She Loves Me

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She Loves Me Page 10

by Foster, Melissa

  “You didn’t walk me home. You gave me a piggyback ride.” Her lips curved up, and she said, “I can’t believe you remember that conversation after how much we drank that night.”

  “I’m a big guy. It takes a lot to get me drunk enough that I can’t remember things. I’m the guy you want to go out with, Piper. Stop holding back and just go with it.”

  “I’ve seen the girls you go out with. They’re the polar opposite of me.”

  “Of course they are. You think I want to go out with a second-rate version of Piper Dalton? Not a chance. Nobody can ever replace you, but come on, Pipe. Do you really think you’re the only one who needs to satiate an urge now and again?”

  A challenge rose in her eyes. “So you just want to sleep with me.”

  “Hell no. I want to be with you. I want to be the guy you come to see at Dutch’s each and every time. I want to go out with you as a couple, with other couples, and do more than play basketball. I want to spend time together at night doing normal things people do when they’re in a relationship, like having dinner and talking about what they want out of life. I want to go out on my boat with you, go fishing and swimming, and make love to you under the stars.” He paused to let his words sink in. That hungry look in her eyes returned with a vengeance, unleashing his tethers even more. “And then I want to take you home and make you feel incredible”—he put his mouth next to her ear and said—“with my mouth, my tongue, my fingers.” He bit her earlobe and said, “And my cock.” He gazed into her eyes and said, “And then, yes, I’d like to fall asleep with you in my arms. That look in your eyes tells me this isn’t the first time you’ve thought about it, either.”

  Her tongue swept across her lips, and “Harley” fell out, a half-hearted warning he was not about to heed.

  He pushed his hand to the nape of her neck, drawing her closer. Her sweet scent combined with the tiny anticipatory sound she made as he crushed his lips to hers. In an instant, years of anticipation, of fantasies, collided with reality, and sweet Jesus, his fantasies hadn’t even come close to this incredible moment. Piper kissed him with fervor, clinging to his arms as he angled her mouth beneath his, taking the kiss deeper. He’d waited so long for this, for her, everything magnified, her enticing scent, the feel of her tongue tangling with his, her fucking sinful taste . . .

  Harley’s big hand palmed the back of Piper’s head, holding her exactly where he wanted her as his tongue delved and explored, his whiskers deliciously scratching her cheeks. His lips were soft, but the kiss was rough and visceral. His other arm snaked around her, pressing her against his hard chest. His hand pushed into her hair, fisting there, causing a titillating sting on her scalp. Fire scorched through her veins. Harley wasn’t a cuddly cub at all. He was a demanding, powerful bear of a man, and she freaking loved it. He wasn’t just kissing her—he was consuming her, claiming her. His grip on her hair tightened as he took the kiss impossibly deeper, like he couldn’t get enough, and she was right there with him, desire storming inside her. Every swipe of his tongue took her higher. She could barely breathe, couldn’t think, could only want. His grip eased, and she mourned the roughness as his kisses turned softer. As if he’d read her mind, he trapped her lower lip between his teeth and tugged, sending spikes of lust skating through her core. Just when she caught her breath, he crushed his mouth to hers again, as if he’d been trying to hold back and lost the battle. She had never gotten lost in a man, but she felt herself floating away, lost in the overwhelming sensations, and she didn’t fight it as he devoured her mouth, nipping at her lips, rubbing his beard along her cheek, and then took her in another plundering kiss.

  He continued ravaging her for so long, she lost track of space and time. Her world blurred together. Eventually he slowed his efforts, kissing her softly, making one appreciative noise after another, and it was so luxurious, being in his arms, being kissed by him, it was like icing on the most delicious treat she’d ever had.

  When their lips finally parted, hers tingled and flamed, and it was all she could do to try to remember to breathe.

  Wow . . .

  She thought she’d had great kisses before, but holy cow, she’d been so wrong.

  He brushed his beard along her cheek. “Say you’ll go out with me, Pipe,” he said in a gravelly, lustful voice, bringing her down from the clouds.

  “I . . . wow . . . that was some kiss.”

  “I was saving it just for you.” His lips curled up in a sexy, playful grin.

  She laughed softly. “Harley . . . I like our friendship, and I’ll ruin it.”

  “You can’t. I won’t let you.”

  “You can’t stop me. I’m not right for you. You might think I am today, but in a month, or a year, or five, you’ll feel different, and then you’ll sleep with some chick who comes into the bar, and I’ll be left with a broken heart, hating you. I don’t want to hate you, Harley.”

  He pressed his hands to her cheeks, making her eyes meet his, and said, “What are you talking about? The only reason I’ve gone out with anyone else—and you know it hasn’t been often—is because I’m waiting for you to see the light.”

  She sat up straighter, facing him. “You know I’m not a forever girl. I’m not looking for a husband. You’re a family guy, Harley.”

  “I’m not asking you to marry me, Piper. I’m asking you for a date.”

  “You’re willing to risk our friendship when you know this can’t lead to anything?”

  “That kiss tells me it can.”

  “Harley, I’m being serious.”

  “What are you so damn afraid of? That you’ll fall in love with me?”

  She rolled her eyes, but that was her way of trying to pull herself back to reality. Her heart was racing and her senses were reeling. She wasn’t thinking straight, or maybe she was thinking the clearest she ever had. She didn’t know, couldn’t know, because even though she was saying all the things she believed, that kiss was tempting her, begging her to give them a try. But her walls had been up for so long, she was afraid of what letting him in might bring. So she let the truth come out. “It’s not what I’m afraid of. It’s what I know. Every guy I’ve ever gone out with has eventually—after one date or three—done or said things to try to get me to change, and I like who I am. They’d say my nails would be pretty if I grew them longer or got manicures. One guy literally ordered food for me at dinner because he didn’t think I ate healthy enough. Oh, and the best one? The guy who suggested I find a career that was less physical because I was such a pretty girl, it was a shame I wasn’t more feminine. Another guy bought me a gym membership, as if my job isn’t physical enough?”

  “They were assholes,” he said adamantly, his eyes locked on hers.

  “No shit. But don’t you see? It wasn’t just one or two guys. It was almost every one of them, including your brother, who I was stupid enough to try to change for. Did you know I was going to sign up for cheerleading because I noticed how much he liked to watch the cheerleaders?”

  Amusement sparked in his eyes, but it quickly turned to something darker.

  “I know. I was an idiot, right? In my defense, I was only sixteen. But I actually considered giving up the work I was doing after school—the work I loved, helping people with renovations—to try to be who I thought Marshall wanted me to be. I will never do that again.”

  “I’d never ask you to, Piper. I like who you are.”

  “I know, but I’m afraid to risk it. If we take our friendship to another level, eventually you’ll realize you don’t want me to be so . . . well . . . Piper. That would be worse for me than Marshall cheating on me.”

  He leaned closer, his breath coasting over her lips as he brushed her hair from in front of her eyes. “I like that you know how to wield a hammer and that your hands have little calluses on them. I find everything about you insanely sexy, from your badass attitude to the way you’re not afraid to own up to liking beer, football, and sex. Give me a chance to prove that to you.”

  He pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss, and her whole body arched forward, wanting to experience more of his earth-shattering kisses. He threaded his hands into her hair, taking her in another thrillingly rough kiss. As he intensified his efforts, blood pounded in her ears and her consciousness ebbed and flowed. He made a raw, primal sound, and she knew she’d hear it in her dreams. She came away breathless and a little dizzy.

  “God, Harley,” she panted out. “You make this so hard.”

  His eyes flamed, and a wolfish grin spread across his handsome face.

  “Don’t even . . . I don’t need to have that in my mind right now.”

  “Don’t kid yourself, Trig. You already do.”

  Her head tipped back against the cushions, and she closed her eyes for a second to try to wrap her head around the fireworks exploding inside her. He waited patiently, without pushing for more, or for answers. His hand rested on her thigh, and it felt like he was branding her through her jeans.

  “You know, until you got hurt, I had no issue being around you.” She met his gaze and said, “But ever since, it’s like I see you differently.”

  “Because you care about me.”

  “No. I’ve always cared about you. You’re my friend. It’s because you got all weird and aggressively flirty with me. And now you’ve ruined everything. Between seeing you naked and those kisses, nothing will ever be the same between us.” She pushed to her feet, swaying a little, her heart racing.

  Jiggs was lying on the floor. He lifted his head, watching them.

  “Good.” He took her hand, bringing her back down beside him on the couch. “I’m done dicking around. We’re going out, Piper. You and me. Saturday night.”

  “There’s a playoff game Saturday night.” It was hockey season, and they never missed the playoffs.

  “Jesus . . . As I said, we’re going out Saturday night.”

  “You’re a pain.” She pushed to her feet again.

  Jiggs jumped up and lumbered out of the living room.

  Harley was still holding Piper’s hand, amusement dancing in his eyes.

  “Let go, Harley. I have to leave.”

  Jiggs trotted back with his leash in his mouth and sat in front of her.

  “Jiggsy, didn’t we talk about timing?” Harley shook his head.

  “He’s your dog.” Piper sighed and hooked his leash to his collar.

  “I’ll take him,” Harley said.

  “No. You’ll elevate that ankle, or I’ll be stuck taking care of you forever.”

  He smiled so big, she had to laugh. “Again, I’ll take him out.”

  She pointed to Harley and said, “Sit.” Then she tugged on Jiggs’s leash. “Come on, spoiled one.” She felt Harley’s eyes on her as she headed out the back door and crossed the deck to the yard. She’d lost her mind. She shouldn’t even consider going out with Harley. She never should have let him kiss her.

  But oh man, those kisses . . .

  She looked out at his boat, remembering what he’d said he’d like to do to her in it. Her insides flamed. Making love with Harley under the stars sounded perfect to her.

  It was the aftermath that concerned her.

  On their way back up to the house after Jiggs did his business, she saw Harley leaning on the doorframe of the doors that led to the deck.

  Jiggs ran to him.

  “You don’t listen very well,” she said as they went inside.

  He followed her on crutches. “See? We’re a perfect match.”

  “You’re setting yourself up for heartbreak, Harley Dutch.” As she picked up her toolbox and the bucket of supplies, she had a feeling she was talking to herself as much as she was to Harley.

  “I’ll take my chances.”

  “I’m serious. I’m worried about this. You’re a warm-hearted guy, and I’ve got mine packed in ice. I just want to go on the record as saying I told you so now, in case you hate me later. Maybe we should have a funeral for our friendship.”

  “Toast it? Have a few beers?”

  “Yeah, that sounds about right. Now I need a drink.”

  He leaned down and looked directly into her eyes. “How about instead, we celebrate how great we’ll be together?” He pressed his lips to hers and said, “You heading to the pub?”

  She lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. “Yes, and don’t make the mistake of telling me not to.”

  He laughed. “Remember me? Harley? Not the assholes you’ve dated? Have fun, Trig. Tell the guys I said hello.”

  Was he for real? She knew that would soon change now that they’d kissed. Guys were worse than women when it came to jealousy. Not only was he a switch flicker, but now she felt a time bomb ticking in her head, counting down the end of their one-in-a-million awesome friendship.

  She put her things in the truck and climbed into the driver’s seat, trying to keep her emotions at bay. But her head was spinning, and her body was still humming from his kisses. She didn’t want to ruin their friendship, but God, Harley had gotten under her skin.

  As she drove into the pub parking lot, she wondered, if he kissed like that, what would he be like in bed? The animalistic sounds he’d made came back to her, and her entire body shuddered. She threw the truck into park, fighting the urge to turn around and go back to his house, to take everything she wanted tonight just in case she woke up smarter tomorrow. She gripped the steering wheel so tight, her knuckles blanched. She stared up at the sign over the door of Dutch’s, and no part of her wanted to go in. She always went to the pub on Thursday nights. What was wrong with her? Mere kisses had never affected her like this before.

  Irritated with herself, she threw the truck into drive and turned around, stopping at the edge of the parking lot. Her pulse sprinted as she gazed down the dark, wooded road toward Harley’s house. “Fuck it.”

  She’d never been one to take the safe route. But with her friendship with Harley on the line, she sped out of the parking lot toward home, knowing it was the right thing to do.


  HARLEY WOKE UP feeling like he had a new lease on life, despite knowing he had to be careful with how he handled things with Piper. She might have built walls around her tender, needing-to-be-loved heart long ago, but it was still in there, and he knew she’d fight him tooth and nail to protect it.

  “Let’s go, girls!” Harley called upstairs as he put the lunches he’d packed for the girls in their backpacks. He hadn’t wanted to inconvenience Piper any more than he already was by leaving the girls’ school preparations to her, so he’d taken care of things himself and texted her to let her know she didn’t need to be there until it was time to leave for school.

  “Uncle Harley, will you give me one ponytail on the side for crazy-hair day?” Sophie asked as she flitted down the stairs in a pair of pink shorts and a sweatshirt. She held her new book under her arm and was waving a comb like a flag.

  “Sure, but it’s got to be quick. Piper will be here any minute.” He took the comb as she turned around. “Do you have a hair tie?”

  She nodded. “And a ribbon in my pocket.”

  “Attagirl.” As he parted her hair and made the ponytail, he remembered the hours Delaney had spent teaching him how to make ponytails, braids, and buns. She had needed to attend a conference in New York City, where Harley was living at the time. Their parents had been running the bar, and Marshall had already gone AWOL. Harley had let Delaney stay at his place, and he’d gone to stay at her house with the girls for the weekend. Jolie had been five and going through a very girlie phase, which had included frilly dresses and socks with lace and braids or ponytails with ribbons and bows, all so different from her tomboy attire of late. He’d arrived on a Thursday, and by midnight he was a hairstyle pro. His friends had given him a hard time, but he’d have done anything to see his nieces happy.

  He tied Sophie’s ribbon around the hair tie as Jolie came downstairs wearing a pair of denim shorts and a long-sleeved shirt with a picture of a soccer ball and JUST KICK
IT! across the front. She was carrying her diary. He took it as a good sign that she put the diary in her backpack. “Want me to do anything funky to your hair, Jo?”

  She shook her head.

  “Do you like my hair?” Sophie asked.

  Jolie looked at her. “Yeah.”

  She sounded bored, but at least she didn’t pick a fight with Sophie. When Harley had worked on Wall Street, his best buddy, Ralph, used to tell him cringeworthy stories about the way his three young daughters were always at each other’s throats. The stories were reminiscent of the way he and Marshall had butted heads, and he wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

  He heard the sound of Piper’s truck out front and said, “Okay, let’s go, girls.”

  The girls grabbed their backpacks and ran out the door. He followed them out on his crutches. Piper was just getting out of her truck when Jiggs bolted out and ran straight to her. She crouched to love him up, and Jiggs licked her face, earning a laugh that lit up Harley’s morning.

  “Do you like my hair, Piper?” Sophie exclaimed. “Uncle Harley did it for me.”

  Piper looked at him curiously as she rose to her feet. “Yes. It’s definitely crazy. And, Jolie, your color looks great this morning. Sorry I didn’t have time to get doughnuts.”

  “It’s okay. Uncle Harley made us pancakes,” Sophie said as she followed Jolie into the back seat of Piper’s truck.

  Harley had wondered how Piper was going to act today, and in true Piper fashion, she was sending a strong nonverbal message with I SPEND MY DAYS BANGING STUDS written in white across the top of her black T-shirt above a picture of a woman holding a hammer and facing a wall. Below that it read AND MY NIGHTS BEATING THEM OFF, with a picture of three men running away from the woman wielding a hammer.

  Did she really think that could scare him off? Over the last few years she’d given him enough sass to turn ten men away, but Harley saw it as part of her charm. He loved being able to be himself around Piper without any pretense. She didn’t mind when he swore, gave him shit when he deserved it, and they had so much in common, she was always fun to be around.


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