She Loves Me

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She Loves Me Page 9

by Foster, Melissa

  “Hey, girls, I need some help. I’d like to bring this up to Piper, but I can’t carry a plate upstairs without spilling it. Who wants to be the waitress?”

  Sophie’s arm shot up. “Me!”

  “Jolie? You want to help?” He tried to get her involved since she seemed to be connecting with Piper, and he’d like to keep that line of communication open.

  Jolie shrugged.

  “I could use you both.” He pulled the beer from his pocket and said, “I would rather send the alcohol up with you since you’re older.”

  Jolie grinned. “Okay.”

  “Great. Soph, you carry the plate and tell Piper it’s a peace offering. She’s going to give you one of these looks.” He wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brows, making the girls laugh. “When Piper does that, Jolie, you hand her the beer and say, ‘Enjoy!’ and then come down and finish dinner. Sound good?”

  They both nodded, and he said, “Okay, go ahead.”

  “I hope it works!” Sophie said excitedly as she headed for the steps.

  “What works?” Jolie asked.

  “I think Uncle Harley wants to ask Piper to be his girlfriend.”

  Jolie looked over her shoulder at Harley wide-eyed and smiling. Harley shrugged, palms up, and the girls giggled the rest of the way upstairs. He grabbed his crutches and limped up behind them. He listened to them delivering Piper’s dinner, and they came out laughing. Sophie high-fived him on her way downstairs.

  He found Piper sitting on his bedroom floor, hunkered down over a pad of paper, the beer and nachos on the floor beside her. She’d worn her hair down today, and it curtained her face.

  She looked up with a furrowed brow, her hair dusting her shoulders. “The girls were cute, but what was that all about?”

  “I figured I pissed you off earlier and needed a peace offering.” He lowered himself to the edge of the bed.

  “Forget that.” She grabbed the plate of nachos and sat beside him on the bed, with the plate on top of the pad. “I want to show you something. I hung your shower curtain a little higher temporarily, so I could patch the holes in the wall, but that bathroom is way too small for you. Why haven’t you ever renovated it?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I never really noticed it until I hit my head.”

  “You’re such a guy. I had an idea. I checked out your unreasonably large walk-in closet to see if you could expand your made-for-tiny-humans bathroom. It looks like you only use about a quarter of the closet, which is great because I have not-so-nice thoughts about guys who have more fancy clothes than I do.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  “Because you know me.” She popped a nacho in her mouth. “These are delicious. Thank you.”

  She lifted the plate and set the pad on his lap. He scanned it and quickly realized that while he’d been worried that she was upstairs stewing, she’d been redesigning his bathroom. As if she weren’t already doing too much for him? He wanted to wrap his hands around her and kiss her to show her how much she amazed him, but he knew better.

  “I think we can use several feet from your closet to create a much bigger shower.” She pointed to the design. “See this alcove? That’s where the new shower would go, with glass doors so you’re not messing with a shower curtain. We can expand your single pedestal sink to a vanity, which would give you storage space. By moving the original shower, we gain enough space to put a small linen closet in this corner of the bathroom. That way you won’t have to keep your extra toilet paper and towels in your bedroom closet.”

  Her expression was serious as she studied the design he should be looking at, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. God, she was beautiful, speaking passionately about doing the work she loved.

  She tilted her head to meet his gaze, catching him looking at her instead of the designs. He’d never met a tougher woman, or a smarter one than the green-eyed stunner looking at him like he’d grown a second head. She had such delicate features, she could be a model. Without thinking, he reached up and tucked a lock of her silky hair behind her ear.

  “Don’t get weird on me,” she said a little shakily, which surprised him.

  The last thing he wanted was for her to pull away, so he said, “I just wanted to see your face while we’re talking. You can do whatever you want to my bathroom, as long as you do the work, not one of your guys.”

  Her gaze rolled slowly over his face, and then she looked down at the drawing and said, “My guys are very good at what they do.”

  “But you’re the best, Pipe. I won’t settle for anything less.”

  She met his gaze again, brows still knitted, as if she was considering what he’d said. He didn’t look away, didn’t soften his expression, wanting her to know that he meant it with regard to all aspects of his life. Her gaze softened, and that minuscule change felt like a huge step.

  “I can do that,” she said.

  “Great, so when you’re done at Windsor Hall, put me on your books and let me know what I owe and when to cut a check.”

  “First of all, you’re not paying for my time. Windsor is going to take weeks. After the main house, we’re renovating the carriage house. I’m going to do your bathroom in the evenings since I’m here anyway.”

  “What about after the girls go back to Delaney’s? Evenings are supposed to be your time off. I don’t want to put you out any more than I already have. This can wait.”

  “Harley, the last thing I need is to be hauling your butt out of that tiny-ass shower the next time you drop the soap.” A tease rose in her eyes, and she said, “I’ll be sure to install a handicap bar in the shower.”

  Forget backing off. He freaking loved her snarky comments. “Just make sure the shower’s big enough for two, and I want dual showerheads.”

  “Plan on having a shower party?”

  He leaned closer and said, “I’m thinking of something much more intimate than a party.”

  Her fingers curled around the plate in her lap, but he swore she leaned in, too.

  “Piper” came out as soft as it did rough.

  She licked her lips, her expression turning hungrier, and not for nachos.

  Thank Christ.

  He could finally get the kiss he’d been thinking about for too damn long, finally hold Piper in his arms. He lifted his hand to draw her closer, expecting her to pull away, but she seemed just as mesmerized as he was. His fingers grazed the back of her neck, and she inhaled sharply. He wanted to hear that sexy, needful sound again. He pressed his fingers to her warm skin and was granted his wish just as Jiggs ran into the room and barked, sending Piper to her feet, clutching the plate. Harley ground out a curse, glowering at Jiggs as Sophie barreled into the room.

  “Can we do our hair now?” Sophie held up two boxes of hair dye.

  “Yes,” Piper said breathily, her skin flushed. She didn’t look at Harley as she ushered Sophie out of the room and said, “Let’s do it in your bathroom.”

  Jiggs jumped up on the bed and shoved his wet nose into Harley’s face. “Your timing sucks, buddy.” Then he realized if Sophie had caught them kissing, things might have been even more awkward. He scratched Jiggs’s head and said, “Wanna be a good wingman? Next time keep Sophie downstairs.”


  HARLEY CLEANED UP from dinner and iced his throbbing ankle while Piper helped the girls dye their hair. He’d seen Piper with her nieces and nephew and knew she was good with them, but Jolie was much older, and at a tough age. With all Jolie was going through, she could be hard on people. Harley also knew that Sophie was so easygoing and upbeat, it would be easy to let Jolie stew alone in her unhappiness, but Piper had come downstairs and convinced Jolie to let her do something fun with her hair, too. To his surprise, between the sounds of the shower running and the hair dryer blowing, he’d heard Jolie laughing a lot.

  He was sitting on the couch with Jiggs when the girls finally came downstairs. They were wearing their pajamas, talking excitedly as they ran around the
couch and stood in front of him. They were so stinking cute, their fingertips touching like they used to do when they were little and excited or nervous about something. It was wonderful to see them so happy together.

  “Do you like it?” Sophie asked.

  They both turned in a circle. Sophie’s hair had wide purple streaks in the front and a pink stripe down the center of the back. The bottom two or three inches of Jolie’s hair was bright pink all the way around, and they were both grinning from ear to ear.

  “Wow! You guys look great,” he said. “You’ll have the coolest hair at school.”

  “Do you like Piper’s hair?” Jolie asked, reaching for Piper’s hand as she came into the room, pulling her in front of him. “She let me and Sophie do it.”

  Why did that endear Piper to him even more?

  Piper wore an expression he couldn’t read. It was a little cold and a little cocky, with an undercurrent of trepidation—a combination only Piper could pull off. He’d hoped for more of the lust he’d seen and felt earlier, but this was Piper Dalton, and she did not like anyone else having control. He wondered if she was that way in bed, too, because if she was, they were going to have a very interesting sex life.

  He was banking on it.

  Her hair looked freshly washed, shiny and beautiful, parted on the side, with a purple streak at the front, where her hair often fell over her eye, and a second streak a little farther back.

  “I love it,” he said. “The guys at work will probably give you a hard time tomorrow, huh, Pipe?”

  “Let ’em try,” she said with a bite in her voice. “The girls did an awesome job, didn’t they?”

  “Yeah. Who knew they were so talented.”

  “Thanks, Uncle Harley.” Sophie flopped down beside him and put her head on his shoulder. “Can we watch a few minutes of television before bed?”


  “I’ve got to get my tools together.” Piper headed for the stairs.

  “Can I say good night now?” Jolie asked. “I want to write in the diary Piper gave me.”

  He waved her in for a hug and kissed her temple. “Love you, kiddo.”

  “Love you, too,” Jolie said.

  After she went upstairs, he said, “Piper bought Jolie a diary?”

  “Mm-hm. A pretty red one with a lock on it. Can Piper tuck us in tonight?” Sophie asked. “I want to show her something in the book we bought today.”

  “Why don’t you ask her when she comes back down?” he suggested. A diary. Why hadn’t he thought of that? His sister had written in a diary when she was younger. Harley and Marshall used to steal it and tell her they were going to read it. They never did, but she used to get so mad she’d chase them around the house.

  A familiar pang of sadness and regret washed through him. Sadness, because until Delaney had been cleared of cancer, he’d been terrified they’d lose her, and regret always accompanied thoughts of Marshall. Well, that and anger. He hadn’t even heard from Marshall since he’d stormed off after his father’s funeral. Harley couldn’t really blame him, since Harley had given him hell for showing up stoned, or drunk, or both for the funeral, and for disappearing on them when their sister and parents had needed him most.

  A little while later Piper came downstairs and set her toolbox and the bucket of supplies by the door, avoiding his gaze. Damn it. She was planning on bolting.

  Sophie popped to her feet and said, “Can you tuck me in before you leave?”

  Piper’s eyes darted to Harley, but she wasn’t seeking approval. Even from across the room he could see she was wondering if he’d put Sophie up to it.

  “She wants to show you something,” he said, trying to figure out how to convince her not to leave without scaring her off.

  “Okay. Are you ready now?”

  “Uh-huh.” Sophie hugged Harley. “Good night, Uncle Harley. I love you.”

  “Love you, squirt.” He watched them go upstairs, and then he petted Jiggs and said, “She’s not taking off. Not without talking to me first.”

  He grabbed the crutches and made his way to the door to wait for her. When Piper came downstairs, she looked annoyed at seeing him standing by her toolbox, but thankfully, she didn’t appear angry.

  “Girls okay?”

  “Fine,” she said.

  “Thanks for doing so much with them today.”

  “It was nothing. I had fun.” She reached for her toolbox. “I’m going to the pub for a drink.”

  He grabbed her wrist in one hand, holding the crutches in the other, and said, “After we talk.”

  “Harley,” she complained as he dragged her through the living room.

  Jiggs followed them, racing from side to side, like he didn’t understand what was going on.

  Join the fucking club. Harley’s life had been uncorked by the sprightly blonde.

  “Sit your fine ass down and talk to me.” He sat down and hauled her down beside him. Her foot hit his ankle and he winced, cursing through gritted teeth.

  “Oh God!” She jerked her wrist free, worry written all over her face. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry.”

  His ankle throbbed, the pain cutting so deep it radiated up his leg. “It’s fine.” Jiggs poked his nose at Harley’s ankle, and he put his hand between the dog’s nose and his foot.

  “Bullshit. You look like you’re going to kill someone. Let me see it. Did you even elevate your ankle today, or were you hobbling around all day?”

  “Piper, stop changing the subject.”

  Her eyes shot silent daggers. “Let me see your ankle, or I promise you, I will walk out that door without saying another word.”

  “You’re so damn stubborn.” He threw a pillow on the coffee table and propped his foot on it.

  She began unwrapping his ankle. It was black-and-blue and horribly swollen all the way up his toes. “Oh, Harley.” Her pain-filled voice slayed him. “You poor thing. That has to hurt.”

  “It hurts like a son of a bitch, but I’ve had worse.”

  “Maybe you should take those pain pills. Did you ice it?”

  “I don’t like how they make me feel. And yes, I iced it three times today.”

  “Did you elevate it most of the day?” she asked in a less-empathetic voice.

  When he didn’t answer, she said, “Harley, you’re never going to get better. I’m going to have to hire you a babysitter. What could possibly be so important that you had to hobble around after falling in the shower?”

  “I’m going stir crazy sitting around here all day,” he admitted. “I’m used to being at the pub, surrounded by people, working.” He wasn’t about to admit that he’d started hobbling up the road on the crutches, so deep in thought about Piper, he was halfway there before he realized he shouldn’t have brought Jiggs with him. The bar rarely got rowdy in the afternoons, but he didn’t want to chance it with Jiggs. So he’d turned around and hobbled home.

  “I understand that. I’d probably lose my mind, too,” she said empathetically. “Why don’t I drop you at work tomorrow when I take the girls to school and pick you up before I get them and we go see Delaney. But you have to promise to elevate your ankle after a couple of hours and ice it. Wait, is that too early for you to go in?”

  “I have work to do in the office before we open. That’ll be great. Thanks. But I hate having you come all the way back to Sweetwater when you’re already in Harmony Pointe.”

  “I have to go home and shower before I pick up the girls anyway. I don’t want to show up to see Delaney gross from work.” Her eyes narrowed, and she said, “I’m calling Jasper to make sure you ice and elevate at lunchtime.”

  “Fine. I’d like to go with you to see my sister anyway. Now can we talk about us?” He leaned back, pulling her beside him to get the focus off his foot—and because he liked having her close. “You never look gross, by the way.”

  “What has gotten into you?”

  “You have, Pipe. For three years I’ve been trying to get you to go out with me.”

  “You have not!”

  “I have, just not as aggressively as I should have. I figured eventually you’d get sick of dating losers and realize there’s a reason you meet dates at my pub and hang with me there after work.”

  She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Because I like it there.”

  “Yeah, because I’m there.”

  “You’re not there tonight, and that’s where I’m going.”

  He gritted his teeth and turned toward her. “Damn it, Piper. Be straight with me. I saw the way you looked at me upstairs when we almost kissed. You’re into me. I know you are. So why are you denying it?”

  “I’m not your type, Harley. You just like acting like I’m yours, and you get off on scaring guys away.”

  “Seriously?” He couldn’t stifle a laugh. “You think I get off watching you bring other guys into my pub? I’ve got news for you, Trig. I’ve never acted like you were mine. You’d know it if I did, and if you’d give us half a chance, you’d never look anywhere else. I’m all the man you need, and if you’d open your damn eyes, you’d see I’m the only one you want.”

  She scoffed. “A little sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  He leaned closer, tracing his fingers along her jaw and down her neck. Her eyes widened, then softened, growing darker. “I know you, Pipe. You won’t settle for anything less than a man who knows exactly what he wants, and I want you.”

  She was breathing faster, and for a second he thought she might agree. But in the next breath, she said, “I’m not your type.”

  “You’re exactly my type. I’ve had my eyes on you since the first Christmas after my father passed away, when you and I sat at the bar toasting him. Remember? That was the night you told me about how much you missed your grandmother because she was so much like you. You said she was tough and smart, and she hated wearing dresses because it made her feel weak. And then I walked you home, but you wouldn’t let me inside.”


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