Walking the Crimson Road

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Walking the Crimson Road Page 25

by Perrie Patterson

“Hi, Grant, it’s good to see you. How have you been?”

  He looks a little surprised to see me but smiles and says, “Hey, Bex. I’ve been great. It’s good to see you, too. Glad you could come tonight.”

  “Thank you. Are you one of the guest speakers?”

  “Yes, I’m talking about working for the middle school Wyldlife camp and the Young Life camp in North Carolina I worked at last summer.”

  “Nice,” I say, picking up a plate and moving into the line with Bella and Cat.

  After we get our food, Lexi, Bella, Cat and I walk back to our table in the back of the room. A worship band comes on and plays a few songs. One of the directors opens with a prayer and a welcome speech. A slideshow presentation about Young Life events and summer camps is shown on a big screen, and I see lots of fun pictures of Lexi, Bella, and Grant working but looking like they’re having the best time of their lives.

  The slideshow ends, the music is turned down and Grant is introduced. He takes the stage and talks about why he’s been a camp counselor for the past two years and what the experience means to him. He’s so cute, earnest, and endearing. His speech is heartfelt, giving me inspiration to want to serve whole heartedly this summer while working at camp, too. My heart twinges a little thinking about Grant and me at camp all summer together. He has that sweet South Carolina accent and a volunteer giving heart. Not to mention he’s still hot. A few old feelings emerge. After Grant speaks, Adam is introduced. His speech is similar to the one he gave during our interview.

  Adam leaves the stage, and one of the directors introduces more of the volunteer leaders to talk about the programs for middle and high school students during the school year. They also give information on becoming a leader, serving as a camp counselor, and the opportunity to donate financially, since they’re nonprofit. When the event is over, I notice a cute girl talking with Grant, and they look like they’re leaving together. As they walk past, he gives me a slight wave. I feel a little dissed, which I know I shouldn’t. I look over and get Bella’s attention.

  “Do you think Grant is dating the girl he left with?”

  Bella huffs. “I’m not sure, Bex. Why does it matter? You have a boyfriend that you think you’re in love with anyway.”

  “Um, yeah, I know, I was just asking.”

  She gives me a look like “Can’t fool me.”

  In the car on the way home, Cat and Lexi are talking about volunteering to lead a group of high school girls again next year, and about working at summer camp again. Lexi leans over the seat and taps me on the shoulder.

  “Bex, do you want to work with us at summer camp this year?”

  “Well, it would definitely be a lot of fun, that’s for sure. I’ll think about it.”

  Cat warns, “Make sure to decide before the end of April. The application has to be turned in around the 20th.”

  Later, as I’m getting ready for bed, I decide to vlog about volunteering today and caption it Fun ways to volunteer while in college When I finish, I can’t help but remember seeing Grant leaving with a girl. But I’m not still into him, right?



  I’m up early putting on one of my uniforms for the Crimson Cabaret volunteer day at the children’s hospital. It’s been a crazy, busy week. Honestly, I didn’t know if I was coming or going. Both the Crimson White and Alice had me do a quick photo shoot and interview session about my story being chosen for The New Yorker. It felt surreal, for sure. On top of that we decorated the house top to bottom for Valentine’s Day and during our chapter meeting we drew names for “secret Valentines.” It’s like playing “secret Santa. That spurred on a shopping trip to Target. Lexi asked me what I was getting Lane. Guys are hard to buy for on Valentine’s Day, in my opinion. Bella suggested buying him cologne. She’s never going to let me live down my stalker moment in the men’s department. When Lexi suggested getting tickets for the Tucfest music festival at the riverfront amphitheater, I knew that would be a great idea, especially with the cool bands coming, Haim, Coin, Mumford and Son’s and Kid Rock. I have no idea what Lane has planned for me for Valentine’s Day, but I’m sure he’ll make it special. My phone rings, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I grab it, answering quickly to keep from waking Bella.

  “Hello,” I whisper into the phone, walking into the hallway still trying to be quiet.

  “Hey, babe, I just wanted to see about doing something fun with you after the game tonight?”

  “Sure, I’m up for doing something later. Why are you up so early?”

  “I wanted to get some studying in before the day got away. Do you want to see a movie?”

  “Yeah, that would be a lot of fun,” I whisper.

  “How about the new Stephen King movie?” Lane suggests.

  “Okay, hopefully it’s not too scary.”

  “Have fun today with your service event. I’ll see you after the game. Bye, babe.”

  I sneak back into the room, quietly finish getting ready and text Amanda to see if she is ready to go. We stop to pick up two more girls along the way. It’s a short drive to the hospital because it’s so close to campus. We take the elevator to the children’s floor and meet up with the rest of our team in the hall. Local TV camera crews are set up to film us in the large common room. The children’s faces light up when our team walks in. The basketball team came out today, too. Making these children smile and feel better for a while is a great feeling. We do a short routine then pass out the goodie bags and take pictures with the kids and their families. The hospital asks us to stop by the rooms of the children who were unable to come to the common room, and the TV crew follows us, filming the whole event.

  When I get back to the house around noon, I head to my room to change. Bella’s not there, but I see a small stuffed animal with a note attached to it sitting on my bed. I read the card from my secret Valentine. I get out one of the Valentine’s cards I got for my secret Valentine, and I add a gift card to it. I walk down the hall and slide it under her door. I change clothes and go down to the kitchen to fix something to eat and see Bella and Lexi eating lunch.

  “Hey, Bex, how was your children’s hospital thing today?” Bella asks, cheerfully.

  “It was so fun, and the kids were so sweet. Some of them were really sick, which was sad, but the day was fun. It’s all probably going to be on the local news tonight.”

  “Oh wow! We should try to catch that,” Lexi trills.

  “Yeah, that’s cool,” Bella adds.

  Between bites of my sandwich I say, “It is, and tonight TV crews are filming us prior to the start of the game, actually before the last four games. We’ve switched off with the cheerleaders. They’re doing the meet-and-greets and photo ops, and we’re being filmed while we do a pregame performance.”

  Bella laughs. “You’re going to be famous, one way or another, from being published in The New Yorker or from dancing on TV.”

  I shake my head at Bella, pick up my drink and scurry up to my room to decide what to wear on my date. I send a text to Mom and Dad to make sure they remember to watch the game on TV and record it. These last four games feature us more than the cheerleaders, and it’ll be nice to have some good routines on film to save for posterity, my kids, or something along those lines.

  The game ends in overtime, and we win with a three-point buzzer beater. I follow my teammates into the locker room to change. Lane meets me out front, and we walk hand-in-hand to his car.

  “How was your service project?” he asks. I love that he’s always so interested in what I do.

  “It was fun and sweet seeing all the kids and their families. It’s funny, I’ll be on TV a lot today. The local news crews were filming us this morning, and tonight the ESPN crews were filming us. Mom texted me that they saw me and recorded everything. Mom and Dad thought it was cool watching me on TV tonight instead of being at the game.”

  “I like being at the game. I’d rather see you in person.” Lane chuckles and gives my hand a squeeze. “
So, do you feel like popcorn, candy or both?”

  “Ooooo both, for sure. If this movie is too scary, I’ll be sitting in your lap.”

  “That’s why I picked the movie,” Lane says, with a wink and sheepish grin.



  My eyes open to a dozen pink and red balloons floating above me on the ceiling. One of the strings has a note attached. I pull the note off the string and read it. I want to wine, dine and have you, be mine. You mean more to me each new day, in every way, my sweet Valentine. It’s signed LKT. I flip the card over, and it says, Look for the scarf. I notice one of the balloons has a red scarf tied around the bottom and untie it. Another note falls down. I unfold that note. Put me on and we’ll be gone; walk out to the lawn and you’ll see John. I promise to have you home before dawn. In tiny print it says, over. I flip the note to the other side and read, 5 p.m. outside with scarf in hand, and it’s signed with Lane’s fancy signature. Bella wakes up and screams.

  “What the heck, man? Has your secret Valentine gone overboard?”

  “They’re from Lane and had a few notes attached to them. Apparently, I’m supposed to be outside ready to go at five o’clock with this red scarf in my hand and something about seeing someone named John.”

  “Wow, Bex, I wonder who got these balloons in here?”

  “I don’t know, but Lane had to have one of our Phi Mu sisters do it. He’s known Amanda for a while, so I could ask her about it, or I can wait and see what my surprise is and ask her about the balloons later.”

  “Yeah, ask her about the balloons after you’ve gone out and had a fabulous Valentine’s date. If this is the prequel, then the actual date must be mind-blowing. I’m going to take a quick shower,” Bella says, as she opens the door. “Oh, look, Bex, our secret Valentines are outside our door. You have a box of chocolates and a card, and I have a cute stuffed animal and a card. Have you done your secret Valentines for today?”

  “I’m having something delivered to her this afternoon. How about you?”

  “I left a card and flowers on the kitchen table for mine to find at breakfast this morning.”

  “Cool, Happy Valentine’s Day, Bestie.” I walk over, hug Bella, then pick up my box off the floor.

  I lie back on my bed and take a picture of the balloons covering the ceiling, then post it to Snapchat with the caption “from the greatest BF eva!”

  The day drags on. I’m so too excited about my mysterious date tonight that it’s hard to pay attention to what’s going on in class, so I text Lane instead.

  Happy Valentine’s Day. Loved the balloons in my room this morning.

  He texts back, Happy Valentine’s Day to my favorite girl.

  “What should I wear 2night, something really dressy and formal or just a nice dress?

  A nice dress with a jacket, the red scarf, of course, and some shoes that are easy to slip off.

  Mmmmmmm, sounds specific, I’m so excited.

  I am, too. He adds a heart emoji.

  After class, back at the house, I kick off my shoes and sit on my bed between the dangling strings from the balloons floating on my ceiling. Before I start on homework, I send my sister a text.

  HVD. Do u have big plans with Brian?

  We r going downtown 2night, but I don’t know where yet, it’s a secret. He sent me roses 2day with balloons.

  Same. Lane secretly had a dozen balloons put in my room sometime after midnight. I woke up to pink and red balloons floating on my ceiling. And I have no idea where he’s taking me tonight, but it involves a red scarf. So, I’ll have to let u know ltr.

  Cool, call me tomorrow. I want to hear all about it.

  I look through my closet and find a short black knit skirt and a long sleeve white blouse to go with it, red pumps that I can easily slip off and my satin jacket in silver. I add a red rhinestone necklace with matching earrings and curl my hair. Bella walks in as I’m putting on lipstick.

  “Hey, Bella, which purse do you think I should take?”

  “I have a cute beaded clutch that has red in it.” Bella reaches the top shelf of her closet and hands me a sequined clutch with tiny red flowers on it.

  “I think I’m all set.” I twirl around to Bella’s applause.

  “You still don’t know where you’re going?” she asks.

  “No clue, but I’ll text you a pic when I get there.”

  “Lexi and I are going to dinner with Jack, Patrick, Cat and Ryan. I’ll text you a pic, and we can compare them and decide who wins Valentine’s Queen for a year.”

  I laugh and say, “Okay. Deal.”

  I stuff a few things into the purse and give Bella a hug as I walk out. Right at 5:00, I walk down the stairs to the front door. Opening it, I see a black limo parked out front with a driver leaning against the hood.

  “Are you John?” I ask, walking toward him.

  “Yes, ma’am. Let me help you with the scarf.”

  He opens the door to the limo, and there’s no one inside. He ties the scarf around my eyes and helps me in. “We’re going on a short fifteen- minute drive.”

  The car starts and soft piano music begins to play. When the car stops and the door opens, someone takes my hand and helps me out. The same person reaches for the scarf and unties it. I open my eyes to see Lane standing in front of me holding a dozen red roses tied with a huge bow. Starring at him stunned, excitement leaks out from me as a smile plasters my lips and my heart pounds ferociously in my chest.

  “Ready?” He moves to the side and takes my hand. When he steps out of my way, I see that he was standing in front of a small private airplane.

  I gasp and say, “Oh my God. Lane, are you serious? We’re getting on a private plane right now?”

  “Yes, it’s just a short flight.”

  We climb the stairs up to the plane and sit side-by-side in the back. There is only one pilot and the two of us, and it’s so romantic.

  Looking into Lane’s beautiful eyes, I say, “This is the most romantic thing in the entire world. There is no possible way my Valentine’s Day could get any better. I feel like I’m dreaming.”

  Lane leans over, kisses me gently, and whispers in my ear, “You don’t have to ever wake up.”

  “I dream of a lot of wonderful things, but I don’t think I could have ever dreamed this up.”

  The flight is just under an hour. When we get off the plane, another limo waits for us.

  Lane asks, “May I?” and pulls out the red scarf. “Just a short drive for the second part of the surprise.”

  I turn around so he can tie the scarf, and he leads me to the limo. Once we’re seated soft piano music begins playing. Lane leans over and gently kisses my neck. Shivers go down my spine, and I gasp for breath.

  He whispers as he kisses me softly, “You’re so beautiful.”

  The limo stops, and Lane helps me out, takes my hand, and we walk for a while.

  “It’s not too much farther,” he says.

  When we stop, he unties my scarf, and we’re standing in front of a table covered with a canopy set under palm trees next to a large swimming pool that overlooks the ocean. It’s beyond breathtaking. There are lit candles everywhere. There’s a table set for two and even a candle lit path that leads from our canopy covered table down to the beach. I stand in stunned silence.

  “Lane, it’s breathtaking. I don’t have words. I don’t know what to say.”

  He turns to face me. “You don’t need to say anything. I want you to know you are very special to me.” He pauses, staring into my eyes. “I love you, Rebecca.”

  I gasp for breath. “I love you, too,” I say, as we stand staring into each other’s eyes, frozen in time.

  He leans in planting a gentle kiss on my lips then says, “How about dinner? May I?” He offers me his arm.

  Lane pulls the chair out for me. He sits across the table and pours sparkling water into my glass. He holds his glass in the air.

  “A toast to my beautiful Valentine.”r />
  “And to the best night of our lives,” I add.

  “The best night, so far,” he says with a wink.

  “Yes. The best night, so far.” I hold my glass up again in a mock toast.

  After studying the menu, I choose a salad and baked grouper. A few minutes later a waiter comes out and takes our orders.

  “I’m curious as to how you’re able to pull off a private plane and private dinner for two beach side, four driving hours from campus,” I say, rubbing his leg with my toe under the table.

  Lane smiles. “There’s no need to know the details. Those are boring, anyway. Just know I want to make you feel special. I fell for you the first day I saw you. My heart has never felt like this before, and you mean everything to me.” Lane takes my hand in his.

  “I fell head over heels for you that first day, too.”

  We laugh and joke with each other over our romantic dinner. Lane and I take a selfie, and I text it to Bella, but I know it is impossible for her to guess where we are. She texts a picture of her, Jack, Lexi, Patrick, Cat and Ryan at what looks like a fancy restaurant.

  After dinner, our waiter arrives with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries and two glasses of champagne. Lane and I feed each other strawberries, and sip champagne.

  “Do you want to go for a walk on the beach?” I ask.

  I pick up one of the roses from the centerpiece and grab my phone. We both slip off our shoes and leave them on the sidewalk near the table before we walk down the boardwalk into the sand. At the water’s edge I bend down and draw a heart with my finger and lay the rose in the center.

  “Lane, stand next to me so that our feet are at the edge of the heart.” I turn my flash on and take a photo of our feet together on the edge of the heart just as a wave comes up and almost washes it away. Then I text it to Bella. I post it to my Instagram with the caption Best Valentine’s Date Ever. I search the location and find we’re in Orange Beach, Alabama. I show my phone to Lane.

  “I finally know where I am now.”

  We laugh, and he grabs my hand and pulls me toward the water. He rolls his pants up to his knees, and we splash around like kids.


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