from Amanda pops up on my phone about riding to the game with me tonight. I send a quick text back and take a deep breath, trying to relax enough to gather composure to get into my uniform and get ready to dance at the basketball game.

  Lane greets me after the game with a bouquet of red roses. We end up at Innisfree for a casual celebration dinner.

  Lane says in a soothing tone, “So, I know you’re excited about The New Yorker and your trip to meet and work with the editors. Have you been to New York before?”

  “No, but I’m really looking forward to it. In fact, my mom asked if I might be able to choose a Thursday/Friday trip and turn it into a long weekend for the whole family. I know my parents went there years ago, and they talked about taking us on vacation to New York, but it just never happened. Since you live there, are you going to recommend all the best places to visit?” I ask, batting my eyelashes at him.

  “I could give you a list of all the best tourist places and some local favorites. Your family is probably wanting to see all the sights. I would recommend a Broadway show. I can help get you get tickets for some of the best. If your parents have any specific questions, make sure to let me know and I’ll help answer as best I can.”

  I change the subject. “Tomorrow’s Groundhog Day, we get to see how many more days of winter are left.”

  “Like if he sees his shadow there’s five more weeks of winter, and if he doesn’t there’ll be an early spring?”

  “Yes, exactly, and speaking of five more weeks, I only have four more games to dance at in February. The last basketball game before the SEC championship is on the 27th of February. No basketball on the 14th, by-the-way.”

  Lane with a coy smile says, “Oh, do you think you might have special plans for February 14th?”

  “I sure hope I do.” I give a shy smile.

  After dinner Lane drives me back to the house and helps me carry in my bag and roses. We step into the foyer and say goodnight. He kisses me on the forehead, and I wave bye as he walks out the door.

  Back in the room, Bella’s in bed but still awake and immediately perks up when she sees my roses.

  “Wow, those are divine.”

  “Lane was waiting for me after the game with these in his hand. He looked like a modern-day Prince Charming standing there. I’m going downstairs to look for a vase big enough to hold them.”

  I find an array of vases in a cabinet and select one. It looks beautiful sitting on my desk. After positioning it just so, I plop down onto my bed to study.

  “Do you have plans for Saturday night yet?” Bella asks

  “I haven’t made any plans for Saturday yet, what’s up?”

  “Lexi, Cat and I are signed up to volunteer at the Young Life banquet Saturday night. It involves a free meal and an opportunity to meet some of the directors and learn about job opportunities for summer camps and other leadership roles.”

  “Sure, count me in.”

  “Great, we’ll plan to leave at 5:00 on Saturday.”


  Only three more months left in my sophomore year. It’s hard to believe. I wish this year could last forever, since it feels like the best year of my life, so far. This week has flown by since I found out about winning the assignment in The New Yorker. Lane’s been a huge motivation these past few months, but my besties, Bella and Lexi, have been in my corner for two years now I don’t know what I’d do without those two. I’m glad to be volunteering with them at the Young Li
fe banquet tonight. It’ll be a blast. Only problem is I’m still not sure what to wear.

  “Bella, what are you wearing to the Young Life Banquet tonight?” I ask, staring into my closet.

  “A dress but nothing really dressy. It’s nice but not fancy.”

  I poke through my closet and take out a floral romper dress and pair it with leather booties. Cat walks over, and we meet her in the parking lot next to my car. I set my phone in the charger just as a text from Lane pops up. Have fun with the girls tonight. I miss u.

  I’m glad he’s cool with me hanging with my friends tonight. He knows it’s a fundraiser and a volunteer opportunity for me, so he doesn’t mind.

  When we arrive one of the directors offers us several options, check-in-table, greeter, or food service. Lexi and Cat choose greeter, and Bella and I choose check-in-table. Cat and Lexi greet everyone as they arrive with a program and send them to us to check-in and get their name tags and table numbers. Most of the guests are parents of middle or high school students who have children involved in Wyldlife or Young Life. Bella tells me this event is their biggest fund raiser of the year. While we’re working the check-in, Grant, Adam and a few other guys walk in. Grant is talking as he walks by and doesn’t notice me. After they walk past, I nudge Bella.

  “I just saw Grant walk in. I haven’t spoken to him in months. It feels weird to see him.”

  Bella shrugs. “He’s probably one of the guest speakers tonight.”

  At the start of the event, Bella and I take seats in the back of the room. When it’s time for us to make our way to the buffet line, I know there’s no way for me to avoid running into Grant. I take a deep breath and push, on trying to be calm and collected. When we get closer to the buffet, I see his group walk toward us. He sees me, and I smile.


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