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RILEY Men of Clifton Montana by Susan Fisher-Davis FINAL (1)

Page 13

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  The day was finally over. Kaitlyn locked the door behind her before she headed to her SUV. Taking a deep breath, she put Sadie in her car seat, and then drove home. Thoughts about what to say to Riley filled her brain as she drove. Once home, she set Sadie down on the floor with her bunny. With a nervousness turning her stomach, she called Riley.

  “Madison,” he answered abruptly and she almost hung up.

  “Hi. It’s Kaitlyn. Can you come over tonight?” she whispered hoping her voice didn’t betray her hesitation.

  “I’d love to, darlin’, but I’m meeting with a private detective tonight at six,” Riley told her. “I got his name from Sam the other day, and already the man has some news for me.”

  “That’s great.” She tried to sound enthused even as the words caught in her throat.

  “What’s wrong, Katie?”

  “Nothing. I…” She choked back a sob. “Nothing important. We can talk later.”

  “Uh oh…you want to talk. That’s never good.”

  Kaitlyn tried to laugh but the sob spilled out. “Later.” She hung up quickly. When the phone rang a moment later, she refused to answer it when she saw Riley’s number on her phone.


  By eight-thirty, Kaitlyn sat alone in her living room trying to concentrate on a movie. She wasn’t having much luck. Sadie had gone to bed an hour earlier and Kaitlyn usually enjoyed the down time but tonight, all she could think of was Riley. The sound of the doorbell startled her and sent her heart racing. Peering through the peephole, she saw Riley standing there. Great!

  Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm her anxious body, she opened the door to him. The man stood there with an expectant expression and still looked too sexy for her own good.

  “Hi. Can I come in?” he asked.

  Kaitlyn sighed, and opened the door further. Striding past her, he proceeded into the living room where he halted in front of the fireplace then turned to stare at her with his hands on his hips. She pushed the door closed.

  “Are you all right?” Kaitlyn asked.

  “What did you want to talk about? If it’s because of the way I freaked when that woman thought Sadie was mine…I’m sorry.”

  Kaitlyn moved around the room pretending to pick up after Sadie. “What did the detective have to say?” She heard Riley huff.

  “Answer me first.”

  “No. Her thinking you were…well, that was an honest mistake.” She shook her head. “I’m not saying more until you tell me what the detective found out.”

  “Christ, you’re as hardheaded as your brother,” Riley muttered as he moved to stand in front of her. He took her hands in his, and led her to the sofa. “Let’s sit down first.” Taking a deep breath, he blew it out in a huff. “He found her. He found my mother. Now all I have to do is decide if I want to see her.”

  “What do you mean if? Don’t you want to?” Kaitlyn frowned.

  “I do…but I don’t know what to say to her.” Riley sighed and took her hand in his, looking at it as if he was examining it for answers.

  “You’ll think of something when you see her. Where is she?”

  “Tallahassee, Florida.” He lifted her hand and kissed her palm. “I’m going to fly down there tomorrow.” Riley lifted his gaze and met her eyes. “Come with me please.”

  Kaitlyn gasped. “I don’t know about that…”

  “Please. I’m sure Madilyn can cover for you for one day. The squirt can come too, if you’re worried about leaving her.”

  “I don’t know. Can we get tickets on such short notice?”

  With a quick chuckle, Riley grinned. “I have my own jet, sweetheart.”

  “Of course you do,” Kaitlyn mumbled. He had money enough to do what he wanted on a moment’s notice but he couldn’t stay in Clifton.

  He laughed then sobered. “Will you? I need you with me on this.”

  Sighing, this wasn’t how the evening was supposed to go. How was she going to do this? Having planned to break things off with him and now he was asking her to travel to Florida with him, she started shaking her head.

  “Kaitlyn. Please,” Riley pleaded, and she realized he needed her, and that was something she wanted from him. How could she refuse?

  “All right.” When she gave in and agreed to go, Riley’s excitement increased and he hugged her.

  “Thank you. Thank you, Kaitlyn. I’ll pick you both up at five in the morning. We should touchdown before noon, so Sadie can sleep on the plane.” He leaned over and kissed her. “We’ll be back by evening, I promise.”

  Suddenly excited about the details of the trip, he prattled on as her wanting to talk to him now seemed forgotten. She wasn’t going to remind him since she was still unsure what to say. Riley kissed her good night at the door before he left.

  Kaitlyn had wanted to ask him to stay so she could be with him one more time, but he seemed to have his mind on so many other things so she let him go. She called Madilyn to coordinate her covering the shop the next day, then after taking a quick bath, she packed a small bag for Sadie and crawled between the sheets. Lying on her back, she gazed up at the ceiling thinking about the next day. When they returned tomorrow night, she was ending it. It had to be done, even as she was grateful Riley had forgotten all about her wanting to talk to him, with his excitement over getting her to go with him. A tear rolled from the corner of her eye and down into her hair at her temple.


  Riley pulled into Kaitlyn’s apartment complex at almost exactly five the next morning. Her front door opened as he walked toward it. Halting mid-stride, he stared at her as she came toward him carrying a diaper bag, which she handed to him.

  “Can you take this? I need to get Sadie wiped off. She’s wearing her scrambled eggs,” Kaitlyn told him.

  Chuckling, Riley wished he’d been there to see her enjoy her eggs. “Do I need to get her car seat from your car?”

  Seeming somewhat flustered, Kaitlyn nodded. “Yes, please. I’ll be right back.” She disappeared into the apartment, and then returned with her keys.

  While she returned inside to clean up her daughter, Riley moved the car seat to the backseat of his truck, thanking God that he’d rented a king cab. He grinned as he watched Kaitlyn coming out the door carrying Sadie, who had her arms wrapped around her bunny. The little girl squealed when she spotted Riley as he strode toward them.

  “Hey, squirt.” He took her from Kaitlyn and kissed her cheek then leaned down and kissed Kaitlyn. “Good morning, sweetheart,” he whispered against her lips. When she grinned up at him, his heart slammed into his ribcage because being with both of them felt so natural. “Are you ready?”

  “Are you?” Kaitlyn tilted her head.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” he murmured, grateful Kaitlyn would be at his side while he did this. They piled into the truck and headed for the airport in Butte. It was a two-hour drive. Riley chuckled as Sadie babbled away from the back seat. “She is definitely a morning person, isn’t she?” His eyes ran over Kaitlyn who was stifling a yawn. “Unlike her mama.”

  A blush lit up her cheeks when he saw her glance over to him. “I’ve never been a morning person, especially when someone keeps me up late, or has me up at the crack of dawn.”

  Riley burst out laughing. “I think you have that backwards…the part about the keeping someone up late.”

  Kaitlyn snorted. “Yeah, right.”

  They fell into a comfortable silence except for Sadie talking from the backseat, and Kaitlyn answering her. When they finally arrived at the airport, Riley parked his truck near the private hangars, and then carried Sadie while Kaitlyn brought the diaper bag.

  “Do you fly the jet?” Kaitlyn asked glancing around.

  “No. I have a pilot.” When he thought he’d heard her mutter something like of course under her breath, Riley spoke over his shoulder. “What?”

  “Nothing.” Kaitlyn trotted to keep up with him.

  They he
aded toward a blue and white Learjet sitting beside the hangar on the tarmac. The stairs were down and Riley stopped at the bottom of them. He nodded for Kaitlyn to go ahead of him. Upon entering the cabin, a woman came toward them.

  “Kaitlyn, this is Diane. She’s been with me for eight years. She’ll get you anything you want or need.” He watched the two women shake hands but Kaitlyn wore a scowl on her face as she took Sadie from Riley then sat down, holding her in her lap. Riley frowned at her and wondered what had pissed her off, everything seemed fine up until now…except whatever it was she still wanted to talk about with him. He took a deep breath, hoping that conversation wouldn’t come anytime soon then moved toward the cockpit, leaving the two women alone.


  Kaitlyn felt a stab of jealousy over the beautiful Diane. She had no right to feel that way. Riley didn’t belong to her but she couldn’t help it.

  “Your little girl is beautiful. She looks just like you, especially with those gorgeous blue eyes.” Diane smiled at them and seemed genuinely friendly.

  O-kay. So she was nice. Who cares? The woman was too gorgeous with her flaxen hair and big green eyes. She was petite too, and Kaitlyn hated towering over people. She’d always wanted to be shorter. Kaitlyn gave her a tight-lipped smile and felt like an ass when Diane pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as if she’d done something wrong.

  “Would you like something to drink or eat?” Diane smiled at her again.

  Kaitlyn shook her head. Jealousy does not become you, Kaitlyn.

  Glancing up when a good-looking man entered the jet, she saw him grin and wink at Diane who blushed prettily, and waved. It was then that Kaitlyn noticed the wedding band and huge diamond on Diane’s left ring finger. The man strolled toward them, kissing Diane’s cheek before turning friendly brown eyes on Kaitlyn. He stuck his hand out.

  “Hello. I’m Brett Watkins.” His genuine smile showed perfect white teeth. He looked like a model from a magazine or on a book cover.

  “Kaitlyn Parker.” She smiled and shook his hand.

  Brett squatted down in front of her seat and shook Sadie’s hand. “And who is this little beauty?”

  “Sadie.” Kaitlyn grinned as Sadie babbled at him and showed him her bunny. She was getting quite flirtatious with men since Riley’s been in her life.

  Brett laughed, stood, and gazed at Diane. “We’re hoping to have one soon aren’t we, Di?”

  Diane smiled and nodded. “Maybe in another year or so.”

  Relief at knowing Diane and Brett were married washed over Kaitlyn as well as shame at being jealous. She wanted to kick herself for being rude to the woman when it was obvious these two were very much in love. She was about to apologize for being a bitch when Riley came back.

  “I don’t pay you enough to stand around and talk, Brett.” Riley glared at his pilot with his hands on his hips.

  Brett winked at Kaitlyn. “You sure as hell don’t pay me enough to fly this thing either.”

  Riley chuckled and slapped the man on the back. “And yet you keep doing it. We’re ready so whenever you can get us up.”

  Brett saluted, winked at Diane again, and then strolled toward the cockpit. Riley took a seat beside Kaitlyn. He gazed up at Diane.

  “Why don’t you go sit up front with your husband? Keep an eye on him.” Riley smiled. Diane didn’t hesitate. She smiled at them, told them to let her know if they needed anything, and left to join her husband.

  “How long have they been married?” Kaitlyn asked.

  “Seven years.”

  “Seriously?” Kaitlyn was surprised and worse, really felt like a fool for acting like such a bitch to her.

  “Yep. Brett’s been my pilot since day one. I hired Diane a year after him to help when I had clients on the jet. After a year of flipping houses, I started flipping businesses.” Riley shrugged. “I’d fly all over the states for business. I quit that a couple of years ago and went into the building part—houses, not businesses. I really don’t need the jet as much as I used to but I can’t put Diane and Brett out of work.” He smiled. “They met flying for me and married a year later. I even built their home for them.”

  “They said they want to have children.”

  Riley nodded. “I know, and I told them they’d both have jobs with me as long as they wanted. Brett’s a hell of a pilot and I’d still use him, but I think Diane wants to be a stay at home mom. That’s fine too, and I can always use Brett in my construction company as an architect. He has a degree in architecture. He just loves to fly and prefers it.”

  Kaitlyn smiled. “You’re a nice man, Riley Madison.”

  “Shhh…don’t tell anyone.” Grinning at her, he took Sadie from her when the little girl reached for him. All of a sudden, Riley frowned. “You said you had something you wanted to talk to me about…”

  Kaitlyn shook her head. “When we come back.”

  Feeling self-conscious, she couldn’t look at him so she turned her attention to the window, and the activity on the tarmac outside the plane. Riley took her chin in his hand and turned her to face him. “I have a feeling I’m not going to like it.”

  Kaitlyn jerked her chin from his grasp. “Not now, Riley.” She held his gaze until he glanced away then she blew out a breath.

  It didn’t matter if he didn’t like it. She had no choice because it was how it had to be…unless he was willing to stay in Clifton. After tonight, it would be over between them. Kaitlyn quickly blinked away the tears blurring her vision and gazed out the window as the jet taxied down the runway and lifted into the air.

  Chapter Ten

  A few hours later, they landed in Florida and were on their way to Barbara Madison’s home. Riley hadn’t called her to let her know he was coming.

  “Should I have called her first?” he asked for what seemed like the millionth time.

  Kaitlyn sighed. “Riley. You’re going to give yourself an ulcer. Stop worrying about it, okay? It’s done. We’re almost at her home.”

  She watched his hands grip the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. Leaning over, she placed a hand over his. “Just breathe.”

  Riley glanced at her and sighed. “I know. I’m trying.” He stopped in front of a house when the GPS informed him they’d arrived at their destination. Both of them gazed at the small bungalow with flowers blooming in the yard. The house was yellow with white trim around the windows and door. It was a beautiful little home. Kaitlyn turned to face Riley.

  “Are you going to stare at the house or are we going in?”

  His eyes shifted quickly to her. “You’re some kind of smartass, you know that?”

  “Well, you didn’t bring me along to let you sit in the truck,” Kaitlyn said smugly, and folded her arms across her chest. “I can always go relieve Diane and Brett of watching Sadie.”

  He snorted. “You plan on walking back?”

  Kaitlyn bit her lip to keep from grinning and reached for his hand again. “Let’s go see your mother,” she whispered.

  Riley gave a terse nod, opened the truck door, and stepped out. He walked around to the passenger side and helped Kaitlyn out. Taking her hand in his, they strolled up the walk to the door. She noticed he sucked in a deep breath and exhaled before pressing the doorbell. When Kaitlyn had to punch his arm for squeezing her hand so hard, he frowned at her.

  “I like my fingers, Riley,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “Huh?” Glancing down to where his hand was holding hers, he let up on the pressure. “Oh, sorry.”

  The door opened and an attractive woman in her mid-fifties stood before them then smiled at them. “Yes? Can I help you?”

  Even as she smiled at them, Kaitlyn could see a deep sadness in her eyes. Blue eyes, not eyes the color of whiskey. When Riley didn’t speak, Kaitlyn cleared her throat and jerked on his hand. He glanced over to her, and then back to the woman in the doorway. Kaitlyn sighed.

  “Yes. Hello. We’re looking
for Barbara Madison,” Kaitlyn said smiling at the woman.

  The woman frowned suspiciously at them. “I’m Barbara Price. My name hasn’t been Madison for a while. Do I know you?”

  Her eyes traveled from Kaitlyn to Riley. Kaitlyn watched, as the blood seemed to drain from Barbara’s face when Riley removed his sunglasses. She put her hand over her mouth as she stared up at Riley. Tears filled her eyes, overflowed, and slid down her cheeks. “Riley?” she whispered.

  Riley still didn’t respond. “Mrs. Price, may we come in?” Kaitlyn asked politely.

  “Yes. Please do.” She moved out of the way but never took her eyes from Riley. “This way.”

  Barbara led them to the living room. The little house seemed larger inside than it appeared from the street. White walls with yellow trim made the house seem bright and sunny. A large yellow and white checkered sofa sat facing a white brick fireplace. A window on each side let sunbeams filter through them. Barbara kept ringing her hands and stared at Riley.

  “Please have a seat. Um…would you like some lemonade?” she asked them as her eyes kept going to Riley.

  “Yes, if you don’t mind.” Kaitlyn wanted her out of the room so she could get Riley to snap out of his fear coma.

  “No. I don’t mind. I’ll…I’ll be right back.” Barbara looked as if she were afraid they’d disappear if she left the room.

  Kaitlyn smiled and tried to reassure her they weren’t going anywhere. “Thank you. We’ll be right here.”

  After a slight hesitation, Barbara left the room. Kaitlyn punched Riley’s arm. He glanced over as if a fly had landed on him.

  “Do you think you could say something?” Kaitlyn said through clenched teeth.

  “I don’t…” He cleared his throat. “I don’t know what to say to her.”

  “I bet she was really pretty when she was younger. She’s still an attractive woman.”

  “I suppose,” Riley muttered.

  “Have you even looked at her?”

  Riley shook his head. “If I did, nothing registered. Maybe this was a bad idea.”

  Just then, Barbara entered the room carrying a tray with a pitcher of lemonade and glasses on it. Kaitlyn stood to take it since Barbara’s hands were shaking so badly. She smiled at Kaitlyn, and then took a seat in the chair across from the couch.


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