Shortcut to Having More
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How does all of this relate to you? You are the one who knows the best answer to this question. As I see it, there is nothing more relevant and useful for any individual with a desire to grow, expand, become more, and get more out of this experience called Life. The upcoming chapters will provide you with complete insight into a single, powerful method (using multiple techniques) that will help you to remove all obstacles and layers that keep people from having more and becoming more.
As you will doubtless agree with me, the greatest difference in our reality is not only about what happens during our ‘aha’ moments, the difference really happens after those moments of inspiration and enlightenment. Once I reached my ‘aha’ experience (i.e. I remembered what I was not supposed to forget), everything around me, especially the financial aspect of life, has started to line up in its proper place and direction. Life has started turning into an interesting and better experience. If you remember my previously explained experience of losing practically all of my material possessions, then this statement is enormously positive!
The methods that led me here have started forming into a totally different experience and flow of business. I know and I sense that I am on a good track. This isn’t like anything I have tried before. Once I started sharing this approach, I saw the same or an even stronger impact on the lives of those people. Since we are all individuals, certain details of the results may sound or look different, but still (after thousands of clients, friends, and readers) the overall result is the same.
Let me continue to be totally honest in a more detailed way. I believe this will also serve as a word of warning. From the outside, these methods that you will start learning (for clearing unwanted layers around our inner power) may sound “too simple” or may remind you of something you have already read or heard. My warm advice to you, and to anyone else who starts walking that path, is this: “Please do not fall into that trap.” Our material ego/inner sabotaging system has often taken this shade; many people simply believe in what they hear from their material mind that resists positive change:
It cannot be that simple.
I need something more ‘complicated.’
I have already heard about ‘this’.
‘This’ can never work for me.
Be aware, avoid these traps of false ego, and you will be safe.
So, let’s get back on topic. What exactly is the origin of my methods, and what exactly comprises the methods I teach and explain in the ‘Shortcut to Having More’? I have been asked the same questions many times; as I have said already, these exact same methods provide the foundation for my coaching practice. I do have detailed answers to your questions, but I do not want to make this introductory part too long. Hopefully, the following explanation will be satisfactory. These are a few brief, clear answers:
Q1: Are you the creator of these methods, or what are the origins?
In part, the answer is “Yes, I am.” However, I can also answer “No,I’m not (the creator).” This is why: the methods that you are learning from me have roots in processes that have been known to mankind for thousands of years. Knowledge derived from ancient disciplines such as Yoga or Qigong are present and have an important role, but so is a modern powerful clearing system like Tapping Into Wealth by Margaret Lynch. I owe her a lot, and I am a certified coach (still in a learning process) through her program. Also, I have been studying many bits of original Sanskrit literature. Vedic wisdom offers many answers, and we can find identical principles in many truly wealthy and realized individuals.
The ‘Shortcut to Having More’ is an approach that extracts the essence without any fluff, mystification, or unnecessary theorizing around goals and objectives. Once you learn a bit more about me, you will see how I was forced to find out something direct, efficient, and able to deliver fast results.
Q2: There are so many books and programs available that deal with similar or identical topics. What are the differences of the ‘Shortcut to Having More’ approach? How is this different from other ways of clearing the wealth/abundance blocks?
Besides the answers I have already given, I can tell you that this approach is a fusion of several extremely potent methods that, when used in the proper order and in a logical way, build on the power of each previous method–and create an incredible chain reaction. This will align your intention and attention; your thoughts, expectations, and conscious actions will grow in such a way that you simply cannot stay on the same level. With this process, we simply have to grow and become more. As a natural result, we start earning more money practically at the same moment when the process first takes off! The difference is readily apparent from the reason of its creation–I had no choice but to come up with something that really works. Next to everything else, it doesn’t contain a single element that is unimportant or unhelpful for moving quickly from where we are to the place where we want to be in the near future.
Q3: Can you show proof about the efficiency of what you are teaching?
The answer depends on the type of proof you need. Can you judge the taste of honey before opening the jar? Everything that I present, I am applying–and I continue to get fantastic results. Also, it’s not only my success and example that counts; you can consider hundreds and thousands of transformed lives as proof positive of this concept. Nearly everyone who has directly applied these methods, or indirectly applied through my books, seminars, and coaching program, has experienced many positive and significant changes in their income and ability to generate more wealth. Those of us who have completed the Tapping Into Wealth program are all changed people, improved versions of ourselves! We have doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled our income levels realistically and within short time periods.
Again, many other changes appear in the reality of people who apply methods presented in the ‘Shortcut to Having More’. Some of the methods are clinically proven for their efficiency to heal a person from really bad conditions such as insomnia, PTSD, and dependency on antidepressants (or other intoxicants). We naturally use the methods to remove those things that impede our progress.
Q4: What is the best way to start, and how I can be sure that I will get results?
How can I be sure that you will apply what you read here? Exactly– I can only be sure when you do it; the results will come after application. I will answer this question by example. Let’s say you gave me a jar of first-class forest honey, and let’s say I had never tasted it before.
So here we are. I thank you for your nice present, and I hold the jar of dark gold honey in my hands, and I ask you the same question: “What is the best way to taste this honey and how can I be sure that I will like it?” What answer would you give back to me? Most probably, you would say something like this: “Taste and see. Open the jar, taste the honey, and you will see!” It’s as simple as that.
Hopefully, you will think this is sufficient information and an adequate introduction into what we will begin in the next chapter. What you will probably want to know boils down to one reassuring thing. Individuals who decide to give this practice a chance will be equipped with powerful tools; they will see the result of their internal changes on the external material plane, not long after they start practicing.
These are the methods in the ‘Shortcut to Having More’:
Simple and easy to understand, learn and apply
Natural and pleasurable
Free of religious connotations
Free of fluff (esoteric, philosophical, and all other kinds of padding)
Scientific in nature [Over 100 clinically proven case studies of the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, show users’ great improvement and healing from the most horrible traumatic conditions.]
Proven to work and deliver great improvement and transf
Based on feedback I get from people in my coaching work, I can see these characteristics are important; I hope they resonate with you as well. While coaching one-on-one, hearing about petitioners’ experiences, or reading messages shared by various clients, over and over again I can see how much it means to those applying the ‘Shortcut to Having More’ methods, to all of those who give this process a chance. Those who are sincere enough to try these methods have experienced their desired changes, and every person HAS that ability.
An even bigger truth, carried within ourselves, is an urge…a type of uncontrollable strong desire to make that step toward growth and achieving what we were meant to achieve. No one in this world can be happy or peaceful without moving toward the meaning and purpose of their own existence in this material reality. This is a really critical part of our understanding: having more is your birthright! Becoming more and having more is definitely a birthright to each and every one of us. We are all sons and daughters of the richest and most powerful entity in this universe, so where can there be any place for scarcity and fear? Why should any doubt the abundant and ever-increasing nature of this universe? Personally, I’m quite sure that deep within your heart, ‘something’ tells you this exact same thing.
This ‘something’ is not the voice of our inner critic, not the voice of the grinding or disturbed parts of our mind. This inner voice that I speak about is that inner call, that inner feeling that is continually guiding and directing us, always protecting us, that doesn’t allow us to fall or fail; when we suffer a setback, it help us stand back and learn from the experience. All of that and a lot more happens, if we listen!
Without going deeper into philosophy, a few concepts (if we can agree on them) will increase our ability to move forward and faster toward receiving all of the benefits provided by the ‘Shortcut to Having More’ process. Regardless of what you do or don’t believe, these simple few lines will resonate with most of you. In order to answer this question, we should first agree about the answer on the eternal inquiry of mankind: “Who are we?”
Everything around us is energy - moving and inanimate objects as well as all forms of life; concrete, stone, and glass; oceans, forests, rivers, and air; houses and their accessories; computers and our ‘dear’ mobile phones. Everything is a form of energy. So are human beings. The difference is that, as a living entity in human bodily form, our very nature is entirely different; yet so many do not seem to understand and use the advantages given in the human form of life.
What are the advantages? In addition to our basic instincts and urges–eating, sleeping, mating, and defending ourselves–we all possess free will and the ability to connect with a source of energy, with the “Cause of all causes”. Dogs and cats, cucumbers and apples, and any other living being that resides within one of hundreds of thousands of carbon-based life forms simply cannot sit down, read, study, meditate, or think about these questions. They are obliged to care for their basic needs (eating, sleeping, mating, and defending) and nothing else. A person gifted with a human body has not only the ability but also an urge from inside the heart to learn more, become more, have more, and to achieve. That is the difference between a spiritual soul in a human body and a spiritual soul, a living entity that resides in any other type of body on this material plane.
This spiritual entity, this individual soul, is abundant; it’s full of eternity, bliss, and knowledge. It is within our deepest core of existence. We are souls– we are living entities with spiritual qualities. We are spiritual sparks that reside in material bodies. By mistake and the profound influence of an eager false ego, we are identified with our material bodies and minds.
We do have a material body and mind, these complex and sophisticated tools we use to create and live out our experiences in this material reality. The real inner nature of each and every living being is spiritual. Problems arise when we, as spiritual entities, misidentify this material reality to be our shelter, real nature, and source of pleasure. Please don’t be alarmed; I’m not going to start any kind of ‘preaching’.I’m trying to share a basic, yet very essential point that many of us miss entirely–this very point, if missed, stops people from becoming more and achieving more in nearly all aspects of life. Even if you choose to believe that you are this material body or this material mind, that will change nothing. Your beliefs, religion, political orientation, sex, age, skin color and any other material designation will not change the fact that matter and spirit are simultaneously one and different. Yes, in a real sense of the word, one and different within the same time frame. As I have promised, I won’t make this book anything near to a philosophical elaboration, so for that reason, this is the shortest explanation I can devise:
CHARACTERISTICS OF ANYTHING MATERIAL: This is a created being that grows or expands, and maintains its size and strength for a time; it grows old or deteriorates, until finally, it dies. Once without living force it becomes a form of dead matter, such as a piece of meat or a lump of any other material element.
CHARACTERISTICS OF SPIRITUAL ENERGY: It is never created; it never grows old or dies. It is eternal, continually existing, and always present. It is full of knowledge and bliss. It is superior to matter; it moves and makes matter to grow, change forms, and expand.
So, if we agree on these completely opposite qualities of matter and spirit, how we can speak about ‘oneness’ and why is that important? All energies, regardless of their material or spiritual nature, all come from the same source. The source energy is the same and is above this material plane of existence. For that reason, because matter and spirit share the source, we can consider them as ‘one’. However, that does not change the fact of matter’s inferiority to spiritual energy. Why is this important?
It is a very important concept because people who primarily identify with their material bodies and minds are not able to move toward their goals in a way that will be most beneficial. One cannot be really successful without at least a basic understanding of these facts. Another question can be used to illustrate this exact point: “Which is more important, a car or the driver of the car?” A car cannot move without a driver, any more than a driver can move without using the vehicle. It is important to take good care of the engine, gearbox, or external appearance of a vehicle but that will not be enough to win races; the driver must be in good shape and maintained well in the first place.
Everyone who desires to become really successful, to grow toward a bigger income and success level, must understand that both body and mind are important. We have to take good care of both body and mind, but if we do not understand the relationship between body, mind, and soul, then it will be difficult to advance quickly. Yes, there are people who have a lot of money and can point toward a lot of material success, but they did not accept or even know about these principles; we must acknowledge that. The main point here is that once you start scratching a little bit below the very polished and attractive surface, you will easily be able to understand, see, and feel (and often be very surprised at) how much fear, anxiety, shame, stress, and negativity is present in the life of a person who depends solely on material concepts. That is a huge difference between those focused solely on material causes, and those who have a deeper understanding.
When we speak about becoming more and having more, we simply do not think about having more negativity, more stress, more anxiety, and more fear. Unfortunately, those who decide and choose to ignore spiritual principles, individuals who do not want to live according to them, those men and women are definitely living lives swimming in those unwanted and often obnoxious conditions. Nobody wants to live in fear; no one truly enjoys high levels of anxiety and stress. You cannot become free of those bonds if you are living out a program constructed purely out of material concepts; this world offers plenty of proof of that
bondage. Look around and you can find plenty of examples.
“Mind over matter” is a well-known proverb. However, it is important to understand that spiritual force (the very nature of what we actually are) is superior to any body, matter, and mind. Growth toward spiritual principles is available for each and every one of us, regardless of whether or not we understand these concepts. For that reason, anything that blocks and slows down our path to abundance (being filled with knowledge, joy, and eternity) deserves our attention; we simply have to find a way to remove it. We can either admit this to ourselves or not, but this is the very intention that moves us all; searching for effective ways to clear up anything that keeps us from expansion and advancement, from moving as a living being into higher frequencies and a better life, searching for a better tomorrow. However, an additional problem arises when we cannot see the original problem clearly. If we have no idea what is stopping us and how we are being stopped, naturally we cannot do much in order to overcome that issue.