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by Terry Smith

  Dr. Dianne Stevens is a famous Botanist who has consulted around the world on the changes in the plant world as they relate to modifications to improve the production and nutritional value of plants in feeding the growing population. Her recent research has centered on analysis of soils and environmental support for plant growth on other planets in the universe. In particular she has centered the research on how the existing soils on these planets can be modified and ways the environments can be changed to support plant growth. This has been a difficult process in that the soils must be modified and measured in place on these planets as opposed to collecting the soils and making these changes in a laboratory setting on Earth.

  Dr. Stevens is the most recent addition to the team having joined only three months before launch. The NASA team wanted her from the beginning but she felt obligated to meet her lecture commitments. She was convinced to no longer add to her commitments and was able to join the team in enough time to complete the development program.

  Dr. Stevens is 49 years old. She is devoted to her research and has a large research facility at her home in Arizona. She has avoided the many requests to develop a business from her Arizona facility until such time as she has fully tested the safety of some of the extreme changes she is making in the name of research.

  The two associates who joined Dr. Stevens in developing her research goals have actually been part of the Dream Team waiting for her to join them. Neither claims to have the expertise to replace her, but both are ready if the need arises. While she is in space they will be living at her home in Arizona and maintaining her research facility. That has to be the best situation any two people could ever have.

  The Dream Team worked well together and began to actually enjoy the training and orientation program. This was good as they would be working and living together in tight quarters while on the Space Station America. With the launch team organized, oriented and trained they were on track to meet the launch date as planned. Each team had specialized equipment, materials and supplies to meet their research guidelines which were assembled and ready for the launch. In addition, there is a great amount of repair materials plus an addition to the Space Station of America to support this additional research.

  The team manager was given a great deal of the credit for managing the development of the Dream Team and keeping the development on track to meet their launch deadline. Although the team worked well together there was still the atmosphere of professional competition among these scholars that were kept under control by skillful team building. The team manager was also given the additional responsibility to develop a document and provide oral presentation to a new Congressional Committee organized to work with the many requirements to prepare the United States in maintaining control and improvements in the environment. This responsibility will continue as the Dream Team reaches the Space Station America and begins its research and analysis.

  The purpose of the launch is determined to be Top Secret by the Federal Government and all media releases are through the NASA Public Relations Officer. Information about the participants on the team has leaked out earlier which placed even more mystery on the launch and its mission. Media correspondents attempted to contact the individuals for statements, and as a result the members were sequestered at NASA for two weeks before launch to maintain their privacy. There was excitement in the air that was broadcasted on nightly news as the launch date approached. The group watched the news and caught some of the excitement themselves – they were feeling like national heroes.

  The team had special suits designed for them, plus the Able3 Space Ship had special markings different from prior visits to Space Station America. This was indeed a special event as it was the first real action the United States was taking in regards to the problems associated with environmental changes on Earth. Up to this point the feeling was that Earth was doomed and the only thing left was to prepare to evacuate the planet. Now there was actually hope for the future.

  Chapter 2

  The Launch of Able3

  The launch of Able3 was on its way, having successfully lifted off the pad at 7:54am on February 12, 2036 from Cape Canaveral headed to the Space Station America (SSA). With the dissolution of the agreement to support the International Space Station in 2022, the major countries in the world have begun to compete as to which country could dominate space exploration and take ownership of certain parts of space. It has become a bitter competition which includes the possibility of countries using space in a strategic application of military strength over the planet. A great deal of the most current work on the Space Station America has dealt with a defense that would protect it from aggressive attacks.

  Many United States companies have participated in the space venture creating the Space Station America and application of support satellites. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) remains the controlling organization for the SSA, supplemented by the Space Force as a branch of the military command responsible for the defense of the station and the exploration of space. The launch of Able3 is the 12th trip to the SSA intended to add to the research capabilities already established at the SSA. Travel time has been reduced to six hours and twenty minutes with docking lasting about twenty minutes depending on the position of the station when contacted by the approaching spacecraft. The SSA is located in the area designated as Medium Earth Orbit at an average of 12,500 miles above Earth’s sea level, allowing an orbital period of twelve hours. This position allows for improved testing capabilities and avoids the Low Earth Orbit originally used for the International Space Station which has become strewn with more and more space junk from abandoned satellites and pieces that have dislodged or have been allowed to remain after space travel vehicles have completed their missions.

  Col Roger “Woody” Lambert is the commander of the Able3. Col Lambert is on active duty with the U.S. Space Force. His experience in navigating the flight of the space vehicles is important as a backup to the flight control from the NASA mission control which provides the primary operation of the space vehicles. One of Col Lambert’s duties while in space is to monitor space vehicles from other countries to observe their surveillance activities and any aggressive moves they might make toward the SSA. He has numerous support systems available to the SSA should any defensive action be required to protect the station. He is assisted by Jim Struthers in flight navigation, maintenance and repair duties and assembly of additional functions to the SSA. Mr. Struthers is a long-term NASA employee and has been part of several missions to the SSA and prior trips to the International Space Station before the U.S. abandoned its participation in that venture.

  Able3 includes an enhanced use of electronic and structural security to reduce the potential of attack from foreign government vehicles and collision with space junk as it travels to the SSA. In addition to the equipment and supplies for existing and new experiments, the vehicle also is carrying similar security and protection equipment and an additional module for the new experiments. The launch and travel is going according to schedule and NASA communications are in place, along with communication with the SSA as they approach the station. All functions are working normally and testing of additional applications is going well.

  As the time approaches that Able3 enters the field where the docking procedure is initiated the navigational equipment suddenly fails. Communication with NASA mission control is lost for Able3. All internal equipment on the space craft continues to function normally such as lighting and oxygen. Col Lambert and Mr Struthers initiate all procedures to check external navigation controls and communication transmission including backup systems and manual operating systems. Nothing seems to work. Attempts at communication with the SSA are not successful. Col Lambert fears the worst as such a failure could possibly be from an enemy attack on their navigational and communication systems but for now he keeps his concerns to himself.

  The functions of the remainder of the crew during such
a situation are minimal and they have only rehearsed it enough to verify functional operations. Everything is on the shoulders of Col Lambert and Mr Struthers. They are busy running through all of the backup procedures and nothing is responding. The vehicle is continuing to move at the same rate and by now has passed the SSA as they have flown for over eight hours, well beyond the time needed for reaching the SSA and completing the docking process. There continues to be visibility outside of the vehicle but continued attempts to gain some control of the vehicle are futile; it is flying on its on as if under the guidance of an external control system.

  It is noted that flashes from vehicles on the outer edge of the low earth orbit are observed but no contact with Able3 is sensed. Able3 is followed for over an hour into the medium earth orbit space by three vehicles but they break away with no action and no communications. Able3’s attempt to contact the vehicles receives no response and it was not clear if the communications were actually transmitted. Col Lambert’s initial concerns that these vehicles are associated with the problems are abandoned as the vehicle is exiting the high earth orbit and into the field dominated by the Sun’s solar wind.

  The brightness of the Sun as Able3 continues to fly becomes brighter and brighter raising concern that the heat will destroy the vehicle as its external shield is not built for such heat. The vehicle seems to steer away from the sun based on the readings from the instruments inside the vehicle. The vehicle continues to act as if it is being controlled by an external force despite continued attempts to override outside control. All internal systems continue to operate normally based upon Col Lambert’s evaluation of operations.

  By this time the team is obviously concerned about the status of the vehicle’s operations. They know Col Lambert is working diligently to take control, and he is now communicating the situation to the group. Dr Phillips feels it is time for a little prayer. “Lord, please keep and protect this voyage and keep team members safe during our journey. Our mission is devoted to help mankind and make our world a better place for all. In your holy name, Amen.” His prayer was short but provided a heavy meaning to all of the members.

  Upon completion of the prayer a voice speaks, “Do not be afraid. I am with you and will protect you.” Everyone looked at the ship radio which was in plain sight to the group, but there was no indication that the transmission came through the radio. No one wanted to be the first to speak until Mr. Struthers, who was monitoring the radio and other vehicle systems, noted that there indeed was no transmission through the ship’s communication equipment. Dr. Phillips spoke asking for who spoke to identify themselves, but there is no response.

  There is now a feeling of peace and tranquility within the members of the team. All of the members have been holding hands during the prayer, and they continue to hold hands. Mr. Struthers left his position at the vehicle controls and joined the group. They were all looking out of the windows. It was completely dark – no stars, nothing. Maybe they were looking for someone to appear, but they really didn’t expect it. They continued to hold hands and stare out of the small windows for quite a while before Mr. Struthers spoke. “I don’t know what just happened, but I do feel safe and I feel content to be with all of you.”

  Col Lambert rose from his seat, or really allowed himself to float up, and began the conversation. “I know it really isn’t necessary to describe our situation, but in a nutshell we are traveling in our spaceship, we really don’t know how fast we are going as the speed is beyond the ability of our monitoring equipment to measure it, and we don’t know exactly where, if anywhere, we are heading. I believe we have left our galaxy as there are no stars or other light outside our spaceship. We have enough food and water to last for at least six months if we ration carefully, and normally we would have enough oxygen to last at least that long but we aren’t sure of our ability to generate enough electricity to maintain the oxygen generating system. We can reduce the mixture a little but I suggest we wait a few days before we address that.”

  “We are all in this together. We never discussed having a lead for our group, and I personally don’t see any reason now. We are all professionals and the best way to weather this very unusual happening is to do everything by consensus. Everyone ok with that?” Heads all nod to the affirmative. “Mr. Lambert has volunteered to maintain a ship’s log so in the event our ship is located without us there will be some record of what happened. If anyone wants to add anything to the log they are certainly welcome to grab it and write away.”

  “We have mostly spent about six months together getting ready for this mission, but primarily on a professional level as we were concerned about preparing to visit our space station and begin our individual research projects. We really don’t know much about each other, and we have continued to address each other by our professional titles. We don’t know how long we will be together, maybe for the rest of our lives. That was a dumb thing to say, wasn’t it? Anyway, let’s get acquainted. Ladies first. Dr. Stevens.”

  Dr. Stevens begins with “First, enough of this ladies first stuff. Next it will be age before beauty, and then we will be drawing numbers. Anyway, I’m Dianne – not DeeDee or Di, its Dianne. It’s none of your business how old I am or how much I weigh. My husband passed away about eight years ago, and I really miss him – we were best friends. I have one daughter who is married, living in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and she is a school teacher. After my husband died I first wrote a book on the future of Botany, which thankfully was successful – so I quit writing while I was ahead. But the book did open a new opportunity in consulting, much of which was to universities in redesigning their botany curriculum. I also was on the faculty at a large university; you wouldn’t know of them because they really have a crappy football team, where I have been able to continue with my research interests. This has gained the university a number of grants, which made me a hero with them, and most of my faculty work is involved with the research and very little teaching responsibilities. I often laugh that the priorities of most universities is sports first, followed by grants and then student education. I love my role with the university and when this opportunity was introduced to me at first I was hesitant about giving up my job with the university, but they were gracious in giving me a one year sabbatical. Talk about good luck. To be honest I was also hesitant because I don’t like to fly, so if you catch me grabbing for your hand I am not trying to be friendly, just realizing where we are. I am truly excited about working with this group.”

  “It is going to be challenging being confined in a small area with people who I barely know, but from our short time together I am ready for it. We haven’t spent any time doing anything personal, not even any good jokes. My husband could tell jokes, but usually he would need to explain them to me. I am really not that dumb, but it made him feel superior and that made him feel good. I think that is one of the many things we ladies do quite well, making men feel superior when we know that is not the case.”

  Dr. Norris is next. “Hi. I’m Wanda; you can call me Wanda or anything else you want. I grew up with four brothers and they called me everything but Wanda. I have never married but still looking forward to finding Mr. Right someday. I have been involved in several roles dealing with various areas of Materials Science, but for some reason that I can’t understand myself, after three or four years at one place I get antsy and am ready to move on to a new challenge. This team is my new challenge, and already I feel antsy and want to go back to earth. Just kidding, I guess if this situation is going to happen, I can’t think of a group that I would rather be with. I am an avid chess player and snuck a chess set on board that has magnetic pieces, so if any of you are interested I am ready to show off my skills.”

  “I guess I should have bought a couple of books along to read also. I love to read, especially romance novels. Dianne, maybe you can help me write a book about Materials Science, but now that I think about it the book would not be a romance novel to most readers, only
us Materials Science nerds. In spite of the voice we heard, I am still a little afraid as I like to have control of my future. We don’t even have any control over tomorrow, but we are together and can share this experience with some really good people.”

  “I am a little concerned about our living conditions here on the vehicle. It was made for only a short trip, but now we may be on board for days or maybe even weeks. There are the two bunks that I understand were put on board for two individuals on the space station who are ill. I suppose we can alternate sleeping on these cots since that appears to be the only alternative. As far as restroom facilities, we only have the one private area. You guys can go outside to do your business, but we ladies need a little more comfort.”

  “They all thought for a minute before Mr. Lambert blurted out “What? I realize we guys are accused of using the great outdoors as a toilet, but there may be a small problem while we are zooming through space. Plus I personally need a tree for a little privacy myself. I think I will pass on that one.”

  There was a little subdued laughter as Wanda got a piece of paper and wrote Women on it and put it on the door. And then a sign that said Men and put it on the exit door from the space ship.

  Next up is Billie Jo Anthony. “Moving on from the most important things we have to deal with, I am glad we are moving away from our professional titles as I was feeling a little intimidated by not having a doctorate. Please call me Billie Jo. I know it may sound like I’m a country boy, but I think my parents really wanted a boy. I am an only child. I am married to a wonderful man who has tolerated me for over twenty years. He was a little upset that I wanted to join this team, especially since he can’t cook, but I think he will get by. I wish there was some way to contact him now as I am sure our situation has been reported back on Earth. We have no children, but do plan on adopting someday. I discussed the research I want to do with my development team, and wished they were able to join me on this mission as they have been a wealth of ideas, but now I am glad they missed the boat. Hopefully we will be in a place soon where we can all put our research projects to work, but I wish I knew where we are going and where we are right now. My fear is reduced, but I still have this uneasiness in my gut, so I may be another hand grabber along with Dianne.”


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