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The Perfect Play (Southern U O'Brien Brothers)

Page 20

by Cookie O'Gorman

  "Yeah," I said, "but I still don't know what I'm doing with Chase. I mean, is he my boyfriend now? Am I his girlfriend? What does that even mean?"

  She gave me a nod. "There's no rush. You guys will figure it out together. Take your time and just do whatever feels right."

  Honor pointed to my nightstand.

  "By the way, are those what I think they are?" she said.

  Of course, Honor would notice the small pile of books next to my bed.

  I sniffed. "They're the ones Chase got me if that's what you mean."

  "Which book are you on?"

  "I read the first two and am in the middle of book three in the series. Why?"

  Honor grinned. "So, he not only made you fall for him. Chase also got you reading. I'm liking this pairing more and more."

  "Ugh," I said. "Get your bookworm self out of here."

  "Okay, but let me say one more thing."

  The way she was looking at me with that serious expression I expected a vast amount of wisdom.

  What I got instead?

  "Team ChaCha forever!"

  She said the words then ran out of the room giggling as I threw one of my pillows at her.

  I knew Honor was right. I did deserve someone who could make me happy, and I did love myself. But it was the strangest thing: On the one hand, I was scared Chase wouldn't want to keep me. On the other…I was shocked by the truth of my feelings about him. There'd never been any guy I'd wanted to keep before.

  Rule #3 of Seduction: Never fall in love.

  I wasn't sure, but I thought I might've broken my own rule.

  And I had no idea how to handle it.

  CHAPTER 22: Chase

  "Guys, I need your help."

  Archer, Baylor and Dex all paused what they were doing. They were seated in different spots around the weight room, working at different stations. I wasn't sure if this was the right time to do this. But honestly, I didn't know where to go from here.

  "It's about Charlie," I said.

  Archer turned off the treadmill he'd been running on and jumped down. Baylor replaced the barbell and sat up on the bench press. Dex walked over, bringing his weights with him, so he could hear. Luckily, there wasn't anyone else working out at this time. I could talk freely with my brothers.

  "Is something wrong?" Archer asked.

  "Yeah, you could say that," I said. "She disappeared on me."

  Baylor gave a shrug. "What'd you do?"

  "Besides punch Randall in the face," Dex added. "I'm still bummed I wasn't there to witness that."

  I sighed. "I think I may have come on too strong, too fast. Maybe it scared her off. I don't know."

  "Charlie doesn't seem like the type of person who'd scare easily," Baylor said.

  No, I thought. She didn't.

  But then why was she avoiding me?

  "I think we need more info," Archer said. "What's been going on?"

  I gave them a brief rundown of all that had happened so far between Charlie and me—minus some of the hotter moments. They didn't need to know everything. When I was finished, Baylor held up a hand.

  "So, wait a minute," my twin said. "You kicked Dex out of the room—"

  "Actually, I chose to leave," Dex put in.

  "—and she stayed the night after saying she wants a relationship. Then what? Nothing happened?"

  My cheeks heated.

  "We kissed again and…did other stuff, too," I said.

  "Oh my God, does this mean you got laid?" Baylor hit me in the arm. "Good for you, bro. I never thought it would happen."

  I blinked. "You think about me having sex?"

  "Only like every day," he said. "I was worried for you. Sometimes they say if you don't use it, you lose it. You know?"

  "That's disturbing, Bay. On so many levels," I said. "And just FYI, Charlie and I didn't have sex—not that it's any of your business."

  "But you said—"

  "It was a hot night," I said. "You're not getting any more details. I thought we both had a great time, that we were on the same page. But now, she's giving me the cold shoulder."

  Dex lifted a brow. "Is it possible you're just that bad a kisser?"

  I rolled my eyes, wishing I had something to throw at him.

  "Charlie seemed to think I was good at it," I said.

  The fight left me in a whoosh.

  "After our last game, though, she left and hasn't talked to me since. It's like she put up this wall between us."

  Archer nodded. "Sounds like she wasn't ready to hear how much you like her."

  "It's more than like," I mumbled.

  "You've only been hanging out a short time. Maybe she got spooked."

  "You can be pretty intense," Baylor said.

  Dex shook his head. Archer glared. And I just stared at Bay.

  "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm like the least intimidating person in this room."

  "Chase, it's not a bad thing," he said. "But you're intimidating in your own way. Everyone knows you're hoping to find 'the One'."


  "That's a lot of pressure, man. Think about it from Charlie's perspective."

  Dex nodded. "Ah yeah, I see it now."

  "Maybe she's not looking for that kind of commitment."

  I frowned.

  "Or," Baylor added, "it could be she's just not into you."

  "At least I know that's not it," I replied. "She said she can't stop thinking of me."

  Archer's brows rose. "Did she?"

  "Yeah. She also called me cute." My brothers groaned in unison, and I felt vindicated. See? I doubted any guy liked that word. "It's her. Charlie is my soulmate. I feel it in my bones."

  "Have you said that to her?" Archer asked.

  I shot him a narrow look. "Not in those words—and it's because of exactly what you said. I didn't want to scare her. But my feelings are so clear."

  "How can you be sure?" Baylor asked. "You barely know each other."

  "I don't know how to explain it," I said. "It's like…picking up a baseball for the first time. I knew, right then and there. I'd love the game from that day forward. My future was in my hands. I knew I'd found something that I was made for and that was meant for me."

  I shook my head.

  "That's how I feel about Charlie. She's the one for me. I just…know. I love her."

  Dex grinned. "Holy shit, that was beautiful. I think I might cry."

  I reached out to swat him, but he moved away.

  "No seriously, I've got a tear going in my left eye. It's always been more sensitive."

  Baylor put a hand on my shoulder. "I think you're crazy, pinning all your hopes on one girl. You know that, right?"

  "I do," I said with a shrug. "But I still love her. Trust me, you'll get it someday, Bay. Probably sooner than you think."

  "Nah, not me," he said. "I'm never falling in love."

  "Me, neither," Dex put in. "Too messy."

  Archer pointed at them. "Famous last words."

  Baylor scoffed, but I held up a hand.

  "So, what do I do?" I asked.

  "Just what you said." Archer gave a decisive nod. "You keep trying and hope for the best. I think you should lay it all out there. Tell her how you really feel. At least then, you'll both be on the same page."

  My twin feigned a shiver. "Sounds risky to me."

  Dex nodded. "I'm with Archer on this one. Go balls to the wall. What's the worst that could happen?"

  She might not love me back, I thought.

  But it wasn't in me to do nothing.

  "Alright, fine," Baylor said. "Since everyone besides me is all for Chase possibly getting his heart broken, if you're going to be a lovestruck idiot, you better be ready to use everything in your arsenal."

  "You make it sound like going to war," I said.

  "It kind of is. Charlie seems to like your body, so play that up. You said she likes dancing, too, so maybe take h
er out. Don't be afraid to use more than words to get the message across."

  I nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. There's just one problem."

  The three of them turned to me and waited.

  "If I'm going to tell her how I feel, I've got to do it face-to-face. And guys aren't allowed at Magnolia House."

  "I thought you said she let you in," Archer said.

  "Yeah, but just the one time."

  "She's not home anyway," Dex said, and all eyes swiveled to him.

  "How the hell do you know that?" Baylor asked.

  He shrugged, holding up the phone he'd pulled from his pocket. "Emmy just texted. She says Charlie hasn't been back to Magnolia House since Sunday."

  I shook my head. "Where is she then?"

  "Apparently, she went home to see her mom."


  Dex scoffed. "Do I look like a psychic? How am I supposed to know?"

  Okay, so he had a point. "Can you ask Emmy for Charlie's number?"

  "Already did," he said. "She messaged back, and I quote, 'Sorry D, I can't. Sisters before misters.'"

  Baylor chuckled, but my gaze went to Archer next.

  "Will you ask Honor?" I said. "Maybe she would…"

  But he was already shaking his head. The frown on his face told me the answer before he said a word.

  "Honor says to tell you she's sorry." Archer looked up from his phone. "But she won't betray the BFF code—whatever that means."

  I groaned. "So much for that."

  "I'm sending you Charlie's number now," Baylor said. A second later, my phone pinged with a text, and I looked down in surprise. "Don't say I never gave you anything."

  Seeing those seven numbers, I was both relieved and confused.

  "But how?" I asked.

  Baylor tossed me a grin. "I asked June. She noticed there was something between you and Charlie. Said she was happy to help."

  Yeah, I thought. That and June always had a hard time saying no to my brother.

  It probably made me a jerk, but right then, I was glad for it. I was thankful to have a way to contact Charlie. She'd been gone for two days, and I hadn't even known. I just wanted to make sure she was alright.

  "Thanks for the talk, guys," I said, "I'm going to head out."

  "No problem." Archer met me at the door to the weight room. "Good luck, Chase."

  "Say hi to Charlie for me," Dex said.

  I nodded then looked to Bay.

  "What?" he said. "It's not like you're going to listen to me."

  "When has that ever stopped you?"

  Baylor sighed. "Just…remember what I said and try not to get your heart broken."

  Wise words, but I wasn't sure I could live by them.

  My heart belonged to Charlie.

  It would always be hers.

  Whether she chose to break it or not, that fact wouldn't change.


  I waited until I was alone and back in my room to text her.

  Me: Hey, this is Chase. I just wanted to check in, see how you're doing.

  Charlie answered a few seconds later.

  Charlie: Chase…who?

  Me: Very funny.

  Charlie: Seriously, I don't remember giving you my number. So???

  I couldn't help but grin.

  Me: I got it from a reliable source.

  Charlie: Ahh, you say reliable. I say meddlesome. Tomato, tah-mah-toe.

  I swallowed then typed my reply.

  Me: If you don't want to talk to me, that's cool. I just heard about your mom and wanted to make sure you're okay.

  The little dots appeared then disappeared a few times, ratcheting up my nerves, before her final answer came through.

  Charlie: Sorry, I was just kidding lol. It's been stressful, but I'm good. How are you?

  Me: Just missing you.

  When she didn't respond, I sent her another message, hoping to make her laugh.

  Me: Also, again, this is Chase O'Brien. Your boyfriend. Just in case you're still confused.

  Charlie: Wow, that sounded weird.

  Me: Which part?

  Charlie: Seriously? The boyfriend part!

  I could practically see her rolling her eyes.

  Charlie: I've never really had one of those before.

  Me: Well, I've never had a girlfriend. So I guess we're even.

  Charlie: Annnd you just called me your girlfriend. SO strange.

  Me: You say strange. I say awesome. Potato, pah-tah-toe. :)

  Charlie: You're not funny, you know.

  Me: Yeah, but I bet you're smiling right now.

  Her response didn't come right away. It took her at least another minute, and during that time, I waited with bated breath. My phone started ringing, and I picked up immediately.

  "You can't know I was smiling," Charlie said.

  I closed my eyes, glad to hear her voice.

  "And I wasn't," she added. "Just so you know."

  "Okay, I believe you," I said.

  "My smiles are reserved for people who work up the guts to ask me personally for my number."

  I groaned. "Ugh, direct hit. To be fair, I would've asked if you were here."

  She stayed silent as if she didn't quite buy it.

  "I would have," I repeated.

  "You had plenty of chances this past weekend."

  I grinned at the memories rushing through my mind. "I seem to remember being busy with other, more important things." I dropped my voice to a whisper, "Like tasting you for the first time."

  Charlie was silent a beat.

  "Are you blushing?"

  "What?" she said, sounding startled. "No, I don't blush. That's you."

  "Hm," I said. "I definitely remember you blushing that night."

  She scoffed, but I knew it was true. I'd never forget the way her skin had gone pink all over, her breaths coming fast, the sigh that left her just as she reached her peak. It was one of my greatest accomplishments.

  "Charlie, you still there?"

  She let out a laugh. "Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how to ask this without offending you."

  I settled back on my bed, getting comfortable. "Just ask."

  "What's your secret? If you've never done that before, how'd you know exactly what to do, where to touch me?" she said.

  "Books," I said.

  Her tone was full of disbelief. "Seriously?"

  "Yep, you can learn just about anything from reading. Smutty books are surprisingly educational."

  "Well, thank you, books," she mumbled.

  "Amen to that," I said.

  "I thought you might've asked your brothers about it or something."

  I chuckled. "That would've been the most awkward conversation ever."

  "True," she said on a laugh.

  "So, is everything good with you and your mom?"

  Charlie sighed. "Yeah, it's fine. Mom had surgery, and I came home to take care of her. She made it through with no complications, thank goodness."

  "Glad to hear that," I said.

  "Me, too. My parents split up a few years ago," she went on. "They just called it quits after 25 years. Can you imagine?"

  She didn't wait for an answer.

  "Anyway, she needed someone, so I came."

  "That settles it," I said. "My girlfriend is awesome."

  "Still not used to hearing that word," Charlie mumbled. "How are things with you, Chase?"

  "Honestly? I was worried you might be avoiding me."

  "You were?"

  "Yeah." I took a breath and then added, "Listen Charlie, I know some things have changed between us. But I want you to know I'm here if you need me, and you can talk to me about anything."

  "I know," she said.

  "Do you?"

  "Yeah, but… The truth is I have no idea how to be anyone's girlfriend. And 'us'? I wouldn't know the first thing about being an 'us.'"

  "Me neither,"
I said quietly. "I'm looking forward to finding out, though. With you."

  There was a smile in her voice as she said, "Same here."

  A beat passed.

  "Don't forget to do your stretches, Chase. Word on the street is you and the Wolves have a tournament to win. As your PT, I want you to make a good showing."

  "You got it," I said. "I have family coming into town, too. So, I'll definitely do my best."

  "There are more of you O'Briens?" Charlie asked.

  "Oh yeah, tons."


  She was shaking her head. I just knew it.

  "Now be a good boyfriend," Charlie added, "and send me a few shirtless pics after I hang up."

  I laughed, but she'd already ended the call.

  Taking a few quick pictures, I sent them off to her immediately.

  Her response was simple.

  Thanks, boyfriend. See you soon.

  I couldn't contain my smile if I tried.

  CHAPTER 23: Charlie

  The visit with my mom went better than expected.

  Until she threw me out.

  "Charlie, I love you," she'd said, sitting across from me at the kitchen table. "But you need to go."

  I'd looked to her in surprise. "Why? Aren't you glad to see me?"

  "Of course! But that baseball game you keep talking about is happening tomorrow. I don't want you to miss it on account of me."

  She'd held up a hand as I went to argue.

  "Plus, you're hovering," she said. "And I'm fine."

  Mom's surgery to remove her hernia had been invasive. She'd been down for a couple of days and would be healing for weeks. But she did seem to be getting around okay.

  "Are you sure?" I'd asked. "You heard the doctor. You shouldn't overexert yourself, and I don't like the idea of leaving you here alone."

  She sighed. "Elise comes to check on me every day—not to mention your father stops by now and again."

  That was true. Honestly, I'd been surprised to see what a support system she had. Elise was her next-door-neighbor. She and Mom seemed close, and I'd already seen Elise on several visits. And she was right about Dad, too. Though he'd gotten remarried and lived 45 minutes away, he still came by sometimes.

  "Even if we're not married anymore," Mom had said, "that doesn't mean we're not friends."

  I'd frowned.

  "But you were so sad for so long after the divorce," I said. "There were days when you wouldn't even get out of bed. I thought you regretted ever being with him."


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