Book Read Free

Walking the Crimson Road

Page 27

by Perrie Patterson

  I get a text from Lane about meeting him at Innisfree tomorrow for the SGA election party. I shoot off a text back.

  I’m there.

  Ur the best. The party starts at 4:30. The polls close at 6:00. I think we will have way more people at this event than the last one. The election results won’t post until 11 pm, so hang on for a long night. Pls do another IG post and Tweet so everyone knows the time and that they’ll receive one free drink ticket on arrival.

  I’ll do that right now, babe.

  One last campaign plug for Adam. Boom it’s posted.

  Arriving at campaign party headquarters, I notice some of the members of the secret society setting up a large inflatable screen and sound system. I help with balloons and drink tickets until 4:30, then I turn the ticket table over to the guys manning the door. Lane’s in a great mood as he walks around talking with everyone. I decide to do the same, since I know a lot of people here. It’s going to be a long night waiting on the results, and I should make the best of it. Ashley walks in with some friends. I make a mental note to keep a close eye on her, in case she decides to encroach on Lane. If so, I’ll need to make a bee line over to him and let her know to back off. No more Ms. Nice-guy where she’s concerned. As the night goes on, the crowds get thicker. Lane is right about the numbers tonight, way more than the first campaign party a few months ago.

  At 10:45 the DJ stops playing music and the screens switch from music videos to our campus broadcast of the election. I scan the room for Lane and see Ashley nearby. I move through the crowds quickly and soon I’m by his side, taking his hand in mine. He leans down and kisses my cheek. I’m nervous about the election, but Lane is cool, calm, and relaxed. We’re about to hear who’s won. I squeeze Lane’s hand, and I look over at Adam, who’s smiling and talking with someone next to him. All eyes turn toward the screen. They pronounce Adam the winner by a 75% margin. The crowd cheers, and he takes the mic for his speech. Lane lifts me up in the air and slowly brings me down into a kiss that lasts several minutes.

  I whisper, “Congratulations, I love you.”



  Bella and I carry our bags downstairs and meet up with Lexi and Cat and Cat’s friend Reese outside. Reese is taking my place at the beach with the girls. They’re driving Cat’s car, and I notice the back windshield is painted with Beach or Bust. We ask Reese to snap a photo of the four of us standing next to the painted car window so I can text it to Mom, letting her know I’m on the way to the beach. Well at least a beach, anyway. Reaching out, I take Bella’s hand and wrap my pinkie around hers. We pinkie swear that we’ll check in with each other every day in order to keep our stories the same. The girls pile into Cat’s car, and I wave as they drive off.


  The plane ride only takes two hours. We arrive at JFK and walk down the stairs onto the tarmac where a fancy sports car is waiting. Someone helps load our luggage into the trunk. Lane pushes a button on his keychain, and the doors of the car rise like wings.

  “Are you okay with the top down?” he asks.

  I pull out a hair tie. “I’m up for the time of my life,” I say, smiling at him.

  We get in and take off. The wind in my hair feels like freedom.

  “What type of car is this? It’s like the coolest car I’ve ever seen.”

  Lane turns down the radio. “It’s a McLaren limited edition spider. This was my Christmas present.”

  “Wow,” I say, making an OMG-I-can’t-believe-it face.

  As we drive on, we take turns listening to each other’s playlists.

  After an hour or so Lane asks, “How about a lunch break?

  We pull up to a cool waterfront restaurant in New Haven, Connecticut. We sit outside since the weather is nice and sunny with views of the boats in the harbor.

  I get a text from Bella. We r at the hotel about to head to the beach. It’s time for u to text ur mom that you’ve arrived safely.

  When we get back into the car, I send mom a text, letting her know we’re at the hotel. I feel weird about doing that but also kinda exhilarated at the same time. I’ve never in my life done anything this crazy or this bad before.

  I text Bella. I just texted Mom we made it to the hotel.

  R u at Lane’s vacation house yet?

  I turn down the radio. “Lane, how much farther until we get there?” I ask.

  He reaches over and squeezes my knee. “About two hours.”

  I text Bella the time I think I’ll arrive at Lane’s house, promising to text her when we get there. She sends me a thumbs up emoji.

  The hours fly by. Soon we pull into a large circular drive that has a massive house attached to it.

  I step out of the car and look up at the huge house. “Lane, this looks like a resort.”

  He laughs. “It’s been in my family for a long time. My parents, my oldest sister, her husband and their kids should be inside. My other sisters arrive tomorrow with their boyfriends. Some of my other family members own the house next door, so my cousins you met over New Year’s will be here.”

  We walk into the foyer and set our luggage down. Lane takes my hand, and we walk toward the back of the house where we hear people talking. Lane’s mom sees us and jumps up, followed by his sister. They greet us with hugs and kisses on the cheek. Both are holding glasses of wine.

  Lane’s niece and nephew run over and pounce into Lane’s arms. He picks them both up in a giant bear hug. It’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen, and I’m standing there grinning like a silly schoolgirl.

  Lane’s mom jolts me out of my daze. “Would you like a glass of wine, Rebecca?”

  Not thinking about it, I answer. “Sure.” I follow her to the counter. There’s a centerpiece of snacks, plates, bottles of wine and sodas on ice. Lane’s mom hands me a glass and pours Chardonnay into it. More introductions follow as I’m led into the living room. I meet Lane’s father, Don, and his brother in law, Matt. Lane’s sister ushers the twins away from Lane toward the kitchen and busies herself with their snacks at the kitchen table. I hear one of them say, “I don’t like that kind of cheese.”

  Lane takes my hand, and we sit together on the sofa. We casually talk with his family. They ask me about school, my family, my interests, hobbies, and my major. After several minutes of chit chat Lane’s mom says, “I know you’d both like to freshen up before dinner. Let me show you to your room, Rebecca.”

  Lane and I stand and follow her up the stairs. We walk down a narrow hallway to a room at the far end. His mom opens the door to a beautiful story book room with yellow floral curtains, white wicker furniture and a white antique iron bed. The room has windows overlooking the ocean.

  “Mrs. Townsend, this is stunning.”

  “Please, call me Colleen. We’ll leave you two to get ready. Dinner will be in an hour. Please take your time.”

  I notice my suitcase has been placed in the room. She walks out and leaves Lane and me standing there.

  I glance at Lane. “What should I wear to dinner? Are we dinning out?”

  Lane walks over and puts his arms around my waist. “No. We’ll be in the dining room downstairs tonight. I think we may eat out tomorrow night.”

  With a slight laugh, I say, “I’m still confused on what to wear.”

  Lane twirls me around. “I love the blue jean cut offs a lot.” He slides a hand down to my butt and gives it a squeeze. “I think Mom expects a sundress or something along those lines. Just not shorts and a sweatshirt.”

  I breathe in deeply and nod. “Got it.”

  Lane shows me the bathroom. I poke my head in and look around. It’s well-appointed with fancy soaps and shampoos. I notice a beautiful clawfoot tub.

  “I feel like I’m staying in a bed and breakfast,” I say, quietly enough that Lane probably didn’t hear me. “Will you show me your room?”

  He takes my hand and places it over his arm very proper like. “This way, my darling,” he says in a theatrical tone.

sp; Along the hall Lane points out that his sister and her family have a Jack and Jill style suite and down at the end of the hall is his room. It’s painted blue. His bed has a plaid bedspread with large boating oars on the wall above it, very nautical.

  There’s a photo on the dresser of Lane with his sisters from several years ago. He has his own bathroom, too. His suitcase is opened on his bed, as if someone has already unpacked most of his things.

  “Did someone unpack for you?” I ask, pointing to his suitcase.

  “Yes. Our housekeeper’s name is Greta. She probably hung my shirts in the closet.” Lane walks over and opens an antique armoire. I follow him over and, sure enough, six shirts are hanging inside.

  “Wow, it’s like you have your own butler. Or is it called a valet? Like in Downton Abbey?” I say with a hint of sarcasm.

  Lane rolls his eyes at me and shakes his head. I look through his shirts. There are a few Robert Grahams, I’ve loved seeing him wear in class, to the point I even looked them up online. I realize I can’t afford to buy him one, so I just have to admire him in the ones he already owns.

  I pull out a light blue-checkered print with a white paisley overlay, “Would you wear this one tonight?”

  Lane smiles at me. “Whatever you’d like.” He pulls me in for a kiss.

  I hear kids running in the hall, and I quickly pull away and feel nervous about someone seeing us making out.

  Lane kisses me reassuringly.

  “I guess I should get back to my room and get ready for dinner,” I say, walking to the doorway.

  I walk down the hall and pass Lane’s sister’s room. I can hear her through the closed door reminding the kids to be on their best behavior. I start unpacking but remember I need to text Bella. I get out my phone and quickly send a text.

  Sry it took so long to text u. I’ve been here about 2 hours and just got caught up meeting Lane’s family and it slipped my mind.

  It’s ok, I’m glad everything is going well.

  The house is beautiful. I feel like I’m staying at a B&B. My room overlooks the ocean and my bathroom has a clawfoot tub.

  For real? I’m glad to hear u r not having to rough it in a small hotel room with three other girls. She sends a goofy faced emoji. I send back a smiley face and continue unpacking.

  Dinner is in a large dining room near the front of the house. There’s a fireplace in the center of the far wall. The fire creates an intimate ambiance in the elegant room. The table looks large enough to seat twenty or more people comfortably. Tonight, it’s set for eight. During dinner Greta is our server. All the adults, including me, are served wine. I get the feeling they think I’m twenty-one, but I don’t want to explain that I won’t even turn twenty for four more months. Instead, I take only a few tiny sips of wine and drink my water instead.

  Conversation is light and fun. The twins, Ross, and Reagan, announce they have a birthday party coming up in a few days. Their mother, Lane’s sister Renee, tells them to explain what they want to have at their party.

  Ross begins, “It’s a Star Wars theme. Han Solo and R2D2 will be there.”

  Reagan adds, “And Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker will be there, too.”

  They start talking about light sabers and cake.

  Renee says, “On Monday we have to finalize the cake design and other party details. Their party will be on Tuesday evening in the backyard. More of the family will be here for that.”

  I smile and nod and look at Ross and Reagan. “It sounds like it’ll be the best birthday party ever.”

  They seem to agree with me and announce they turn seven. After dessert Renee tells the kids it’s time to get ready for bed. They ask for stories and she looks over at Lane and me.

  “Rebecca and I would love to do story time,” Lane announces.

  Ross and Reagan cheer loudly. I laugh and glance at Lane, who squeezes my hand under the table.

  Renee ushers the twins up the stairs, saying, “Let’s quickly get baths and Pjs on.”

  Lane’s dad gets up and offers everyone an after -dinner drink and a game of cards. Renee’s husband, Matt, joins him, and Lane and I follow. We walk into a sunroom where several gaming tables are set up. Three of the walls are all windows and overlook the swimming pool. Beyond that is the ocean. One wall is floor to ceiling shelves and full of board games, puzzles and books. Don asks me if I know how to play Euchre or Crazy Train dominos. I tell him I’ve played both games at least once but would need a refresher.

  Colleen joins us at the table, and we play one round of Euchre before Renee walks in.

  “The munchkins are in bed waiting for stories,” she says sitting down.

  Lane and I get up and walk upstairs. Reagan is sitting up in bed with a Princess nightgown on.

  “What’s the name of the Princess on your nightgown?” I ask, sitting on the edge of her bed.

  Animatedly she says, “It’s Moana. She’s a Princess that lives on an island and fights the bad guys in the ocean.” She has a slight lisp, which makes her more adorable. “I wanted a Moana birthday party, but Ross wanted a Star Wars party, but it’s okay because Princess Leia will be there.”

  I ask her about the books she has sitting on her bed.

  Ross interrupts. “I picked out three books,” he says, holding them up.

  Lane says, “How about we read one of yours and one of Reagan’s choices, then you can choose the third book together.” The twins nod in agreement.

  Lane begins reading Ross’s first book choice. I think how adorable this scene is. Cute twins snuggled up in twin beds with Lane reading a fairy tale while we listen, hanging onto each word. He finishes the story, and I begin with the one Reagan chose. After the third book Lane kisses them goodnight and turns out their lamp. We tiptoe out the door back down to the card game.

  Renee looks up and says, “How did it go?”

  “They’re perfect angels,” I say in response.

  “Well, thank you, but I can assure you they are not.” Everyone laughs.

  Colleen says, “I sure think they are.” She beams as only a grandmother can.

  Lane announces we’re going for a walk on the beach. Colleen reminds us everyone is expected to go to church in the morning and breakfast will be served at 9:30.

  Walking outside in the cool windy air, Lane takes my hand as we pass through the gate onto the sand toward the ocean.

  “Your family is lovely, and you have the most adorable niece and nephew. Twins are so cute.”

  “I’m glad you like everyone.” He turns to face me, and it seems as though he wants to say something else.

  Instead, he looks down at the sand, picks up a shell, and hands it to me.

  “I’m really glad you’re here with me. It means a lot that you came.”

  “I’m glad to be here. My parents think I’m at the beach with Bella and the girls, though.”

  He looks a little surprised at that but doesn’t say anything. Loud laughter is coming from the house, and we both turn in that direction. We can vaguely see figures through the window.

  “The card game must have gotten a lot more interesting after we left.”

  Lane steps closer to me. “They love competition. Tomorrow my other two sisters will arrive, and things will get more rambunctious.”

  We sit on the sand, facing the water, and I stretch out my feet and lean my back against Lane’s chest. He wraps his arms around me, and we gaze up at the moon and stars.

  “It’s so pretty here,” I say softly.

  “Yes, it’s probably my favorite place on earth,” Lane adds. He’s very quiet, solemn, and peaceful.

  “I guess your favorite place on earth makes you feel peaceful and tranquil?”

  “It does. One of the many reasons I love it. It reminds me of family, quiet times, fun, no pressures, no…” He stops mid-sentence, gently kisses my neck and says, “Are you getting cold? Do you want to go back inside?”

  I nod, and he lifts me to my feet. We walk hand-in-hand back to the h
ouse in silence. The only sound is the quiet stillness of the night and rolling waves.

  Inside, the card game is still going. When we walk in, they ask us to join in. Lane leans down and gives his mom a kiss on the cheek.

  “I think Bex and I are going to go to bed. It’s been a long day.”

  I smile. “Thank you so much. Dinner was lovely. I appreciate you having me this week.”

  Colleen and Don smile back. “We’re glad to have you,” Don replies.

  We wish everyone a goodnight then head to the back staircase.

  In the hallway Lane says, “I hope it was okay that we didn’t start up a new card game.”

  “It’s totally fine. I could use the sleep, and you’re right, it was a longer day for us with the travel time.”

  He walks me to my room and sweetly kisses me goodnight. I soak in the tub with bubbles and candlelight before going to bed. Warm, relaxed and still a bit tired from traveling today, I fall asleep immediately.



  As soon as a wake up, I walk to the window and view the sunrise over the ocean. I take a picture and post it to my Instagram and change the location to Gulf Shores, AL, just as I do, a text from Lane pops up.

  Hey, babe, u up?

  Yes, I’ll be out in about fifteen. HBU?

  I’ll come down to ur room in a few minutes.

  Lane’s knock on my door makes all thoughts of anything else flee. I hurry to the door and open it. He looks and smells so amazing. I drink in his scent. He grins at me. “Good morning, gorgeous. You look beautiful,” he says with a wink.

  “I’m glad I packed three dresses,” I say, twirling around.

  Breakfast is set up buffet style in the dining room. Lane’s parents and the twins are already sitting at the table eating.

  “Good morning, kids,” Lane’s dad greets us as we walk in. “There’s juice and coffee over on the far buffet and eggs, bacon, and toast on this one.” He points to both, and Lane and I head for the food.


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